Diskussion:Hugo Iltis
Von meiner Benutzer-DS kopiert / Copied from my user talk page:
Hi, Please let me know the best way to update Hugo Iltis' bibliography. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Iltis I added his references, but it looks like you reversed the edits. I do not speak Deutsch. It would be good to include all of his publications. Thanks! [...]
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(Unsignierter Beitrag von / unsigned contribution by Benutzer:Sprockethead1, 4. 2. 2017, 1:01.)
- Hi Sprockethead, I don't see why we should have such a comprehensive list. There's only a few important books, and most of what you inserted is not interesting at all. The best service for our readers is to select the relevant publications, and that's what I tried to do.
- I deleted the book Der Mythus von Blut und Boden since I learned from your list that Iltis contributed only an introduction and maybe two chapters under pseudonym.
- Please try to sign your contribs on talk pages. There's a pencil at the top of the edit window (in German „bearbeiten“), the 3rd symbol. --Klaus Frisch (Diskussion) 15:33, 4. Feb. 2017 (CET)
Klaus, Hugo Iltis is the author of * Der Mythus von Blut und Rasse. Verlag Rudolf Harand, Wien 1936 He wrote the entire book. Please leave this in his section of important work. This is one of his most important works.--Sprockethead1 (Diskussion) 00:16, 7. Feb. 2017 (CET)Sprockethead1 Thank you.
- As I wrote above, I deleted this book because of the info in the list(s) you contributed. Now I googled a little (do you also have this verb in English?) and didn't find any confirmation for the suspection that he was not the only or even the main author.
- Would you like to contribute in any other way? You would be welcome (as far as I am concerned). --Klaus Frisch (Diskussion) 00:26, 7. Feb. 2017 (CET)
You are not correct in your assertion. Please restore the book. He is the sole author. Please stop deleting this. I don't understand why you are doing this. I will send you the title page if you like. --Sprockethead1 (Diskussion) 01:38, 7. Feb. 2017 (CET)Sprockethead1
- Please calm down. The book is now included because I didn't find any confirmation for my suspection raised by what I read in your list. Everything is okay, isn't it? --Klaus Frisch (Diskussion) 01:46, 7. Feb. 2017 (CET)
Thank you. See this description from Abe Books: 79 S. u. 4 Tafeln mit fotogr. Abb. Gr.-8°, Orig.-Broschur (Hans Waloschek). Erste Ausgabe. - Mit handschriftl. Widmung und Signatur des Verfassers, datiert 24.III.37. - Der Biologe und Biograph Gregor Mendels ruft in dieser Schrift zum Kampf gegen den Rassismus auf, der durch die herrschende Scheinwissenschaft propagiert wurde. Iltis wendet sich an ?[.] die Massen des Volks, die von dem ?geistigen Giftgas? des Rassismus bedroht sind [.]? sowie an die Vertreter der Wissenschaft. (Aus dem Vorwort.) - Broschur hinterseitig schwach fleckig, am Rücken mit kleinen Einrissen, sonst gut erhaltenes Exemplar.- Exilarchiv 2558. 300 gr. Bookseller Inventory # KNE27871 https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=19274899945&searchurl=sortby%3D17%26an%3Dhugo%2Biltis --Sprockethead1 (Diskussion) 01:52, 7. Feb. 2017 (CET)Sprockethead1
Also, I don't understand why you don't include his full list of publications. This is important for the world to know the history of Hugo Iltis' writings. You have removed important references, and I do not understand why you are doing this. A full and complete picture of his work is appropriate for wikipedia. If it is not listed here, where else would it be listed? It is important to preserve this history, and to give a full picture of the life and work of Hugo Iltis. --Sprockethead1 (Diskussion) 02:09, 7. Feb. 2017 (CET)Sprockethead1