
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie



Parameter Bedeutung
Begrenzer Zeichen als Begrenzer zwischen zwei Wertangaben. Vorgabe ist der Doppelpunkt. Das sollte nur geändert werden, wenn der Doppelpunkt als Teil eines Wertes vorkommt.
Breite Eine Zahl größer oder gleich 200. Vorgabe: 500
Höhe Eine Zahl größer oder gleich 200. Vorgabe: 350
Gruppe N "N" ist eine Zahl, also "Gruppe 1", "Gruppe 2" etc. für jede Balkengruppe.
Info N Quickinfo für den zugehörigen Balken. Ist für einen der Balken keine Quickinfo definiert aber ein Link angegeben, so dient diesr als Quickinfo.
Link N Wikilink zu dem zum Balken passenden Artikel.
gestapelt logischer Parameter. Wenn nicht leer, dann werden die Balken gestapelt.
akkumulieren logischer Parameter. Nur zusammen mit "gestapelt" sinnvoll. Wenn nicht leer, dann werden die akkumulierten Werte als Quickinfo gezeigt.
Farben Die Farben der Balken.
Legende Die Legende der X-Werte. Erlaubt sind auch Wikilinks.
verstecken logischer Parameter. Wenn nicht leer, dann wird die Legende der Gruppen ausgeblendet.
Skalierung Wird benötigt, um eine separate Y-Skalierung jeder Gruppe zu definieren. Wenn leer, dann ist die Skalierung einheitlich.
Davor Ein String, welcher bei der Quickinfo dem Wert vorangestellt wird.
Danach Ein String, welcher bei der Quickinfo dem Wert angehängt wird. Ein Leerzeichen wird mit einem Unterstrich angegeben.
Gruppennamen Die Namen der Gruppen

--<syntaxhighlight lang="lua">
    keywords are used for languages: they are the names of the actual
    parameters of the template

local function Standardfarben()
	return {'red','red',


local keywords = {
    barChart = 'Balkendiagramm',
    pieChart = 'Tortendiagramm',
    width = 'Breite',
    height = 'Höhe',
    stack = 'gestapelt',
    colors = 'Farben',
    group = 'Gruppe',
    xlegend = 'Legende',
    tooltip = 'Info',
    accumulateTooltip = 'akkumulieren',
    links = 'Link',
    defcolor = 'Standardfarben',
    scalePerGroup = 'Skalierung',
    unitsPrefix = 'Davor',
    unitsSuffix = 'Danach',
    groupNames = 'Gruppennamen',
    hideGroupLegends = 'verstecken',
    slices = 'Scheiben',
    slice = 'Scheibe',
    radius = 'Radius',
    percent = 'Prozent',

} -- here is what you want to translate

local defColors = Standardfarben();

local function nulOrWhitespace( s )
    return not s or mw.text.trim( s ) == ''

local function createGroupList( tab, legends, cols )
    if #legends > 1 and not hideGroupLegends then
        table.insert( tab, mw.text.tag( 'div' ) )
        local list = {}
        local spanStyle = "padding:0 1em;background-color:%s;box-shadow:2px -1px 4px 0 silver;margin-right:1em;"
        for gi = 1, #legends do
            local span = mw.text.tag( 'span', { style = string.format( spanStyle, cols[gi] ) }, '&nbsp;' ) .. ' '..  legends[gi]
            table.insert( list, mw.text.tag( 'li', {}, span ) )
        table.insert( tab,
            mw.text.tag( 'ul',
                table.concat( list, '\n' )
        table.insert( tab, '</div>' )

function pieChart( frame )
    local res, imslices, args = {}, {}, frame.args
    local radius
    local values, colors, names, legends, links = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
    local delimiter = args.Begrenzer or ':'
    local lang = mw.getContentLanguage()

    function getArg( s, def, subst, with )
        local result = args[keywords[s]] or def or ''
        if subst and with then result = mw.ustring.gsub( result, subst, with ) end
        return result

    function analyzeParams()
        function addSlice( i, slice )
            local value, name, color, link = unpack( mw.text.split( slice, '%s*' .. delimiter .. '%s*' ) )
            values[i] = tonumber( lang:parseFormattedNumber( value ) )
                or error( string.format( 'Slice %d: "%s", first item("%s") could not be parsed as a number', i, value or '', sliceStr ) )
            colors[i] = not nulOrWhitespace( color ) and color or defColors[i * 2]
            names[i] = name or ''
            links[i] = link
        radius = getArg( 'radius', 150 )
        hideGroupLegends = not nulOrWhitespace( args[keywords.hideGroupLegends] )
        local slicesStr = getArg( 'slices' )
        local prefix = getArg( 'unitsPrefix', '', '_', ' ' )
        local suffix = getArg( 'unitsSuffix', '', '_', ' ' )
        local percent = args[keywords.percent]
        local sum = 0
        local i, value = 0
        for slice in mw.ustring.gmatch( slicesStr or '', "%b()" ) do
            i = i + 1
            addSlice( i, mw.ustring.match( slice, '^%(%s*(.-)%s*%)$' ) )
        for k, v in pairs(args) do
            local ind = mw.ustring.match( k, '^' .. keywords.slice .. '%s+(%d+)$' )
            if ind then addSlice( tonumber( ind ), v ) end
        for _, val in ipairs( values ) do sum = sum + val end
        for i, value in ipairs( values ) do
            local addprec = percent and string.format( ' (%0.1f%%)', value / sum * 100 ) or ''
            legends[i] = mw.ustring.format( '%s: %s%s%s%s', names[i], prefix, lang:formatNum( value ), suffix, addprec )
            links[i] = mw.text.trim( links[i] or mw.ustring.format( '[[#noSuchAnchor|%s]]', legends[i] ) )

    function addRes( ... )
        for _, v in pairs( { ... } ) do
            table.insert( res, v )

    function createImageMap()
        addRes( '{{#tag:imagemap|', 'Image:Circle frame.svg{{!}}' .. ( radius * 2 ) .. 'px' )
        addRes( unpack( imslices ) )
        addRes( 'desc none', '}}' )

    function drawSlice( i, q, start )
        local color = colors[i]
        local angle = start * 2 * math.pi
        local sin, cos = math.abs( math.sin( angle ) ), math.abs( math.cos( angle ) )
        local wsin, wcos = sin * radius, cos * radius
        local s1, s2, w1, w2, w3, w4, width, border
        local style
        if q == 1 then
            border = 'left'
            w1, w2, w3, w4 = 0, 0, wsin, wcos
            s1, s2 = 'bottom', 'left'
        elseif q == 2 then
            border = 'bottom'
            w1, w2, w3, w4 = 0, wcos, wsin, 0
            s1, s2 = 'bottom', 'right'
        elseif q == 3 then
            border = 'right'
            w1, w2, w3, w4 = wsin, wcos, 0, 0
            s1, s2 = 'top', 'right'
            border = 'top'
            w1, w2, w3, w4 = wsin, 0, 0, wcos
            s1, s2 = 'top', 'left'

        local style = string.format( 'position:absolute;%s:%spx;%s:%spx;width:%spx;height:%spx', s1, radius, s2, radius, radius, radius )
        if start <= ( q - 1 ) * 0.25 then
            style = string.format( '%s;border:0;background-color:%s', style, color )
            style = string.format( '%s;border-width:%spx %spx %spx %spx;border-%s-color:%s', style, w1, w2, w3, w4, border, color )
        addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { class = 'transborder', style = style }, '' ) )

    function createSlices()
        function coordsOfAngle( angle )
            return ( 100 + math.floor( 100 * math.cos( angle ) ) ) .. ' ' .. ( 100 - math.floor( 100 * math.sin( angle ) ) )

        local sum, start = 0, 0
        for _, value in ipairs( values ) do sum = sum + value end
        for i, value in ipairs(values) do
            local poly = { 'poly 100 100' }
            local startC, endC =  start / sum, ( start + value ) / sum
            local startQ, endQ = math.floor( startC * 4 + 1 ), math.floor( endC * 4 + 1 )
            for q = startQ, math.min( endQ, 4 ) do drawSlice( i, q, startC ) end
            for angle = startC * 2 * math.pi, endC * 2 * math.pi, 0.02 do
                table.insert( poly,  coordsOfAngle( angle ) )
            table.insert( poly, coordsOfAngle( endC * 2 * math.pi ) .. ' 100 100 ' .. links[i] )
            table.insert( imslices, table.concat( poly, ' ' ) )
            start = start + values[i]

    if #values == 0 then error( "no slices found - can't draw pie chart" ) end
    addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( "max-width:%spx", radius * 2 ) } ) )
    addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( 'position:relative;min-width:%spx;min-height:%spx;max-width:%spx;overflow:hidden;', radius * 2, radius * 2, radius * 2 ) } ) )
    addRes( mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( 'position:absolute;min-width:%spx;min-height:%spx;overflow:hidden;', radius * 2, radius * 2 ) } ) )
    addRes( '</div>' ) -- close "position:relative" div that contains slices and imagemap.
    addRes( '</div>' ) -- close "position:relative" div that contains slices and imagemap.
    createGroupList( res, legends, colors ) -- legends
    addRes( '</div>' ) -- close containing div
    return frame:preprocess( table.concat( res, '\n' ) )

function barChart( frame )
    local res = {}
    local args = frame.args -- can be changed to frame:getParent().args
    local values, xlegends, colors, tooltips, yscales = {}, {}, {}, {} ,{}, {}, {}
    local groupNames, unitsSuffix, unitsPrefix, links = {}, {}, {}, {}
    local width, height, stack, delimiter = 500, 350, false, args.delimiter or ':'
    local chartWidth, chartHeight, defcolor, scalePerGroup, accumulateTooltip

    local numGroups, numValues
    local scaleWidth

    function validate()
        function asGroups( name, tab, toDuplicate, emptyOK )
            if #tab == 0 and not emptyOK then
                error( "must supply values for " .. keywords[name] )
            if #tab == 1 and toDuplicate then
                for i = 2, numGroups do tab[i] = tab[1] end
            if #tab > 0 and #tab ~= numGroups then
                error ( keywords[name] .. ' sollte für jede Gruppe ein Element enthalten (' .. numGroups .. ')')

        -- do all sorts of validation here, so we can assume all params are good from now on.
        -- among other things, replace numerical values with mw.language:parseFormattedNumber() result

        chartHeight = height - 80
        numGroups = #values
        numValues = #values[1]
        defcolor = defcolor or 'blue'
        colors[1] = colors[1] or defcolor
        scaleWidth = scalePerGroup and 80 * numGroups or 100
        chartWidth = width -scaleWidth
        asGroups( 'unitsPrefix', unitsPrefix, true, true )
        asGroups( 'unitsSuffix', unitsSuffix, true, true )
        asGroups( 'colors', colors, true, true )
        asGroups( 'groupNames', groupNames, false, false )
        if stack and scalePerGroup then
            error( mw.ustring.format( 'Unerlaubte Angaben: %s und %s sind nicht miteinander vereinbar.', keyword.stack, keyword.scalePerGroup ) )
        for gi = 2, numGroups do
            if #values[gi] ~= numValues then error( .. " " .. gi .. " enthält nicht genauso viele Werte wie " .. .. " 1" ) end
        if #xlegends ~= numValues then error( 'Falsche Anzahl an ' .. keywords.xlegend .. '. Sollte genau ' .. numValues .. ' sein.' ) end

    function extractParams()
        function testone( keyword, key, val, tab )
            i = keyword == key and 0 or key:match( keyword .. "%s+(%d+)" )
            if not i then return end
            i = tonumber( i ) or error("Zifferindex für Parameter " .. keyword .. " fehlt (an Stelle von '" .. key .. "').")
            if i > 0 then tab[i] = {} end
            for s in mw.text.gsplit( val, '%s*' .. delimiter .. '%s*' ) do
                table.insert( i == 0 and tab or tab[i], s )
            return true

        for k, v in pairs( args ) do
            if k == keywords.width then
                width = tonumber( v )
                if not width or width < 200 then
                    error( 'Unzulässiger Wert für "Breite" (muss mind. 200 betragen): ' .. v )
            elseif k == keywords.height then
                height = tonumber( v )
                if not height or height < 200 then
                    error( 'Unzulässiger Wert für "Höhe" (muss mind. 200 betragen): ' .. v )
            elseif k == keywords.stack then stack = true
            elseif k == keywords.scalePerGroup then scalePerGroup = true
            elseif k == keywords.defcolor then defcolor = v
            elseif k == keywords.accumulateTooltip then accumulateTooltip = not nulOrWhitespace( v )
            elseif k == keywords.hideGroupLegends then hideGroupLegends = not nulOrWhitespace( v )
                for keyword, tab in pairs( {
                    group = values,
                    xlegend = xlegends,
                    colors = colors,
                    tooltip = tooltips,
                    unitsPrefix = unitsPrefix,
                    unitsSuffix = unitsSuffix,
                    groupNames = groupNames,
                    links = links,
                    } ) do
                        if testone( keywords[keyword], k, v, tab )
                            then break

    function roundup( x ) -- returns the next round number: eg., for 30 to 39.999 will return 40, for 3000 to 3999.99 wil return 4000. for 10 - 14.999 will return 15.
        local ordermag = 10 ^ math.floor( math.log10( x ) )
        local normalized = x /  ordermag
        local top = normalized >= 1.5 and ( math.floor( normalized + 1 ) ) or 1.5
        return ordermag * top, top, ordermag

    function calcHeightLimits() -- if limits were passed by user, use them, otherwise calculate. for "stack" there's only one limet.
        if stack then
            local sums = {}
            for _, group in pairs( values ) do
                for i, val in ipairs( group ) do sums[i] = ( sums[i] or 0 ) + val end
            local sum = math.max( unpack( sums ) )
            for i = 1, #values do yscales[i] = sum end
            for i, group in ipairs( values ) do yscales[i] = math.max( unpack( group ) ) end
        for i, scale in ipairs( yscales ) do yscales[i] = roundup( scale * 0.9999 ) end
        if not scalePerGroup then for i = 1, #values do yscales[i] = math.max( unpack( yscales ) ) end end

    function tooltip( gi, i, val )
        if tooltips and tooltips[gi] and not nulOrWhitespace( tooltips[gi][i] ) then return tooltips[gi][i], true end
        local groupName = not nulOrWhitespace( groupNames[gi] ) and groupNames[gi] .. ': ' or ''
        local prefix = unitsPrefix[gi] or unitsPrefix[1] or ''
        local suffix = unitsSuffix[gi] or unitsSuffix[1] or ''
        return mw.ustring.gsub(groupName .. prefix .. mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( tonumber( val ) or 0 ) .. suffix, '_', ' '), false

    function calcHeights( gi, i, val )
        local barHeight = math.floor( val / yscales[gi] * chartHeight + 0.5 ) -- add half to make it "round" insstead of "trunc"
        local top, base = chartHeight - barHeight, 0
        if stack then
            local rawbase = 0
            for j = 1, gi - 1 do rawbase = rawbase + values[j][i] end -- sum the "i" value of all the groups below our group, gi.
            base = math.floor( chartHeight * rawbase / yscales[gi] ) -- normally, and especially if it's "stack", all the yscales must be equal.
        return barHeight, top - base

    function groupBounds( i )
        local setWidth = math.floor( chartWidth / numValues )
        local setOffset = ( i - 1 ) * setWidth
        return setOffset, setWidth

    function calcx( gi, i )
        local setOffset, setWidth = groupBounds( i )
        if stack or numGroups == 1 then
            local barWidth = math.min( 38, math.floor( 0.8 * setWidth ) )
            return setOffset + (setWidth - barWidth) / 2, barWidth
        setWidth = 0.85 * setWidth
        local barWidth = math.floor( 0.75 * setWidth / numGroups )
        local left = setOffset + math.floor( ( gi - 1 ) / numGroups * setWidth )
        return left, barWidth

    function drawbar( gi, i, val, ttval )
        local color, tooltip, custom = colors[gi] or defcolor or 'blue', tooltip( gi, i, ttval or val )
        local left, barWidth = calcx( gi, i )
        local barHeight, top = calcHeights( gi, i, val )
        local style = string.format("position:absolute;left:%spx;top:%spx;height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;background-color:%s;box-shadow:2px -1px 4px 0 silver;overflow:hidden;",
                        left, top, barHeight, barWidth, barWidth, color)
        local link = links[gi] and links[gi][i] or ''
        local img = not nulOrWhitespace( link ) and mw.ustring.format( '[[Datei:Transparent.png|1000px|link=%s|%s]]', link, custom and tooltip or '' ) or ''
        table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = style, title = tooltip, }, img ) )

    function drawYScale()
        function drawSingle( gi, color, width, single )
            local yscale = yscales[gi]
            local _, top, ordermag = roundup( yscale * 0.999 )
            local numnotches = top <= 1.5 and top * 4
                    or top < 4  and top * 2
                    or top
            local valStyleStr =
                single and 'position:absolute;height=20px;text-align:right;vertical-align:middle;width:%spx;top:%spx;padding:0 2px'
                or 'position:absolute;height=20px;text-align:right;vertical-align:middle;width:%spx;top:%spx;left:3px;background-color:%s;color:white;font-weight:bold;text-shadow:-1px -1px 0 #000,1px -1px 0 #000,-1px 1px 0 #000,1px 1px 0 #000;padding:0 2px'
            local notchStyleStr = 'position:absolute;height=1px;min-width:5px;top:%spx;left:%spx;border:1px solid %s;'
            for i = 1, numnotches do
                local val = i / numnotches * yscale
                local y = chartHeight - calcHeights( gi, 1, val )
                local div = mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( valStyleStr, width - 10, y - 10, color ) }, mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum( tonumber( val ) or 0 ) )
                table.insert( res, div )
                div = mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( notchStyleStr, y, width - 4, color ) }, '' )
                table.insert( res, div )

        if scalePerGroup then
            local colWidth = 80
            local colStyle = "position:absolute;height:%spx;min-width:%spx;left:%spx;border-right:1px solid %s;color:%s"
            for gi = 1, numGroups do
                local left = ( gi - 1 ) * colWidth
                local color = colors[gi] or defcolor
                table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( colStyle, chartHeight, colWidth, left, color, color ) } ) )
                drawSingle( gi, color, colWidth )
                table.insert( res, '</div>' )
            drawSingle( 1, 'black', scaleWidth, true )

    function drawXlegends()
        local setOffset, setWidth
        local legendDivStyleFormat = "position:absolute;left:%spx;top:10px;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;text-align:center;veritical-align:top;"
        local tickDivstyleFormat = "position:absolute;left:%spx;height:10px;width:1px;border-left:1px solid black;"
        for i = 1, numValues do
            if not nulOrWhitespace( xlegends[i] ) then
                setOffset, setWidth = groupBounds( i )
                -- setWidth = 0.85 * setWidth
                table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( legendDivStyleFormat, setOffset + 5, setWidth - 10, setWidth - 10 ) }, xlegends[i] or '' ) )
                table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( tickDivstyleFormat, setOffset + setWidth / 2 ) }, '' ) )

    function drawChart()
        table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( 'max-width:%spx;', width ) } ) )
        table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format("position:relative;min-height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;", height, width, width ) } ) )

        table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format("float:right;position:relative;min-height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;border-left:1px black solid;border-bottom:1px black solid;", chartHeight, chartWidth, chartWidth ) } ) )
        local acum = stack and accumulateTooltip and {}
        for gi, group in pairs( values ) do
            for i, val in ipairs( group ) do
                if acum then acum[i] = ( acum[i] or 0 ) + val end
                drawbar( gi, i, val, acum and acum[i] )
        table.insert( res, '</div>' )
        table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format("position:absolute;height:%spx;min-width:%spx;max-width:%spx;", chartHeight, scaleWidth, scaleWidth, scaleWidth ) } ) )
        table.insert( res, '</div>' )
        table.insert( res, mw.text.tag( 'div', { style = string.format( "position:absolute;top:%spx;left:%spx;width:%spx;", chartHeight, scaleWidth, chartWidth ) } ) )
        table.insert( res, '</div>' )
        table.insert( res, '</div>' )
        createGroupList( res, groupNames, colors )
        table.insert( res, '</div>' )

    return table.concat( res, "\n" )

return {
    ['bar-chart'] = barChart,
    [keywords.barChart] = barChart,
    [keywords.pieChart] = pieChart,