Vorlage:Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Beschreibung, Quelle
Lua-Fehler in package.lua, Zeile 80: module 'strict' not found
Generate {{Artwork}} as media uploaded by COM:GWToolset from Metropolitan Museum of Art Online Collection.
{{<!-- subst: -->Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset |c=[Basic parameters] | objectID = | rough_category = |c=sub-categorization for MET | rough_category2 = |c=sub-categorization for Date | object_type = |c=[opt.] | Source = |c=[auto-comp.] | imageURL = |c=[auto-comp.] | imagedir = | basename = | Institution = Metropolitan Museum of Art|c=[auto-comp.] | Department = Musical Instruments|c=[auto-comp.] | wikidata = |c=[opt.] | wikidata_cat = |c=[opt.] | Categories = |c=[Inventory parameters] | Title = | Maker = | Artist_role = |c=[opt.] | Artist = |c=[opt.] | Artist_alpha_sort = | Artist_prefix = |c=[opt. {attributed to}] | Artist_display_bio = |c=[opt.] | Artist_begin_date = |c=[opt.] | Artist_end_date = |c=[opt.] | Artist_nationality = |c=[opt. {born_country (active active_country)}] | Author = |c=[opt.] | Date = | Date_begin = |c=[opt.] | Date_end = |c=[opt.] | Geography = | Geography_city = |c=[auto-comp.] | Geography_country = |c=[auto-comp.] | place_of_creation = |c=[auto-comp.] | place_of_discovery = |c=[opt.] | Culture = | Medium = | Dimensions = | Classification = | Credit Line = | Collection_name = |c=[auto-comp.] | Collection_since = |c=[auto-comp.] | Accession Number = | Description = |c=-------------------- | other_versions = |c=[opt.] <gallery> </gallery> |c=[optional parameters] | References_other = |c=[opt.] | notes = |c=[opt.] | inscriptions = |c=[opt.] | object_history = |c=[opt.] | exhibition_history = |c=[opt.] | permission = |c=[opt.] | other_fields = |c=[opt.] |c=[misc optional parameters] | metadata_date = {{subst:CURRENTYEAR}}-{{subst:CURRENTMONTH}}-{{subst:CURRENTDAY2}} {{subst:CURRENTTIME}} UTC | demo = |c=[opt.] | strict = |c=[opt.] | is_public_domain = |c=[opt.] | is_highlight = |c=[opt.] |c=-------------------- | nofiledesc = |c=[opt.] | mode = |c=[opt. {category|...}] }}
See also
- {{Artwork}}
- Developer's memo
- {{Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset}}
- {{Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset/estimateCollectionYearFromAccessionNumber|1=accession number }} — estimate the year of acquisition from access number.
- {{Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset/generateWorkDateCategory}}
- {{Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset/library/getDigits|1=text }}
- {{Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset/Str find last c|1=text |2=character }} — return the index (beginning from 1) of last occurrence of character in text
- {{Generate MET Artwork as GWToolset/Str find last c/IfOr|1=test1 |2=test2 }} — provides nested if-then-else {{if {{{1|}}}|{{{1|}}}|{{if {{{2|}}}|{{{2|}}}|...}} }} (maximum 100-level)
- {{Str find}}
- {{Cite inventory met}}
- Help:Substitution#Examples