Diskussion:Liste der Universitäten und Hochschulen in Tadschikistan

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Liste aus erasmusplus

Liste aus erasmusplus:

Nr. Name Ort Webseite
1 Tajik National University Duschanbe www.tnu.tj
2 Tajik State Pedagogical University Duschanbe www.tgpu.tj
3 Tajik Technical University Duschanbe www.ttu.tj
4 Tajik Agrarian University Duschanbe www.tajagroun.tj
5 Tajik State Medical University Duschanbe www.tajmedun.tj
6 Technological University of Tajikistan Duschanbe www.tut.tj
7 Russian-Tajik Slavonic University Duschanbe www.rtsu.tj
8 Tajik State University of Commerce Duschanbe www.tguk.tj
9 Khujand State University named after B. Gafurov Chudschand www.hgu.tj
10 Kulob State University Kulob www.kgu.tj
11 Kurgan-teppa State University Qurghonteppa
12 Khorog State University Chorugh
13 Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan Duschanbe www.feit.tj
14 Tajik Institute of Languages Duschanbe www.ddzt.tj
15 Tajik Institute of Entrepreneurship and Service Duschanbe www.dsx.tj
16 Branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in Dushanbe Duschanbe www.msu.tj
17 Khujand Polytechnical Institute of Tajik Technical University by academic M.S.Osimi Chudschand www.kbtut.tj
18 Institute of Economy and Trade of the TSUC in Khujand City Chudschand www.iet.tj
19 Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management Kulob
20 Tajik Energy Institute Qurghonteppa www.det.tj
21 Mining-metallurgy Institute of Tajikistan Buston www.gmit.tj
22 Penjikent Pedagogical Institute Pandschakent
23 Branch of Moscow National Research Technological University Duschanbe www.nitu.tj
24 Tajik Institute of Physical Training Duschanbe
25 Tajik Institute of Art by name Mirzo Tursunzade Duschanbe www.ddst.tj
26 Islamic Institute of Tajikistan Duschanbe
27 Branch of Moscow Energy Institute Duschanbe www.df.mpei.ru
28 Tajik State University of Law, Business and Politics Chudschand www.tsulbp.tj
29 Academy of Pedagogical Sciences Duschanbe
30 Branch of Tajik State Pedagogical University in Rasht Rasht
31 Branch of Technological University of Tajikistan in Isfara Isfara
32 Danghara State University Danghara www.dsu.tj
33 Tajik State Institute of Art and Design Duschanbe
34 Tajik National Concervatory Duschanbe
35 Institute of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Duschanbe www.did.tj
36 Khatlon State University Danghara www.khatmedun.tj
37 Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan
38 Military Institute of Ministry of The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan Duschanbe
39 Graduate School of National Security Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan
40 Higher Frontier Institute of the National Security Committee Duschanbe

--Atlasowa (Diskussion) 21:42, 11. Apr. 2017 (CEST)

Liste aus WHED

Liste aus WHED

Nr. Name Ort
1 Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
2 Avicenna Tajik State Medical University / Tajikskij Gosudarstvennyj Medicinskij Universitet – Tajik State Medical University named after Abu-Ali Ibn-Cina
3 Islamic University of Alimam Tirmizi / Islamic University of Alimam Tirmiz
4 Khorog State University named after Moyonsho Nazarshoev
5 Khujand Polytechnical Institute of Tajik Technical University named after M.Osimi
6 Khujand State University / Donishgohi Davlatii Hujand
7 Kulob State University named after Abuabdullohi Rudaki / Kulob State University named after Abuabdullohi Rudaki
8 Modern Humanitarian University
9 Russian Tajik Slavonic University / Rossijsko Tadžikskij Slavjanskij Universitet (RTSU)
10 Tajik Institute of Entrepreneurship and Services
11 Tajik National University / Tajikskij Nationalnij Universitet
12 Tajik State Agricultural University named after Shirinsho Shotemu / Tajikskij Agrarnij Universitet
13 Tajik State Institute of Arts named after Mirzo Tursunzade / Donishkadai Davlatii Sanati Tojikiston
14 Tajik State Institute of Languages
15 Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Ayni
16 Tajik State University of Commerce
17 Tajik Technical University named after M.S. Osimi / Donishgohi Tekxnikii Tojikiston ba nomi M.S. Osimi
18 Tajik University of Law, Business and Politics
19 Technological University of Tajikistan / Donishgohi Tehnolojii Tojikiston – Tehnologičeskij Universitet Tajikistana (TUT)
20 The Finance and Economics Institute of Tajikistan

--Atlasowa (Diskussion) 22:07, 11. Apr. 2017 (CEST)

30 Hochschulen in Tadschikistan

Ist in der Quelle das Bezugsjahr für die Zahl zu erkennen? Irgendwann zwischen 2012 und 2015 scheinbar, aber das sollte möglichst genau sein. Von wann ist denn die Rede? --Atlasowa (Diskussion) 07:53, 12. Apr. 2017 (CEST)

In der Quelle steht es: "Агар дар соли 1991 13 мактаби олӣ фаъолият дошта бошад, пас имрӯз (=heute) 30 мактаби олӣ фаъолият менамояд. Дар ин муассисаҳои таълимӣ 2073 номзади илм ва 493 доктори илм ба донишҷӯён (=Studenten) дарс мегӯянд (=unterrichten)". Aber das Datum fehlt. --Deulike (Diskussion) 10:29, 12. Apr. 2017 (CEST)