Diskussion:Libertas praestantissimum donum
Zur Freiheit des Denkens
Ein vollständigeres Zitat:
"42. From what has been said it follows that it is quite unlawful to demand, to defend, or to grant unconditional freedom of thought, of speech, or writing, or of worship, as if these were so many rights given by nature to man. For, if nature had really granted them, it would be lawful to refuse obedience to God, and there would be no restraint on human liberty. It likewise follows that freedom in these things may be tolerated wherever there is just cause, but only with such moderation as will prevent its degenerating into license and excess. And, where such liberties are in use, men should employ them in doing good, and should estimate them as the Church does; for liberty is to be regarded as legitimate in so far only as it affords greater facility for doing good, but no farther." Libertas (eng.) Leo XIII. 1888 mfg -- 21:39, 5. Jun. 2012 (CEST)
- "In seiner Enzyklika verwarf Leo XIII. die Idee der Menschenrechte und Bürgerrechte mit den Ausführungen: „Die uneingeschränkte Freiheit des Denkens und die öffentliche Bekanntmachung der Gedanken eines Menschen gehören nicht zu den Rechten der Bürger“."
- Ich glaube nicht, daß er die die Idee der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte verwarf. Vielmehr verwirft er die Idee der Freiheit des Denkens. Ist die Formulierung im Atikel nicht arg missverständlich?--Cool-sidney (Diskussion) 13:50, 20. Jun. 2014 (CEST)