Wikiup:Projektdiskussion/Writing Week Brussels

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{{<includeonly>safesubst:</includeonly>PRD-Diskussionsthema|Writing Week Brussels}}


Flag of Brussels

Dear friends,

please excuse my English. Feel free to translate this message. From 28 March to 10 April 2016 we organise a (double) writing week on Brussels. During these weeks we will write about Brussels related topics.

We are looking for German volunteers to organise the project on the German Wikipedia and create a page where people can post articles (Dutch example). Rudi Vervoort, Minister-President of the Brussels-Capital Region, will meet a group of Wikipedians on 21 April 2016 to personally thank them for their contributions and to thank the project they represent. One of the writers will be randomly selected to represent the German language Wikipedia (travel costs will need to be covered by your local Wikimedia chapter, WMDE).

We invite everyone to join the writing week and write articles about Brussels!

Sincerely, Taketa (Diskussion) 18:38, 22. Mär. 2016 (CET)