Benutzer Diskussion:Maria25
Artikelidee: Lux Film
The Lux Film Gesellschaft was established by Josef Koppelmann in the late 1920s. Initially Lux brought German films to Austria but later Josef decided to produce Austrian films. After securing the talent of Leo Slezak (who mentions Josef in one of his books), Koppelmann recruited Austrian opera stars, famous actors and cabaret chanteuses who began appearing in his productions and became regular visitors at his home. Among them were Franciska Gaal, Paul Hörbiger, Kurt Weill, Artur Schnabel and Joseph Schmidt. Lux also was the first company to bring talking films to Austria. On the morning of March 12, 1938, troops of the Wehrmacht and the SS crossed the German-Austrian border. On the following day, in Linz, Hitler announced the Anschluss (annexation) of Austria into the German Reich. There were big celebrations all over Austria. Jews, however, were deprived of their civil rights and many were arrested. Jewish shops and businesses were broken into, destroyed or taken over by non-Jews. This seizure was called "aryanization" and was the fate of Lux. Koppelmann not only was deprived of his company, but he also was arrested and taken to the Buchenwald concentration camp, where he was incarcerated for nearly a year. He traded away his fortune for his release from Buchenwald (this was still possible in 1939, before the Final Solution) and, together with his wife, Klara, and five-year-old son, Raoul, managed to obtain a visa to British-Mandate Palestine. Koppelmann always refused to talk about what happened to him in Buchenwald, but he returned a broken and sick man, never again the energetic and resourceful person he had been. He passed away in January 1950, never having recuperated. This was several years before I met and later married Raoul. The Lux films either were destroyed or distributed under other producers' names, making it difficult to ascertain how many titles the company actually made. Lux produced many musicals. Among the famous ones is "Ein Stern Fällt vom Himmel" ("A Star Falls from Heaven") with Joseph Schmidt. This film is still available but the producer listed is "Styria," a company that according to the Austrian Films Archives was founded in Austria, in 1938! (The film was made in 1936.) Another film still circulating but without a credit for the real producers is "Unser Kaiser". Thus ended a beautiful chapter in Austrian film history and in Jewish history as well as in the Kopelman family. (We now omit the double letters.) We are left with a family saga and a sad heart. We hope Bel Canto Society will correct history by providing credits to Lux Film and mentioning Josef Koppelmann. --Chava Blodek-Kopelman, Ann Arbor, MI (Quelle: Bewertung der DVD "Joseph Schmidt, A Star falls from Heaven" auf Amazon)
Artikelidee: Schloss Haan
Schloss Haan war ein Palais auf dem Gebiet des heutigen 15. Wiener Bezirks, das vermutlich im 18. Jh. von der Familie Haan errichtet wurde. Die Familie Haan war 1796 in den Freiherrenstand erhoben worden und besaß zahlreiche Besitzungen in Wien, Niederösterreich und Graz. Vertreter der Familie Haan waren in der Habsburgermonarchie auf politischer und militärischer Ebene tätig. Falls jemand genaueres weiß, bitte um Info.--Maria25 (Diskussion) 12:19, 27. Mai 2016 (CEST)
Artikel Industrialisierung in Österreich?
Sehe ich richtig, dass es keinen Artikel über die Industrialisierung in Österreich gibt? Schande...!
Benutzer:Maria25/Café Capua-Café Capua
Moin aus dem Norden, ich hab mir mal erlaubt, auf deiner Unterseite, schon mal die Geokoordinaten einzutragen und auch einen Kategorievorschlag. Ich hoffe das ist in deinem Sinne. Egal wie du das später, wenn fertig, in den Artikelnamensraum überträgst (verschieben oder Copy&Paste), Coordinaten & Kategorien haben ja keine Urheberechte! (und es wär mir auch egal, ich leide nicht an editcounteritis ;-) mit freundlichen Grüßen Jom Klönsnack? 21:56, 26. Mai 2016 (CEST) Danke und Gruß in den Norden --Maria25 (Diskussion) 11:42, 27. Mai 2016 (CEST)
In Wien gab es die Weihburgbar, in der Musikbands auftraten. Sie wurde am 15.9.1923 von Max Glasel eröffnet. Insbesondere Jazzbands traten dort auf. Standort unbekannt. Bitte um weitere Infos --Maria25 (Diskussion) 19:53, 27. Mai 2016 (CEST)
Artikelidee: David Mathé
(1900-1986) Bekannter Saxophonist und Orchesterleister in Wien, leitete das Wiener Radio-Orchester, das Jazz-Orchester David Mathé, spielte als Saxophonist mit dem Großen Wiener Rundfunkorchester, dem Großen Orchester der RAVAG, dem Kleinen Orchester des ORF, ...
Artikel Stefano Islandi
Stefano Islandi galt als einer der größten Tenöre des 20. Jhs. Birth: Oct. 6, 1907, Death: Jan. 1, 1994 Opera singer. Born in Northern Iceland as Stefán Guðmundsson, he is considered the country's greatest tenor singer of the 20th century. He was the oldest of three children of a poor farm worker and his wife. When the boy was nine years old his father died in an accident, and he was brought up on a nearby farm. It was soon discovered that he was endowed with an exceptional singing voice, and when he came to Reykjavík at the age of nineteen he began taking singing lessons. A wealthy trawler owner volunteered to pay for his musical education in Italy where he studied in Milan from 1930 to 1933. In 1933 he made his debut as Cavaradossi in "Tosca" impressing the audience with his warm voice and his artistic temperament. The Italian press gave him the name Stefano Islandi. The following years up to WWII he toured his home country and many European countries. In 1940 he was engaged at the Royal Opera House in Copenhagen, Denmark, and became a Royal Court Singer in 1949. In the years after the war he also performed in the United States and Canada and appeared in the first operatic production of the National Theatre in Reykjavík in 1951 as the Duke in "Rigoletto". In 1966 he settled down in Iceland after having lived abroad for more than 35 years
Artikelidee Leopold Liebl
Leopold Liebl, Innenarchitekt im Wien der 1920er Jahre. Hat 1921 die Mary-Bar (heutiges Café Hegelhof) eingerichtet. Außerdem 1924 das Café Palmhof renoviert. 1932 hat er das Gründerhaus Ecke Mariahilfer Straße-Kaiserstraße linkerhand rigoros umgebaut, dort befand sich der Schuhpalast Hermes, später die Firma "Regent", dann das Schuhgeschäft Delka. Das Haus wurde 1999 abgerissen. Weitere Infos erbeten.Leopold Liebl - Leopold Liebl (1888-1971) studierte um 1919 Architektur bei Karl Krauß an der Akademie der bildenden Künste, wo er auch im Fach Malerei eingeschrieben war. Leopold Liebl plante unter anderem den Umbau des gründerzeitlichen Hauses Mariahilfer Straße 122 in Wien 7 (um 1932). Für die Gemeinde Wien war er an den Entwürfen der Wohnhausanlage Edergasse 1-3 in Wien 21 (1962-1964) beteiligt.
Artikelidee Ferdinand Moser
Ferdinand Moser war ein Theatermaler, der an der Gestaltung der Vergnügungsstadt "Venedig in Wien" im Prater 1895 beteiligt war. Er ist nicht ident mit dem deutschen Graphiker gleichen Namens!