Diskussion:Daniela Grunow

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Publikationen (Auswahl)

**begutachtete Publikationen (peer-reviewed)

2021 ** Ils Alexandra, Liu Dan, Grunow Daniela & Eger Steffen: Changes in European Solidarity Before and During COVID-19: Evidence from a Large Crowd- and Expert-Annotated Twitter Dataset. Forthcoming in: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.
2021 ** Grunow Daniela & Lietzmann Torsten: Women’s employment transitions: the influence of her, his and joint gender ideologies. In: Demographic Research. 45(3), 55-86. Online-Version
2021 ** Grunow Daniela & Evertsson Marie: Relationality and linked lives during transitions to parenthood in Europe: an analysis of institutionally framed work-care divisions. In: Families, Relationships and Societies. 10(1), 99-118(20). doi: 10.1332/204674321X16111601582694. Online-Version
2020 Grunow Daniela: Couples' transitions to parenthood: Why the female partner’s earnings advantage fails to predict efficient specialisation. In: Norbert F. Schneider & Michaela Kreyenfeld (eds.): Research handbook on the sociology of the family. Cheltenham, UK: Edwar Elgar Publishing. 355-372. Online-Version
2020 Frodermann Corinna, Bächmann Ann-Christin, Hagen Marina, Grunow Daniela & Müller Dana: Family-friendly organizational arrangements – anything but “a fuss” (over nothing)! In: IAB-Forum, 20. Februar 2020. Online-Version
2019 Grunow Daniela: Resisting or embracing institutional models of parenthood: an analytical framework. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 3-28.
2019 Grunow Daniela: Comparing couples’ narratives over time: data and methods. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 29-39.
2019 Marie Evertsson & Grunow Daniela: Swimming against the tide or going with the flow? Stories of work-care practices, parenting norms and the importance of policies in a changing Europe. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 226-246.
2019 Grunow Daniela & Evertsson Marie: New Parents in Europe: Work-Care Practices, Gender Norms and Family Policies. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Link to book
2019 ** Grunow, Daniela: Comparative analyses of housework and its relation to paid work: Institutional contexts and individual agency. In: Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Vol 71, Supplement 1, 247-284. doi: 10.1007/s11577-019-00601-1 Online-Version
2019 Frodermann Corinna, Bächmann Ann-Christin, Hagen Marina, Grunow Daniela & Müller Dana: Familienfreundliche Personalpolitik – alles andere als „Gedöns“! In: IAB-Forum, 5. Juni 2019. Online-Version
2018 Frodermann Corinna, Bächmann Ann-Christin, Hagen Marina, Grunow Daniela & Müller Dana: Betriebliche Angebote zur Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf: Mütter kehren schneller zu familienfreundlichen Arbeitgebern zurück. In: IAB-Kurzbericht 18/2018, 1-8. Online-Version
2018 Grunow Daniela: Ein Plädoyer für die Vielfalt theoriegeleiteter, systematischer und intersubjektiv nachvollziehbarer Forschung. In: Soziologie 47(3), 284–291. Online-Version
2018 ** Grunow Daniela, Begall Katia & Buchler Sandra: Gender Ideologies in Europe: A Multidimensional Framework. In: Journal of Marriage and Family. 80(1), 42-60. Open Access. doi: 10.1111/jomf.12453 Online-Version
2018 ** Nitsche Natalie & Grunow Daniela: Do economic resources play a role in bargaining child care in couples? Parental Investment in Cases of Matching and Mismatching Gender Ideologies in Germany. In: European Societies. 20, 785-815. doi: 10.1080/14616696.2018.1473626 Online-Version
2017 Andreß Hans-Jürgen, Grunow Daniela & Schwinn Thomas (Hg.): Soziologiegeschichte im Spiegel der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Sonderheft 56/2017 der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. Wiesbaden: Springer-VS.
2017 ** Grunow Daniela: Theoriegeleitetes Sampling für international vergleichende Mixed-Methods-Forschung. Ein Beispiel der Untersuchung von Normen und Praxis familiärer Arbeitsteilung. In: Sonderheft 57/2017 der Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. 69, Supplement 2, 213-235. Online-Version
2017 ** Notten Natascha, Grunow Daniela & Verbakel Ellen: Social policies and families in stress. Gender and educational differences in work-family conflict from a European perspective. In: Social Indicators Research (2016). 1281–1305. Open Access. doi: 10.1007/s11205-016-1344-z Online-Version
2016 Evertsson Marie & Grunow Daniela: Narratives on the transition to parenthood in eight European countries. The importance of gender culture and welfare regime. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 269-294. Link to abstract
2016 ** Grunow Daniela & Aisenbrey Silke: Economic instability and mothers’ employment: A comparison of Germany and the U.S. In: Advances in Life Course Research. 29, 5-15. Open Access. Online-Version
2016 Grunow Daniela & Evertsson Marie: Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Link to book
2016 Grunow Daniela & Veltkamp Gerlieke: Institutions as reference points for parents-to-be in European societies: a theoretical and analytical framework. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 3-33. Online-Version
2016 Grunow Daniela: Comparing couples’ narratives within and across countries. Research design, sampling and analysis. In: Daniela Grunow & Marie Evertsson (eds.): Couples' Transitions to Parenthood: Analysing Gender and Work in Europe. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 62-78. Link to abstract
2016 ** Nitsche Natalie & Grunow Daniela: Housework over the course of relationships: Gender ideology, resources, and the division of housework from a growth curve perspective. In: Advances in Life Course Research. 29, 80–94. doi:10.1016/j.alcr.2016.02.001 Online-Version
2015 ** Begall Katia & Grunow Daniela: Labour Force Transitions around First Childbirth in the Netherlands. In: European Sociological Review. 31(6), 697-712. Online-Version
2015 ** Evertsson Marie, Grunow Daniela & Aisenbrey Silke: Work Interruptions and Young Women’s Career Prospects in Germany, Sweden and the US. In: Work, Employment and Society. 30(2), 291–308. Online-Version
2015 ** Gupta Sanjiv, Evertsson Marie, Grunow Daniela, Nermo Magnus & Sayer Liana S.: The economic gap among women in time spent on housework in former West Germany and Sweden. In: Journal of Comparative Family Studies. Volume XLVI(2), 181-201. Online-Version
2014 ** Grunow Daniela & Baur Nina: The Association between Norms and Actions. The Case of Men’s Participation in Housework. In: Comparative Population Studies. 39(3): 521-558. Online-Version

Grunow Daniela & Baur Nina: Die Korrespondenz von normativen Vorstellungen und Handeln. Das Beispiel männlicher Hausarbeit. In: Comparative Population Studies. 39(3), 479-520. Online-Version

2013 ** Grunow Daniela: Zwei Schritte vor, eineinhalb Schritte zurück. Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsteilung und Sozialisation aus Perspektive des Lebensverlaufs. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation 2013(4), 384-398. Online-Version
2013 Grunow Daniela: Aufteilung von Erwerbs-, Haus- und Familienarbeit in Partnerschaften im Beziehungsverlauf. Der Einfluss von Sozialpolitik in Europa. In: Detlev Lück und Waltraud Cornelißen (Eds.): Geschlechterunterschiede und Geschlechterunterscheidungen in Europa. De Gruyter. 237-263. Online-Version
2013 ** (reprint) Grunow Daniela, Aisenbrey Silke & Evertsson Marie: Polityka Rodzinna, Wyksztalcenie I Kariera Zawodowa Matek W Niemczech, Stanach Zjed-noczonych I Szwecji. Übersetzung des Artikels ‘Familienpolitik, Bildung und Berufskarrieren von Müttern in Deutschland, USA und Schweden. (Family Policy, Education, and Employment Careers of Mothers in Germany, the U.S. and Sweden). In: Roczniki Nauk Społecznych 40/IV; Online-Version
2012 ** Bruggeman Jeroen, Grunow Daniela, Leenders Mark A. A. M., Vermeulen Ivar & Kuilman Jeroen G.: Market positioning: The shifting effects of niche overlap. In: Industrial and Corporate Change. 21(6), 1451–1477. Online-Version
2012 ** Evertsson Marie & Grunow Daniela: Women’s work interruptions and career prospects in Germany and Sweden. In: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. 32(9), 561-575. Online-Version
2012 ** Grunow Daniela & Müller Dana: Kulturelle und strukturelle Faktoren bei der Rückkehr in den Beruf: ostdeutsche, westdeutsche und ost-west-mobile Mütter im Vergleich. (Impact of cultural and structural factors upon the return to work: Comparing mothers in eastern Germany, western Germany, and east-west mobile mothers). In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung. Special Issue 2012, 55-78. Online-Version
2012 ** Grunow Daniela, Schulz Florian & Blossfeld Hans-Peter: What Determines Change in the Division of Housework over the Course of Marriage? In: International Sociology. 27(3), 289-307. Online-Version