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Modul: Dokumentation

TemplUtl – Library module with functions to support template programming.

Functions for templates

Boolean choice (yes/no) for parameter values depending on page language
Parameter value to be analysed
Space characters will be ignored, upcased/downcased letters not significant; two interpretations:
  • empty, 0, false, n, no, off, 0000, - plus local language: German nein
  • 1, true, y, yes, on; 0101 (boolean OR concatenation) plus local language: German ja, j
Behaviour if value 1 not recognized.
1 – “yes” (default)
0 – “no”
  • empty for “no”
  • not empty (1) for “yes”
Test page with example results.
Project and page language specific adaption (non-English)
Format error message; in edit preview of source text editing will be repeated and linked on page head
error message
Visibility of error message on presentation
0 – “invisible” (default)
1 – “visible”
Result: HTML element
Simulating a template transclusion; will vanish from Special:Unusedtemplates (especially for substituting templates, and any auxilary template pages like test, maintenance, editnotice, preload and more, wich are never transcluded by regular means).
Title or name of template (not current page, would cause transclusion loop)
Like fake for entire series
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 …
Title or name or name part of one template, any number
(optional) Will be prepended each name part
(optional) 1 – Link each entry; as bulleted list
If the first character of trimmed text is a list symbol *#;: or table begin or termination then precede a newline
Present the name of the transcluding (template) page as clickable link decorrated with curly brackets
Is the transclusion made within a redirect page
If the first character of trimmed text is a list symbol *#;: then return it as an HTML entity
Version ID (local): 2022-05-16
Optional parameter:
  • 1 – Minimum version or wikidata or ~
{{#invoke:TemplUtl|failsafe}} yields 2022-05-16
With a parameter as ISO date it is compared whether the current module satisfies this version or later.
  • {{#invoke:TemplUtl|failsafe|2001-01-01}} returns: »2022-05-16«
  • {{#invoke:TemplUtl|failsafe|2099-01-01}} returns: »« – (empty), if minimal version condition not matched
  • If keyword is wikidata, result is version ID registered on Wikidata (2022-05-16) or local if not found there.
  • If keyword is ~, result is empty if local and Wikidata version are the same: (2022-05-16).
  • Empty, if minimal version condition not matched, or ~ and local version is synchronized.
  • Version ID if no parameter, or if wikidata, or local if not found there, or not synchronized.

Examples (test page)

A test page illustrates practical use.

Functions for Lua modules (API)

All functions described above can be used by other modules:

local lucky, TemplUtl = pcall( require, "Module:TemplUtl" )
if type( TemplUtl ) == "table" then
    TemplUtl = TemplUtl.TemplUtl()
    -- error case; TemplUtl contains error message
    return "<span class=\"error\">" .. TemplUtl .. "</span>"

Subsequently there are available:

TemplUtl.faculty( analyze, another, frame )
  • analyze – string, number, boolean, nil; what is to be analysed
  • another – (optional) string, number, boolean; fallback if analyze not recognized
  • frame – (optional) object; if ready to hand
Returns: true, if “yes”, else false
Numbers other than 0 are “yes”.
TemplUtl.fake( access )
  • access – (optional) string, boolean, nil; name of template
TemplUtl.fakes( array, frame, ahead, answer )
  • array – table; with template title strings at numerical elements
  • frame – (optional) object; if available
  • ahead – (optional) string, nil; prepended begin if title
  • answer – (optional) true, nil; create bulleted list of links
Returns: string, if answer
TemplUtl.failure( alert, always )
  • analyze – string; error message
  • always – (optional) boolean; visibility of error message on presentation
Returns: string, even empty
TemplUtl.feasible( address )
Does this describe an URL beginning?
  • address – string; what to inspect, URL presumed
Returns: true, if URL beginning (even protocol relative).
TemplUtl.feed( area, ahead, at, after )
Detect next free | oder }}.
  • area – string; what is to be searched
    • Should contain template transclusion only, to avoid outer matches.
  • ahead – string; opening element, or false
    • One of [ [[ {{ {{{ or false
  • at – number; byte position in area, where to start
  • aftertrue, if only to search for }}
  • Note: For the transclusion begin found by .find() the adjacent termination can be retrieved, or when {{ is provided for ahead.
Returns two values:
  1. number; byte position in area
    • before | or }} – may be at end of area.
    • position to continue search; ahead has been closed.
  2. true, if search to be continued at number.
TemplUtl.feeder( area, at )
Retrieve all parameters of a template transclusion.
  • area – string; what is to be searched
  • at – (optional) number; byte position in area, byte position in area, where to start
Returns two values:
  1. table; parameter value assignments
    • [0] – template, page, parser function name
    • [1] … – unnamed parameters
    • ["name"] … – named parameters
  2. string; error message, if any, else nil
HTML comments won’t be returned.
TemplUtl.fetch( area, ask )
Find assignment of a named template parameter.
  • area – string; what is to be searched
    • Should contain template transclusion only, to avoid outer matches.
  • ask – string; name of parameter
Returns: string, with trimmed parameter value, or nil.
TemplUtl.find( area, access, at, alter )
Find next occurrence of a template.
  • area – string; what is to be searched
  • access – string; trimmed (template) title
  • at – (optional) number; ustring position in area, if not 1
  • alter – (optional) string; lowercase namespace pattern, no colon (:)
    • "" for article (main spave)
    • false for template
Returns: number, ustring position of {{ in area, or false.
TemplUtl.flat( area )
Remove syntax elements that hide effective syntax only (HTML comments, nowiki pre syntaxhighlight).
  • area – string; what is to be searched
Returns: string, with area reduced by masking text syntax.
TemplUtl.failsafe( atleast )
Versioning interface
  1. atleast
    nil or minimum version or wikidata or ~ for synchronisation
returns: Version ID as string or false


General library; no limitations.


No modules.

Installation on other WMF projects

Follow the steps:

  1. Copy main module Module:TemplUtl into your project.
    • If possible keep the name TemplUtl.
    • If another name is required due to conflict or naming convention or non-latin script then choose a different one.
  2. Register this module at d:Q52364930.
  3. Check whether your language is covered by: commons:Data:I18n/
  4. Ready.
  5. Consider translation of doc page.