Diskussion:Michael Apostolios
"Apostolios collated the works of previous compilers of paroimiai, principal amongst whom were: 1. Aristotle, and his followers: Clearchus, Chrysippus, and Theophrastus, all 4th - 3rd century BC. 2. The Alexandrians: Demon, Aristophanes of Byzantium, Didymus, Lucillus, all 2nd - 1st century BC. 3. Zenobius (2nd century AD). The main compiler with his "Corpus Parœmiographorum Græcorum" and 4. Later writers such as: Gregory of Cyprus (13th century AD), and Macarius (14th century AD). Each compiler seems to have built on at least one of his predecessor's works. Michael Apostolios, being the last, probably provides the fullest compilation. (Source: The Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd Edition) Little seems to be known about Michael Apostolios. He is referred to briefly in The Oxford Classical Dictionary (3rd Ed.) under "paroemiographers". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume III (Edition of 1999), under "Catenæ", is equally brief, mentioning Apostolios as being one of a number of Byzantine collectors of ethical sentences and proverbs deriving partly from Christian and partly from pagan sources. "
- http://www.fh-augsburg.de/~harsch/graeca/Chronologia/S_post15/Apostolios/apo_intr.html
- http://ourworld.cs.com/latintexts/apostolios_bibliographical_information.htm
- http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/canon/wsearch?wtitle=9009&nperpage=all&uid=0&GreekFont=Beta&mode=c_search
- http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03434a.htm
- http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/?http://www.ub.unibas.ch/kadmos/gg/hi/higg0305.htm