
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie


Huggle-Konfigurationsdatei, neues Format (YAML)

Diese Konfiguration ersetzt die veralteten Einstellungen auf Wikipedia:Huggle/Config.

# Grundlage für dieses Dokument war die folgende Standard-Konfigurationsdatei:
# Die alte, nicht mehr verwendete Konfigurationsdatei befindet sich auf:
# Kommentare gerne übersetzen, aber bitte nicht löschen.
# Veraltete Optionen, die von neueren Huggle-Versionen ignoriert werden,
# dürfen gerne entfernt werden. Die Versionsnummer "min-version" muss dann
# ebenfalls aktualisiert werden.

# Zugangskontrolle / Voraussetzungen
# Wer darf Huggle benutzen?

### Wartungsmodi ###
# Huggle aktivieren (false/true)
enable-all: true

# Nur-Lesen-Modus für alle Benutzer erzwingen (false/true)
read-only: false

# Mindestens erforderliche Huggle-Version auf
# Alte Versionen haben oft Schwachstellen, die inzwischen behoben wurden.
# Allen Benutzern zuliebe ist es durchaus angebracht, diese Versionsnummer
# regelmäßig zu aktualisieren und Updates zu erzwingen.
# Das mag lästig erscheinen, vermeidet aber Ärger und Verwirrung,
# die ansonsten durch längst behobene Programmfehler entstehen können.
min-version: 3.4.6

# Müssen Benutzer manuell auf der Seite "Wikipedia:Huggle/Users"
# eingetragen werden, um Huggle nutzen zu dürfen? (false/true)
approval: false

# Dürfen nur Administratoren Huggle nutzen? (false/true)
require-admin: false
# Muss ein Benutzer eine gültige Konfigurationsdatei ("huggle3.yaml.css")
# mit dem Inhalt "enable: true" im eigenen Benutzernamensraum besitzen,
# um Huggle nutzen zu dürfen? (false/true)
require-config: false
# Wie viele Tage muss ein Account alt sein, um Huggle nutzen zu dürfen?
# Hinweis: Diese Option ist auf irrelevant und daher "0".
# Die "rollback"-Voraussetzung impliziert bereits ein Mindestalter.
require-time: 0
# Wie viele Bearbeitungen muss ein Account haben, um Huggle nutzen zu dürfen?
require-edits: 1000
# Muss ein Benutzer das Recht zur kommentarlosen Zurücksetzung, "rollback",
# besitzen, um Huggle nutzen zu dürfen? Nur aktive Sichter haben dieses Recht.
# Hinweis: Ohne "rollback" funktioniert Huggle nicht ordnungsgemäß.
require-rollback: true

# Reporting
# Definition of AIV and similar pages that vandals get reported to

# Requests for page protection, set protection-requests to true if you want this feature to work on this wiki
protection-requests: true
# Template to use when requesting a page protection, $title is substed to page name, $protection to requested protection level and $reason is the reason for protection
# Vorsicht, die Form dieser Option muss zwingend beibehalten werden.
rfpp-template: > 
    == Artikel [[$title]] ==\n{{Artikel|$title}} $reason-- ~~~~

rfpp-template-user: > 
    == Artikel [[$title]] ==\n{{Artikel|$title}} $reason-- ~~~~

# This is a regex used to check if the page is already in a list
# Vorsicht, die Form dieser Option muss zwingend beibehalten werden.
rfpp-verify: >

# Page section to append template to
rfpp-section: new

# Used to define types of protection (since Huggle 3.4.5)
rfpp-permanent: "Dauerhafter Schutz"
rfpp-temporary: "Temporärer Schutz"

# RFPP page
protection-request-page: "Wikipedia:Vandalismusmeldung"
# Default reason
protection-request-reason: "wiederkehrender Vandalismus"
# Neue Meldungen oben statt unten einfügen?
protection-request-top: false
# Summary RFPP
protection-request-summary: 'Meldung: $1, [[$2]]'

# User reporting

# Type of reports (case insensitive)
# DefaultAuto - Huggle will follow user preferences, and will default to auto reports
# DefaultManual - Huggle will follow user preferences, and will default to manual reports
# StrictAuto - Huggle will enforce automatic reports
# StrictManual - Huggle will enforce manual reports
report: DefaultAuto

# Regex that is used to verify if user is already present on report page
# report-user-check-pattern: '.*$username.*'

# Edit summary for revert page # LOCALIZE ME #
report-summary: 'Meldung: [[Spezial:Contributions/$1|$1]]'

# Enable AIV reports (user reports)
aiv-reports: true
# Name of page that is used for reports
aiv: "Wikipedia:Vandalismusmeldung"
# Name of AIV page used by bots (this page is only used to check if user wasn't already reported there)
aivbot: "Wikipedia:Vandalismusmeldung"
# Template used to report IP user
aiv-ip: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/VM-ReportUser|1=$1|2=$2|3=$3}} --~~~~'
# Template used to report regular user
aiv-user: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/VM-ReportUser|1=$1|2=$2|3=$3}} --~~~~'
# Section of AIV page to add reports to
aiv-section: new
vandal-report-reason: "Unsinnige Bearbeitungen"
uaa: "Wikipedia:Vandalismusmeldung"

# Deletion requests
# Configuration of ability to delete or request for deletion of pages
# Whether speedy deletions are enabled, right now Huggle3 supports only speedy deletions
speedy: true
# Enable warning templates for speedy deletions
# speedy-enable-warnings: true
# Send warnings by default
# speedy-warning-on-by-default: true
# Delete summary # LOCALIZE ME #
speedy-delete-summary: "Gelöscht: $1."
# Summary used when delivering a notification to user who authored the page # LOCALIZE ME #
speedy-message-summary: "Hinweis: Schnelllöschung von [[$1]]"
# Title of message that is delivered to user # LOCALIZE ME #
speedy-message-title: "Seite gelöscht"
# Summary used when a template informing user about speedy deletion request is delivered to user talk # LOCALIZE ME #
speedy-summary: "[[Wikipedia:SLA|Schnelllöschantrag]]: $1"

# Available speedy deletion options, these are arrays that consist of description, template (put to top of the page), template used to inform user about deletion, and optional information if user should be notified about the deletion # UPDATE ME #
    G1: ["Vandalismus", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-Van, '{{subst:Unsinn gelöscht|1=$1}} ~~~~', notify]
    G2: ["Reiner Werbeeintrag", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-Werb, '{{subst:Werbetreibende}}', notify]
    G3: ["Keine regelkonformen Diskussionsbeiträge", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-Disk, '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Gelöscht|art=$1|disk}}<br />Mit freundlichen Grüßen -- ~~~~', notify]
    A1: ["Kein ausreichender Artikel/Kein enzyklopädischer Inhalt", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-Kein, '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Gelöscht|art=$1|ka|wwni}}', notify]
    A2: ["Zweifelsfreie enzyklopädische Irrelevanz", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-Rel, '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Gelöscht|art=$1|rel}}', notify]
    A3: ["Falsche Sprache", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-FalSpr, '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Gelöscht|art=$1|lang}}', notify]
    A4: ["Inhalt bereits vorhanden", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-BerVorh, '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Gelöscht|art=$1|red}}', notify]
    U1: ["Missachtung der BNR-Konventionen", subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/SLA-BNR, '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Gelöscht|art=$1|BNR}}', notify]

# Prediction
# This section contains clues that help Huggle predict quality of edit

# ip addresses are more likely to be vandals
score-ip: 20
# flagged bots are likely not vandals, even if they add swear words
score-bot: -20000
# people with high amount of flags are trusted even if not whitelisted
score-flag: -200
# userpages are frequently used to test stuff
score-user: -250
# userpages edited by other user than owner are typically vandalism
score-foreign-user: 100
# talk pages are often false positives, let's put them low
score-talk: -200
# users with score lower than this are inserted to wl
score-wl: -2000
# ORES see
# If this is set to true ORES will be enabled
ores-enabled: true
# This is used to indicate whether ORES is supported by a project, if yes, it should be set to true even if ORES is not enabled
ores-supported: true

# This constant is used to amplify the converted score. Native ORES scores have range from 0 to 1 (floating point)
# huggle is using different scoring mechanism and its scores are signed long integers. Tune this variable to
# change weight of ORES within Huggle scores.

# With value of 600, ORES's score "1" (100%) would result in Huggle score 600 and ORES's score "0" would result in -600, score "0.5" would result in 0.
ores-amplifier: 600

# The list below is called "score words" it contains words presence of increase the score of edit by value in brackets,
# you can define as many score words as you want, these words must be lowercase, otherwise ignored (they are compared with diff text which
# is lowercase so that it's case insensitive)

# score-parts are parts of a word, they can be even in a middle of a word, so be careful here or you create too many false positives
#  Score     List of words
    200: ['haha', 'fuuuu', '!!!!!!', '??????', '--------------', 'lesb']
    # suck and fuck are not contained in any normal words at least not according English dictionary:
    600: ['faggot', 'hihi', 'hahaha', 'pimmel', 'kack', 'scheiß', 'scheiss', 'arsch']
    1000: ['fick', 'fotze']

# score-words are separate words, they don't even actually need to be words, they can be short phrases as well, but must not contain
# comma (fuck off - is valid word)

# no-talk score words are ignored on talk pages (huggle 3.1.10+)
    800: [hey, heya, hi, hello]
    1000: [':)', ':-)', ':P', ':D', lol, rofl]

    100: ['cool', 'rape', 'raping', 'bla', 'sex', 'tits', 'yeah', 'yea', 'yee', 'balls', 'weed', 'arse', 'stupid', 'hello', 'homosexual', 'hallo', 'idiot', 'doof', 'dumm', 'blöd']
    200: ['crackhead', 'bieber', 'porn', 'bold text', 'italic text', 'crap', 'p3n1s', 'omg', 'lmao', 'rofl', 'blabla', 'hure', 'wichsen', 'soos']
    800: ['pr0n', 'p0rn', 'sh1t', 'bullshit', 'piss', 'pisse', 'pisser', 'arsch', 'arschkrampe', 'fag', 'neger', 'schwul']
    1000: ['shit', 'gay', 'bitch', 'penis', 'awesome', 'gays', 'faggots', 'suck', 'sucks', 'boobs', 'pussy', 'cunt', 'poop', 'poo', 'whore', 'schwuchtel', 'hitler', 'stinkt', 'stinker', 'kaka', 'wichser']
    2000: [':)', ':-)', ':P', ':D', 'pen1s', 'b1tch', 'p1ss', 'fuck', 'asshole', 'retard', '=)', '(:', 'asshat', 'fucknugget', 'motherfucker', 'fucktard', 'arsehole', 'swag', 'butt', '-.-', 'dipshit', 'dipstick', 'asswipe', 'cunt', 'twat', 'yolo', 'fuckoff', 'fuck you', 'wanker', 'sucks dick', 'lol', 'boobs', 'masturbate', 'fucking', 'nigger', 'niga', 'nigga', 'derp', 'derpy', 'butthole', 'tit', 'bum', 'arschloch', 'titten', 'hurensohn', 'hurensöhne', 'peenis', 'peeenis', 'peeeenis', 'peeeeenis', 'pänis', 'wixer', 'wixxer', 'wixxen', 'wixen', 'mudda', 'spast']

# This is a list of all edit tags that affect the score somehow, available since Huggle 3.1.17
    bad external: 100
    Huggle: -2000
    Twinkle: -2000
    Possible vandalism: 800

# Reverting and templates
# Configuration of reverting and various templates
# Specify type of headings to use when sending a message to user
# standard will use text in "template-header"
# page will use page in question as header
# none will not use any headers
headings: none

# Use for "standard" headers. Uncomment if you want to change it # LOCALIZE ME #
template-header: "Deine Bearbeitungen auf $1"

# Define how old templates are considered valid in days, older templates are ignored
# By default templates older than 30 days are ignored
# template-age: -5

# List of tags supported by a wiki, please keep in mind that "tag" is a bit historical term, they are in fact templates # UPDATE ME #
tags: [Überarbeiten, Belege fehlen, Neutralität, Allgemeinverständlichkeit, Deutschlandlastig, Österreichlastig, Schweizlastig]

# Optional description of individual tags to show in Huggle's tag form # UPDATE ME #
#    advert: info='Looks like advertisement' param=test
#    autobiography: info='Looks like an auto-bio'
#    cleanup: info="Needs cleanup <obsolete don't use>"
#    coi: info='Conflict of interest'
#    context: info='Page is missing context'

# User needs to confirm they want to revert user who is on whitelist
confirm-ignored: true
# User must confirm revert of multiple edits
confirm-multiple: false
# To be implemented (probably revert of page creator?)
confirm-page: true
# To be implemented (probably revert that leads to same version of text)
confirm-same: true
# User must confirm if they want to revert themselves
confirm-self-revert: true
# To be implemented (probably revert of user who is warned? makes no sense :))
confirm-warned: false

# Default summary for software rollback, eg. using manual revert instead of rollback functionality provided my MW # LOCALIZE ME #
manual-revert-summary: 'Änderungen von [[Spezial:Beiträge/$1|$1]] ([[Benutzer Diskussion:$1|Diskussion]]) auf die letzte Version von [[Benutzer:$2|$2]] zurückgesetzt'
# Not currently in use - might be implemented in future
multiple-revert-summary-parts: "Revertiere,Bearbeitung von,Bearbeitungen von,und,anderen Benutzern,auf die letzte Version von,auf eine ältere Version von"

# List of warning types, these will be present in dropdown menus in Huggle, allowing to clarify reasons for revert.
# Default configuration contains only 1 type of warning, with 3 examples that are commented
    warning: 'Vandalismus'
    spam: 'Unerwünschte Weblinks'
    delete: 'Entfernen einzelner Textabschnitte'
    blank: 'Komplettes Leeren der Seite'
    source: 'Missachtung der Belegpflicht'
    disk: 'Verstoß gegen DISK'
    comment: 'Kommentar oder Frage im Artikel'
    interwiki: 'Interwiki im Fließtext oder als Quelle'
    wwni: 'Verstoß gegen WWNI'
    image: 'Bilder falsch eingebunden'
    pa: 'Persönlicher Angriff'

# Default warning template to use, it must be one of these defined in "warning-types".
default-template: warning

# Summaries associated with warning types, each warning type should have one # LOCALIZE ME #
    warning: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  [[Wikipedia:Vandalismus|Vandalismus]] entfernt'
    spam: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  siehe [[Wikipedia:Weblinks#Richtlinien]]'
    delete: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  gelöschte Textabschnitte wiederhergestellt'
    blank: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  geleerte Seite wiederhergestellt'
    source: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  bitte [[Wikipedia:Q|belegen]]'
    comment: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  bitte keine Fragen oder Kommentare in den Artikeltext stellen'
    interwiki: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  Links zu anderen Sprachversionen der Wikipedia entfernt, siehe [[Wikipedia:INT#Inline-Link|WP:INT]]'
    disk: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  siehe [[Wikipedia:Diskussionsseiten]]'
    wwni: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  siehe [[Wikipedia:Was Wikipedia nicht ist]]'
    image: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  Bild falsch eingebunden (bitte die [[Hilfe:B|Hilfe zu Bildern]] beachten)'
    pa: '[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Revert]]  siehe [[Wikipedia:Keine persönlichen Angriffe]]'

# Not currently in use as there is too many default summaries :) we need to figure out which are really not needed and get rid of them
# rollback-summary: "Änderungen von [[Spezial:Beiträge/$1|$1]] ([[Benutzer Diskussion:$1|Diskussion]]) auf die letzte Version von [[Benutzer:$2|$2]] zurückgesetzt"

# This is actual default summary that is used for rollback in case reason is not specified # LOCALIZE ME #
default-summary: "Änderungen von [[Spezial:Beiträge/$1|$1]] ([[Benutzer Diskussion:$1|Diskussion]]) rückgängig gemacht"
# To be implemented - rollback summary used in case that target revision is unknown
rollback-summary-unknown: "Änderungen von [[Spezial:Beiträge/$1|$1]] ([[Benutzer Diskussion:$1|Diskussion]]) rückgängig gemacht"
# To be implemented - for revert of current revision only
single-revert-summary: "Änderung von [[Spezial:Beiträge/$1|$1]] ([[Benutzer Diskussion:$1|Diskussion]]) rückgängig gemacht"
# Used for restoring of a revision of edit # LOCALIZE ME #
restore-summary: "[[Hilfe:Wiederherstellen|Wiederherstellung]]: Version $1 von $2: $3"
# Used when undoing own edit # LOCALIZE ME #
undo-summary: "Eigene Bearbeitung rückgängig gemacht"
# Edit summary for warning deliveries, $1 is name of page related to warning # LOCALIZE ME #
warn-summary: "Nachricht bezüglich [[$1]]"
warn-summary-2: "Warnung: [[$1]]"
warn-summary-3: "Warnung: [[$1]]"
warn-summary-4: "Warnung: [[$1]]"

# Template clues for parser that Huggle is looking for, each warning level needs to have some of these so that
# it's possible to figure out which warning level the template resembles.
# It can be any part of the template, on English wikipedia templates have invisible comments in them which clarify
# the warning level. It can be however any part of the template, such as image, or piece of text.
    - '1;<!--Huggle:Level-1-->'
    - '2;<!--Huggle:Level-2-->'

# Whether this project supports "instant warnings" these are templates that trigger level 4 instantly, used for obvious vandals
warning-im: true
# How many warning levels to use. Currently it's only supported to use 3 or 4, but plans are to make this completely dynamic.
warning-mode: 2

# Definitions of warning templates - these are messages that are delivered to user who is about to receive a warning.
# $1 = name of page, $2 = URL to diff

warning1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Warnung-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
warning2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Warnung-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'
warning2im: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Warnung-sofort|1=$1|2=$2}}'

spam1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Weblinks-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
spam2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Weblinks-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'
spam2im: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Weblinks-sofort|1=$1|2=$2}}'

delete1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Textlöschung-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
delete2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Warnung-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'
delete2im: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Warnung-sofort|1=$1|2=$2}}'

blank1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Seitenleerung-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
blank2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Warnung-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'

source1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Quelle-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
source2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Quelle-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'

disk1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Diskussion-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
disk2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Warnung-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'

comment1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Kommentar-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
comment2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Kommentar-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'

interwiki1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Interwiki-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
interwiki2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Interwiki-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'

wwni1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/WWNI-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
wwni2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/WWNI-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'

image1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Begrüßung}}{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Bildformat-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'

pa1: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Keine_persönlichen_Angriffe-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
pa2: '{{subst:Wikipedia:Huggle/Vorlagen/Keine_persönlichen_Angriffe-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'

#test1: '{{subst:huggle/warn-1|1=$1|2=$2}}'
#test2: '{{subst:huggle/warn-2|1=$1|2=$2}}'
#test3: '{{subst:huggle/warn-3|1=$1|2=$2}}'
#test4: '{{subst:huggle/warn-4|1=$1|2=$2}}'
#test4im: '{{subst:huggle/warn-4im|1=$1|2=$2}}'

# Welcoming of users
# All welcome templates are expected not to contain four tildes, signatures are appended by Huggle

# List of templates for dropdown menu
# $1 will substitute to name of target user (since Huggle 3.3.3) # UPDATE ME #
    "Welcome": '{{subst:Welcome}}'
    "Willkommen": '{{subst:Willkommen}}'
    "Begrüßungsbox": '{{subst:Begrüßungsbox}}'
    "Vorschau": '{{subst:Vorschau}}'

# Default welcome message for registered users # UPDATE ME #
welcome: '{{subst:Hallo}}'
# Welcome message sent to IP users # UPDATE ME #
welcome-anon: '{{subst:HalloIP}}'
# Edit summary # LOCALIZE ME #
welcome-summary: 'Willkommen'

# Administrator functions

# Expiry options that will be displayed in block form
block-expiry-options: [15 minutes,3 hours,12 hours,24 hours,31 hours,48 hours,55 hours,72 hours,1 week,2 weeks,1 month,3 months,6 months,1 year,indefinite]
# Default expiry time
blocktime: indefinite
# Default expiry time for anonymous user
blocktime-anon: "6 hours"
# Default message to deliver to user who is getting a block # UPDATE ME #
block-message: ''
# To be implemented. Default block message for user who is getting indefinite block
# block-message-indef: '{{subst:huggle/block-indef|1=$1}}'
# Default reason for block # UPDATE ME #
block-reason: "[[Wikipedia:Vandalismus|Unsinnige Bearbeitungen]]"
# Edit summary used when editing user talk page # LOCALIZE ME #
block-summary: "Benutzer gesperrt"

# Default reason for page protection # UPDATE ME #
protection-reason: 'Vandalism'

# Available reasons in dropdown box for page deletions
    - '[[Wikipedia:VAND|Seiteninhalt war Unsinn]]'
    - 'Vandalismus'
    - 'Reiner Werbeeintrag'
    - 'Keine regelkonformen Diskussionsbeiträge'
    - 'Kein ausreichender Artikel/Kein enzyklopädischer Inhalt'
    - 'Zweifelsfreie enzyklopädische Irrelevanz'
    - 'Falsche Sprache'
    - 'Inhalt bereits vorhanden'
    - 'Missachtung der BNR-Konventionen'

# Classification

# These are localized versions of months that will be used by Huggle when creating a timestamp or for message headers.
  - Januar
  - Februar
  - März
  - April
  - Mai
  - Juni
  - Juli
  - August
  - September
  - Oktober
  - November
  - Dezember

# These are needed especially for wikis where months in signatures are not same as these in months list (see above) or their localized version
# every line is a YAML array for 1 month, for example:
# - ['January','Jan','J.','1.']
  - [1.,Jan]
  - [2.,Feb]
  - [3.,Mär]
  - [4.,Apr]
  - [5.,Mai]
  - [6.,Jun]
  - [7.,Jul]
  - [8.,Aug]
  - [9.,Sep]
  - [10.,Okt]
  - [11.,Nov]
  - [12.,Dez]

# Edits with summaries that contain these strings will be considered friend applications by Huggle and ignored (in default filter)
    - 'mit [[Wikipedia:AWB|AWB]]'
    - '[[Wikipedia:HC|HC]]'
    - '([[Benutzer:Revvar/RT|RT]])'
    - 'using [[w:WP:REFLINKS|Reflinks]]'
    - 'using [[w:WP:CHECKLINKS|Checklinks]]'
    - '[[tools:~dispenser/view/Pywikipedia|commonfixes]]'
    - '[[en:WP:CLEANER|WikiCleaner]]'
    - 'Bot:'

# These are regular expressions used by Huggle to identify whether edit summary means that page was created, blanked, redirected or replaced
page-blanked-pattern: '((\[\[Hilfe:Zusammenfassung und Quelle#Auto-Zusammenfassung\|(AZ|Auto-Zusammenfassung)\]\])?(:)? ?Die Seite wurde geleert|Die Seite wurde geleert|Warnung: Der Artikel wurde geleert)\.?'
page-created-pattern: '(\[\[Hilfe:Zusammenfassung und Quelle#Auto-Zusammenfassung|AZ\]\])?(:|←)? ?(Die )?Seite wurde neu angelegt.*'
page-redirected-pattern: '(\[\[Hilfe:Zusammenfassung und Quelle#Auto-Zusammenfassung|(AZ|Auto-Zusammenfassung)\]\])?(:)? ?(Weiterleitung nach) .*'
page-replaced-pattern: '(\[\[Hilfe:Zusammenfassung und Quelle#Auto-Zusammenfassung|(AZ|Auto-Zusammenfassung)\]\])?(:|←)? ?([Dd]er Seiteninhalt wurde durch|Warnung: Der Artikelinhalt wurde durch) .*'

# These are regular expressions used by Huggle to identify whether edit summary means that page was reverted
    - 'Revert.*'
    - 'Änderungen von .*'
    - 'wiederhergestellt .*'
    - 'Änderung.*'

    - sharedip
    - vandalip

# These are regular expressions used by Huggle to identify whether edit summary means that page was tagged
    - 'Markiere .* zur Schnelllöschung'

# Queue list

    'Filtered edits':
        filter-ignored: exclude
        filter-notifications: exclude
        filter-own-userspace: exclude
        filter-reverts: exclude
        filter-tags: exclude
        filter-warnings: exclude

    'Filtered new pages':
        filter-ignored: exclude
        filter-new-pages: require

    'All edits':

    'All new pages':
        filter-new-pages: require

    'Assisted edits':
        filter-assisted: require
        filter-bot: exclude

    'My edits':
        filter-me: require

default-queue: 'default'

# Every page in this list will be ignored if it fully matches the string
    - 'Wikipedia:Spielwiese'

# Every page in this list will be ignored if it partially matches the name
    - '/sandbox'
    - '/common.js'
    - '/common.css'

# Other

irc: true
irc-port: 6667
irc-channel: '#de.wikipedia'

# Summary used when updating user config page # LOCALIZE ME #
config-summary: 'Updating configuration'
# These items are visible in "Go" menu in Huggle, first one is name of page on wiki, second is name as seen in Huggle menu
    "Project:Huggle": "Huggle main page"
# Whether patrolling of changes is enabled on the project
patrolling-enabled: true
# This suffix is appended to every single edit message made by huggle
summary: '([[Wikipedia:Huggle|HG]])'
startup-message-location: "Project:Huggle/Message"
userlistsync: true
userlist: "Wikipedia:Huggle/Users"
userlist-update-summary: "[[Spezial:Contributions/$1|$1]] hinzugefügt"