Benutzer:Scipio Africanus/Ernie O'Malley

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Ernie O'Malley (26 May, 189725 March, 1957) was born in Castlebar, County Mayo, Ireland. He is best known as a prominent officer within the Irish Republican Army during the Irish War of Independence and took the anti-Treaty side in the Irish Civil War. He wrote three books, On Another Man's Wound, The Singing Flame and Raids and Rallies. The first describes O'Malley's role in the War of Independence and his life previous to it. The second covers the civil war. The literary quality of these books and O'Malley's bohemian career after the political conflicts distinguish him from other IRA men who also penned memoirs of the times.

Early life

O'Malley came from a respectable middle-class Roman Catholic family in Mayo. His father was a clerk in the Congested Districts Board, which organised land reform in the west of Ireland. His family's politics were conservative nationalist, supporting the Irish Parliamentary Party. The O'Malleys moved to Dublin when Ernie was still a child. O'Malley was studying medicine at University College Dublin when the Easter Rising convulsed the city, and he was almost persuaded by some Unionist friends to join them in defending Trinity College, Dublin from the rebels should they attempt to take it. After some thought, he decided his sympathies were with the rebels and he and a friend took some shots at British troops with a borrowed rifle during the fighting.

IRA career

War of Independence

After the rising, O'Malley became deeply involved in Irish republican separatist activism, a fact he had to hide from his family, who had close ties to the establishment. A brother was a British officer.

He left his studies and worked as a full-time organiser for the IRA from 1918 on, work that brought him to almost every corner of Ireland. On one occasion he attended a semi-public meeting of the Ulster Volunteer Force in County Tyrone for intelligence purposes, and lamented that such able men were opposed to his ideals.

The itinerant nature of O'Malley's work, although he was officially attached to IRA GHQ, involved him in IRA operations throughout the country once the war got under way. In February 1920, he and Eoin O'Duffy led an IRA attack on the Royal Irish Constabulary barracks in Ballytrain, County Monaghan, and were successful in taking it over. This was the first capture of an RIC barracks in the war.

In September, he and Liam Lynch led the 2nd County Cork Brigade in the only capture of a British army barracks in the conflict, in Mallow. They left with a haul of rifles, two Hotchkiss machine-guns and ammunition. The officers and soldiers later sacked the town, burning the town hall and the creamery, and ironically were only brought under control by members of the Auxiliary Division.

He was captured by the British in Kilkenny in December, 1920, in possession of a handgun. Much to his disgust, he had failed to destroy his notes, which contained the names of all the members of the 7th West Kilkenny Brigade, all of whom were subsequently arrested.

Having undergone several beatings in Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin, and in severe danger of execution, he escaped two months later, through the aid of a sympathetic prison officer. O'Malley then became a senior staff officer in command of the IRA's Second Southern Division in Munster, attached to units in County Tipperary.

His writings describe the often-vicious guerilla warfare fought in the martial law area in the south of Ireland. On several occasions, O'Malley ordered the killing of captured British soldiers in reprisal for Army killings of IRA prisoners. In all his field activities he displayed substantial courage and was wounded several times.

The British were aware of his role: while in custody under the alias Bernard Stewart he had seen a memorandum referring to a notorious rebel and IRA officer named Ernie O'Malley whom they were very anxious to capture.

Civil War

O'Malley objected to the Anglo-Irish Treaty that formally ended the Tan War, as he opposed any settlement that fell short of an independent Irish Republic, particularly one backed up by British threats of restarting hostilities. He was one of the anti-Treaty IRA officers who occupied the Four Courts in Dublin, an event that helped to spark the Irish Civil War, and held the position of assistant chief of staff in the anti-treaty forces there.

O'Malley surrendered to the Free State forces after two day's bombardment of the Four Courts but escaped captivity and travelled via the Wicklow Mountains to Blessington then County Wexford and finally County Carlow. This was probably fortunate for him, as four of the other Four Courts leaders were later executed. Thereafter, he was appointed commander of the anti-Treaty forces in the provinces of Ulster and Leinster, and lived a clandestine existence in Dublin.

In October, 1922, he went to Dundalk and met with Frank Aiken commander of Fourth Northern Division of the Irish Republican Army and Dr. Padraig Quinn (quartermaster-general) to review plans for another attack on the Dundalk to free IRA soldiers from the Dundalk jail. While Aiken's men did manage to free the prisoners, they were unable to hold Dundalk and dispersed after the operation was over. This type of incident is reflective of O'Malley's frustration at the defensive strategy of Liam Lynch, chief of staff of the anti-treaty forces, which allowed the "Free Staters" (Irish Free State army) to build up their strength in preparation for a gradual take-over of areas of the country dominated by the Irregulars. O'Malley expressed the view in his memoir, "The Singing Flame", that the Anti-Treaty side needed to fight conventional warfare, as opposed to guerrilla warfare, if they were to win the civil war.

He was captured again, this time for good, after a shoot-out with Free State troops in the Ballsbridge area of Dublin city on 4 November, 1922. O'Malley was severely wounded in the incident, being hit over twenty times (three bullets remained lodged in his back for the remainder of his life). A Free State soldier was also killed in the gun fight.

Only the actions of the surgeon who attended to O'Malley, who overstated the seriousness of the prisoner's wounds, prevented O'Malley from being executed by the Free State - whose policy by that time was to execute Anti-Treaty fighters captured in possession of weapons. It may also have been too much of a risk on the part of the Irish Free State to put to death an undisputed hero of the recent struggle against the British although O'Malley often feared that he was only hours from execution.

Subsequent life

By the time O'Malley recovered from his wounds, the Civil War was over and he was transferred to Mountjoy prison. During this period of imprisonment, O'Malley went on hunger strike for forty-one days, in protest at the continued detention of IRA prisoners after the war. While on hunger strike, he was elected as a Sinn Féin TD for Dublin North in the Irish general election, 1923. He was one of the last Republican prisoners to be released following the end of hostilities. He returned to university to finish his degree course in 1926 but never qualified as a doctor. He left Ireland for a number of years in the mid-1920s, going to continental Europe, Mexico and the United States, amongst other places.

In 1928, he toured the USA on behalf of Éamon de Valera raising funds for the establishment of the new Irish Republican newspaper the Irish Press. He was later granted a pension by the Fianna Fáil government as a combatant in the Irish War of Independence.

In the 1930s, O'Malley married Helen Hooker, an American woman whom he had met in the United States. They had three children and divided their time between Dublin and Burrishoole in Mayo. Hooker and O'Malley devoted themselves to the arts, she involved in sculpture and theatre, while he made his living as a writer. However their relationship soured and they were later divorced. Hooker "kidnapped" two of the couple's three children and took them to the United States. O'Malley kept their other son and sent him to boarding school in England. Ironically, despite his Republican politics, O'Malley was great admirer of the English Public School system of education.

O'Malley endured considerable ill-health from all the wounds and hardship he had suffered during his revolutionary days. He was friendly with the director John Ford, and actor John Wayne, whom he advised during the making of the film The Quiet Man.

As befitting a celebrated figure of the Anglo-Irish War, was given a state funeral after his death in 1957. A sculpture of Manannan mac Lír, donated by O'Malley's family, stands in the Mall in Castlebar, County Mayo.

O'Malley's political ideas were somewhat vague, apart from an absolute commitment to full Irish independence. He largely eschewed politics after the civil war, describing himself as "a soldier" who "had fought and killed the enemies of my nation".


O'Malley's most celebrated writings are On Another Man's Wound, describing the War of Independence (the Tan War as he referred to it), and The Singing Flame on the Civil War. The two volumes were written during O'Malley's time in New York, New Mexico and Mexico city in the early 1930s. On Another Man's Wound was published in the late 1930s to much critical acclaim and has rarely been out of print since.

Perhaps reflecting its more controversial theme in Ireland, The Singing Flame was not published until the late 1970s, well after O'Malley's death. O'Malley later wrote another book on the revolutionary period "Raids and Rallies", describing his and other fighter's experiences. This book was based on a lengthy series of interviews he had conducted in the 1950s with former IRA men. In addition, O'Malley wrote large volumes of poetry and contributed to a literary and cultural magazine "The Bell", set up his fellow republican Peadar O'Donnell.

Finally, O'Malley's extensive notes, compiled while he was an active IRA officer, are one of the best primary historical sources for the revolutionary period in Ireland, 1919-1923, from the republican perspective. They are now housed in the University College Dublin archives [1], to whom they were donated by O'Malley's son Cormac in 1974. Cormac O'Malley retains the bulk of the remainder of his father's personal papers, poetry, and some manuscripts in his New York residence.

Ernie O'Malley's biographical works are the main inspiration behind the Ken Loach film The Wind That Shakes The Barley, and the character of Damien is based partly on O'Malley.


  • Ernie O'Malley, On Another Man's Wound.
  • Ernie O'Malley, The Singing Flame.
  • Richard English, Ernie O'Malley, IRA Intellectual.

[[Category:1897 births]] [[Category:1957 deaths]] [[Category:Irish Republican Army members 1917-1922]] [[Category:Irish Republican Army members 1922-1969]] [[Category:Irish non-fiction writers]] [[Category:People from County Mayo]] [[Category:Teachtaí Dála]] [[Category:Members of the 4th Dáil]]