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Vorlage:Infobox oil field The Dauletabad Gas Field (also Döwletabat, Dauletabad-Donmez, and until 1991 known as Sovietabad) is a large natural gas field located in Mary, Mary province, Turkmenistan. It is located in the vicinity of the Turkmenistan–Iran border, and is named after the Dowlatabad settlement across the border in Iran.[1] The field is a part of the Amu-Darya oil-gas province.[1]


The Dauletabad structural feature was detected during geological surveys in 1957–1960. The Dauletabad arch was confirmed by seismic surveys in 1968. The exploratory wells confirming existence of natural gas reserves were drilled in 1972–1974.[1] Production started at the Dauletabad field in 1982.[2][3]

After the independence of Turkmenistan, production declined significantly, but increased again after 1998. The gas is exported via the Central Asia-Center gas pipeline system. Starting from December 2009, gas is supplied also to Iran through the Dauletabad–Salyp Yar pipeline.[4]


Before production started in 1982, recoverable reserves of natural gas were estimated about Vorlage:Convert.[2] In 1992, its estimated recoverable reserves were Vorlage:Convert of natural gas.[1] In 1997, the United States independent consultancy DeGolyer and McNaughton certified recoverable reserves at about Vorlage:Convert.[2] In 2005, the Asian Development Bank estimated gross reserves Vorlage:Convert.[5]

It was considered to be the largest gas field in Turkmenistan until thorough evaluation of reserves at a newly discovered Yolotan field were made public.[6]

The Dauletabad field has been cited as a possible supply source for the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline, but according to the Asian Development Bank, the field's production forecasts are "lower than expected" and that "production is predicted to decline."[5]

See also


  1. a b c d James W. Clarke, Konstantin Kleshchev: Dauletabad-Donmez Field — Commonwealth of Independent States (Former USSR), Amu-Dar'ya Basin, Turkmenistan/Uzbekistan. In: American Association of Petroleum Geologists (Hrsg.): AAPG Treatise of Petroleum Geology. Stratigraphic Traps III, 1992, S. 285–300. Vorlage:Subscription required. Abgerufen am 7. Juli 2010.
  2. a b c Turkmenistan's Producers - The Gas Sector. In: APS Review Gas Market Trends, Entrepreneur Media, Inc., 22. September 2008. Abgerufen am 7. Juli 2010. 
  3. Yoon Sung-hak: Strategic Opportunities for South Korean Development of Energy Resources in Central Asia. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. S. 11 . March 2009. Abgerufen am 7. Juli 2010.
  4. Iran-Turkmenistan gas pipeline inauguration slated for late Dec.. In: Tehran Times, 15. August 2009. Abgerufen am 16. November 2009. 
  5. a b Ian Gill: Gas Pipeline Race, Asian Development Bank. October 2005. Archiviert vom Original am 7. Juni 2011. Abgerufen am 7. Juli 2010. 
  6. Bruce Pannier: Independent Audit Shows Turkmen Gas Field 'World-Class'. In: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 14. Oktober 2008. Abgerufen am 7. Januar 2010. 

Vorlage:Coord missing [[Category:Natural gas fields in Turkmenistan]] [[Category:Natural gas fields in Central Asia]] [[Category:Natural gas fields in the Soviet Union]]