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William Hesketh Lever, 1. Viscount Leverhulme (* 19. September 1851 in Bolton, Vereinigtes Königreich, † 7. Mai 1925 in Hampstead, Vereinigtes Königreich) war ein britischer Industrialist, Philanthrop und Politiker.

Lever arbeitete zunächst im Krämerladen seines Vaters in Bolton. Als Geschäftsmann erlangte er Bekanntheit mit dem Unternehmen Lever Brothers, einem Produzenten von Seifen und Reinigungsmittel, das er gemeinsam mit seinem jüngeren Bruder James im Jahr 1885 gründete. Aus der Herstellung von Sunlight Soap entwickelte sich ein Firmenimperium mit vielen sehr bekannten Marken wie Lux und Lifebuoy. Als Politiker saß Lever für die Liberal Party für den Wahlkreis Wirral zunächst im britischen Unterhaus, später als Lord Leverhulme als Peer im Oberhaus. Er befürwortete die Expansion des Britischen Weltreichs, besonders in Afrika und Asien, woher das Palmöl stammte, eines der wichtigsten Vorprodukte in Levers Produktion.


William Lever wurde am 19. September 1851 in Bolton, Lancashire geboren. Er war der älteste Sohn und das siebte Kind von James Lever (1809–1897), einem Krämer, und Eliza Hesketh, der Tochter eines Direktors einer Baumwollspinnerei. Von 1864 bis 1867 besuchte er in Bolton eine weiterführende Schule, arbeitete dann im Unternehmen der Familie und wurde dort 1872 Juniorpartner.

Lever war Mitglied der Kongregationalistischen Kirche und folgte deren Idealen in seiner Unternehmertätigkeit.[1]. Am 17. April 1874 heiratete er Elizabeth Ellen Hulme, die Tochter eines Textilhändlers und Nachbarn. William, ihr einziges überlebendes Kind, wurde 1888 in Thornton Hough geboren.

Lever moved to Thornton Hough in 1888 and bought Thornton Manor in 1893. He subsequently bought the village which he developed as a model village. His London home was The Hill at Hampstead, bought in 1904. He bought and demolished neighbouring Heath Lodge in 1911 to extend the garden.[2] The Hill was his main home from 1919.[3][4] In 1899 he bought Rockhaven in Horwich and the Rivington estate in early 1900. He built a wooden bungalow on the slopes of Rivington Pike in 1902 which was burned down in an arson attack in 1913 by suffragette, Edith Rigby.[5] Its stone replacement was his summer home until his death.

Lever began collecting artworks in 1893 when he bought a painting by Edmund Leighton.[6] He founded the Lady Lever Art Gallery in 1922, dedicated to his late wife.[7]

In his later years, Leverhulme became deaf and kept a klaxon horn by his bed to wake him at 5 am. He took up ballroom dancing late in life. Throughout his life he thought the only healthy way to sleep was outdoors in the wind and the rain.[8]

Leverhulme was involved with freemasonry and by 1902 was the first initiate of a lodge bearing his name, William Hesketh Lever Lodge No. 2916. He later formed Leverhulme Lodge 4438. He saw freemasonry as a tool to reinforce the hierarchy within Lever Brothers.[9] He was a founder of the Phoenix Lodge 3236 whilst an M.P in 1907[10] and a founder of St. Hilary Lodge No. 3591 founded 4 May 1912, then Past Pro-Grand Warden (P.P.G.W) and Immediate Past Master (I.P.M).[11] He was appointed Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England in 1919 and co-founded a number of lodges.[12] He was Provincial Senior Grand Warden of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire.[13]

Lord Leverhulme died aged 74 of pneumonia at his home in Hampstead on 7 May 1925.[3] His funeral was attended by 30,000 people.[14] He is buried in the churchyard of Christ Church in Port Sunlight, Cheshire.[15]


After working for his father's wholesale grocery business, in 1886 he established a soap manufacturing company, Lever Brothers, with his brother James. It is now part of Unilever. It was one of the first companies to manufacture soap from vegetable oils, and with Lever's business acumen and marketing practices, produced a great fortune.

Port Sunlight

In 1887, Lever looking to expand his business, bought Vorlage:Convert of land on the Wirral in Cheshire between the River Mersey and the railway line at Bebington. This site became Port Sunlight where he built his works and a model villageto house its employees. From 1888, Port Sunlight village offered decent living conditions in the belief that good housing would ensure a healthy and happy workforce. The community was designed to house and support the workers. Life in Port Sunlight included intrusive rules and implied mandatory participation in activities. The tied cottages meant that a worker losing his or her job could be almost simultaneously evicted.[16] Even workers' social lives were policed from the head office. W.H Lever stated "a good workman may have a wife of objectionable habits, or may have objectionable habits himself, which make it undesirable for us to have him in the village."[17]

Cartoon from The Daily Mirror, 22 October 1906. A parody of William Lever, whose factory was named "Port Sunlight".


Lever's rival in the soap industry was A & F Pears. Andrew Pears had taken the lead in using art for marketing by buying paintings such as "Bubbles" by John Everett Millais to promote its products, which Lever also wanted to do. in 1886. Three years later Lever bought 'The New Frock' by William Powell Frith to promote his firm's product Sunlight soap.[18]

Soap monopoly

In 1906 Lever, together with Joseph Watson of Leeds and several other large soap manufacturers, established a monopoly soap trust, in imitation of similar combinations established in the USA following John D. Rockefeller's organisation of the Standard Oil Co. as a trust in 1882. Lever believed such an organisation would bring benefits to the consumer as well as the manufacturer, through economies of scale in purchasing and advertising. The scheme was launched when President Roosevelt had just launched his trust-busting policy in America.

The British press, in particular the Daily Mail, of which he had been one of the largest advertising customers, was virulently opposed to the scheme, and aroused popular hostility urging a boycott of trust brands and making what were later proved in court to be libellous assertions as to the constituent ingredients of the soaps concerned. All participants in the trust suffered severe damage to their profits and reputations. Lever estimated his loss at "considerably over half a million" combined with a reduction by a third in the value of his shareholding, and the scheme was abandoned before the year's end.[19]


In the early 1900s, Lever was using palm oil produced in the British West African colonies. When he found difficulties in obtaining more palm plantation concessions, he started looking elsewhere in other colonies. In 1911, Lever visited the Belgian Congo to take advantage of cheap labour and palm oil concessions in that country.Vorlage:Citation needed

Lever's attitudes towards the Congolese were paternalistic and by today's standards, racist, and his negotiations with the Belgian coloniser to enforce the system known as travail forcé (forced labour) are well documented in the book Lord Leverhulme's Ghosts: Colonial Exploitation in the Congo by Jules Marchal [ISBN 978-1-84467-239-4] in which the author states: "Leverhulme set up a private kingdom reliant on the horrific Belgian system of forced labour, a program that reduced the population of Congo by half and accounted for more deaths than the Nazi holocaust." As such, he participated in this system of formalised labour. The archives show a record of Belgian administrators, missionaries and doctors protesting against the practices at the Lever plantations. Formal parliamentary investigations were called for by members of the Belgian Socialist Party, but despite their work the practice of forced labour continued until independence in 1960.[20]

Lewis & Harris

Abandoned house, Lewis.

In May 1918 in semi-retirement, Lever bought the Isle of Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland, with the intention of reviving the fishing industry, by making Stornoway an industrial town with a fish cannery. The product would have been distributed and sold by 400+ shops belonging to Mac Fisheries, the fish mongers he bought from 1918 onwards. His plans were initially popular, but he was opposed to land resettlement, and this led to land raids (described under Coll, their main setting).Vorlage:Citation needed

The government promised land to returning demobilised First World War veterans, and they sided against Lever who abandoned his plans for Lewis. After offering to give Lewis to its people in 1923, he was turned down and sold it to absentee landlords. He concentrated his efforts on Harris, where the town Leverburgh took his name. Lever bought an estate in Harris in 1919 for £56,000 but this plan floundered after his death, and his executors sold an estimated £500,000 investment for £5,300.Vorlage:Citation needed


William Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme, in a portrait painted in 1918 by William Strang

Lever was a lifelong supporter of William Ewart Gladstone and Liberalism. He was invited to contest elections for the Liberal Party. He served as Member of Parliament (MP) for the Wirral constituency between 1906 and 1909 and used his maiden speech in the House of Commons to urge Henry Campbell-Bannerman's government to introduce a national old age pension, such as the one he provided for his workers. On the recommendation of the Liberal Party, he was created a baronet in 1911 and raised to the peerage as Baron Leverhulme on 21 June 1917, the "hulme" element of his title being in honour of his wife.

In November 1918 Lord Leverhulme was invited to become Mayor of Bolton though he was not a councillor because the council wanted to honour a "Notable son of the Town" as a mark of the high regard the citizens of Bolton had for him.[21] He was High Sheriff of Lancashire in 1917. He was elevated to the viscountcy on 27 November 1922.[3]


Lever was a major benefactor to his native town, Bolton, where he was made a Freeman of the County Borough in 1902. He bought Hall i' th' Wood, one time home of Samuel Crompton, and restored it as a museum for the town. He donated Vorlage:Convert of land and landscaped Lever Park in Rivington in 1902. Lever was responsible for the formation of Bolton School after re-endowing Bolton Grammar School and Bolton High School for Girls in 1913. He donated the land for Bolton's largest park, Leverhulme Park, in 1914.[22]

Leverhulme endowed a school of tropical medicine at Liverpool University, gave Lancaster House in London to the British nation and endowed the Leverhulme Trust set up to provide funding for publications of education and research. The garden of his former London residence 'The Hill' in Hampstead, designed by Thomas Mawson, is open to the public[23] and has been renamed Inverforth House.[24] A blue plaque at Inverforth House commemorating Leverhulme was unveiled by his great-granddaughter, Jane Heber-Percy, in 2002.[25]

He built many houses in Thornton Hough which became a model village comparable to Port Sunlight[26] and in 1906 built Saint Georges United Reformed Church.[27] The Lady Lever Art Gallery opened in 1922 and is in the Port Sunlight conservation area. In 1915 Lever acquired a painting entitled "Suspense" by Charles Burton Barber (an artist who came to resent 'manufacturing pictures for the market'). The painting was previously owned by his competitor, A & F Pears, who used paintings such as "Bubbles" by John Everett Millais to promote its products. Much of Leverhulme's art collection is displayed in the gallery which houses one of the finest formed by an industrialist in England.[6]

A.N. Wilson from the Mail Online, January 2010, remarked, "The altruism of Leverhulme or the Cadbury family are in sad contrast to the antisocial attitude of modern business magnates, who think only of profit and the shareholder."[28]


William Lever made the celebrated quote about advertising, "I know half my advertising isn't working, I just don't know which half."[29]

Titles, styles and honours


Titles and styles

  • Mr William Lever 1851–1911
  • Sir William Lever, Bt 1911–1917
  • The Rt. Hon. The Lord Leverhulme 1917–1922
  • The Rt. Hon. The Viscount Leverhulme 1922–1925




  • Lever, William Hulme. 'Viscount Leverhulme by his Son' George Allen & Unwin Ltd. London 1927
  • Macqueen, Adam. The King of Sunlight : How William Lever Cleaned Up the World, Bantam Press, 2004. ISBN 0-593-05185-8
  • Marechal, Jules. Travail forcé pour l'huile de palme de Lord Leverhulme L'Histoire du Congo 1910–1945, Part III. Editions Paula Bellings. 396 pages.

Further reading

  • Jolly, W. P., Lord Leverhulme, Constable, London, ISBN 0-09-461070-3
  • Lewis, Brian. So Clean: Lord Leverhulme, Soap and Civilization (2008)
  • Smith, Malcolm David, Leverhulme's Rivington, Wyre Publishing, Lancashire, ISBN 0-9526187-3-7, The Story of the Rivington 'Bungalow'.
  • Mawson, Thomas H, Bolton A Study In Town Planning & Art
  • Hutchinson, Roger, "The Soapman"
  • Nicolson, Nigel, "Lord of the Isles"
  • Bergin, John Philip, "Nature and the Victorian Entrpreneur: Soap, Sunlight and Subjectivity". Unpublished PhD, University of Hull, 1999.
  • Hochschild Adam and Marchal Jules, "Lord Leverhulme's Ghosts: Colonial Exploitation in the Congo" ISBN 978-1-84467-239-4 in

External links

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  1. Richard Davenport-Hines: Lever, William Hesketh, first Viscount Leverhulme (1851–1925), in: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press
  2. Hindsites, Camden's secret histories, pass it on for 2012.. Camden. Abgerufen im 13 July 2011.
  3. a b c Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen odnb.
  4. Thornton Manor History[1], (Please provide a date or year)
  5. Preston's Blue Plaques, Edith Rigby[2] (pdf), Preston Council, (Please provide a date or year)
  6. a b 19th Century European Paintings, Sculpture & Master Drawings, New York Auction, 1997. Christies. 1997. Abgerufen im 8 July 2011.
  7. Lady Lever Art Gallery.
  8. The King of Sunlight How William Lever Cleaned Up The World. Adam MacQuen. Abgerufen im 7 July 2011.
  9. Lady Lever Art Gallery, Masonic Lodge Apron. Liverpool Museum. 2011. Abgerufen im 7 July 2011.
  10. About Phoenix Lodge 3236. Phoenix Lodge 3236. Abgerufen im 8 July 2011.
  11. About St Hilary Lodge. St Hilary Lodge. Abgerufen im 8 July 2011.
  12. Mersey Lodge 5434. Mersey Lodge 5434. Abgerufen im 7 July 2011.
  13. HAMILL, John: Oxford Journals, Humanities, Journal of the History of Collections, Volume4, Issue2. Oxford Press. S. 285–295. Abgerufen im 8 July 2011.
  14. Pathe News, 1925
  15. William Hesketh Lever - Find A Grave. Abgerufen im 3 December 2013.
  16. Spielvogel, Jackson J.: Western Civilization: Since 1789, Volume 3, page 711. In: Western Civilization: Since 1789, Seventh edition. Thomson Learning Academic Center. 2009. Abgerufen im 7 July 2011.
  17. Macqueen, Adam: The King of sunlight, Adam Macqueen. In: The Times. 13 May 2004. Abgerufen im 7 July 2011.
  18. Lady Lever art gallery, "The New Frock" by William Powell Frith Accessed 1 September 2012
  19. Wilson, Charles. The History of Unilever, London, 1954. Chapter 6, The Crisis of 1906, pp.72–88.
  20. Jules Marechal, "Travail forcé pour l'huile de palme de Lord Leverhulme L'Histoire du Congo 1910–1945". Part III. Editions Paula Bellings. pp.348–368.
  21. William Hesketh Lever[3],, (Please provide a date or year)
  22. Leverhulme Park
  23. 'The Hill' Hampstead at the Thomas Mawson Archive website
  24. British Listed Building, The Hill, 477610. Abgerufen im 11 July 2011.
  25. Heritage: Soap-boiler, social reformer, MP and tribal chieftain – the life of William Lever. In: Ham & High. 
  26. Thornton Hough Appraisal. Wirral. Abgerufen im 11 July 2011.
  27. St Georges URC, History. Abgerufen im 11 July 2011.
  28. An Wilson: A.N. WILSON: How the Cadbury family of the Victorian age would put today's fat cats to shame. In: Daily Mail, 25 January 2010. 
  29. "Advertising: setting the advertising budget"
  30. Vorlage:LondonGazette
  31. Vorlage:LondonGazette
  32. Vorlage:LondonGazette