Benutzer:Simulo/Draft NigelCross

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Nigel Cross ist ein britischer Designforscher und emiritierter Professor der Design Studies an der Open University.


Nigel Cross begann seine Designforschung in den 1960er Jahren mit der Erforschung ÜBERSETZUNG? ORIGINALQUELLE NACHSEHEN ('Impact of Computers on the Architectural Design Process', The Architects' Journal, 22 March 1972, pp. 623-628.) . Cross nutzte eine frühe Form der Protokollanalyse ORIGINALQUELLE…



  • Theorie: Design nicht Naturwissenschaft
  • Empirische Forschung: Studien der Arbeit von Designern mittels Protokollanalysen

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  • Visser, W. (2009). Design: one, but in different forms. Design Studies
    • "such as Cross (2001b; 2002b), judging that the two are to be clearly distinguished." <- on design as science
  • Rethinking Design Thinking: Part I (Lucy Kimbell)
    • "study how designers think and what they know as they solve problems. Key contributors include Nigel Cross,"
    • "Nigel Cross and Kees Dorst developed the idea that problems and solutions co-evolve (Dorst and Cross 2001), and Cross suggested that designers treat all problems as ill-defined, even if they are not (Cross 2006). Attempting to explain designers’ tendencies to generate new solutions, many researchers have emphasized abductive reasoning (Cross 1982; Dorst 2010)."
  • Investigating Design – A review of 40 years
    • "Design Methods Group (DMG) and DRS started to publish the DMG-DRS Journal instead of the DMG Newsletter until 1979, when DRS started the Design Studies journal, edited by Nigel Cross since then."
    • "The Design Participation Conference in Manchester was organized by Nigel Cross in 1971"
  • Design Thinking: Past, Present and Possible Futures (Ulla Johansson-Sköldberg, Jill Woodilla and Mehves Çetinkaya)
    • "4. Design and Designerly Thinking as a Practice-Based Activity and Way of Making Sense of Things… Lawson and Cross could be seen as part of the reflexive tradition started by Schön"
    • "Lawson and Cross’s empirically-based studies focus on the designer’s specific aware- ness and abilities."