Benutzer:Regiomontanus/Bearbeitete Artikel/Fejervarya limnocharis

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Fejervarya limnocharis
Ordnung: Froschlurche (Anura)
Überfamilie: Ranoidea
Familie: Dicroglossidae
Unterfamilie: Dicroglossinae
Gattung: Fejervarya
Art: Fejervarya limnocharis
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Fejervarya limnocharis
Gravenhorst, 1829

Fejervarya limnocharis ist eine Froschart aus Südostasien.

It is known under many common names, including Indian cricket frog, Boie's wart frog, rice field frog, and Asian grass frog. Molecular studies of the species complex suggest that there may be multiple species involved.


The following description is from Boulenger:[1]

Very closely allied to Rana tigrina, from which it differs in its smaller size, half-webbed toes, slight development of the fringe on the fifth toe, and usually in the presence of a small outer metatarsal tubercle. The length and shape of the snout, the size of the inner metatarsal tubercle, and the relative length of the hind limbs and of the fourth toe vary to an extraordinary degree. The tibio-tarsal articulation usually reaches the eye, or between the latter and the end of the snout; but in some specimens (var. brevipalmata, from Pegu and S. India) it reaches considerably beyond the end of the snout, and the foot measures two thirds the distance between the end of the snout and the vent Greenish or olive, with darker spots; a light vertebral line or band frequently present; sometimes a light line along the inner side of the leg; sides of thighs black-marbled; throat of male usually with two large black blotches, sometimes connected and forming a 'M'.[1]

This species measures Vorlage:Convert from snout to vent.

The species forms a complex with several genetic variants that may represent multiple species.[2][3]

Rana limnocharis 2 sal.jpg


A widely distributed species, extending from China and Southern Japan, throughout India, Sri Lanka, and Burma to the Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. In the Himalayas (Sikkim) it occurs up to Vorlage:Convert. Stoliczka observed that it usually does not hesitate to take to the sea or brackish water.[1] In Pakistan it occurs in the Indus drainage from the delta north at least to Rawalpindi.[4] It has also been introduced to Guam.[5]

According to the Amphibian Species of the World, records outside Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam are almost certainly representing other species.[6]

Fejervarya limnocharis is one of the few frog species commonly found in oil palm plantations in Malaysia, in addition to Microhyla heymonsi and Hylarana erythraea.[7]

Nahrung und Verzehr

Fejervarya limnocharis wird auf Märkten in Südostasien vor allem in Thailand, Laos und Kambodscha als Nahrungsmittel verkauft. In Kambodscha wird die Art gesammelt und als Speise zubereitet. Andere Froscharten, die dort gegessen werden sind Hoplobatrachus rugulosus, Glyphoglossus molossus, Kaloula pulchra, Duttaphrynus melanostictus, and Pelophylax lateralis (diese Art kommt nur nördlich des Mekong vor, z. B. im Bezirk Snuol in der Provinz Kratie). [8]


  1. a b c George A. Boulenger: Fauna of British India. Reptilia and Batrachia., 1890
  2. M Kotaki, A Kurabayashi, M Matsui, W Khonsue, TH Djong, M Tandon, M Sumida: VGenetic Divergences and Phylogenetic Relationships Among the Fejervarya limnocharis Complex in Thailand and Neighboring Countries Revealed by Mitochondrial and Nuclear Genes. Zoolog Sci 25: 381-390, 2008
  3. Mohammed Mafizul Islam, Md Mukhlesur Rahman Khan, Djong Hon Tjong, Mohammad Shafiqul Alam, Masayuki Sumida: Genetic Differentiation of the Fejervarya limnocharis Complex from Bangladesh and Other Asian Countries Elucidated by Allozyme Analyses. Zoolog Sci. 25, 3, S. 261-272, 2008
  4. Minton, S. A. Jr 1966 A contribution to the herpetology of West Pakistan. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 134(2)
  5. Wostl, Elijah, Eric N. Smith, and Robert N. Reed. 2016. Origin and Identity of Fejervarya (Anura: Dicroglossidae) on Guam. Pacific Science 70(2):233-241.
  6. Darrel R. Frost: Fejervarya limnocharis Gravenhorst, 1829. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference. Version 6.0. American Museum of Natural History, New York 1998–2018
  7. Faruk A, Belabut D, Ahmad N, Knell RJ, Garner TW: Effects of oil-palm plantations on diversity of tropical anurans. In: Conserv Biol. 27, 2013, S. 615–24. doi:10.1111/cobi.12062. PMID 23692022.
  8. An Investigation into Frog Consumption and Trade in Cambodia


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