Benutzer Diskussion:Barbe Igor

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Greater Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire 1882-1917 (mass replacement)

On these two pages, published a letter from the Chief Heraldry Master of Russia. It is dated 2006.

At the present moment is initiated his replacement to this picture without a single mistake and the author's portrayal: Earlier, the authors insisted on the presence of yellow in the figure dies with his name. For VIKI author has made an exception. However, the file with a yellow bg can remain - it has more resolution. References to it are optional for connoisseurs. All files are located here:


Barbe Igor (talk) 09:45, 24 March 2011 (UTC)

Errors are very much ... The work was conducted 1.5 years. Important task of work - fixing bugs and improving the drawing. Let's start ... 1. How many roses in the arms of Finland (official Blason)? Should be eight, but in the old figure of seven. 2. Where directed Halberd in the arms of Yaroslavl? (Must be directed upward, and at the old figure, it is directed downward). ........... 30. What color is the lining of the Astrakhan crown? (should be green, and figure on the old lining is red.)

Thank you!

In any case, thank you for your sincere attention to matters of heraldry. Read more references to a letter from the Chief Heraldry Master of Russia.

Best regards!

Igor Barbe Barbe Igor 13:46, 26. Mär. 2011 (CET)

Benutzerseite gelöscht

Hallo Barbe Igor. Ich habe deine Benutzerseite („Benutzer:Barbe Igor“) gelöscht, da sie gegen unsere Konventionen für Benutzerseiten verstößt. Wikipedia ist kein Anbieter von kostenlosen Webseiten, die zur Eigendarstellung, Werbung, als Linkcontainer oder Publizierung von unenzyklopädischen Texten dienen. Vermutlich hat deine Benutzerseite gegen einen dieser Punkte verstoßen. Du darfst sie gerne wieder anlegen, solltest dir aber vorher unbedingt die Konventionen aufmerksam durchlesen. Du kannst mich für weitere Fragen auf meiner Benutzerdiskussionsseite erreichen. Gruß, XenonX3 - (:±) 13:49, 26. Mär. 2011 (CET)

Rename the Coat of arms of Russian Empire

Please, rename your images of the Russian Empire in commons, yours proper name (Igor Barbe) in the name of Coat of arms gives the impression of being rather personal and not own an encyclopedia-- 08:23, 11. Nov. 2011 (CET)

Мой дорогой колумбийский друг. Ваша молодость пока не позволяет Вам выступать в не анонимной форме. Я понимаю, что Вы спасаете Мир от несправедливости - НО, СПАСАЙТЕ ЕГО, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, САМИ. Ваше анонимное мнение, после большой дисскусии в которой Вы не приняли участия - не очень мне интересно. У Вас есть все возможности спасти этот мир. Например - Вы можете сами нарисовать этот рисунок. Всего 10 лет работы - и Вас все получится. Буду рад Вашей анонимной публикации. Файл принят ВИКИ складом на условиях предоставления мною лицензии. Принят с тем названием, которое ему дал Автор. Спасибо! Очень надеюсь на то, что Вы и дальше будете улучшать мировое вики сообщество. Желательно под своим именем - если Вы его уже заработали. Игорь

My dear friend in Colombia. Your youth does not yet allow you not to act anonymously. I understand that you save the world from injustice - but save him, help yourself. Your anonymous opinion, after the big Discussions in which you did not participate - not very interesting to me. You have every opportunity to save the world. For example - you can do to draw this picture. Just 10 years - and you will succeed. I would be glad of your anonymous publication. File accepted VIKI warehouse on the conditions for granting me a license. Adopted on the title which he gave Author. Thank you! I very much hope that you'll continue to improve the global community wiki. Preferably under his own name - if you've already earned it. Igor (Sorry my English - i was in school 37 years ago) Barbe Igor Барбэ Игорь 16:53, 11 ноября 2011 (UTC) Barbe Igor 17:55, 11. Nov. 2011 (CET)