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Humans of New York (HONY) ist ein Fotoblog und der Titel eines Buches mit Straßenportraits und Interviews, die vorwiegend in New York City aufgenommen wurden.

Der Blog wurde im November 2010 vom Fotografen Brandon Stanton gegründet und hat sich seitdem große Aufmerksamkeit in den sozialen Netzwerken erfahren. Das Buch stand über 30 Wochen auf der Bestseller-Liste der New York Times.[1] Durch den großen Erfolg des Blogs inspiriert sind mittlerweile weltweit zahlreiche "Humans of..."-Seiten entstanden.

Im März 2016 veröffentlichte Stanton auf Facebook einen offenen Brief an Donald Trump, der über 2,3 Millionen Likes erhielt und über 1,1 Millionen mal geteilt wurde, was ihn zu einem der meist-geteilten Posts in der Geschichte von Facebook machte.[2]

Stanton hat Bilder in mehr als 20 verschiedenen Ländern aufgenommen, darunter Bangladesch, Iran, Irak und Pakistan. Im Januar 2015 interviewte er den damaligen US-Präsidenten Barack Obama im Oval Office. Ebenfalls 2015 berichtete Stanton in einer Kooperation mit dem Hohen Flüchtlingskommissar der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR) über die Flüchtlingskrise in Europa 2015. Er legte dabei einen Fokus auf die emotionalen Erfahrungen der Menschen, die vor den Bürgerkriegen im arabischen Raum geflüchtet waren. Im September 2016, zwei Monate vor der Präsidentschaftswahl in den Vereinigten Staaten 2016, interviewte er die Kandidatin der Demokratischen Partei, Hillary Clinton.


New York City

Brandon Stanton gründete den Blog im November 2010. Seine ursprüngliche Idee war es, 10.000 Portraits von New Yorkern aufzunehmen und diese auf einer Karte der Stadt abzubilden. Dieses Projekt entwickelte sich allerdings weiter, als Stanton begann, mit den porträtierten Menschen in eine Konversation zu treten und kurze Zitate oder Geschichten mit den Bildern veröffentlichte. Dieser neue Stil führte zu einem enormen Wachstum des Blogs. Mit Stand von September 2020 hat der Blog mehr als 18 Millionen "Gefällt mir"-Angaben.[3]


Im Dezember 2012 verbrachte Stanton zwei Wochen im Iran, um dort lebende Menschen auf der Straße zu porträtieren. Nach dem Anschlag auf den Boston-Marathon reiste er ebenfalls für zwei Wochen nach Boston, um dort Bilder aufzunehmen.

Im August 2014 startete Stanton eine 50-tägige "World Tour" in Kooperation mit den Vereinten Nationen, bei der er Bilder und Geschichten in zwölf Ländern aufnahm: Irak, Jordanien, Israel, Demokratische Republik Kongo, Kenia, Uganda, Südsudan, Ukraine, Indien, Nepal, Vietnam und Mexiko.[4]

Im August 2015 reiste Stanton für den Blog nach Pakistan.

In August 2015, Stanton traveled to Pakistan for the photoblog.[5][6] He used his work there to raise awareness of Syeda Ghulam Fatima's efforts to help Pakistani brickworkers that had become bonded laborers.[7]

In association with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Stanton went to Europe in 2015 to capture migrants and refugees seeking asylum in Europe from their homelands, most of which are war zones.[8] This resulted in much support, donations, and awareness of the European migrant crisis.[9] Stanton stated in a BBC interview that he had to use a new type of interviewing style for these subjects, because he did not think it pertinent to ask about their past or future.[10]

During the COVID-19 pandemic Stanton accepted submissions from anyone in the world for the first time, asking his followers for "their most amazing, uplifting stories" to inspire people during the crisis. Giving his reasoning, he said "I think what is helpful are these doses and reminders of normal life, normal happiness, normal joys, normal love."[11]


Stanton's first book based on the photoblog, also titled Humans of New York, was released in October 2013. Published by St. Martin's Press, the book sold 30,000 copies in preorders alone.[12] Stanton was interviewed ahead of release by Bill Weir for an ABC News Nightline story titled "'Humans of New York': Photo Gone Viral".[13][14] Vorlage:As of, the book had been on The New York Times Best Seller list for 31 weeks and was the number one Non-Fiction Best Seller for a week in 2013 and again in 2014.[15][16]

In October 2015, Stanton released his second book, Humans of New York: Stories, which focused more on the stories collected in his work. The book debuted in November 2015 at number one on The New York Times Best Sellers Nonfiction List of 2015, and was number one again the following month.[17]


Humans of New York has launched a number of highly successful charitable efforts. Following Hurricane Sandy, Stanton traveled to the hardest-hit neighborhoods in New York City to photograph the residents, volunteers, and first responders who had lived through the destruction. Stanton then partnered with Tumblr founder David Karp to launch an Indiegogo fundraiser for the victims of the storm. With an original goal of Vorlage:Usd, they raised $86,000 in the first 12 hours and reached a total of $318,530 by the end of the campaign. All of the proceeds went to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation, a family-run charity that played a major role in the Hurricane Sandy Relief efforts.[18][19]

In 2013, HONY launched another Indiegogo campaign to help news cameraman Duane Watkins and his wife adopt a child from Ethiopia. The goal of $26,000 and was exceeded in 90 minutes and the campaign raised a total of $83,000. Excess funds went to an educational fund for the adopted boy and his sister.[20]

In 2014, Stanton set up an Indiegogo campaign to send a boy he had photographed and his family on vacation to a ranch in Colorado after learning that the boy's dream was to own a horse.[21] Within 15 minutes of posting the fundraiser on his Facebook page, the $7,000 goal was met and it raised a total of $32,167. After paying for the trip, Stanton donated the remaining $20,000 to the New York Therapeutic Riding Center, an organization that helps provide horse rides to children with disabilities.Vorlage:Primary-inline

Datei:From Brownsville, Brooklyn to the Oval Office- Vidal Meets the President.webm In January 2015, Stanton photographed and interviewed a 14-year-old boy from Brownsville, Brooklyn, Vidal Chastanet, who said his greatest influence was his school principal at Mott Hall Bridges Academy, Nadia Lopez. Stanton used Indiegogo to raise over $1,419,509 in donations from 51,476 contributors that provided Mott Hall students opportunities such as college campus visits, summer programs, and a scholarship fund. As a result of the campaign, Stanton, the student, and his principal were invited to visit the White House in 2015.[22][23] Later in 2015, Stanton visited Pakistan and Iran for a traveling photography series during the month of August. He concluded the section on Pakistan by highlighting Syeda Ghulam Fatima, the leader of the Bonded Labour Liberation Front, an organisation that works to free bonded labourers that were victims of predatory lending practices. Stanton's subsequent Indiegogo fundraiser raised over Vorlage:Usd for the organisation.[24]

In May 2016, Stanton shared a series of interviews with pediatric cancer patients at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.[25] Following the series, he launched an Indiegogo campaign to support pediatric cancer research at Memorial Sloan Kettering as well as psychological and social support services for patients and their families.[26] In the first three days more than 10,000 people donated over $350,000, and in three weeks the campaign raised over $3.8 million from more than 100,000 people.[27] In August 2016, in a photograph series titled, "Invisible Wounds," Stanton featured interviews with American veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.[28] The series partnered with the nonprofit, Headstrong Project, to highlight the mental health struggles veterans experience.[29] An associated fundraising campaign for the non-profit exceeded the $100,000 goal in a few hours and continued to raise more than half a million dollars.[30]

Stanton visited Rwanda in September 2018.[31] Beginning on October 16, 2018, he began covering the genocide stories on his site through a series of interviews and photos from persons who were affected. On his site, he stated his objective: "During my week in Rwanda, I focused on the stories of people who took a moral stand during the genocide. These are members of the Hutu majority who risked their lives to shield and protect Tutsis. In Rwanda they are known as ‘The Rescuers.'"[32] In conjunction with the series, he hosted a GoFundMe campaign to benefit the Gisimba Orphanage in Rwanda and the planned but yet-to-be-built Gisimba House in Uganda. He supplemented the campaign with Vorlage:Usd from HONY's Patreon fund, as well as with Vorlage:Usd for every donation beyond the 5,000th donation. The campaign reached its goal of Vorlage:Usd in 18 hours. Stanton also supported another campaign of the Little Hills organization, which plans build Rwanda's first children's hospital.


In 2013, a fan noticed that HONY's photos had been used without permission in DKNY's window display at a store in Bangkok.[33][34] After learning of the infringement, Stanton publicly asked DKNY to donate Vorlage:Usd in his name to the YMCA chapter in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of New York City.[33][35] The donation request was shared over 40,000 times on Facebook, and after heavy pressure on social media sites, DKNY issued a public apology and agreed to donate Vorlage:Usd.[33][35] Stanton used Indiegogo to raise an additional $103,000.[34]

Humans of New York: The Series

On August 29, 2017, the documentary Humans of New York: The Series, based on the blog, premiered on Facebook Watch as part of that premium content platform's launch. From 2014 to 2017, Stanton interviewed over 1200 New Yorkers on video.[36] Season one included thirteen episodes which ranged from fifteen and twenty-five minutes in length and touched on common themes across the interviews. As of December 2017, it was the most followed series on Facebook Watch.[37]

  1. The Man Behind Humans of New York: Brandon Stanton. Abgerufen im 12 October 2015.
  2. Ruth La Ferla: Humans of New York Founder Takes On Donald Trump. In: The New York Times, 26. März 2016. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2017. 
  3. Daisy Dumas: Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton pens open letter to Donald Trump. In: The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 March 2016. 
  4. Meghan Keneally: Humans of New York Photographer Travels to Iraq With the UN. ABC News. August 12, 2014. Abgerufen im August 13, 2014.
  5. Corinne Abrams and Qasim Nauman, Humans of New York Helps Humans in Pakistan The Wall Street Journal Aug 24, 2015
  6. Ramsha Jamal, Humans of New York blog offers a fresh perspective on Pakistan The Guardian 21 August 2015
  7. Millions donated to free Pakistan's bonded laborers – CNN. CNN. Abgerufen am 12. November 2015.
  8. UNHCR – Refugees Daily. Abgerufen am 12. November 2015.
  9. Why The Humans Of New York Refugee Coverage Is Such a Punch In The Gut. Yahoo!. Abgerufen am 17. November 2015.
  10. BBC News: Humans of New York photographer Brandon Stanton goes global - BBC News. In: YouTube . October 20, 2014. Abgerufen im August 26, 2016.
  11. Kristyn Martin: Coronavirus social distancing rules change how Humans of New York tells stories, Yahoo. March 19, 2020. Abgerufen im 20 April 2020. 
  12. David Shapiro Jr.: Human by Human, a Following Grows. In: The Wall Street Journal, October 14, 2013. Abgerufen im October 25, 2013. 
  13. 'Humans of New York': Photo Gone Viral. Video – ABC News. October 11, 2013. Abgerufen im October 25, 2013.
  14. 'Humans of New York' a Photographic Melting Pot of the City. ABC News. October 14, 2013. Abgerufen im October 25, 2013.
  15. Julie Bosman: 'Humans of New York', by Brandon Stanton. In: The New York Times, November 6, 2013. Abgerufen im November 9, 2013. 
  16. Gregory Cowles: Best Sellers – The New York Times : Hardcover Nonfiction (November 03, 2013). In: The New York Times, November 3, 2013. Abgerufen im November 9, 2013. 
  17. New York Times Book Review Best Sellers Nonfiction List dated November 1, 2015
  18. HONY & Tumblr Hurricane Sandy Fundraiser. Indiegogo. Abgerufen im February 28, 2013.
  19. Hurricane Relief Goes Viral, With a Little Help From Tumblr and Indiegogo (en-US). In: Observer, 12. November 2012. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2017. 
  20. Bringing Richard home, the story of a crowd-funded adoption, CNN. November 1, 2013. Abgerufen im January 31, 2014. 
  21. Let's Send Rumi on a Wild West Adventure!. Indiegogo. Abgerufen im October 29, 2013.
  22. Emmanuella Grinberg, Lisa Respers France, Katia Hetter: Obama meets boy who inspired $1 million fundraiser, CNN. February 6, 2015. Abgerufen im February 8, 2015. 
  23. Kori Schulman: From the Streets of Brownsville, Brooklyn to the Oval Office. White House. February 5, 2015. Abgerufen im February 8, 2015.
  24. Let's Help Fatima End Bonded Labor (Amerikanisches Englisch) In: Generosity . Archiviert vom Original am March 13, 2018. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2017.
  25. Sophia Rosenbaum: 'Humans of New York' creator turns lens to young cancer patients. In: New York Post . 8. Mai 2016. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2017.
  26. Let's Help Dr. O'Reilly Fight Pediatric Cancer (Amerikanisches Englisch) In: Generosity . Archiviert vom Original am March 13, 2018. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2017.
  27. Jonathan LaMantia: Memorial Sloan Kettering is blown away by response to Humans of New York campaign. In: Crain's New York Business. Abgerufen am 26. Februar 2017. 
  28. Brandon Stanton: Humans of New York: Invisible Wounds. In: . Abgerufen im 11 January 2019.
  29. Dan Lamothe: Humans of New York decided to profile veterans. The response has been overwhelming.. August 21, 2016. Abgerufen im 11 January 2019. 
  30. Brandon Stanton: Let's Help Headstrong Help Veterans. In: . Abgerufen im 11 January 2019.
  31. Brandon Stanton: Feeling Grateful (Englisch) In: Patreon . September 13, 2019. Abgerufen im 26 October 2018.
  32. Brandon Stanton: Humans of New York (Englisch) In: Humans of New York . October 16, 2018. Abgerufen im 26 October 2018.
  33. a b c Rebecca Adams: Humans Of New York Photos Accidentally Stolen By DKNY. In: The Huffington Post, February 25, 2013. Abgerufen im February 27, 2013. 
  34. a b Humans of New York: Let's Send Kids To YMCA Summer Camp. Indiegogo. November 10, 2012. Abgerufen im February 27, 2013.
  35. a b Raya Jalabi: DKNY to pay $25,000 after using photographs without permission | In: The Guardian, February 25, 2013. Abgerufen im February 26, 2013. 
  36. Natalie Jarvey: 'Humans of New York' Docuseries Coming to Facebook (Exclusive) (Englisch) In: The Hollywood Reporter . Abgerufen im 4 December 2017.
  37. Humans of New York: The Series. In: Humans of New York: The Series Showpage . Facebook. Abgerufen im 15 December 2017.