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Das ist nur der erste Versuch mit einem Translator. Benötige Hilfe bei der Übersetzung von OpenXcom für die englische Wikipedia, auch für die Infobox video game, Kategorien usw. --WeissEtwas (Diskussion) 13:16, 24. Apr. 2016 (CEST)

Vorlage:Infobox video game

OpenXcom is an interpreter and open source clone to UFO: Enemy Unknown (1994). With the current Nightly updates also an implementation of the successor Game X-COM: Terror from the Deep (1995) possible.

To clone several mods written that allow to adjust some regulations and add new weapons and equipment. The adaptability of OpenXcom goes so far that my mods new procedural sections can be added. In this way, one can rewrite the game completely. These include 'UFO REDUX' an expanded and consolidated total conversion of the first X-COM part, as well as the larger 'Final Mod Pack' in which, moreover, also feed any experimental influences the X-Com modding scene.

OpenXcom need to use the modifications the original data of UFO: Enemy Unknown and of X-COM: Terror from the Deep , provided that the second part of the Cthulhu Mythos (Aliens are coming out of the sea scenario) wants to play.


'X Piratez' on the basis of "OpenXcom Extended ', a once for modifications greatly expanded version of OpenXcom, represents a completely new game. Here the story was shifted 600 years in the future, in of the X-Com failed and the earth was invaded by the aliens. As the leader of a female pirate gear one tries it to survive in this world. This includes, as in the original base building, hunting and plunder of UFOs, but also the kidnapping of aliens and their human helpers.

New aspects are in XPiratez the possibility, and dismantle the newly combined artifacts. The capture and hacking of secret documents, the sale of fighting dogs, enlightenment parrots and mercenaries but also pay a heritage whichever ableben, moreover, the act with self-produced alcohols, the sale or use of slaves in the battle (eg Superman) and the development of magical Voodoo skills later in the game. Nor can civil Advisoren take as reconnaissance with motor scanner and physicians in the fight.

The numerous political groups here represent mainly various castes and sects that have come to terms with the aliens and also maintain its own large bases. Among them, the "Government" a fascist sect in the world are traveling inter alia in Nazi UFOs of type Haunebu. In addition to a myriad of different armor, near and long-range weapons, there are also some heavy mortars and expensive missiles that can blow up almost the entire board including the UFOs therein. However, it also applies in XPiratez avoid civilian casualties to the subsidies obtained by other groups not to compromise.

The game is in contrast to the new edition, hardly compromise in favor of entry for younger or casual players and is Z.z. developed only in English. But beyond solely the research tree but also easily the content of a novel location, with its ever-growing level of knowledge about the world of XPiratez on.

External links

[[Kategorie:Computer-Strategiespiel]] [[Kategorie:Freie Software]] [[Kategorie:Windows-Software]]