Wikiup:Technik/Text/Basic/OOo Calc2Dokuwiki
Dieses StarOffice-Makro Calc2Dokuwiki ( konvertiert Tabellen der OpenOffice-Tabellenkalkulation in MediaWiki- oder DokuWiki-Tabellen. Die Konvertierung von writer-Tabellen ist schon in den writer integriert. Dessen Zweckentfremdung zur Konvertierung von calc-Tabellen funktioniert nur eingeschränkt (über Inhalte einfügen im rtf-Format). Dieses Makro konvertiert die Tabellen direkt.
über Extras / Extension Manager / Hinzufügen ...
Über das calc-Menü
Extras/Makros/Makros Verwalten/ Basic
ein neues Makro anlegen. Dort unten stehenden Code via Zwischenablage eingefügen.
Vor dem Makroaufruf die gewünschten Zeilen / Spalten markieren.
Falls nicht alle Zeilen und Spalten benötigt werden, kann vor der Konvertierung eine Filterung erfolgen. Zeilen und Spalten können wie folgt gefiltert werden:
- Zeilen mit Autofilter filtern.
- Gefilterte Zeilen markieren, kopieren und mit Inhalte einfügen (ohne Formeln) in ein anderes Tabellenblatt einfügen. Dort die nicht benötigten Spalten löschen. Anschließend können die verbleibenden Zellen markiert und mit dem Makro konvertiert werden. Die Selektion sollte nur genau die benötigten Spalten und Zeilen umfassen. Andernfalls entstehen leere Zeilen und Spalten.
REM ***** Calc2Dokuwiki *****
' Calc2Dokuwiki is an extension for 2.x which converts
' a selection of cells (in Calc, the spreadsheet module) into a table
' in Dokuwiki code. The code of this extension is distributed under
' the LGPL and the CeCILL licenses.
' Copyright (C) 2007 Luc Sorel luc.sorel at
' Erweitert von dokuwiki auf mediawiki (C) LoKiLeCh
REM ***** LGPL *****
' This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
' modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
' version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
' This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' Lesser General Public License for more details.
' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
' Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
REM ***** CeCILL *****
' This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French
' law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
' You can use, modify and/or redistribute the software under the
' terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA
' at the following URL "".
' As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights
' to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users
' are provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author,
' the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have
' only limited liability.
' In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks
' associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing
' or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific
' status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated
' to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved
' for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth
' computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and
' test the software's suitability as regards their requirements in
' conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data
' to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in
' the same conditions as regards security.
' The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have
' had knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
option explicit
dim mode as string
function CellStringNFormat(myCell as object) as string
dim myStrg, myBoldStyle as string
dim delim as string
myStrg = myCell.String
' If the cell is empty, returns a [space] otherwise Dokuwiki will merges cells in the row
if mode = "m" then
delim = "|| "
delim = "| "
if (len(myStrg) = 0) then
CellStringNFormat = delim
exit function
' Add text format (bold, italic), underline type (true or false), and horisontal alignment (left, center, right)
if ((myCell.charWeight = or (myCell.charWeight = then myStrg = "**" & myStrg & "**"
if (myCell.charPosture = then myStrg = "//" & myStrg & "//"
if not(myCell.CharUnderline = then myStrg = "__" & myStrg & "__"
if (myCell.HoriJustify = then myStrg = " " & myStrg
if (myCell.HoriJustify = then myStrg = " " & myStrg & " "
if (myCell.HoriJustify = then myStrg = myStrg & " "
if (myCell.HoriJustify = then myStrg = " " & myStrg
' Add cell style (heading or standard)
if mode = "d" then
if (InStr(myCell.CellStyle,"heading")>0) then
myStrg = "^" & myStrg
myStrg = delim & myStrg
end if
if (InStr(myCell.CellStyle,"heading")>0) then
myStrg = "!" & myStrg
myStrg = delim & myStrg
end if
' Return Dokuwiki code for the cell
CellStringNFormat = myStrg
end function
sub writeTableCode(myZone as object, myWriterDocText as object, textCursor as object, optional idSel as integer)
dim coordZone as object
dim rowMax, colMax, idCol, idRow as integer
dim myCellString as string
dim endParagraph as integer
endParagraph =
coordZone = myZone.RangeAddress
colMax = coordZone.EndColumn-coordZone.StartColumn
rowMax = coordZone.EndRow-coordZone.StartRow
if (IsMissing(idSel)) then
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor,"Table", false)
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor,"Table " & (idSel+1), false)
end if
if mode = "m" then
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor, "{| class=" & chr(34) & "wikitable sortable" & chr(34), false)
myWriterDocText.insertControlCharacter(textCursor, endParagraph, false)
for idRow = 0 to rowMax
for idCol = 0 to colMax
myCellString = CellStringNFormat(myZone.getCellByPosition(idCol,idRow))
if idCol = 0 and mode = "m" then myCellString = right(myCellString,len(myCellString)-1)
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor, myCellString,false)
next idCol
if mode = "m" then
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor, "|", false)
myWriterDocText.insertControlCharacter(textCursor, endParagraph, false)
if mode = "m" then
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor, "|-", false)
myWriterDocText.insertControlCharacter(textCursor, endParagraph, false)
next idRow
if mode = "m" then
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor, "|}", false)
myWriterDocText.insertControlCharacter(textCursor, endParagraph, false)
myWriterDocText.insertControlCharacter(textCursor, endParagraph, false)
end sub
function doesDisplayHelp(myCalcDoc as object) as boolean
dim myZone, coordZone as object
dim rowMax, colMax as integer
dim cellString as string
myZone = myCalcDoc.CurrentSelection
if myZone.supportsService("") then
' It's a multiple selection -> do not display help information
doesDisplayHelp = false
exit function
' Single selection
coordZone = myZone.RangeAddress
colMax = coordZone.EndColumn-coordZone.StartColumn
rowMax = coordZone.EndRow-coordZone.StartRow
if ((colMax > 0) or (rowMax > 0)) then
doesDisplayHelp = false
exit function
cellString = LCase(myZone.getCellByPosition(0, 0).String)
if (cellString = "help") then
doesDisplayHelp = true
exit function
doesDisplayHelp = false
exit function
doesDisplayHelp = false
end function
Sub Calc2Dokuwiki_Main
dim myCalcDoc as Object
dim rowMax, colMax, idCol, idRow, idSel as integer
dim myCellString as string
dim propFichier()
dim myWriterDoc, myWriterDocText, textCursor as object
dim endParagraph as integer
dim helpString as string
mode = inputbox("Bitte geben Sie den gewünschten Dokumententyp an! m für mediawiki d für dokuwiki","Dokumententyp definieren", "m")
endParagraph =
myCalcDoc = ThisComponent
if doesDisplayHelp(myCalcDoc) then
' Display help information if desired (= one cell selection with word 'help' typed in it, without the quote)
helpString = "Calc2Dokuwiki converts a selection of cells into a table in Dokuwiki code. The code is generated in a new Writer document ready to be copy-pasted in your Dokuwiki website!"
helpString = helpString + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + "A multiple selection of cells ouputs as many tables (in the same Writer document) as selections."
msgBox(helpString,0,"Calc2Dokuwiki - help")
myWriterDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter","_blank",0,propFichier)
myWriterDocText = myWriterDoc.Text
textCursor = myWriterDocText.createTextCursor()
' Add help access information at the beginning of the document
myWriterDocText.insertString(textCursor, "HELP: To read a short user guide about Calc2Dokuwiki extension, type 'help' (without the quotes) in a Calc cell, select this cell, and press the extension button again.", false)
myWriterDocText.insertControlCharacter(textCursor, endParagraph, false)
myWriterDocText.insertControlCharacter(textCursor, endParagraph, false)
' Parse the Calc selected cells and produce Dokuwiki code
if myCalcDoc.CurrentSelection.supportsService("") then
for idSel = 0 to (myCalcDoc.CurrentSelection.count - 1)
writeTableCode(myCalcDoc.CurrentSelection(idSel), myWriterDocText, textCursor, idSel)
next idSel
writeTableCode(myCalcDoc.CurrentSelection, myWriterDocText, textCursor)
end if
End Sub