Benutzer Diskussion:Christallkeks/Kings Canyon

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Potenzielle Einzelnachweise:

  • Bezeugt den Namen "Lost City" für das Plateau
  • C. R. Margules & R. L. Pressey: Systematic conservation planning. Nature 2000. PDF. "Kings Canyon, Watarrka National Park, Northern Territory, Australia. This is a spectacular landscape, worthy of protection both for its outstanding natural beauty and for its biodiversity. But it is a remote and rugged area, valuable for tourism but not for extractive uses so it was easier to protect than more productive and economically valuable landscapes."
  • Bret S. Robinson, Stuart S. Bamforth und Philip J. Dobson: Density and Diversity of Protozoa in Some Arid Australian Soils. Online. PDF. "The cycad soil in Kings Canyon, a refugium, [...]. [...] A refugium is a region that enables certain organisms to persist when the original ecosystem becomes less habitable due to climate change. Kings Canyon provides water sources in shady crevices in which the cycad Macrozamia macdonneii and other plants grow (van Oosterzee 1991). Although amoebae and ciliates did not differ in numbers or species from desert sites (Table 2, Fig. 2), the effect of a more stable moisture regime was seen in the slowly growing testacea, which were three times more abundant, with twice as many species." Zitiertes Werk: P. van Oosterzee: The Centre: The Natural History of Australia’s Desert Regions. Reed, Chatswood, New South Wales, Australia. 1991.
  • "Standing at the rim of King’s Canyon makes you feels like you’re on the edge of the earth. The flat face and sheer drop of the canyon walls are both frightening and inspiring in their size and stark, natural beauty. The view encourages contemplation, as your eyes follow a landscape criss-crossed with streams, scattered with pre-historic cycad ferns and filled with native wildlife. If a three hour trek to overlook the 270 metre drop sounds too challenging, stick to the canyon floor, strewn with boulders and home to the Garden of Eden, where ancient plant life thrives. Be guided through the Lost City, filled with eerie domed rocks, or take a helicopter flight to comprehend the scale of the entire formation. Find out how the canyon was formed, and discover the cultural significance for the local Luritja people. 450 kilometres south west of Alice Springs in the Watarrka National Park, Kings Canyon is an unforgettable destination." - - Achtung, Tourismusunternehmen, unter Umständen überzogen.
  • JA Davis, SA Harrington and JA Friend: Invetebrate communities of Relict streams in the Arid Zone: the George Gill Range, Central Australia. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 44(3) 483 - 505, Jahr 1993. Kostenlose Zusammenfassung. "The George Gill Range (24ºS,132ºE) 220 km south west of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, lies within one of the driest regions of Australia. Diel and seasonal temperature differences are extreme and the average rainfall is 250 mm per annum. The streams of the Range are the largest group within the Central Ranges and are relatively pristine. Their flow regimes are episodic but deep rock pools appear to act as reservoirs of surface runoff and may also receive groundwater from the Mereenie aquifer."


Potenziell nützliche Literatur, zu konsultieren:

  • Leon Bagas: Geology of Kings Canyon National Park. Government Printer, Darwin 1988. ISBN 0724513159. 21 Seiten, farbige Karte anbei. Trove-Eintrag. UniMelb-Eintrag.
  • Kay Winstanley, Christine Edgoose, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory (CCNT) Land Conservation Unit: The land resources of Watarrka National Park. Alice Springs 1994. Libraries Australia ID 41065325. 261 Seiten. Trove-Eintrag.
  • Pascal Tremblay, Dean Carson: Tourism and the economic valuation of parks and protected areas: Watarrka National Park, Northern Territory. CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd, Gold Coast 2007. ISBN 9781920965129. 57 Seiten. Trove-Eintrag. Online-Version, Login benötigt.
  • Jean Anne Kerle: Uluru, Kata-Tjuta &​ Watarrka =​ Ayers Rock, the Olgas &​ Kings Canyon, Northern Territory. University of New South Wales Press, Sydney 1995. ISBN 0868400556. 202 Seiten. Trove-Eintrag. UniMelb-Eintrag.

Konsultierte Literatur, für nützlich befunden:

  • Parks and Wildlife Service of the Northern Territory: Watarrka National Park - Draft Joint Management Plan. Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport des Northern Territory, Alice Springs 2009. ISBN 978-1921519376. 98 Seiten. Trove-Eintrag. Online-Version.
    • Liste mit besonderen, schützenswerten Pflanzen im Watarrka NP am Ende, Transkript siehe Abschnitt #Besondere Pflanzen auf dieser Seite.

Besondere Pflanzen

Diese Liste enthält besondere Pflanzen des Watarrka Nationalparks.

Quelle: Parks and Wildlife Service of the Northern Territory: Watarrka National Park: Draft Joint Management Plan, Abschnitt Appendix 3 - Botanical Species of Conservation. Alice Springs, September 2009.

Vorbemerkung (wichtig?): Significance (Duguid et al, 2008).

Endangered in the Northern Territory

  • Baumea arthrophylla

Vulnerable in the Northern Territory

  • Santalum acuminatum

Rare at the national level

  • Austrostipa aquarii
  • Macrozamia macdonnellii
  • Eragrostis subtilis
  • Melaleuca faucicola
  • Austrostipa centralis
  • Sedopsis fi lsonii
  • Euphorbia sarcostemmoides
  • Hydrocotyle -- sp. Watarrka (A.C.Beauglehole 20471)
  • Amperea spicata
  • Hakea grammatophylla

Rare at the Northern Territory level

  • Poranthera leiosperma
  • Goodenia havilandii
  • Calandrinia pleiopetala
  • Goodenia occidentalis
  • Bulbostylis pyriformis
  • Grevillea pterosperma
  • Menkea sphaerocarpa
  • Abutilon lepidum
  • Mirbelia ramulosa
  • Eragrostis sterilis
  • Gunniopsis septifraga
  • Chthonocephalus pseudevax
  • Persicaria decipiens
  • Histiopteris incisa
  • Corynotheca licrota
  • Lachnagrostis filiformis
  • Poranthera triandra
  • Einadia nutans subsp. nutans
  • Sclerolaena parallelicuspis
  • Doodia caudata
  • Senecio lanibracteus
  • Dodonaea microzyga var. microzyga
  • Stenanthemum petraeum
  • Juncus continuus
  • Acacia grasbyi
  • Cuphonotus andraeanus
  • Swainsona colutoides
  • Juncus kraussii subsp. australiensis
  • Ophioglossum lusitanicum
  • Glischrocaryon aureum var. angustifolium
  • Eleocharis pusilla
  • Xanthorrhoea thorntonii
  • Goodenia glandulosa

Poorly known (data defficient) at the national level

  • Acacia aneura var. Bloods -- Range (D.E.Albrecht 10087)
  • Sida sp. Petermann Ranges -- (B.G.Thomson 2340)
  • Comesperma viscidulum
  • Logania centralis

Poorly known (data defficient) at the Northern Territory level

  • Cullen discolor
  • Sida sp. Watarrka (D.E.Albrecht 8672)
  • Leiocarpa tomentosa
  • Austrostipa trichophylla
  • Enneapogon intermedius
  • Senna artemisioides subsp. Kuyunba (B.Pitts 113)
  • Heliotropium inexplicitum
  • Maireana sedifolia
  • Eragrostis lanicaulis
  • Amyema miraculosa subsp. boormanii
  • Isolepis australiensis
  • Arabidella trisecta
  • Amaranthus sp. Alice Springs (D.E.Albrecht 8892)
  • Polystichum proliferum
  • Triglochin sp. Newhaven (P.K.Latz 16797)
  • Phyllanthus lacunellus
  • Swainsona purpurea
  • Oxalis radicosa
  • Sonchus hydrophilus

Significant in Southern Region of Northern Territory

  • Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. Ensifolia -- (rare, disjunct)
  • Imperata cylindrica -- (apparently rare, disjunct)
  • Psilotum nudum -- (rare, disjunct)
  • Ottelia ovalifolia subsp. ovalifolia -- (disjunct)
  • Phragmites australis -- (disjunct)
  • Pteris tremula -- (disjunct)
  • Fimbristylis sieberiana -- (disjunct)
  • Schoenus falcatus -- (apparently rare, disjunct)
  • Cyclosorus interruptus -- (rare, disjunct)
  • Adiantum hispidulum var. hispidulum -- (disjunct)

Significant in MAC or GSD bioregions

  • Alectryon oleifolius subsp. Elongates -- MAC (disjunct, western range limit)
  • Cheilanthes brownii -- GSD (apparently rare, disjunct), MAC (disjunct)
  • Polycarpaea involucrata -- GSD (disjunct), MAC (disjunct, southern range limit)
  • Eriocaulon cinereum -- MAC (apparently rare, disjunct)
  • Harnieria kempeana subsp. kempeana -- MAC (northern, western, eastern range limits)
  • Goodenia larapinta -- GSD (western, southern limits)
  • Cyperus castaneus -- MAC (rare)
  • Cassytha capillaris -- MAC (rare)
  • Vallisneria annua -- MAC (apparently rare, disjunct)
  • Eremophila ovata -- MAC (northern, southern, eastern, western range limits)
  • Eragrostis pergracilis -- MAC (rare)
  • Boerhavia paludosa -- MAC (apparently rare, disjunct)
  • Swainsona villosa -- MAC (rare)

Endemic to Watarrka /George Gill Range

  • Amperea spicata
  • Hydrocotyle sp. Watarrka -- (A.C.Beauglehole 20471)

Endemic to MacDonnell Ranges Bioregion (or nearly so)

  • Austrostipa aquarii -- nearly/effectively endemic to MAC bioregion
  • Austrostipa centralis -- endemic to MAC bioregion, with the Watarrka population apparently disjunct from rest of bioregion
  • Eremophila ovata -- endemic to C.Aus, nearly/effectively endemic to MAC bioregion
  • Hakea grammatophylla -- nearly endemic to MAC bioregion, one outlying population
  • Macrozamia macdonnellii -- nearly/effectively endemic to MAC bioregion but moderately widespread and abundant
  • Melaleuca faucicola -- nearly endemic to MAC bioregion, one outlying population
  • Senna artemisioides subsp. Kuyunba -- possibly endemic to MAC bioregion/C.Aus (B.Pitts 113)

Endemic to C.Aus

  • Goodenia larapinta
  • Harnieria kempeana subsp. kempeana
  • Ozothamnus kempei -- predominantly in MAC bioregion with various outliers
  • Sedopsis filsonii -- predominantly in MAC bioregion with two outlying populations
  • Eragrostis subtilis -- in MAC bioregion only known from Watarrka

Disjunct/Relict Species - Strongly Dependent on Groundwater

  • Adiantum hispidulum var. hispidulum -- relictual/disjunct fern- only at a few shaded springs in C.Aus
  • Cyclosorus interruptus -- relictual/disjunct fern- only known in southern NT from springs at Watarrka & one West Macs spring
  • Doodia caudata -- relictual/disjunct fern- in C.Aus only at some shaded springs in MAC bioregion
  • Fimbristylis sieberiana -- relictual/disjunct sedge- only at springs in C.Aus
  • Histiopteris incisa -- relictual/disjunct fern- in C.Aus only at some shaded springs in MAC bioregion
  • Imperata cylindrica -- relictual/disjunct grass - only at a few springs in C.Aus
  • Juncus continuus -- relictual/disjunct rush- predominantly at springs and permanent/semi-permanent waterholes
  • Juncus kraussii subsp. australiensis -- relictual/disjunct rush- in C.Aus only at some springs in MAC bioregion
  • Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. ensifolia -- relictual/disjunct fern- only at a few shaded springs/seepages in C.Aus
  • Persicaria decipiens -- relictual/disjunct aquatic plant - only known in C.Aus from a single spring at Watarrka
  • Phragmites australis -- relictual/disjunct aquatic plant - restricted to waterholes and springs in MAC bioregion
  • Psilotum nudum -- relictual/disjunct fern- only at a few shaded springs/seepages in C.Aus
  • Pteris tremula -- relictual/disjunct fern - only at a few shaded springs/seepages in C.Aus
  • Schoenus falcatus -- relictual/disjunct sedge- only at a few springs in C.Aus

Other Disjunct/Relict Species

  • Maireana sedifolia -- relictual/disjunct - only known in C.Aus from Watarrka
  • Ottelia ovalifolia subsp. ovalifolia -- relictual/disjunct aquatic plant- most records in C.Aus from Watarrka

Other Disjunct Species

  • Acacia aneura var. Bloods Range (D.E.Albrecht 10087) -- Watarrka population the only one in MAC bioregion
  • Acacia grasbyi -- in MAC bioregion only known from Watarrka
  • Baumea arthrophylla -- only known in NT from Watarrka
  • Eleocharis pusilla -- only one record in C.Aus; possibly not extant
  • Euphorbia sarcostemmoides -- disjunct - in NT only known from MAC bioregion
  • Lachnagrostis filiformis -- MAC bioregion population disjunct
  • Mirbelia ramulosa -- mostly C.Aus records from Watarrka
  • Poranthera triandra -- in MAC bioregion only known from Watarrka; 3 of the 5 C.Aus records from Watarrka
  • Swainsona colutoides -- disjunct - only known in C.Aus from MAC bioregion (Watarkka and Finke Gorge areas)
  • Vallisneria annua -- aquatic plant, only at Watarrka in southern C.Aus

Other distributions of interest

  • Acacia aneura var. Bloods Range (D.E.Albrecht 10087) -- Watarrka population the only one in MAC bioregion
  • Acacia rhodophloia -- Watarrka population the only one in MAC bioregion (identify requires confirmation – similar to A. grasbii)