Diskussion:Vigdis Hjorth

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Sister and how a newspaper's literary critic described controversy about Vigdis' 2017 novel

Media said in 2017-09-18 that:

"... Vigdis Hjorth ... commentary about the debate ... around her novel «Arv og miljø», and gives her evaluation of sister Helga Hjorth's rebuttal in the novel «Fri vilje», that was published in August [2017] and has topped the sales lists for fiction. Vigdis's novel ... describes the settlement regarding the estate (after the father's death), between 3 sisters and one brother, and the reactions when the book's main character, oldest sister Bergljot, says that she was sexually abused by the father, when she was a child. ... Aftenposten wrote that Vigdis Hjorth had described details about the father's burial, in her novel. "It is more than reasonable for the reader to assume that she indirectly is accusing her own father for sexual abuse", said Aftenposten's literary critic Ingunn Økland about the novel.

Norwegian text from newspaper, Dagsavisen [1]:

...kommenterer Vigdis Hjorth inngående debatten som har rast rundt hennes bestselgende roman «Arv og miljø» det siste året, og gir sin vurdering av søsteren Helga Hjorths motsvar i romanen «Fri vilje», som kom ut i august, og har toppet salgslistene for skjønnlitteratur. Vigids Hjorths roman «Arv og miljø» beskriver arveoppgjøret mellom tre søstre og en bror etter farens død, og reaksjonene når bokas hovedperson, storesøsteren Bergljot, forteller at hun ble seksuelt misbrukt av faren som barn. Debatten rundt «Arv og miljø» skjøt fart i fjor høst da Aftenposten skrev at Vigdis Hjorth blant annet beskrev detaljer fra sin fars begravelse i romanen. «Det er nærliggende for leseren å anta at hun indirekte anklager sin egen far for seksuelle overgrep», skrev Aftenpostens litteraturkritiker Ingunn Økland om romanen.

It seems to me that Norwegian media's interest about Vigdis' book and the sister's book, has gone beyond a plateau phase (and might not be increasing its interest, from that phase). Sju hav (Diskussion) 14:11, 21. Sep. 2017 (CEST)

The article also says that Vigdis has no contact with members of her nucleus family (sisters, brother [and mother]).
The article also tells about a book by a "third party", with Vigdis saying (according to the third party's book) that she broke with the nucleus family for close to thirty years ago; they - those family members and she - don't know each other. Sju hav (Diskussion) 14:20, 21. Sep. 2017 (CEST)
The sister, Helga Hjort wrote "a so-called 'revenge novel' " (en såkalt "hevnroman") [in 2017], said a literary critic in Dagbladet, Inger Bentzrud.
Reference: Bentzud, Inger. "Hjorthejakten i virkeligheten". 2017-09-22. Dagbladet. p. 31.
Regards! Sju hav (Diskussion) 14:48, 22. Sep. 2017 (CEST)