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Der Drachenritter-Zyklus ist eine Reihe von Fantasy-Romanen, die 1976 von dem amerikanischen Schriftsteller Gordon R. Dickson begonnen wurde. Das erste Buch, das auf Dicksons Kurzgeschichte St. Drache und der Georg basiert, wurde 1982 lose in den Zeichentrickfilm The Flight of Dragons von Rankin/Bass Animated Entertainment adaptiert. Der Titel bezieht sich teilweise auf eine universelle Nomenklatur, in der die Drachen des Zyklus den Namen „George“ als Synonym oder Ersatz für „Mensch“ verwenden, nach St. Georg dem Drachentöter.
Jim Eckert
Baron Sir James Eckert de Bois de Malencontri et Riveroak, auch bekannt als "der Drachenritter" oder manchmal "Sir Dragon".
Der Protagonist der Serie, ein Akademiker aus dem 20. Jahrhundert. Seine Verlobte Angie ist bei einem mißglückten Versuch mittels Astralprojektion in ein Paralleluniversum, das dem mittelalterlichen England ähnelt, versetzt worden. Er landet im Kopf des Drachen Gorbash und übernimmt unfreiwillig dessen Körper.
Nach Rücksprache mit dem Mystiker Carolinus wird er geschickt, um Angie vor dem immateriellen Bösen zu retten, das hier als "Dunkle Macht" bekannt ist. Von Bryan wird er als Baron von Riveroak bezeichnet, weil dieser Jims Erklärungen übver seine Herkunft mißversteht. Am Ende von Die Nacht der Drachen gewinnt Jim seine menschliche Form zurück und erhält das Land und die Titel des abgesetzten Sir Hugh, der später in der Serie wieder auftaucht.
In Der Drachenritter regiert Jim mit Angie als seiner Frau das Anwesen Malencontri; findet sich jedoch in der Lage, ohne das Eingreifen von Gorbash ein Drache zu werden, und wird Carolinus' Lehrling, um diese Fähigkeit zu kontrollieren. Das Erlernen dieser Kontrolle ermöglicht mehrere außergewöhnliche Taten im Dienste Englands.
Sir Brian Neville-Smythe
Jims und Angies engster Freund; ein idealistischer, verarmter, eifriger Ritter, der während der gesamten Serie als Jims Begleiter anwesend ist. Sein Verständnis für die Welt des Mittelalters erweist sich als großer Vorteil für Jim, der gelegentlich von ihren Bräuchen verwirrt ist.
Silvanus Carolinus
Jims Mentor und einer der drei bestbewerteten (Eins+) Magier der Welt. In gewisser Weise der moderne Stereotyp oder Archetyp eines Zauberers: ein allwissender, jähzorniger, gesprächiger alter Mann, der in der Lage ist, die Realität fast nach Belieben zu verändern, konsultiert von jeder Art von Lebensform und oft im Gespräch mit der „Revision“.
Dafydd Ap Hywel
Ein walisischer Meisterbogenschütze, wahrscheinlich der Beste der Welt, und Jims Verbündeter. Ein schweigsamer Mann, der immerbeteuert, dass Jims Abenteuer ihn nicht berührten, aber immer einen Grund findet soch einzuschreiten. Nach dem ersten Buch mit der als Danielle bekannten Bogenschützin verheiratet.
Ein Wolf, der der Sprache fähig ist und für seinen reuelosen und rauen Charakter bekannt ist, der sich durch einen starken Nationalismus und einen unaufhörlichen Pragmatismus auszeichnet. Von außergewöhnlicher Größe, durch Abstammung von den Schreckenswölfen. Kann sich bewegen, ohne gesehen oder gehört zu werden, selbst wenn man die Umgebung genau beobachtet. Verbündeter aller Hauptfiguren.
Lady Angela 'Angie' Eckert
Verlobt und später mit Jim verheiratet, erscheint Angie im ersten Buch als Jungfrau in Not und später als Kastellanin von Malencontri. Ihre Rolle ist unterschiedlich wichtig, da sie als Dame auf ihrem eigenen Anwesen bleiben muss, während Jim unterwegs ist; alles zu überwachen, was darin vorkommt; und in allen Situationen Sitte und Höflichkeit zu wahren. Wenn die Handlung in Malencontri spielt, ist sie Jims unzertrennliche Begleiterin. Die meisten Bücher enden mit ihrer Wiedervereinigung nach einem anstrengenden Abenteuer. In der Regel nimmt Angie negative Reize mit mehr Gelassenheit auf als Jim, der von den Situationen, denen er begegnet, ständig frustriert ist.
Sir Giles de Mer
Ein Selkie und Begleiter von Jim und Brian. Geboren nahe Schottlands in Northumbrien. Er ist der dritte Sohn von Harric de Mer und damit hat er keine Aussichten darauf den Titel zu erben. Er versucht sich als fahrender Ritter und tzraf so im ersten Bucgh auf Jim und Brian.
A Western dragon of the 'Cliffside' dragon colony, whose body was initially inhabited by Jim Eckert until Jim could bring his 'george' form into the medieval world. Not a companion as much as an alternate form assumed by Jim. Later a friend to the latter among the Cliffside dragons.
The "maternal grand-uncle" of the dragon Gorbash, and thus in some degree Jim's grand-uncle as well. Advisor to Jim/Gorbash throughout the first book (in which the two share a body). Depicted as comically pompous, but possessed of great courage and able to overawe the other dragons of his colony in any debate. Killed in the first book fighting a 'renegade' named Bryagh, who had earlier given Lady Angela to the Dark Powers.
A wetland-dwelling "mere-dragon": one of a subspecies reduced in size and strength by the presence of the Dark Powers. Fought alongside Smrgol to kill the dragon Bryagh. Though initially cowardly and weak, Secoh increases in confidence, and is one of Jim's vital allies among the dragon community.
Giles o' the Wold
An itinerant archer, and leader of a band of similar men. Responsible for skirmishing against the forces of Sir Hugh outside the immediate vicinity of the Loathly Tower, the headquarters of the Dark Powers.
Danielle o' the Wold
Archer, daughter to Giles o' the Wold, and close friend to Aragh. Married to Dafydd after the first book. Thereafter she is mentioned by name, but usually in connection with her husband and their children, who are said to be numerous.
Lady Geronde Isabel de Chaney
Chatelaine of Castle Malvern, betrothed to Sir Brian while they both wait for her father (Sir Orrin) to return home for permission to marry. Depicted as martial in character. Married to Sir Brian in The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent.
Sir John Chandos
A powerful and intelligent knight, who often enlists Jim to conduct difficult and unusual missions. Considered very handsome by his contemporaries, and therefore sometimes the object of Jim's jealousy when seen as too familiar with Angie.
Prince Edward Plantagenet
The hot-tempered, but good-natured son of the King, later identified as the historical 'Black Prince'. Edward owes Jim and Brian his freedom from captivity by the renegade Magickian Malvinne, and is known to speak on their behalf before the King.
King Edward III Plantagenet
The weak-willed, alcoholic monarch of England. Although he is Jim's superior and generally can be considered an ally, the King is impulsive and indecisive; character traits which occasionally put James and Angela's lives in danger.
The Dark Powers
A malicious force, chief antagonist of the series, having an especial grudge against humans and magicians, that unceasingly attempts to set the world into either boredom or chaos. Their power is centered at Loathly Tower and all immediate terrain, within England.
Sir Hugh de Bois
The former lord of Malencontri, much disliked by Aragh and Sir Brian. Betrayed England to enlist in the services of the Dark Powers, and later fled England, to re-appear in later books. Deposed by Jim/Gorbash and their allies. Notable for having scarred Lady Geronde, so that she remains 'disfigured' according to the standards of her society until her marriage to Sir Brian, whereat she is restored to her former appearance by an act of magic considered unusual by the other characters.
The Earl of Cumberland
The King's royal cousin. Power-hungry and ruthless, the Earl frequently attempts various plots to take the throne, even as far as attacking the mythical land of Lyonesse. The Earl regards the Dragon Knight and his companions as a constant annoyance to his schemes, which they consistently dismantle.
Lady Agatha Falon
The Earl's witch ally. Robert Falon's malevolent aunt. Shown as a relatively benign character in The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll, wherein she is introduced; but depicted as malicious in later books.
Renegade dragon who left the Cliffside dragon community (whereof Smrgol and Gorbash were members) to serve the Dark Powers. Killed by Smrgol and Secoh.
A rogue magickian in league with the Dark Powers. A long-time rival of Carolinus. Defeated by Jim and company.
Matriarchal, rodentine creatures that impel terror in their intended victims by production of high-frequency sound. These sounds have no effect on wolves, but take full effect on dragons and men alike.
Flying creatures resembling those of classic mythology, whose bites contain lethal venom.
A large, mainly-featureless creature with thick skin and many rows of teeth. Defeated by Jim and Brian.
A large, dim-witted, fireproof humanoid noted for impressive gripping power but limited movement at the shoulder. Smrgol and Jim/Gorbash are among a very few dragons to have slain one.
Sea-Lizard or Sea-Serpent
An amphibious reptile of tremendous size, considered traditional enemy of the dragons. One of these, by magical intervention, leads an invasion (in The Dragon at War) of England to destroy the dragons of England, but fails when fought and beaten by Jim Eckert.
A Kraken, initially depicted as benign advisor to all marine and amphibious life; but later revealed to be ambitious, according to Carolinus, "to rule the world". It is Granfer that permits a large-scale invasion of England by the sea-serpents, and who connects them to the Italio-French sorcerer Julio Ecotti for this purpose. Banished by Carolinus.
A 'Great Demon', antagonist of The Dragon and the Djinn.
Deep-Earth Goblins
Antagonists of The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent, wherein they appear as a cause of the Black Death's proliferation in England, well before the accepted historic date. Especial enemies of the Castle Hobgoblins, whom they expelled from the 'Kingdom of Demons' centuries before the events of the books.
Other characters
Grottwold Weimar Hansen
University professor of various qualifications, whose experiments in astral projection transported Angie, and later the psyche and memories of Jim, into the medieval period. Considered "an unsavory character" by Jim, owing to their former rivalry for Angie's hand in marriage. Jim's instructor in hypnosis.
Dick Innkeeper
Owner of an inn, of moderate importance to the first book.
Son Won Phon
Chinese Magickian, who appears initially in The Dragon at War to challenge Jim's use of hypnosis on grounds that the latter was "Oriental magic" and ought have been taught by "a qualified Oriental instructor". Disproven by Carolinus. Son later appears as a specialist consulted by Carolinus, and in extension thereof by Jim.
Martti Lahti
Finnish magician, of a moderate rank (identified as 'B+') slightly higher than that of Jim, who appears among those observing Carolinus' challenge by Son Won Phon, and who prevents the injured Sir Brian and Dafydd ap Hywel dying from hemorrhage. Amiable, easy-mannered, and slightly condescending toward Jim.
Self-proclaimed "King of the Trolls", this is a large and ancient troll living underneath the castle of an Earl. Although solitary, he maintains dominance over all the trolls in the region, and is therefore considered their superior. Addressed by Agatha Falon as "Grandfather" by reason of the years she spent as his ward.
Auditing Department
Intangibly-constructed, nearly-omnipresent entity of immense influence and wry humor, called the accounting office in later books, whose purpose is largely (though not exclusively) to monitor the use of magic by Magickians of the Collegiate, and thus to determine their right to accomplish certain magical feats. Usually appears as a "bass voice" approximately one meter from the ground, but can appear speaking from or through the local environment itself. Invoked by Carolinus early on, it does not take revenge on him for speaking to itself familiarly, but is addressed with deference by Jim.
A force of nature that influences events to follow a certain monotonous order. Opposed and balanced by Chance.
A force of nature that influences events toward chaos. Opposed and balanced by History.
- Die Nacht der Drachen, Heyne #3769. 1980, ISBN 3-453-30670-8
- Der Drachenritter, 1997, Heyne #5903, 1990, ISBN 3-453-12694-7
- Der Drache an der Grenze, 1997, Heyne #5904, ISBN 3-453-12696-3
- Der Drache im Krieg, 1997, Heyne #5905, ISBN 3-453-13345-5
- Der Drache, der Graf und der Troll, 1997, Heyne #5906, ISBN 3-453-13350-1
- Der Drache und der Dschinn, 1997, Heyne #5907 ISBN 3-453-13353-6
- Der Drache und der Wurzelkönig, 2000, Heyne #9049 ISBN 3-453-15631-5
- The Dragon in Lyonesse, 1998 (nicht auf Deutsch erschienen)
- The Dragon and the Fair Maid of Kent, 2000 (nicht auf Deutsch erschienen)
The series' only short story "St. Dragon and the George", first published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction of September 1957, was later expanded into the first novel of the series. It was later reprinted in several collections, among them A Dragon-Lover's Treasury of the Fantastic, edited by Margaret Weis.
Drachenwelten 1985 Heyne
- Series listing at SciFan
- Series listing at
- St. Dragon and the George referral at
[[Category:Fantasy novel series]]