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Wikisource: Tauben – Quellen und Volltexte
  • James C. Lyell: Fancy Pigeon. containing full directions for their breeding and management, with descriptions of every known variety, and all other information of interest or use to pigeon fanciers. Barnes & Noble, London 1881, OCLC 8005808 (archive.orgenglisch).
  • James C. Lyell: Fancy Pigeon. containing full directions for their breeding and management, with descriptions of every known variety, and all other information of interest or use to pigeon fanciers. 3. Auflage. Gill, London (1887), doi:10.5962/bhl.title.14545 (englisch).
  • Joachim Schütte: Handbuch der Taubenrassen. Die Taubenrassen der Welt. 1994, ISBN 978-3-9801504-4-6 (Thüringer Farbentauben).


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