
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Neuer Abschnitt /* Sing in link to AladinLight seems to be wrong */

Hi there, IMHO the link to AladinLight in the box on the right hand side should read http://aladin.unistra.fr/AladinLite/?target=23%2026%2031.0%20%2B50%2041%2031&fov=0.016666666666667&survey=P%2FDSS2%2Fcolor

+50 instead of -50

No idea how to change this sorry.

Language: German

Take care Ronald --RonVei (Diskussion) 00:29, 3. Feb. 2022 (CET)

Sorry bothering you. Found it. Obviously only the plus sign was missing in the info box galaxy. Fixed it. Added the plus sign. --RonVei (Diskussion) 01:02, 3. Feb. 2022 (CET)