
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

My starting point was the german article: Liste bekannter Sängerinnen und Sänger klassischer Musik.

If in blue click on the name to see his or her's personal article with all details (in german).

Following table is only a trial to make sure that I'm on the right way, but it works already, try it out. For some empty fields there was no information available. What you see are only some names of famous german contemporary sopranos, but the article indicated above "Liste..." contains also other singing voices than sopranos, so that I could expand te following table by those also. The indicated teachers are very often singers themselves, too. Some of them are already elder. An exclamation mark (!) means best. Have fun!

Singer Teacher(s) Institute
(in alphabetic order) (?) Musikhochschule Graz, Österreich
(?) René Jacobs Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Basel, Schweiz
(?) Prf. Julie Kaufmann ! Hochschule der Künste Berlin
(?) Christiane Oelze
(?) Eike Wilm Schulte
(?) Romana Vaccaro
Juliane Banse Daphne Evangelatos
Juliane Banse Brigitte Fassbaender
Diana Damrau Carmen Hanganu
Diana Damrau Edith Mathis
Annette Dasch Josef Loibl München (?)
Brigitte Hahn (?) Düsseldorf, Dortmund
Anja Harteros Liselotte Hammes ! (?) Hochschule für Musik, Köln
Petra Hoffmann Elsa Cavelti (?) Frankfurt
Anna Maria Kaufmann Carola Nossek Robert-Schumann-Musikinstitut Düsseldorf
Christine Schäfer Ingrid Figur ! Hochschule der Künste Berlin
Vera Schoenenberg Ingeborg Danz