Diskussion:Janusz Radziwiłł (Politiker)

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Radziwill's wartime service

The text states that Radziwill served as the foreign minister for the Kingdom of Poland from April 1918. Is there a source for this? I was not aware that the Kingdom of Poland possessed a foreign minister, at least in a formal sense. To my knowledge, the Government General of Warsaw was disinclined to create a foreign-policy apparatus for the Kingdom of Poland during the war, as Berlin intended to assume this portfolio on behalf of the Polish government after the war. (nicht signierter Beitrag von StaatseknichtFM (Diskussion | Beiträge) 16:46, 12. Dez. 2019 (CET))

I thing, the source was the "Munzinger" Text. Fast Google search, finds some other Examples. In this, or this. Here he lead the political department which deals with foreign affairs of a low level. --Machahn (Diskussion) 21:42, 12. Dez. 2019 (CET)