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Modul: Dokumentation

URIutil – Module with functions for strings in context of resource identifiers. This is not targeting for the subset, which is a locator formed as URL (see URLutil). In fact unique key codes for any kind of documents are covered: DOI, ISBN, ISSN, URN; furthermore some national and other codes like LCCN, GTIN/EAN, DNB, GND, ZDB, assigned by public institutions.

Functions for templates

All functions expect exactly one unnamed parameter (which should be provided to get a meaningful answer). Whitespace ahead and after content is ignored.

The return value is an empty string (“nothing”), if the parameter value does not fulfil the expectations. If there is a result or the query condition is true, at least one visible character will be returned. The result does not begin or end with a space.

7 significant digits of a 8-digit or 13-digit ISSN
Segmentation by hyphens; “X” capitalized.
Segmentation by hyphens; “X” capitalized.
  • Optionally: second parameter 8 or 13 for output format; else as got.
Is this DNB (also GND, ZDB) identifier formally correct, including check digit?
  • GND have at least 9 digits, not former 8 digits SWD and GKD with check digit separated by hyphen.
If a number with up to 7 digits a check digit separated by hyphen is following, a validation by rules before 2012 is tried.
  • nothing – if invalid
  • number of digits or 2011valid
Is this a syntactically correct Digital Object Identifier?
  • number of organisation – yes
  • nothing – if invalid
Are bad percent escapings in attempt?
  • nothing – no complaints
  • string – objected sequence
Is this GTIN (EAN) formally correct, including check digit?
  • number of digits
  • nothing – if invalid
GTIN are also ISBN-13, ISSN-13 and perhaps one day AV media.
Is this a syntactically correct ISBN?
  • 10 if 10 digits and hyphens; also terminated by xX
  • 13 if 13 digits and hyphens; starting with bookland
  • nothing – else
Is this a syntactically correct ISBN, including check digit?
  • 10 or 13yes
  • nothing – no
Is this ISSN formally correct, including check digit?
  • 8 or 13yes
  • nichts – no
Is this a syntactically correct LCCN?
  • string – identified, without separators
  • nothing – if invalid
Bracketed external link on DOI resolver
Bracketed external link on Special:Booksources with prefixed keyword ISBN and formatISBN (also when syntactically incorrect)
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits invalid check digit.
  • Optionally: link=0 and nbsp=0
Bracketed external link on data base of periodicals with prefixed keyword ISSN and formatISSN (also when syntactically incorrect)
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits invalid check digit.
  • Optionally: link=0 and nbsp=0
class="plainlinks-print" won’t be issued.
Bracketed external link on URN resolver
For the time being not implemented due lack of universal resolver.
isDOI or empty
  • Number of organisation – yes
  • 0empty
  • nothing – if invalid
isISBN or empty
  • 10 oder 13yes
  • 0 empty
  • nothing – if invalid
isISSNvalid or empty
  • 8 oder 13yes
  • 0empty
  • nothing – if invalid
isLCCN or empty
  • string – identified, without separators
  • 0empty
  • nothing – if invalid
URI in general or empty; no spaces within, isEscValid
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits ASCII only (no IRI).
  • nothing – no complaints
  • string – objected sequence
Valid URN or empty
  • nothing – no complaints
  • string – objected sequence
Raw ISBN with digits only (or X); 10 or 13 characters.
Appropriate for Wikipedia:BibRecord.
Bracketed external link on data base of periodicals formatISSN (also when syntactically incorrect)
  • Optionally: second parameter 1 permits invalid check digit.
class="plainlinks-print" won’t be issued.
Like linkDOI with prefixed scheme doi:
Like linkURN with prefixed scheme urn:
Not yet implemented.


Optional parameters


The functions link* and uri* link the prefixed keyword/scheme to the assumed enzyclopedic article. The parameter value may specify an alternative page name; or link=0 would suppress linking.


The functions link* will use non breaking space between prefixed keyword and code; but nbsp=0 requests ASCII spaces.

Markup of bad codes

The functions link* and uri* assign class="invalid-ISBN" etc. to invalid codes. This might be utilized by users or gadgets for markup, e.g. a red box around the code.

.invalid-ISSN {
   border: solid 2px #FF0000;

Examples (test page)

A test page illustrates practical use.

Functions for Lua modules (API)

All functions described above can be used by other modules:[1]

local lucky, URIutil = pcall( require, "Modul:URIutil" )
if type( URIutil ) == "table" then
    URIutil = URIutil()
    -- failure; URLutil is the error message
    return "<span class=\"error\">" .. URIutil .. "</span>"

Subsequently there are available:

  • URIutil.coreISSN( attempt )
  • URIutil.formatISBN( attempt )
  • URIutil.formatISSN( attempt, achieve )
  • URIutil.isDNBvalid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.isEscValid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isGTINvalid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isISBN( attempt )
    • Second return value: table with ISBN components; number with error code
  • URIutil.isISBNvalid( attempt )
    • Second return value: table with ISBN components; number with error code
  • URIutil.isISSNvalid( attempt )
  • URIutil.isLCCN( attempt )
  • URIutil.linkDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.linkISBN( attempt, allow, abbr, adhere )
  • URIutil.linkISSN( attempt, allow, abbr, adhere )
  • URIutil.mayDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayISBN( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayISSN( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayLCCN( attempt )
  • URIutil.mayURI( attempt, ascii )
  • URIutil.mayURN( attempt )
  • URIutil.plainISBN( attempt )
  • URIutil.targetISSN( attempt, allow, any1, any2, alert )
  • URIutil.uriDOI( attempt )
  • URIutil.uriHandle( attempt )
  • URIutil.uriURN( attempt, alternate )
  • URIutil.failsafe( atleast )
    1. atleast
      nil or required version or "wikidata" or ~ keyword
    returns: string or false

The input parameters are:

  • attemptstring with code


  • achievenumber 8 or 13 for output format; else as got.
  • allowtrue permit invalid check digit.
  • abbrtrue or string will link prefixed abbreviation ISBN/ISSN.
  • adheretrue use &nbsp; instead of ASCII space.
  • asciitrue permit ASCII only (no IRI).

If succeeding, most functions return a string, the*() a number or string; on failure always false.


General library; no limitations.


Installation on other WMF projects

Follow the steps:

  1. Copy main module Module:URIutil into your project.
    • If possible keep the name URIutil.
    • If another name is required due to conflict or naming convention or non-latin script then choose a different one.
  2. Register this module at d:Q19644443.
  3. Copy the following sub modules, and keep the chosen root name:
  4. Create optionally a /config and populate according to your needs.
  5. Ready.
  6. Consider translation of doc page.

Local adaption

Create a /config sub module of your root module for mw.loadData() access and return a table with the following components (strings):

URL pattern for ISSN link
If containing $1 current ISSN will replace that placeholder, otherwise appended.
URL pattern for PMID link
If containing $1 current PMID will replace that placeholder, otherwise appended.
Page target for article on International Standard Book Number
No link if set to "-".
Page target for article on International Standard Serial Number
No link if set to "-".
Page target for article on PubMed
No link if set to "-".
Page target for article on Uniform Resource Name
No link if set to "-".


  1. Rather than
    URIutil = URIutil()
    previously it has been used:
    URIutil = URIutil.URIutil()
    This should be simplified now.