Liste der staatlichen Unternehmen in Tonga

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

Dies ist eine Liste der staatlichen Unternehmen und Agenturen in Tonga. Diese Unternehmen in Tonga unterstehen dem Ministry of Public Enterprises.



Institution Branche
Ports Authority Tonga Hafenmanagement (Transport)
Tonga Airports Limited Flughafenbetreiber (Transport)
Friendly Islands Shipping Agency Schiffahrt (Transport)
Tonga Communications Corporation Kommunikation (Kommunikation/Technologie)
Tonga Post Post (Kommunikation/Technologie)
Tonga Broadcasting Commission Rundfunkanstalt (Kommunikation/Technologie)
Tonga Power Limited Elektrizität (Versorgung)
Tonga Water Board Wasserversorger (Versorgung)
Waste Authority Limited Müllentsorgung (Versorgung)
Tonga Market Corporation Limited Handel (Sonstiges)
Tonga Cable Limited Internet (Sonstiges)
Tonga Assets Manager and Association Finanzen (Sonstiges)
Tonga Export Quality Management[2] Export



Office of the Lord Chamberlain
Palace Office
Audit Office
Public Service Commission
Attorney General's Office
Office of the Anti-Corruption Commissioner
Commissioner of Public Relations (Ombudsman)
Legislative Assembly (Parliament of Tonga)
National Bureau of Statistics
Tonga Defence Service
Freedom of Information
Tonga Electoral Commission
Tonga Energy Roadmap
National Retirement Benefits Fund
Retirement Fund Board
Tonga Association of Sport and National Olympic

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