Diskussion:Vargas (Bundesstaat)

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Namensänderung in La Guaira

Buenas, der Name des Bundesstaates Vargas, wurde 2019 geändert und 2020 von der nationalen Exekutive offiziell bekannt gegeben. Jetzt La Guaira (Bundesstaat). Einige Verweise zur Überprüfung dieser Änderung:

Vielen Dank im Voraus, dass Sie mich freigeschaltet und meinen Namen geändert haben. PS: Ich habe diese Übersetzung von Google Translate übersetzt. Meine Muttersprache ist Spanisch. Entschuldigung.--MusicologoVzla (Diskussion) 16:53, 8. Mär. 2020 (CET)

While the official name of the state has been changed, most of the media outlets in Spanish, English and German still refer to the state as "Vargas".
Not to mention that the legality of this rename has been questioned, since the population of Vargas was not consulted about the decision, that a significant part of it has rejected the change, including historians, and that this leads to confusion with its capital city, "La Guaira".
This has been discussed at length in the Spanish Wikipedia. After being unable to make these changes in other Spanish articles, MusicologoVzla resorted to renaming articles in other languages without consulting their communities, including in English, Euskera, French, and of course, German.
In sight of this, I hope that the original title is restored and that the move only takes place if German editors decide to do so. --Jamez42 (Diskussion) 21:34, 10. Mär. 2020 (CET)
Jamez42 could you please get a consensus on the discussion page first and then do some hamster-torturing page shifts? Thanks! --Keks Ping mich an! 14:12, 11. Mär. 2020 (CET)
Hey Jamez42, Auf Wikipedia auf Spanisch wurde die offizielle Änderung nach einem Streit vorgenommen, einer der Bibliothekare wechselte in den Staat La Guaira. Jetzt bestehen Sie darauf, dass Sie einen Namen weiterhin nicht verwenden möchten, und dieser wurde durch Regierungsverordnung geändert. Entschuldigung für das Schreiben. Ich mache die Übersetzung vom Spanischen ins Deutsche.--MusicologoVzla (Diskussion) 15:40, 11. Mär. 2020 (CET)
In order to interrupt the ongoing edit war (which was reported and discussed here), I've temporarely protected the article against being moved. Please try to get consensus prior to renaming. - I'd like to point out that dewiki's naming conventions for geographic items (written in German) specify that the most commonly used names should be used, i.e. Warschau for Warszawa. But of course this does not apply to other Wikipedias. And those linguistic frequencies may change over time. // Um den laufenden Editwar zu unterbrechen, habe ich den Artikel vorübergehend vor Verschiebung geschützt. Bitte versucht, vor dem Umbenennen Einigung zu erzielen. - Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass die Namenskonventionen für geographische Objekte in dewiki festlegen, dass der häufigste Name benutzt werden soll, z.B. Warschau für Warszawa. Aber das gilt natürlich nicht für andere Wikipedias. Und diese sprachlichen Häufigkeiten können sich mit der Zeit ändern. Gruss, --MBq Disk 16:37, 11. Mär. 2020 (CET)
Der Keks, I'm terribly sorry that you disagree with the move and that you have not found it appealing, but MusicologoVzla is the one that should gain consensus to rename the page since it is a change from the original version; not the other way around, that I should do it to keep it. I also did my best to explain both the situation and the rationale. Bolding the text is unnecessary.
MBq, thank you very much for providing some insight of the naming policy in the German Wikipedia, it appears to be similar to that of the Spanish Wikipedia. I have now argued in the French, Spanish and German versions that "Vargas" is currently the most used version of the name's state, even after the official name came into effect. In Spanish, the only media outlets that use the latest name are state-owned and the ruling party's media outlets. I should also mention that a significant part of editors in the Spanish Wikipedia have disagreed with the change, and stress that a decision in another Wikipedia is not binding to the others. I'm open to any further discussions and questions. --Jamez42 (Diskussion) 01:55, 12. Mär. 2020 (CET)
Before I forget, I should also mention that I have argued that "La Guaira" is a name that can be easily confused with the state's capital. Both because of the wide use of "Vargas" and the city's name, changing the article's name will cause it both to be harder to find and confusing. --Jamez42 (Diskussion) 01:58, 12. Mär. 2020 (CET)
Pinging NordNordWest. --Jamez42 (Diskussion) 02:41, 12. Mär. 2020 (CET)
There is no "most commonly used name" in German speeking countries for this state. It's about Venezuela, that's far away and out of focus. So we have to decide if de:wp uses the official name of the state (this is usually done) and we have to check the constitution and we need to know when the change has happened. Or we use the old name but it has to be proven that the old name is still in wide use outside official media (especially a link to a German speeking media like ZDF can be helpful). Confusing name etc. are no reason not to move an article. There are lots of administrative units in the world where unit and capital have the same name and we always found a way to make clear what we are talking about. Personally I would like to have the lemma with the best points/arguments. Of course we can agree to wait half a year and look what has happened to the name: Is it ignored, was it adopted by the media/people? And decide then. NNW 10:36, 12. Mär. 2020 (CET)
@NordNordWest: I understand, thank you for letting me know. I have provided several articles from this year that use the original name below. --Jamez42 (Diskussion) 02:38, 15. Mär. 2020 (CET)

Hey NordNordWest, MBq and Der Keks, the change was made in the middle of 2019 and there was a period of six months to adopt the new name of the state. Therefore since last 1/1/2020, it has officially changed to La Guaira. All government entities must have this name, since it is protected under the Legislative Council of said state. Finally I think, it has already been at least a considerable time, to know that people adopted the name. I leave some links of some pages that use it. Incidentally, Jamez's argument42, in saying that confusion may exist is somewhat ambiguous. Because not only La Guaira has the same name for state and capital. It also happens for Barinas, Mérida and Trujillo. States of Venezuela. Only for each article, the capital has been placed (city), to differentiate. That is all.

  • Incorporan 50 nuevas unidades de transporte en La Guaira: "The Great Transport Venezuela Mission incorporated 50 new transport units to optimize public service in the region, as announced by the Governor of the La Guaira state, Jorge Luis García Carneiro, on the social network Facebook."
  • Descartaron presunto caso de coronavirus en La Guaira: "The epidemiologist of the state of La Guaira, Julio Pacheco, reported this Wednesday that an alleged case of coronavirus at the Hospital Doctor José María Vargas, yielded a negative result."
  • Comenzó la Ruta de la Empanada en La Guaira: "Ernesto García, director of Tourism of the state of La Guaira, explained that the activity is part of the start of the Gastronomic Festival that takes place in the entity within the framework of the 2020 Tourist Carnivals, reported AVN."
  • Videos: Así es el protocolo de chequeo a pasajeros en Maiquetía y 'La Chinita': "This Thursday 12-M, the vice minister of collective health networks, Marisela Bermúdez, in the company of the director of Epidemiology of the state of La Guaira, Julio Pacheco, supervised the deployment of the Covid-19 Protection and Containment Plan in the aforementioned air terminal."

These Venezuelan media use "Estado La Guaira", And they are not just from the government as Jamez42 assures. Therefore I ask that the name be restored to its current "La Guaira". --MusicologoVzla (Diskussion) 06:24, 13. Mär. 2020 (CET)

 Info: Ping only works if you sign in the same edit. --Keks Ping mich an! 09:57, 13. Mär. 2020 (CET)
There is no need to ping, everybody who is interested in this case has got this page on his watchlist. I am still looking for a reference that names January 1, 2020 as the start of the new name and I cannot find one. And you are still not giving one. NNW 10:02, 13. Mär. 2020 (CET)
I leave you some links, where they mention that Vargas will cease to be used completely on December 31, 2019. link 1, link 2: Where it says clearly: "As of January 1, 2020, only La Guaira will remain as the name of the Central Coast."--MusicologoVzla (Diskussion) 20:06, 15. Mär. 2020 (CET)
As I mentioned earlier, at least half of the sources provided are either from state-owned or government alligned outlets, such as it is the case with VTV and Últimas Noticias. In the Spanish Wikipedia I provided plenty of sources after 1 January 2020 that use the original name, and I'm sure that I can find a lot more:
  1. Playas de Vargas seguirán cerradas hasta que cese mar de fondo - 15 January 2020, El Pitazo
  2. Murió adolescente en una sesión espiritista en el estado Vargas - 15 January 2020, La Región
  3. Playas del estado Vargas continúan cerradas por mar de fondo - 16 January 2020, El Nacional
  4. Vargas: sin playas ni pescado por olas de tres metros - 16 January 2020, La Región
  5. El suceso ocurrió dentro de la vivienda de la madre de la joven, ubicada en la Cuarta Loma de Las Tunitas en la parroquia Catia la Mar, al oeste del estado Vargas. - 19 January 2020, El Pitazo
  6. Averías en aducción Maya- Picure mantienen sin agua a cinco parroquias de Vargas - 19 January 2020, El Pitazo
  7. Centro de Comunicaciones de Guaidó denuncia “bloqueo de vías” hacia Vargas - 11 February 2020, Efecto Cocuyo
  8. Perfil - Náyades Pérez, la jefa civil que comanda grupos de choque en Vargas - 12 February 2020, El Pitazo
  9. El 22 de enero el ministro para el Trabajo Eduardo Piñate, entregó el patrimonio de los trabajadores a la Gobernación del estado Vargas. - 26 February 2020, Efecto Cocuyo
  10. El periodista venezolano, Javier Ignacio Mayorca, publicó mediante un tuit que en el estado Vargas, (...) - 1 March 2020, Venezuela al Día
  11. Los vecinos de Palmar Este en Caraballeda, en el estado Vargas, realizaron una asamblea la mañana de este domingo, (...) - 1 March 2020, El Pitazo
  12. (...) que se realizará en los espacios de la Ciudad Vacacional Los Caracas, en la parroquia Naiguatá del estado Vargas - 3 March 2020, El Pitazo
Last but not least, the main difference with the aforementioned states is that they have shared their name with their capital cities for nearly 120 years. Both Mérida and Trujillo have kept their name since 1901, and the most recent rename is Barinas, in 1999, more than 20 years ago now. Naturally, people are way more used to these names than a rename that officially took place less than three months ago. Something similar happened with the National Park El Ávila, which was officially renamed to "National Park Waraira Repano in 2011, but the original name is still widely used. --Jamez42 (Diskussion) 02:35, 15. Mär. 2020 (CET)
The context of the name of said Parque el Ávila, is totally different. When talking about a federal entity, which has legal legislation in all areas, it is another matter. For example, each trade that comes out in the La Guaira state must have the name, not the disused Vargas. As for "the difficulty" in differentiating La Guaira (state) from La Guaira (city), only by placing the characterization of where each one goes, is the solution. As has been done with Barinas, Mérida or Trujillo.--MusicologoVzla (Diskussion) 19:56, 15. Mär. 2020 (CET)
As for the published quotes, it is evident that they all come from the media opposed to Nicolás Maduro's government policy. I quote "El Pitazo". More impartial media mention the state La Guaira, instead of Vargas.--MusicologoVzla (Diskussion) 20:06, 15. Mär. 2020 (CET)
At least five different outlets have been offered. The points explained remain true. --Jamez42 (Diskussion) 23:17, 21. Mär. 2020 (CET)

Grundsätzlich bin ich eher dafür, den Artikel umzubenennen, möchte aber folgende Punkte loswerden:

  • Man erfährt zweimal im Artikel, dass die Umbenennung "umstritten" ist, nicht aber wieso oder von/bei wem. Gibt es Leute/Gruppen, die weiterhin den Namen "Vargas" verwenden?
  • Das Lemma ist zwar der oberste, aber der kleinste Teil des Artikels. Im Rest des Artikels fällt mir zum Beispiel auf, dass der Bundesstaat aus einer Gemeinde bzw. aus elf Parroquias besteht, bei der Bevölkerung haben wir dann aber acht Bezirke.

Man sollte also über die Überschrift hinausdenken. Wenn die Umbenennung wieder rückgängig gemacht werden sollte, lässt sich das auch hier wieder umsetzen, aber der Diskurs bleibt und sollte in angemessener Form dargestellt werden. … «« Man77 »» Alle Angaben ohne Gewehr. 13:55, 5. Dez. 2020 (CET)