Benutzer:Victor Eremita/Links
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
- Das Recht des Stärkeren
- Benutzer:GS/Zukunft der Wikipedia
- Dünen, Kampf, und was das alles kostet
- Gesundforking & die Einsicht von Ward Cunningham
- Geschützte Seiten
weiteres interessantes:
- Der Informatiker Bertrand Meyer über WP
- Wer schreibt die WP
- Larry Sanger über citizendium und Probleme der WP: ...Can Wikipedia recover from these problems? The first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem in the first place. Wikipedia's most passionate defenders, if they react at all, will probably do nothing but explain why I am mistaken in each of these criticisms. There are some active Wikipedians who are able admit at least some of these criticisms. But could the Wikipedia community as a whole admit any of them, with enough force actually to do anything about them? ... The failure to recognize these serious problems is a reflection of the fact that, at bottom, they are political problems. Like all open communities online, Wikipedia's community is self-selecting, and its policies have determined who stays and who leaves (or is driven away). For this reason, online communities tend to become rather conservative in their attitudes toward their own systems, and Wikipedia is certainly no different. So it is not surprising that, as anyone who is aware of how Wikipedia works knows, the changes made to the system recently have been mostly cosmetic, and even the bolder of these changes have little chance of solving the problems I outlined earlier. The first step to solving a problem is to admit that it's a problem; and much of the Wikipedia community will not admit the problems I've listed, unless they have a massive collective change of heart. And, I think, that is very unlikely ever to happen. In fact, you could say that I have waited for several years for it to happen, and it never has...