Benutzer:Shi Annan/Cerbera manghas

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Cerbera manghas

Cerbera manghas

Ordnung: Enzianartige (Gentianales)
Familie: Hundsgiftgewächse (Apocynaceae)
Unterfamilie: Rauvolfioideae
Tribus: Plumerieae
Gattung: Cerbera
Art: Cerbera manghas
Wissenschaftlicher Name
Cerbera manghas

Cerbera manghas (Syn.: Cerbera linnaei Montrouz., Cerbera manghas var. acutisperma Boiteau, Cerbera manghas f. luteola Boiteau, Cerbera manghas var. mugfordii (F.M.Bailey) Domin, Cerbera odollam var. mugfordii F.M.Bailey, Cerbera tanghin Hook., Cerbera venenifera (Poir.) Steud., Elcana seminuda Blanco, Odollamia manghas (L.) Raf., Odollamia moluca Raf., Tabernaemontana obtusifolia Poir., Tanghinia manghas (L.) G. Don, Tanghinia veneneflua G.Don, Tanghinia venenifera Poir.)[1] (sea mango) ist ist ist eine Pflanzenart in der Familie der Hundsgiftgewächse (Apocynaceae). Der kleine immergrüne Baum ist ein Küstenbewohner und wird bis zu 12 m hoch.


Bildtafel mit Cerbera manghas.

The shiny dark-green leaves are in spiral arrangement, ovoid in shape. The flowers are fragrant, possessing a white tubular five-lobed corolla about 3 bis 5 cm in diameter, with a pink to red throat. They have five stamens and the ovary is positioned above the other flower parts. The fruits are egg-shaped, 5 bis 10 cm long, and turn bright red at maturity.


Cerbera manghas is naturally distributed from the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean eastward to French Polynesia. It occupies coastal habitats and is often associated with mangrove forests.

This tree has been introduced to Hawaii and other tropical locations as an ornamental.


The leaves and the fruits contain the potent cardiac glycoside cerberin, which is extremely poisonous if ingested.

People in olden times used the sap of the tree as a poison for animal hunting.[2]

In Madagascar, the seeds were used in ordeals called tangena, with often deadly results.

The fruit was reportedly eaten to commit suicide in the Marquesas Islands (Whistler, W. A. 1992. Flowers of the Pacific Island Seashore).

In Hawaii, Cerbera manghas is sometimes called "suicide apple".


Because of its deadly poisonous seeds, the genus name is derived from Cerberus, the hell dog from the Greek mythology, thus indicating the toxicity of the seeds. In Madagascar, the seeds were used in sentence rituals to poison kings and queens.[2]


In Sri Lanka, this wood is used for making masks particularly because it is a light wood.



  1. POWO: Cerbera manghas L.
  2. a b Cerbera manghas L.. In: Flora Fauna Web . Abgerufen im October 4, 2017.




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