Datei:BWV847 measures 1-9 Fuga a 3 voci.svg
Originaldatei (SVG-Datei, Basisgröße: 925 × 800 Pixel, Dateigröße: 418 KB)
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Measures 1–9 of Fuga a 3 voci, BWV 847 by J.S. Bach (The Well-Tempered Clavier)
I nailed the Lilypond code from the LilyPond homepage. I ran the code through convert-ly which converted the file into a newer LilyPond version. I ran LilyPond on it, making a PostScript-file (.ps). I ran the ps through ps2ps, to render the notes in real paths and lines, instead of sheet-fonts. I converted the ps to svg using pstoedit. I fixed the image in Inkscape (removing all measures except 1-9), saving it as basic SVG.
LilyPond source
The musical notation in this image was rendered by LilyPond, a free-software engraving program. Here is a listing of the LilyPond source used to create this file. |
\header { title = "Fuga a 3 voci" opus = "BWV 847-Fuga" source = "Henle's Urtext" composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)" enteredby = "hwn, wl, jcn" % mutopia headers. mutopiatitle = "Das Wohltemperierte Clavier I, Fuga II (c-minor)" mutopiacomposer = "J. S. Bach (1685-1750)" mutopiainstrument = "Piano" mutopiaopus = "BWV847" style = "baroque" copyright = "Public Domain" maintainer = "" mutopiapublicdomain = "\\parbox{\\paper-width}{\\thefooter\\quad\\small \\\\This music is part of the Mutopia project, \\texttt{}\\\\It has been typeset and placed in the public domain by " + \maintainer + ".\\\\Unrestricted modification and redistribution is permitted and encouraged---copy this music and share it.}" tagline = \mutopiapublicdomain lastupdated = "2002/August/19" footer = "Mutopia-2002/08/19-6" } %{ We really want this piece on 2 pages. tweaks: we use 19 iso. 20 pt staff space, and squeeze up the spacing a bit. the few forced linebreaks were an earlier attempt to get the spacing to match up. %} \version "2.10.0" dux = \context Voice = "two" \relative c''{ \voiceTwo \clef violin r8 c16 b c8 g as c16 b c8 d | g, c16 b c8 d f,16 g as4 g16 f | es c' b a g f! es d c8 es' d c | \break bes a bes c fis, g a fis | %%5 g4 r16 c, d es f g as8~ as16 d, es f | g a bes8 ~ bes16 es, f g as g f es d8 c'16 b! | \break % forced accident! c4 r4 r8 f es d | r8 as g f g f16 es f8 d | g4 r8 b c c16 b c8 g | %%10 as4 r8 a bes bes16 a bes8 f | g4 r8 g as as g \change Staff = bass \stemUp f | r8 as, bes c r8 as16 g as8 f8 | bes8 c bes as bes g f es | f des' c bes c as g f | %%15 g8 \change Staff = treble \stemDown g'16 fis g8 c, es g16 fis! g8 a | d, g16 fis g8 a! c,16 d es4 d16 c | % forced accident! bes8 r8 r16 d e fis g a bes8 ~ bes16 e, f g | a bes c8 ~ c16 fis,16 g a bes8 es,!16 d es8 g, | \break as f'16 es f8 a,8 bes g'16 f g8 b, | %%20 c16 f es d c \change Staff = bass \stemUp bes! as g f8 \change Staff = treble \stemDown as' g f | es d es f b, c d b | c4 r8 e8 f f16 e f8 c | d4 r8 d8 es8 es16 d es8 bes | c2 ~ c8 d16 es f es f d | %%25 b8 r8 r b c r r es | d r r f ~ f r r f | es as g f es d es f | b, c d b b c r c | f16 d es c ~ c8 b c4 r8 e | %%30 f4 r8 f f es16 d es8 <f as> | <b, d> r <b d> r <g c>2 | } comes = \context Voice = "one" \relative c'' { \voiceOne \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #6 R1 | R1 | r8 g'16 fis g8 c, es g16 fis g8 a | d,8 g16 fis g8 a c,16 d es4 d16 c | %%5 bes8 es16 d es8 g,8 as f'16 es f8 a, bes8 g'16 f g8 b, c8 d16 es f4 ~ | f8 es16 d c16 bes ! as g f8 as' g f es d es f b, c d b | c g'16 fis g8 d es4 r8 e8 | %%10 f f16 e f8 c8 d4 r8 d | es8 es16 d es8 bes c es16 d es8 f | bes, es16 d es8 f as,16 bes c4 bes16 as | \stemNeutral g16 es f g as bes c d es d c d es f g a | bes f, g as bes c d e f es d es f g a b | %%15 \stemUp c8 b16 a g f! es d c8 es d c | bes a bes c fis,! g a fis | % forced accident g8 d'16 c d8 r8 r8 e16 d e8 r8 | r fis16 e fis8 r r g,16 f g8 r8 | r8 a16 g a8 r r b16 a b8 r | %%20 r8 c16 b c8 g as c16 b c8 d | g, c16 b c8 d f,16 g as4 g16 f | es8 c'16 b c8 g as4 r8 a | bes8 bes16 a bes8 f8 g4 r8 g ~ | g as16 bes c b c as f2 ~ | %%25 f8 d'16 c d8 f, es es'16 d es8 g, | f f'16 es f8 as, g16 f' es d c b a g | c8 f es d r as g f | g f16 es f8 d as' g r a | b c f,16 es d c c8 c'16 b c8 g | %%30 as c16 b c8 <d b ! as !> g,8 c16 b c8 d | f,16 g as4 g16 f e2 | } bassdux = \context Voice = "three" \relative c' { \clef bass R1 | R | R | R | %%5 R | R1 | r8 c16 b c8 g as c16 b c8 d | g, c16 b c8 d f,16 g as4 g16 f | es c' b a g f es d c d es d c bes! as! g | % -> \classic_accidentals %%10 f bes' as g f es d c bes c d c bes as g f | es as' g f es des c bes as8 c' bes as | g8 f g as d, es f d | es as g f g es d c | d bes' as g as f es d! | %%15 es8 r8 r4 r8 c bes a | r es' d c d c16 bes c8 d | g,8 bes'16 a bes8 d, es c'16 bes c8 e, | f d'16 c d8 fis, g4 r16 g, a b | c16 d es8~ es16 a, bes c d es f8~ f16 b, c d | %%20 % es8 r r e f f, es! d | % -> \classic_accidentals es8 r r e \stemNeutral \stemDown f f, es! d \stemNeutral | r as' g f g f16 es f8 g | c16 d es d c bes as g f bes' as g f es d c | bes c d c bes as g f es as' g f es d c bes | as bes c bes as g f es d g' f es d c b a | %%25 g4 r4 r16 g a b c d es f | g f as g f es d c b8 c16 b c8 g | as c16 b c8 d g, c16 b c8 d | f,16 g as4 g16 f es4 r8 es' | d c g' g, %%30 << { c2 ~ | c1 ~ | c1 } \\ { c,2 ~ | c1 ~ | c1 } >> } \score { \context PianoStaff << \override Score.TimeSignature #'style = #'C \context Staff = "treble" << \key c \minor \dux { \comes \bar "|." } \time 4/4 >> \context Staff = "bass" << \key c \minor \bassdux >> >> \layout { line-width = 18.0 \cm \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #1.0 \override SpacingSpanner #'shortest-duration-space = #1.9 } } \header{ opus = "BWV 847" } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 84 4) } } }
Copyright by Han-Wen Nienhuys & Jan Nieuwenhuizen, according to File:Wtk1-fugue2-page1-mm1-9.png which this image was based on.
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