
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Stichwortsammlung Erwachsen

  • erwachsen ist man mit Erreichen
    • eines bestimmten Lebensalters
    • einer bestimmten körperlichen, geistigen und psychischen Reife
  • Erwachsene haben im Vergleich mit Jugendlichen mehr Rechte und Pflichten (Autofahren, Alkoholkonsum, Rauchen, Wahlrecht, Heirat)

Keyword Collection: Adult, Adulthood

  • grown man or woman; mature person (biology, psychological adult development, personal character)
  • plant or animal that has reached full growth (biology)
  • one who is legally of age - opposed to minor (law)
  • being adult means
    • responsibility for yourself and your actions in a material and mental way
    • to take the consequences
    • to be able to deal with the physical, mental and emotional challenges of life
    • mental and emotional maturity
    • being material independent (more or less)
    • taking up certain tasks like working, caring for others etc.
  • many cultures have a ceremonial transition to adulthood
  • society defines what it considers an adult
    • socially accepted behaviour
    • some people never become adult (boys don't grow up, only the toys get a little more expensive)


  • What would be your personal definition of being adult?
  • Is there a moment in life when you can say: Now I am adult. - And when would that be?
  • What about differences between
    • cultures?
    • sexes?
  • Do you consider yourself being adult?
