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- Wikipedia
„It combines the free-market dogmatism of the libertarian Right with the anti-intellectualism of the populist Left.“
„Wikipedia ... is almost single-handedly killing the traditional information business.“
„The user who visits Wikipedia to learn about some subject, to confirm some matter of fact, is rather in the position of a visitor to a public restroom. It may be obviously dirty, so that he knows to exercise great care, or it may seem fairly clean, so that he may be lulled into a false sense of security. What he certainly does not know is who has used the facilities before him.“
„Well, it’s a good, clean public toilet, and we try to keep the lights on, and we try to keep things clean for people …“
„While Wikipedia is still quite useful and an amazing phenomenon, I have come to the view that it is also broken beyond repair.“
„Wikipedia is a new paradigm in human discourse. It's a place where anyone with a browser can go, pick a subject that interests them, and without even logging in, start an argument. In fact, Wikipedia is the largest and most comprehensive collection of arguments in human history, incorporating spats and vendettas on subjects ranging from Suleiman the Magnificent to Dan the Automator. As an unexpected side effect of being the perfect argument space, it's also a pretty good place to find information about all the characters from Battlestar: Galactica.“
„Wikipedia is an encyclopedia project built using WikiWiki software (UseModWiki) by Wikipedians. Who knows where it will go? At this rate, quite far!“
„Wikipedia (IPA: /ˌwikiˈpiːdi.ə/, /ˌwikiˈpeːdi.ə/ or /ˌwɪkiˈpiːdi.ə/ (Audio (U.S.) (help·info)) is a multilingual, web-based, free content encyclopedia project, operated by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization.“
„Wikipedia is th fount of all knowledge.“
„wikipedia = chicken“
„wikipedia is a fraud!!“
„cool beans“
„Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit and if enough people believe your edit, then it becomes true.“
„Ahhhh, Wikipedia, she is a woman! I love to ravish her!“
„Wikipedia is en free Nokieksel, wo elkeen an mitwarken kann.“
„Wikipedia ist ein zusammengesetztes Wort aus dem kamelopedischen Wi, Watt (n.) „für“, Ki, Kack (n.) „die“ und dem lateinischen Pes, Pedis (m.) „Fuß (m.)“ und stellt eine Parodie auf Kamelopedia dar.“
„For far too long now, we have been watching the people in charge of Wikipedia slowly destroy what could have been something wonderful.
The freedoms they promote on their website and to the media are false. Wikipedia is not a free and open encyclopedia that anyone can edit. It is not the sum of all human knowledge, and the person in charge wants to keep it that way.“
„Wikipedia, the encyclopedia that "anyone can edit," was a nice experiment in the "democratization" of publishing, but it didn't quite work out. Wikipedia is dead. It died the way the pure products of idealism always do, slowly and quietly and largely in secret, through the corrosive process of compromise.“
Wie man Wikipedia und al-Qaida in einem Absatz zusammenbringt, führt Le Figaro vor:
„La mondialisation d’al-Qaida va de pair avec une virtualisation du djihad. Le Web n’est pas pour les djihadistes un média classique, un simple outil de propagande, mais permet de récolter des fonds, de recruter de nouveaux sympathisants et d’échanger des conseils tactiques. Cette virtualisation a entraîné une décentralisation de la mouvance djihadiste. Les groupes djihadistes sont aujourd’hui plus diffus, avec des modes de décision plus horizontaux.
Ainsi, dans son fonctionnement, la mouvance djihadiste internationale paraît ressembler davantage au Web 2.0 – réseau de réseaux «collaboratif» dont les incarnations les plus connues sont Wikipédia, YouTube ou encore Facebook – qu’à une entreprise multinationale, toujours plus ou moins pyramidale. Oussama Ben Laden n’est probablement que le chef spirituel des terroristes arrêtés en Allemagne début septembre. Tout comme Jimmy Wales et Larry Sanger, nouveaux gourous de l’Internet, ne sont que les fondateurs de Wikipédia et ne commandent pas les dizaines d’internautes qui publient chaque jour des informations sur le site de l’encyclopédie numérique.
Evidemment, comme toutes les métaphores, celle du «wikiterrorisme» a ses limites, mais elle permet de mettre en avant la rapidité avec laquelle la mouvance djihadiste internationale s’adapte et innove.“
Siehe auch: Wikipedia:Wikipedia ist kein ...