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Entwickler Hazelcast

Hazelcast, auch Hazelcast IMDG (für in-memory data grid (engl. für im Speicher befindlicher Datenverbund) ist ein in Java geschriebener quelloffener verteilter Speicher. Hazelcast ist auch der Name des Unternehmens, das diese Software vertreibt, deren Hauptquartier in San Mateo (Kalifornien) liegt.[1]

In a Hazelcast grid, data is evenly distributed among the nodes of a computer cluster, allowing for horizontal scaling of processing and available storage. Backups are also distributed among nodes to protect against failure of any single node. Hazelcast provides central, predictable scaling of applications through in-memory access to frequently used data and across an elastically scalable data grid. These techniques reduce the query load on databases and improve speed.

Hazelcast can run on-premises, in the cloud (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Cloud Foundry, OpenShift), virtually (VMware), and in Docker containers. Hazelcast offers technology integrations for multiple cloud configuration and deployment technologies, including Apache jclouds, Consul, etcd, Eureka, Kubernetes, and Apache ZooKeeper. The Hazelcast Cloud Discovery Service Provider Interface (SPI) enables cloud-based or on-premises nodes to auto-discover each other.

The Hazelcast platform can manage memory for many different types of applications. It offers an Open Binary Client Protocol to support APIs for any binary programming language. The Hazelcast and open source community members have created client APIs for programming languages that include Java, Scala, .NET Framework, C++, Python, Node.js, Go and Clojure.[2]


Typical use-cases for Hazelcast include:

Als verteilter Cache für beispielsweise eine Datenbank kann mittels Hazelcast z.B. basierend auf Spring Cache in einem Rechnerverbund sichergestellt werden, dass der Cache über alle Nodes des Clusters auch bei Datenänderungen konsistent bleibt. Gemäß CAP-Theorem kann Hazelcast dabei so konfiguriert werden, dass im Ausfallsfall (P partition tolerance) die Konsistenz (C consistency) zu Lasten der Antwortzeiten (A availability) sichergestellt wird.[4]

Vert.x utilizes it for shared storage.[5]

Hazelcast is also used in academia and research as a framework for distributed execution and storage.

  • Cloud2Sim[6][7] leverages Hazelcast as a distributed execution framework for CloudSim cloud simulations.
  • ElastiCon[8] distributed SDN controller uses Hazelcast as its distributed data store.
  • ∂u∂u[9] exploits Hazelcast as its distributed execution framework for near duplicate detection in enterprise data solutions.

Siehe auch


  2. Hazelcast Clients. In: Hazelcast IMDG Reference Manual.
  3. Memcache Client. In: Hazelcast IMDG Reference Manual.
  5. Jaehong Kim: Understanding Vert.x Architecture - Part II. 16. Juni 2017. Abgerufen am 28. Dezember 2020.
  6. , Luís Veiga: Concurrent and Distributed CloudSim Simulations. In: IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis & Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS)., S. 490–493. doi:10.1109/MASCOTS.2014.70
  7. , Luís Veiga: An Adaptive Distributed Simulator for Cloud and MapReduce Algorithms and Architectures. In: IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2014., S. 79–88. doi:10.1109/UCC.2014.16
  8. , Fang Hao, Sarit Mukherjee, TV Lakshman, Ramana Kompella: ElastiCon: an elastic distributed sdn controller. In: Tenth ACM/IEEE symposium on Architectures for networking and communications systems., S. 17–28.
  9. , Helena Galhardas, Luís Veiga: ∂u∂u Multi-Tenanted Framework: Distributed Near Duplicate Detection for Big Data. In: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Conferences., S. 237–256. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-26148-5_14


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