Sammlung von Referenzen und Inhalten für die Überarbeitung von Thinking Aloud Test.
What Do Usability Evaluators Do in Practice? – An Explorative Study of Think-Aloud Testing (Nørgaard, Hornbæk)
"When testing, evaluators seem to seek confirmation of problems that they are already aware of.”…“evaluators learn much about the usability of the tested system but little about its utility.”
Guerrilla HCI (Nielsen)
Proposes “Simplified thinking aloud”, which is “asking them to think out loud while they perform the tasks“… “computer scientists are indeed able to apply the thinking aloud method effectively to evaluate user interfaces with a minimum of training”. Contrast with normal thinking aloud which is “aloud studies are conducted with psychologists or user interface experts as experimenters who videotape the subjects and perform detailed protocol analysis.”
Getting access to what goes on in people’s heads? - Reflections on the think-aloud technique (Janni Nielsen, Clemmensen, Yssing)
“In HCI practice, thinking aloud seems to be one of the most popular techniques. It is often referred to as the usability method” (Hervorhebung im Original)
Hat einige Infos zur Geschichte von Think Aloud.
Retrospective vs. Concurrent think aloud protocols (Den Haak, De Jong, Schellens)
Think aloud concurrent: more problems found via observation
Think aloud retrospective: more problems found via verbalization
Concurrent has a negative impact on performance due to workload.