Benutzer Diskussion:Irina Manea

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Hallo und willkommen bei Wikipedia!

Wie du gesehen hast, kann man Wikipedia frei bearbeiten. Tastaturtests, unbegründete Löschungen, Werbung, Urheberrechtsverletzungen oder Unsinnsbeiträge werden jedoch nicht gern gesehen. Benutze bitte für Experimente die Testseite.
Wie du konstruktiv mitarbeiten kannst, erfährst du auf der Seite Starthilfe.

Grüße, Lokal Politik (Diskussion) 07:18, 27. Jan. 2020 (CET)

As dori sa vb despre Rezervația Retezat pentru că , problema nu se mai pune sau nu se pune așa:istoric și câteva date lipsite de ,sa zicem stârnirea de apetit pentru drumeție .Astăzi se vorbește de o adevărată plafonare a "energiei celulare.

De pildă trebuie sa ști despre existența cabanelor sau nu.despre relief,despre alte atracții ori hazarde geografice in zonă.Retezatul ,de pildă are sau avea mai mult de 500locuri de cazare afișate pe un site(situația nu este chiar așa).Totuși,4cabane asigura cazarea unor drumeți prieteni :Gura Zlatei,Baleia,Bura și Pietrele.Fiecare denumire trebuie asociata înțelesului ei arhaic:zlătari poate fi un loc de ceata, mai umed,poate o balta,lac,eutrofizarea.Baleia vine de la cuvântul a se clatină,a se mișcă ușor,bura vine de la bura,aer umed,cețos.Apoi potecile:sunt destule că să ferească de atacurile animalelor,sunt marcate,ajung la Cabana haiduind pe ele?! Irina Manea (Diskussion) 08:27, 27. Jan. 2020 (CET)

Ce am postat eu și ce scrie furaciosul expresiei de acces la contul meu google.Sunt oameni care ucid și fură identități.

Nu de mult ci acum ceva 13ani,am sunat după un cunoscut ,medic ce necesită ajutor(cazare).La tel nu mi-a răspuns acesta ci un altul,ce dorea prietenă și avea anunț la matrimoniale care m-am purtat obligatoriu,cu poliția,prin Spitalele de Psihiatrie.Este de discutat ce înseamnă și dacă au voie sa existe aceste spitale Irina Manea (Diskussion) 08:39, 27. Jan. 2020 (CET)

Willkommen / Welcome

Hello and welcome! It appears that you either do not understand the German language, or only at a basic level. This is a welcome message to introduce you to the German Wikipedia, providing you with links to the important places and departments you may wish to consult and visit.

  • The Wikipedia:Botschaft (embassy) is a place where you can ask questions in your native language. People with the appropriate language skills will then try to get a communication going between you and those who can answer your request.
  • The German equivalent of the village pump is Wikipedia:Fragen zur Wikipedia (translated as questions regarding Wikipedia), which can be used to ask questions and discuss matters of all sorts directly related to Wikipedia. Feel free to ask questions in your preferred language, but questions in English will probably get quicker responses than those asked in less common languages. For general knowledge questions not necessarily related to Wikipedia, there is the Wikipedia:Auskunft (inquiry board).
  • The Wikipedia:Mentorenprogramm (mentorship project) is open to new users who have difficulties with editing or need advice. Many of our mentors are proficient in more than one language.
  • For your userpage: You might want to create your userpage and leave a short introduction and Babel boxes on it, so that other editors can know more about you and the languages you speak. For example: “{{Babel|en|de-0}}” shows that you are a native English speaker and do not understand the German language at all. You can list as many languages as you like and rate your proficiency in them from 1 (beginner) to 4 (expert).
  • Frequently-made requests: Request to take over an existing user account at Meta • Request a local Bot flag at de:wiki.

Want to help out? One thing you could do would be to improve the welcome template you are reading right now, to help more editors like you who speak little or no German. If you would have preferred to have been welcomed in your own language rather than in English, feel free to create a translated version of this template or ask for help with translating.

Once again, welcome, and happy editing! -- Johannnes89 (Diskussion) 16:15, 27. Jan. 2020 (CET)

This is the german-speaking Wikipedia, your are contributing in the wrong language. --Johannnes89 (Diskussion) 16:21, 27. Jan. 2020 (CET)