aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Vorlagenprogrammierung | Diskussionen | Lua | Test | Unterseiten | |||
Modul | Deutsch | English
Modul: | Dokumentation |
Diese Seite enthält Code in der Programmiersprache Lua. Einbindungszahl Cirrus
local Export = { suite = "JSONutil",
sub = "test",
serial = "2019-07-17" }
Unit test for JSONutil
local Cases = {
{ source = '{ "simple": "assignment" }' },
{ source = '{ "beg": "\\"escaped quote", "mid": "escaped\\"quote", "end": "escaped quote\\"" }' },
{ source = '{ "multiline": "Some text\nin several lines\nalso with\ttabulator" }',
second = '{ "multiline": "Some text\\nin several lines\\nalso with\\ttabulator" }' },
{ source = '{ "lineseps": "Ux\nstyle and\rApple and MS\r\nDOS" }',
second = '{ "lineseps": "Ux\\nstyle and\\nApple and MS\\nDOS" }' },
{ source = '{ "commented": true } // line at end',
second = '{ "commented": true }' },
{ source = '{ "commented":// line amid\n true// second line\n } ',
second = '{ "commented": true }' },
{ source = '{ "commented": /* middle */true }',
second = '{ "commented": true }' },
{ source = '{ "commented":/* middle */"edge" }',
second = '{ "commented":"edge" }' },
{ source = '{ "NoComment": "An URL is not a comment" }' },
{ source = 'No JSON',
status = 'Bracket0' },
{ source = '{ "simple": "assignment" } garbage',
status = 'Trailing',
second = 'garbage' },
{ source = '{ "quoting": \'apostrophes\' }',
status = 'Qoute',
second = "'apostrophes' }" },
{ source = '{ "missing": "qoute }',
status = 'QouteEnd',
second = 'qoute }' },
{ source = '{ "missing": "qoute (escaped)\\" }',
status = 'QouteEnd',
second = 'qoute (escaped)\\" }' },
{ source = '{ "htab": "h' .. string.char( 8 ) .. 'tab" }',
status = 'ControlChar',
second = 'tab" }' },
{ source = '{ "comma": "trailing", }',
status = 'CommaEnd',
second = ', }' },
{ source = '{ "comma": [ "trailing", ] }',
status = 'CommaEnd',
second = ', ] }' },
{ source = '{ "comma": true, }',
status = 'CommaEnd',
second = ': true, }' },
{ source = '{ "unclosed": true',
status = 'BracketCloseLack',
second = '}' },
{ source = '{ "unclosed": "terminating"',
status = 'BracketCloseLack',
second = '}' },
{ source = '{ { "unclosed": 99',
status = 'BracketCloseLack',
second = '2 }' },
{ source = '{ "unclosed": [ 42 }',
status = 'BracketCloseLack',
second = ']' },
{ source = '{ "unclosed": [ 42 ] ] }',
status = 'BracketClosePlus',
second = ']' },
{ source = '{ "unclosed": [ 42 ] ] ] }',
status = 'BracketClosePlus',
second = '2 ]' },
{ source = '{ "commented": /* middle true }',
status = 'CommentEnd',
second = 'middle true }' }
local Codes = { { k = 9,
s = "\\t",
say = "Tab" },
{ k = 10,
s = "\\n",
say = "LF" } ,
{ k = 13,
s = "\\r",
say = "CR" } }
local Frame, Slang, Utility
local function far()
local r
if not Slang then
local o = "lang" )
if o:exists() then
Slang = Frame:preprocess( "{{int:lang}}" )
local g, lucky, s, t
Slang = true
s = string.format( "I18n/", Export.suite )
lucky, t = pcall(, s, "_" )
lucky, g = pcall( require, "Module:Multilingual" )
if type( g ) == "table" and
type( g.Multilingual ) == "function" and
type( t ) == "table" then
local Multilingual = g.Multilingual()
t =
if type( t ) == "table" and
type( Multilingual.userLang ) == "function" then
local e
g = { }
s = ""
for i = 1, #t do
e = t[ i ]
if type( e ) == "table" and
type( e[ 1 ] ) == "string" and
e[ 1 ]:find( "^err_" ) and
type( e[ 2 ] ) == "table" then
e = e[ 2 ]
if type( e ) == "table" then
for k, v in pairs( e ) do
if type( k ) == "string" and
type( v ) == "string" then
g[ k ] = true
end -- for k, v
end -- for i
for k, v in pairs( g ) do
if s == "" then
s = k
s = string.format( "%s %s", s, k )
end -- for k, v
Slang = Multilingual.userLang( s, Frame )
if type( Slang ) == "string" then
r = Slang
return r
end -- far()
local function father()
local r
if not Utility then
local try = string.format( "Module:%s", Export.suite )
local lucky
lucky, try = pcall( require, try )
if type( try ) == "table" then
if type( try.JSONutil ) == "function" then
Utility = try.JSONutil()
r = string.format( "%s bad init", Export.suite )
r = try
if r then
local e = mw.html.create( "span" )
:addClass( "error" )
:wikitext( r )
r = tostring( e )
return r
end -- father()
local function fault()
-- Retrieve unit test result
-- Returns string with wikisyntax
local errors = { "Bracket0",
"Trailing" }
local r = ""
local s, s2
for i = 1, #errors do
s = errors[ i ]
s2 = string.format( "Trailing%d", i )
r = string.format( "%s\n; %s\n: %s",
r, s, Utility.fault( s, s2, far() ) )
end -- for i
return r
end -- fault()
local function fetch()
-- Retrieve unit test result
-- Returns string with wikisyntax
local r = ""
local e, s
for i = 1, #Cases do
if i > 1 then
r = r .. "\n----\n"
e = Cases[ i ]
e = Utility.fetch( e.source, true, far() )
s = type( e )
if s == "string" then
r = r .. mw.text.encode( e )
elseif s == "table" then
s = mw.text.jsonEncode( e, mw.text.JSON_PRETTY )
s = mw.text.encode( s ):gsub( "\n", "<br / >" )
:gsub( "://", "://" )
e = mw.html.create( "span" )
:css( {["font-family"] = "monospace" } )
:wikitext( s )
r = r .. tostring( e )
r = string.format( "%s%s %s", r, "fetch() BAD TYPE:", s )
end -- for i
return r
end -- fetch()
local function fiat()
-- Retrieve unit test result
-- Returns string with wikisyntax
local scream = "style='background:red'"
local spaced = "style='font-family:monospace'"
local flip = function ( apply, at, alter )
local xe
local xr = apply:gsub( "''", "''" )
for k = 1, #Codes do
xe = Codes[ k ]
xr = xr:gsub( xe[ at ], xe[ alter ] )
end -- for k
xr = xr:gsub( "://", "://" )
return xr
end -- flip()
local r = "{| class='wikitable'\n" ..
"|-\n" ..
"! Input !! Code (fault) !! String (trailing)\n"
local e, legal, s, score, second, show, sign
for i = 1, #Codes do
e = Codes[ i ]
e.str = string.char( e.k )
e.sup = string.format( "<sup>%s</sup>", e.say )
end -- for i
for i = 1, #Cases do
e = Cases[ i ]
legal = true
score, s = Utility.fair( e.source )
if score then
legal = ( score == e.status )
if not legal then
score = string.format( "'''%s'''",
e.status or "unexpected" )
elseif e.status then
score = string.format( "− %s", e.status )
legal = false
score = "–"
if legal then
second = e.second or e.source
legal = ( s == second )
if legal then
sign = ""
sign = scream
show = flip( e.source, "str", "sup" )
s = flip( s, "str", "sup" )
r = string.format( "%s|- %s\n|%s| %s\n| %s\n|%s| %s\n",
r, sign, spaced, show, score, spaced, s )
end -- for i
r = r .. "|}"
return r
end -- fiat()
-- Export
local p = { }
p.fault = function ( frame )
Frame = frame
return father() or fault()
p.fetch = function ( frame )
Frame = frame
return father() or fetch()
end = function ()
return father() or fiat()
return p