
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Auf http://www.diamonds-gemstones-jewelry.com/diamond-famous/great-mogul-diamond.aspx finden sich folgende Angaben zum Stein:

Believed to be the third-largest uncut diamond ever found, the Great Mogul diamond was discovered around 1650 in in Hyderabad, India. The diamond is named for Shah Jehan, who built the Taj Mahal. Its original size is said to have been 787.50 carats, but it was cut to just 280 carats.
Mysteriously, the whereabouts of the Great Mogul diamond are unknown today, and may no longer exist as a single large stone. It has been confused with several other famous diamonds, most importantly the Orloff diamond.
It is said that the Great Mogul diamond was so badly cut that the lapidary, instead of being paid by the Shah, was forced to pay a heavy fine.

Wer hat nun recht? Kann das ein Experte abgleichen --Osch 08:44, 28. Sep 2004 (CEST)