aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Stichwortsammlung Freundschaft
- mit Freunden teilt man seine Erwartungen und Enttäuschungen
- Freunde sind wie Familienmitglieder, die man auswählen kann
- auch Freundschaft ist nicht bedingungslos
Keyword Collection: Friendship
- Friends are those with whom you share your expectations and disappointments in live
- friends pull you up when needed
- you can have friends in RL ("real life") and SL ("Second Life")
- they are the co-actors in our life
- friends bring a smile on your face and share their thoughts with you
- often, when married, friendships with others fade away
- it is the essence of friendship - accept and being accepted
- the partner must be the best friend
- affection, sexual or not, is an element of friendship
- a real friend is also the one that is critical with me
- friends are like new family members you can choose
- it is important to have persons in life with whom you can really share, the good and the bad, happiness and sorrow. Without friends you would feel lonely. And friends are precious
- better a virtual real friend or a real virtual friend ? - real friends are very rare
- always you have to be careful...even with best friends
- friendship is not unconditional
- Friendships with someone from the same age and of the other sex... How many of those do (did) you have RL? And how many of those are still in good shape.. ? Do you think these friendships are possible without one of you falling in love with the other?
- How many in your SL Friendslist do you consider Real Friends? Is friendship easier in SL? Why?
- Do we need friendships?