
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie


most rapidly moving and closest celestial body, Beschreibung seiner Bewegung besonders kompliziert. Mond, Sonne, Erde: Dreikörperproblem, Komplizierte Wechselwirkungen zwischen Erde und Mond Erdbewegung muss detailliert berücksichtigt werden.

Babylonier arithmetische Reihen

Hipparch beschrieb die Bewegung des Mondes durch eine Epizykeltheorie Bestätigte die von den babylonischen Astronomen ermittelten Beewgungsperioden: Genauigkeit des Wertes für den synodischen Monat besser als 0.2 Sekunden im 4. Jhdt.v.Chr., besser als 0.1 s zu Hipparchs Zeit.[1]


Flamsteed: Beobachtungen für die Methode der Monddistanzen zur Bestimmung der geographischen Länge auf See [Kollerstrom Yallop, McC Seid]], Tabellen der Mondpositionen 1689-1704.


Halley: speeding up [McCSeid]

Clairaut: 1750 erste voll analytische Theorie des Mondes [McCSeid]

Euler: tables 1746, 1753 [McCSeid]

Tobias Mayer: based on Euler's lunar theory, 3000 P to widow, first careful investigation of librations 1750. Bradley: accuracy of 5" [McCSeid]

Laplace 1786 observed secular accel due to secular change in ecc of Earth's orbit (but that's only part of the solution)

Hansens Tafeln 1857 [Chap] generally used in alm after 1882, later with corrections by Newcomb [McCSeid]

Hill new approach: instead of polar coordinates referred to fixed axes now rectangular coordinates referred to moving axes, uses 'variational curve' which already incorporates the variation

Radaus Tafeln 1911, based on Delaunay's theory, used in CdT 1915-1925

Brown's tables 1919, series for longitude, latitude and parallax contain about 1500 terms [Chap] uses Hill's method [McCSeid] used in almanacs 1923-1960, when replaced by ILE (1954), based on Brown's theory. Better than Hansen's but still a 10" fluctuation in longitude. 'Great empirical term' of amplitude 10.71" and period 257 years. Newcomb, Brown: Earth slowing down [McCSeid] lunar main problem accur 0.01" in longitude and latitude, 0.0001 in parallax; perturbations due to Earth's flattening less precise, about 0.07" in longitude and latitude. however, planetary perturbations up to 500 m from num integr., poorly known secular terms, probable error in long of 8' per cty [McCSeid]

Comp with occultations: errors up to 0.5" or 5 km in the 1970s [McCSeid]

1984 ILE replaced by numerically integrated lunar ephem.

Beginning in 1960 Brit & US almanacs ILE calculated directly from Brown's lunar theory instead of from his tables [McCSeid] emp term removed


Bernhard Karl Wanach

Axel Möller

Didrik Magnus Axel Möller [1] [2] [3] Veröffentlichungen von A. Möller im Astrophysics Data System

J. Th. Wolff


H. A. Newton

[5] [6] [7]

P. K. L. Schwarz


J. C. Houzeau

[9] [10] title: Houzeau


  • Vade-Mecum de l'Astronome. Brüssel 1882 (Digitalisat)
  • Bibliographie Générale de l'Astronomie.

Ercole Dembowski

[11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Gerald Maurice Clemence

[16] [17]

W. Fricke

[18] Nachrufe

Arthur Matthew Weld Downing

[19] [20]

Jean Peters


Johann Wempe

[22] [,005.html?high=4cb057769206821] [23]

Otto Knopf

[24] [25]



Felix-Victor Mauvais


Carl Otto Lampland


John Franklin-Adams

[29] [30] (982) Franklina

W.S. Finsen

[31] [32] [33] (1794) Finsen [34] detected Eros' elongated shape

Prix Valz, Damoiseau

1883LAstr...2..184B 1883LAstr...2..183.

Berliner Akademische Sternkarten

[35] [36] [37]

Thomas James Henderson

Gaetano Cacciatore


Robert Stirling Newall


H.J. Walbeck


IAU-(1976)-System astronomischer Konstanten

  1. D.D. McCarthy, P.K. Seidelmann: Time - From Earth Rotation to Atomic Physics. Wiley-VCH. Weinheim 2009. ISBN 978-3-527-40780-4. Kap. 3.5