aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Collection of Keywords Knowledge
- knowledge consists of collected information about facts and opinions
- can be useful only if one has knowledge of it
- is worth-neutrally (useful - harmful, importantly - unimportantly)
- no humans can everything know
- I don´t need to know everything. Therefore I use the computer and the internet to get knowledge and informations
- one does not have to know everything (select information and to concentrate on the substantial)
- need not be stored in the human brain
- if necessary, knowledge should be available for everybody (internet, books etc.)
- knowledge is part of education and culture
- experience and teaching makes knowledge, knowledge can be learned
- knowledge can save and supplement own experiences - knowledge can make it easier to solve problems
- There are different kinds of knowledge
- public or common knowledge (open source, books, literature, newspapers, radio, tv, internet)
- insider knowledge of some specialists, groups, of a secret service, of a religion
- personal or private knowledge
- knowledge kept within our DNA
- belief and knowledge compliment each and are intrinsically tied to each other, one not more important than the other
- knowledge is based on facts or the belief that something is true
- has much to do with interaction and environment
- the same knowledge can be interpreted in a different way
- not all knowledge can be possessed by one but many people can have a lot of knowledge
- knowledge should stay open for new answers
- knowledge can be updated in the future
- we do not always receive information (knowledge) consciously
- knowledge can be lost, forgotten, suppressed, manipulated
- knowledge can be gained, shared
- knowledge often means money or power
Stichwortsammlung Wissen
- Wissen besteht aus gesammelten Informationen über Fakten und Meinungen
- kann nur dann nützen, wenn man davon Kenntnis hat
- ist wertneutral (nützlich - schädlich, wichtig - unwichtig)
- kein Mensch kann alles wissen (es gibt kein alles schon wissen und kein alles besser wissen; Rechthaberei, Überheblichkeit)
- man muss nicht alles wissen (Informationen auswählen und Beschränkung auf das Wesentliche)
- muss nicht im menschlichen Gehirn gespeichert sein
- Wissen sollte bei Bedarf allgemein verfügbar sein (Internet, Bücher usw)
- Wissen ist Teil von Bildung und Kultur
- Wissen kann eigene Erfahrungen ersparen und ergänzen