Diskussion:HMS Black Prince (1904)

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie


Ich denke, die QS Bausteine können langsam entfernt werden. --Cosal 03:40, 7. Jan. 2010 (CET)

Bausteine entfernt. Nochmaaal 09:09, 7. Jan. 2010 (CET)

Ich schlage den Artikel zur Löschung vor, da er nur überwiegend ausgeschmückte Kriegsberichterstattung enthält. Woher soll denn irgendjemand wissen, was vor der "Katastrophe" geschehen ist. Der Artikel in seinem jetzigen Zustand ist jedenfalls ein bloßes "HURRA" auf die kaiserliche Marine. Die Versenkung und deren Umstände sind unbestritten, aber man sollte sich den entsprechenden englischen Artikel anschauen, um zu wissen, welche Tatsachen bekannt sind und welche nicht. In seiner jetzigen Form gehört der Artikel jedenfalls eher in einen Roman als in ein Lexikon. (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion | Beiträge) 05:10, 24. Apr. 2010 (CEST))


In der englischen Wikipedia steht ein ganz anderer Ablauf. Welcher ist nun richtig?


There were no positive sightings of Black Prince by the British fleet after that, although a wireless signal from her was received at 20:45, reporting a submarine sighting.[11] During the night of 31 May–1 June, the British destroyer HMS Spitfire, badly damaged after colliding with the German battleship Nassau, sighted what appeared to be a German battlecruiser, with two widely spaced funnels, described as being "...a mass of fire from foremast to mainmast, on deck and between decks. Flames were issuing out of her from every corner." The mystery ship exploded at about midnight. It was later thought that the burning ship may have been Black Prince, with the two midships funnels having collapsed or been shot away.[13]

Recent historians, however, hold to the German account of the ship's sinking. Black Prince briefly engaged the German battleship Rheinland at about 23:35 GMT, scoring two hits with 6-inch shells.[14] Separated from the rest of the British fleet, the Black Prince approached the German lines at approximately midnight. She turned away from the German battleships, but it was too late. The German battleship Thüringen fixed the Black Prince in her searchlights and opened fire. Up to five other German ships, including battleships Nassau, Ostfriesland, and Friedrich der Grosse, joined in the bombardment, with return fire from Black Prince being ineffective. Most of the German ships were between 750 and 1500 yards of the Black Prince [15] — effectively point blank range for contemporary naval gunnery. Black Prince was hit by at least twelve heavy shells and several smaller ones,[16] sinking within 15 minutes. There were no survivors from Black Prince's crew, all 857 being killed.[17] (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 18:04, 1. Mär. 2014 (CET))