Diskussion:Lars Hedegaard
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--- Lars Hedegaard (Jensen) (* 1942 in Horsens bei Aarhus) ist ein dänischer Historiker, Journalist und Autor.
Hedegaard war in den 1970er-Jahren eine treibende Kraft hinter der Buchserie Fundamental Historie, in der die Weltgeschichte des XX. Jahrhunderts aus einer „linken“ Perspektive geschildert wird. Bis 1982 war er Mitglied der Socialistisk Arbejderparti. Heute noch wendet er marxistische Gesellschaftsanalysen an. Er arbeitete als Kommentator für verschiedene Medien und war von 1999-2009 als Autor bei der Zeitung Berlingske Tidende angestellt.
Noch 2008 bezeichnete er sich selbst als Marxisten „im Sinne des Gebrauchs der Marx'schen Analyse“[1] . Er bedient sich ihrer heute, um die Linke für ihren Blick auf den Islam zu kritisieren. Der Islam ist für Hedegaard sowohl Religion als auch politische Ideologie und eine Bedrohung der westlich-säkularen Gesellschaft. Er ist damit ein Exponent einer wachsenden Zahl von Islamkritiern in Westeuropa, die nach den Terroranschlägen des 11. September 2001 und speziell in Dänemark nach dem Streit um die Mohammed-Karikaturen an Bedeutung gewannen.
2004 gründete Hedegaard, als Gegenpol zum dänischen PEN, die Trykkefrihedsselskabet (Gesellschaft für Pressefreiheit), deren Vorsitz er heute innehat. Hedegaards Bewerbung beim dänischen PEN war seinerzeit gescheitert wegen seiner Mitwirkung an dem Buch I krigens hus - Islams kolonisering af vesten ("Im Haus des Krieges - Die Kolonisierung des Westens durch den Islam") über den Islam in Europa[2].
Among Hedegaard's harshest critics were Politiken's chief editor Tøger Seidenfaden . At a meeting organized by Free Press Society, 2 October 2007 to support the death threatened Lars Vilks criticized Seidenfaden Hedegaard and his ilk, which he considers "really ride the current case to vent their paranoia, their hateful and fanatical world view, their intolerant, crushed and petty views of millions of fellow human beings" and whose views on Muslims and Islam in Europe was described as "despicable" and "unsympathetic". Free Press Society was described as "a bunch of intolerant muslimhadere" and an example of "bad will honor". [5] In november 2008, Hedegaard dismissed as a writer by Berlingske Tidende, according to him, even after having ignored several requests from management to curb his criticism of Islam that does not fit in the magazine's editorial line. [6] In 2010, the five-year anniversary of the Muhammad cartoons . To mark the occasion arose Lars Hedegaard together with Lars Vilks to the U.S. and Canada to draw attention to death threats against the Swedish artist. [ edit ]Racismesag
In 2009, Lars Hedegaard, in a lengthy conversation, during which he appeared with statements about Muslims on women and rape of children. Interviewvet was brought in internet blog Snap cock, which meant that there were raised charges against Hedegaard for violation of racism paragraph .. [7] [8] Hedegaard said that the specific statements were taken out of context and that he had not been aware that the statements would be published. He was acquitted in the District Court, [9] but was in the High Court sentenced a fine of DKK 5,000 [10] The case was however appealed to the Supreme Court , which unanimously dismissed Lars Hedegaard, since the court did not consider it proven that the statements that took place during private forms were submitted for publication. [11] The specific statements were: "The modern Islamism, which nearly all Danish imams advocate, calls itself a religion, but is first and foremost a political ideology aligned with communism and Nazism." [12] "When a Muslim man rapes a woman, it is his right to do so. When Swedish girls are raped, gang raped etc. etc. there is nothing wrong with that, seen from a Muslim perspective, this is your right." "They rape their own children. It hears all the time. Girls in Muslim families are raped by their uncles, their cousins or their father." "Women have no value. They are not humans. Their function is that of the uterus - they wear warriors' offspring and create new fighters, but otherwise ... Well, they can be used for sexual purposes, but otherwise they have no value" (on Islam attitude to women).
- I krigens hus : islams kolonisering af Vesten; deutsch: Im Hause des Krieges – Wie der Islam den Westen kolonialisiert;
- 1400 Jahre Krieg – Die islamische Strategie; 2009
- Mit Bjarne Lindström: Northern European and Baltic Sea Integration (nebi)-Yearbook
- ↑ 'Jeg er da stadig marxist ...', Information.dk, 30. Jan. 2008
- ↑ Vgl. PEN frataget statstøtte, danske-nyheder.dk, 9. Apr. 2004
Wichtige aktuelle Ergänzung: Hedegaard wird im April vom Vorwurf der Volksverhetzung freigesprochen; siehe http://heplev.wordpress.com/2012/04/22/schaschlik-209/
-Shoshone (Diskussion) 15:00, 23. Apr. 2012 (CEST)