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Alice Munro

en:Alice Munro



schon angelegte Artikel deWP in aufsteigender Chronologie

  • Artikel zur Story Some Women (2008 / 2009) (begonnen 2014-03-15)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Was ich dir schon immer sagen wollte (1974) (begonnen 2014-02-12)
  • Artikel zur Story Home (1974 / 2006) (begonnen 2014-01-19)
  • Artikel zur Story Carried Away (1991/ 1994) (begonnen 2014-01-07)
  • Artikel zur Story Save the Reaper (1998/ 1998) (begonnen 2014-01-04)
  • Artikel zur Story Die Aussicht vom Burgfelsen (2005/ 2006) (begonnen 2014-01-03)
  • Artikel zur Story The Progress of Love (1985/ 1986) (begonnen 2013-12-27)
  • Artikel zur Story Corrie (2010/ 2012) (begonnen 2013-12-22)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Liebes Leben (2012, dt. 2013) (begonnen 2013-12-20)
  • Artikel zur Story Der Grat von Wenlock (2005/ 2009) (begonnen 2013-12-17)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Himmel und Hölle (2001, dt. 2004) (begonnen 2013-12-17)
  • Artikel zur Binnensammlung Finale (2011/ 2012) (begonnen 2013-12-14)
  • Artikel zur Story Holz (1980/ 2009) (begonnen 2013-12-13)
  • Artikel zur Story Die Liebe einer Frau (1996/ 1998) (begonnen 2013-12-11, erweitert 15.12., 19.12., 7.1., 11.1.)
  • Artikel zur Story Die albanische Jungfrau (1994/ 1994) (begonnen 2013-12-11)
  • Artikel zur Story To Reach Japan (?/ 2012) [deutschen Titel noch rausfinden, dann den ggf. Eintrag dorthin verschieben] (begonnen 2013-12-10)
  • Artikel zur Story Erzählungen, "Fiction" (2007/ 2009) (begonnen 2013-12-07)
  • Artikel zur Story "Dimension"/"Dimensionen", "Dimension"/"Dimensions" (2006/ 2009) + BKL (begonnen 2013-12-06)
  • Artikel zur Story "Freie Radikale", "Free Radicals" (2008/ 2009) BKL anlegen, bisherige Weiterleitung "Freie Radikale" aktualisieren (begonnen 2013-12-04, erweitert 12.1.)
  • Artikel zur Story "Jungen und Mädchen", "Boys and Girls" (1964/ 1968) BKV engl. Titel erwägen (begonnen 2013-12-03)
  • Artikel zur Story "Meneseteung" (1988/ 1990) [deutschen Titel noch rausfinden, dann den ggf. Eintrag dorthin verschieben] (begonnen 2013-11-30, erweitert 18.12., 23.12., 5.1.)
  • Artikel zur Story "Amundsen" (2012/ 2012) [deutschen Titel noch rausfinden, dann den ggf. Eintrag dorthin verschieben] (begonnen 2013-11-29)
  • Liste der Kurzgeschichten von Alice Munro (nur die in deutscher Sprache) (begonnen 2013-11-29)
  • Artikel zur Story "Gravel" (2011) [deutschen Titel noch rausfinden, dann den Eintrag dorthin verschieben] (begonnen 2013-11-28)
  • Artikel zur Story "Train" (2012/ 2012) [deutschen Titel noch rausfinden, dann den Eintrag dorthin verschieben] (begonnen 2013-11-28)
  • Artikel zur Story "Ausreißer" (2003/ 2004) (begonnen 2013-11-25)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Tricks (2004) (begonnen 2013-11-24)
  • Artikel zur Story "Friend of My Youth" (1990/ 1990) [deutschen Titel noch rausfinden, dann den Eintrag dorthin verschieben] (begonnen 2013-11-18)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Zu viel Glück (2009, dt. 2011) (begonnen 2013-11-14)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Tanz der seligen Geister (1968, dt. 2010) (begonnen 2013-11-13)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Wozu wollen Sie das wissen? (2006, dt. 2008) (begonnen 2013-11-11)
  • Artikel zur Sammlung Kleine Aussichten (1971, dt. 1983) (begonnen 2013-11-11)
  • Artikel zur Story "Die Jupitermonde" (1978/ 1982) (begonnen 2013-11-10)
  • Artikel zur Story "Der Bär kletterte über den Berg" (1999/ 2001) (begonnen 2013-10-20)
  • Artikel zur Story "Hasst er mich, mag er mich, liebt er mich, Hochzeit" (2001) (begonnen 2013-10-18)
  • en:List of short stories by Alice Munro (begonnen 2013-10-17)

Stoff für contra im Artikel Alice Munro

(zuwenig fundierte) Kritik vom Ende der Rezension zur Sammlung Zu viel Glück, 2011,

(zuwenig fundierte) Kritik aus Rezension zur Sammlung Dear Life, 2013

  • "One article, in particular, echoes some of the criticism which has been sometimes levelled at Munro’s stories, highlighting Munro’s astringent vision and unforgiving lucidity." Héliane Ventura, Introduction to Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro, Journal of the Short Story in English / Les Cahiers de la nouvelle, No. 55, Autumn 2010.

Werke von Munro, die häufig wieder publiziert worden sind

Werken vor 2003, die später zweimal und öfter in englischsprachige Sammlungen der Autorin aufgenommen worden sind:

  • „Simon's Luck“ (voher mit dem Titel „Emily“), 1978 / 1978
  • The Moons of Jupiter“, 1978 / 1982
  • „The Turkey Season“, 1980 / 1982
  • „Miles City, Montana“, 1985 / 1986

Überblick, welche Stories, die frei online sind, schon Artikel haben und welche noch fehlen:

Die Jupitermonde (Story)

+ noch was einbauen aus: Manuela Reichart: Erzählungen: „Die Jupitermonde“ von Alice Munro. Mit Haut und Haaren. Rezension. In: Die ZEIT. 14. August 1987

+ Katherine J. Mayberry, Narrative Strategies of Liberation in Alice Munro, in: Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC), Volume 19, Number 2 (1994).

Meneseteung (to do)

+ s. im Artikel

    • Lit to do: by Margaret Atwood
    • Lit to do : Sabrina Francesconi, Negotiation of Naming in Alice Munro’s “Meneseteung”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro
    • Lit: Robert Thacker, Introduction, in: The Rest of the Story. Critical Essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 1–20.
    • Lit: Pam Houston: A Hopeful Sign: The Making of Metonymic Meaning in Munro’s ‘Meneseteung’, in: The Kenyon Review New Series, Vol. 14, No. 4 (1992), S. 79–92. (Kopie FL vh)


Alice Munro's Best. Selected Stories ist die vierte ... mit Werken von Alice Munro. Sie erschien zuerst 2006 in der Serie Everyman's Library bei Alfred A. Knopf in New York.

Die Sammlung enthält eine zwölfseitige Einleitung von Margaret Atwood. Darin ...

[[Kategorie:Literarisches Werk]] [[Kategorie:Kurzgeschichte]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (21. Jahrhundert)]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (Englisch)]] [[Kategorie:Kanadische Literatur]] [[Kategorie:Werk von Alice Munro]]

Artikel zu den Sammlungen

Die Jupitermonde (Kurzgeschichtenband)

Die Jupitermonde. Erzählungen (im Original The Moons of Jupiter, 1982) ist Alice Munros fünfte Sammlung von Kurzgeschichten. (Thematisches)

In der deutschsprachigen Fassung von Manfred Ohl und Hans Sartorius wurde der Band 1986 zuerst bei Klett-Cotta in Stuttgart verlegt. Die Ausgabe des Berliner Taschenbuch Verlags von 2006 umfasst 345 Seiten.

+ [[Manuela Reichart: Erzählungen: „Die Jupitermonde“ von Alice Munro. Mit Haut und Haaren. Rezension. In: Die ZEIT. 14. August 1987]]

Enthaltene Werke

  • (Chaddeleys and Flemings I: The Connection)
  • (Chaddeleys and Flemings II: The Stone in the Field)
  • (Dulse)
  • (The Turkey Season)
  • (Accident)
  • (Bardon Bus)
  • (Prue)
  • (Labor Day Dinner)
  • (Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Kidd)
  • (Hard-Luck Stories)
  • (Visitors)
  • Die Jupitermonde (The Moons of Jupiter)

[[Kategorie:Literarisches Werk]] [[Kategorie:Kurzgeschichte]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (21. Jahrhundert)]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (Englisch)]] [[Kategorie:Kanadische Literatur]] [[Kategorie:Werk von Alice Munro]]

Das Bettlermädchen (Kurzgeschichtenband)

Das Bettlermädchen. Geschichten von Flo und Rose ist Alice Munros vierter Band mit Kurzgeschichten. Auf Englisch wurde der Band 1978 in Kanada als Who Do You Think You Are? publiziert und außerhalb von Kanada als The Beggar Maid, der 1980 eine Nominierung für den Booker Prize erzielte. In der Übersetzung von Hildegard Petry wurde die deutschsprachige Fassung 1981 bei Klett-Cotta in Stuttgart verlegt.

Enthaltene Werke

  • Eine fürstliche Abreibung (Royal Beatings), S. 7
  • Unverletzbarkeit (Privilege), S. 38
  • Eine halbe Grapefruit (Half a Grapefruit), S. 58
  • Wilde Schwäne (Wild Swans), S. 81
  • Das Bettlermädchen (The Beggar Maid), S. 95
  • Pech (Mischief), S. 140
  • Vorsehung (Providence), S. 188
  • Simons Glück (Simon's Luck), S. 215
  • Buchstabieren (Spelling), S. 245
  • Was glaubst du, wer du bist? (Who Do You Think You Are?), S. 265

[[Kategorie:Literarisches Werk]] [[Kategorie:Kurzgeschichte]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (21. Jahrhundert)]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (Englisch)]] [[Kategorie:Kanadische Literatur]] [[Kategorie:Werk von Alice Munro]]

Offene Geheimnisse

Offene Geheimnisse. Erzählungen (im Original Open Secrets, 1994)

Übersetzung von Karen Nölle-Fischer. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 1996

Enthaltene Werke

[[Kategorie:Literarisches Werk]] [[Kategorie:Kurzgeschichte]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (21. Jahrhundert)]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (Englisch)]] [[Kategorie:Kanadische Literatur]] [[Kategorie:Werk von Alice Munro]]

Die Liebe einer Frau

Die Liebe einer Frau. Drei Erzählungen und ein kurzer Roman (im Original The Love of a Good Woman, 1998).

Übersetzung von Heidi Zerning. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2000

Der Traum meiner Mutter. Erzählungen. Mit einem Nachwort von Judith Hermann. Übersetzung von Heidi Zerning. S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2002

Enthaltene Werke

in beiden gleich?

[[Kategorie:Literarisches Werk]] [[Kategorie:Kurzgeschichte]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (21. Jahrhundert)]] [[Kategorie:Literatur (Englisch)]] [[Kategorie:Kanadische Literatur]] [[Kategorie:Werk von Alice Munro]]

Der Bär...

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Werke chronologisch nach Erscheinungsjahr auf Englisch

"originally published" = erstmals publiziert in Buchform (Short Story Collections) auf Englisch

  • "The Dimensions of a Shadow" (1950)

Dance of the Happy Shades (1968)

(dt. Tanz der seligen Geister. Fünfzehn Erzählungen. 2010)

Lives of Girls and Women (1971)

(dt. Kleine Aussichten. Ein Roman von Mädchen und Frauen. 1983)

Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You (1974)

(dt. Was ich dir schon immer sagen wollte. Dreizehn Erzählungen. 2012)

"Ajay Heble is representative in his claim that the formal structure of Munro’s Who Do You Think You Are? works to "emphasize both the problem of identity posed by the title of the collection, and the ways in which an ostensibly ‘realistic’ story-line is thrown into question and rendered unstable by disruptive patterns, gaps in time, and discontinuous histories" (96)."

    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick: Some other reality. Alice Munro's Something I've been meaning to tell you, Toronto, Ont: ECW Press, 1993, TOC
    • Lit: Albertazzi 2010
    • Lit: Robert Thacker, Introduction, in: The Rest of the Story. Critical Essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 1–20.
  • "Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You" (republished in 1996)
  • "Material" (republished in 1996)
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "How I Met My Husband"
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "Walking on Water"
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "Forgiveness in Families" (republished in 1996)
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "Tell Me Yes or No"
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "The Found Boat"
  • "Executioners"
    • Lit: Ralph Stewart, A note on Munro’s “Executioners” and the Fall of Troy, in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 42 (Spring 2004),
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "Marrakesh"
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "The Spanish Lady"
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "Winter Wind"
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "Memorial"
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
  • "The Ottawa Valley" (republished in 1996)
    • Lorraine M. York, "The Other Side of Dailiness": The Paradox of Photography in Alice Munro's Fiction, in: Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC), Volume 08, Number 1 (1983).
    • Tracy Ware, Tricks with "a Sad Ring": The Endings of Alice Munro’s "The Ottawa Valley", in: Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC), Volume 31, Number 2 (2006).
    • Lit: Louis K. MacKendrick 1993, s.o.
    • James Wood, Things happen all the time, Review von Selected Stories, in: London Review of Books, 8. Mai 1997 -- darin zu: Dance of the Happy Shades, Postcard, The Beggar Maid, The Progress of Love, The Ottawa Valley
    • Dennis Duffy, „A Dark Sort of Mirror“: The Love of a Good Woman as Pauline Poetic, in: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, S. 169–190. ISBN 1-55022-392-5, p. 171, on the conclusion

Who Do You Think You Are? (1978)

(dt. Das Bettlermädchen. Geschichten von Flo und Rose. 1981)

The Moons of Jupiter (1982)

    • Coral Ann Howells: Star Maps and Shifting Pespectives: Alice Munro's The Moons of Jupiter, in: Gilbert Debusscher (Hrsg.), Union in partition. Essays in honour of Jeanne Delbaere, Liège Language and Literature, English Department, Université de Liège, Liège, 1997, S. 173–180.

(dt. Die Jupitermonde. Erzählungen. 1986)

  • "Chaddeleys and Flemings I: The Connection" (republished in 1996)
  • "Chaddeleys and Flemings II: The Stone in the Field" (republished in 1996)
  • "Dulse" (republished in 1996)
    • ** Katherine J. Mayberry, Narrative Strategies of Liberation in Alice Munro, in: Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC), Volume 19, Number 2 (1994). "This is not narrative cooperation, but narrative stratification, an inversion of the subject position we usually associate with the narrator." and "When crisis comes to Munro's characters, it is often experienced as a collision between past and present, between two sets of experiences that cannot be resolved and that collude as sharp reminders of the pain of powerlessness. A representative example of such a collision occurs in the 1980 story "Dulse," Lydia's account of a flirtatious weekend with three telephone workers sits uneasily within her painful memories of a recent love affair. The later experience insists upon calling up the earlier, which in turn looks to the later for an accommodation and resolution that it cannot deliver. In order to extricate herself from this tangle of experience, Lydia, like many of Munro's characters, is impelled to narrate, historicize these clashing experiences. She resorts to narrative to relieve her pain--a pain resulting from the passive, pleasing, submissive role she habitually plays with men. But Lydia's attempt is unsuccessful, and the cause of her failure can be found as much within her narrative method as within an analysis of her relationships with men."
    • Klaus P. Stich, The Cather Connection in Alice Munro's Dulse, in: Modern Language Studies, 1989 Fall; 19 (4): 102–11.
    • Charles W. Mayer, Reading and Discussing Alice Munro's Dulse, in: Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction, 2006 Spring; 6 (2): 16–28.
    • Robert Thacker, Alice Munro's Willa Cather, Canadian Literature 134 (1992): 42–57.
  • "The Turkey Season" (republished in 1996 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Accident"
  • "Bardon Bus" (republished in 2003)
  • "Prue"
  • "Labor Day Dinner" (republished in 1996)
  • "Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Kidd"
    • Héliane Daziron, Of Beasts and Stones: Mrs Cross and Mrs Kidd by Alice Munro, Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 11.2 (Spring 1989), 75–82.
  • "Hard-Luck Stories"
    • Katherine J. Mayberry, Narrative Strategies of Liberation in Alice Munro, in: Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC), Volume 19, Number 2 (1994). " "Hard-Luck Stories," the tenth story in The Moons of Jupiter, brings at least one of its characters closer to the recognition that escapes Lydia. The action of the story consists of two divorced, middle-aged women--friends--telling (separately) "hard-luck stories" to an ominously silent male listener. Julie's stories about love and loss clearly have very little to do with seeking understanding through a narrative recuperation of the past. Blithe, studied, and superficial, her stories are told solely for the benefit of the listening man, Douglas. Her "preposterously frank" (186) confession of her history of sexual mishaps to a man she has never met is a transparent and completely successful seduction strategy. Douglas claims her, and they become lovers. But the narrator of the story, the other woman (who remains unnamed) shows us another narrative possibility. Her "hard-luck story" is concerned with truthfully rendering the experience in question."
  • "Visitors"
  • "The Moons of Jupiter" (republished in 1996, 2004 and 2006/ 2008)

The Progress of Love (1986)

(dt. Der Mond über der Eisbahn. Liebesgeschichten. 1989)

  • Isla Duncan, Alice Munro's Narrative Art, Palgrave Macmillan, New York 2011, ISBN 978-0-230-33857-9, zu "Fits", "Lichen", "The Progress of Love" und "White Dump"
    • D.A.N. Jones What women think about men,, 5. Februar 1987, zuletzt abgerufen am 22. Nobember 2013. maybe only 25% are for free
    • Skagert, Ulrica (2008): Possibility-Space and Its Imaginative Variations in Alice Munro’s Short Stories. Dissertation, Stockholm University, Stockholm
  • "The Progress of Love" (republished in 1996, 2004 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Lichen" (republished in 1996)
    • Marianne Micro, Et in Ontario Ego: The Pastoral Ideal and the Blazon Tradition in Alice Munro's Lichen, in: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, 44-59. ISBN 1-55022-392-5
    • "The sense of the cause of victimization in "Lichen" is less societal than that in Atwood's fiction, more inherent in the natural human condition, while its images of feminine power in creativity parallel images in these two novels by Atwood."
    • Beatrice Seligardi, Feticismo e ironia dell’ékphrasis pornografica nel racconto "Lichen" di Alice Munro, in: Between, Vol 3, Iss 5 (May 2013), Università degli Studi di Cagliari, ISSN 2039-6597
  • "Monsieur les Deux Chapeaux"
  • "Miles City, Montana" (republished in 1996 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Fits" (republished in 1996)
  • "The Moon in the Orange Street Skating Rink"
  • "Jesse and Meribeth"
  • "Eskimo"
    • Lit: Claude Maisonnat, “Eskimo,” or an Encounter with the Real of Feminine Desire, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,
    • Lit: Ventura 2010
  • "A Queer Streak"
  • "Circle of Prayer"
  • "White Dump" (republished in 1996)
  • Robert Thacker, 'The Way the Skin of the Moment Can Break Open': Reading Munro's 'White Dump', in: Canadian Notes and Queries, 2010 Spring–Summer; 79: 24–27.

Friend of My Youth (1990)

(dt. Glaubst du, es war Liebe? 1991)

    • Lit: Heller In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5

Rez: Review zur Sammlung in LRB - only 25% for free
Carol Shields, "In Ontario. Friend of My Youth by Alice Munro", London Review of Books, Vol. 13 No. 3 · 7 February 1991, pages 22-23. Anfang davon

  • "Friend of My Youth" (republished in 1996 and 2006/ 2008)
    • Lit: Lynn Blin, Alice Munro’s Naughty Coordinators in “Friend of My Youth”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,
    • Lit: Heller In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5
    • Lit: Robert Thacker, Introduction, in: The Rest of the Story. Critical Essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 1–20.
    • Magdalene Redekop, Alice Munro and the Scottish Nostalgic Grotesque, in: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 21–43.
  • "Five Points"
  • "Meneseteung" (republished in 1996, 2003 and 2006/ 2008)
    • Lit: Robert Thacker, Introduction, in: The Rest of the Story. Critical Essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 1–20.
    • Lit to do: by Margaret Atwood
    • Lit to do : Sabrina Francesconi, Negotiation of Naming in Alice Munro’s “Meneseteung”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,
    • Lit to do: Pam Houston: A Hopeful Sign: The Making of Metonymic Meaning in Munro’s ‘Meneseteung’, in: The Kenyon Review New Series, Vol. 14, No. 4 (1992), S. 79–92.
  • "Hold Me Fast, Don't Let Me Pass"
  • "Oranges and Apples"
  • "Pictures of the Ice"
  • "Goodness and Mercy"
  • "Oh, What Avails"
  • "Differently" (republished in 1996, 2004 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Wigtime"

Open Secrets (1994)

(dt. Offene Geheimnisse. Erzählungen. 1996)

  • "Carried Away" (republished in 1996, 2003, 2004 and 2006/ 2008)
    • Klaus P Stich, Munro’s Grail Quest: The Progress of Logos, in: Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC), Volume 32, Number 1 (2007).
    • Lit: Lecker In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5
    • Magdalene Redekop, Alice Munro and the Scottish Nostalgic Grotesque, in: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 21–43.
    • Lit: Foy, In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5
  • "A Real Life"
  • "The Albanian Virgin" (republished in 1996, 2003 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Open Secrets"
  • "The Jack Randa Hotel"
  • "A Wilderness Station" (republished in 1996 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Spaceships Have Landed"
    • Lit: Martin/Ober In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5
  • "Vandals" (republished in 1996 and 2006/ 2008)
    • Lit: Foy In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5

The Love of a Good Woman (1998)

(dt. Die Liebe einer Frau. Drei Erzählungen und ein kurzer Roman. 2000, und: Der Traum meiner Mutter. Erzählungen. 2002)

  • "The Love of a Good Woman" (republished in 2003 and 2011)
    • Lit: Duffy In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5
  • "Jakarta"
  • "Cortes Island"
  • "Save the Reaper" (republished in 2006/ 2008)
    • Magdalene Redekop, Alice Munro and the Scottish Nostalgic Grotesque, in: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 21–43.
  • "The Children Stay" (republished in 2003 and 2011)
    • Lit: De Papp Carrington In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5 -- copy vh
    • Magdalene Redekop, Alice Munro and the Scottish Nostalgic Grotesque, in: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 21–43.
    • Ildikó de Papp Carrington meint, dass die Erzählung The Children Stay eine neue Version des Orpheus-Mythos ist im Vergleich zu der Version, die in Jean Anouilhs Drama Eurydice vorgestellt wird. Carrington schlägt vor es so zu sehen, dass Munro ihren Figuren mit mehrfachen Funktionen ausstattet, die die Rollen aus dem Drama kombinieren.[21].[22]
  • "Rich as Stink"
  • "Before the Change"
  • "My Mother's Dream" (republished in 2011)

Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage (2001)

(dt. Himmel und Hölle. Neun Erzählungen. 2004) Widmung: "With gratitude to Sarah Skinner."

Runaway (2004)

(dt. Tricks. Acht Erzählungen. 2006)

The View from Castle Rock (2006)

(dt. Wozu wollen Sie das wissen? Elf Erzählungen. 2008)

Lit: Mary Condé, Fathers in Alice Munro’s ‘Fathers’, in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 41 (Autumn 2003),

    • "Lying Under the Apple Tree" (republished in 2011)
    • "Hired Girl" (republished in 2011)
      • Lit: Ildikó de Papp Carrington, Other rooms, other texts, other selves: Alice Munro's "Sunday afternoon" and "Hired Girl", in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 30 (Spring 1998),
      • Lit: De Papp Carrington In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5
    • "The Ticket"
    • "Home"
      • Lit: Robert Thacker, Introduction, in: The Rest of the Story. Critical Essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5, S. 1–20.
      • Lit: Dennis Duffy, „A Dark Sort of Mirror“: The Love of a Good Woman as Pauline Poetic, in: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, S. 169–190. ISBN 1-55022-392-5, p. 171, on metafictional aspects
    • "What Do You Want to Know For?"
  • Epilogue
    • "Messenger"

Too much happiness (2009)

(dt. Zu viel Glück. Zehn Erzählungen. 2011)

She has overcome the suicide of her first husband, the paleontologist Vladimir Kovalevsky, and the death of her sister, Aniuta, and has escaped domesticity to achieve an academic posting in Stockholm. She dreams of marriage with Maxsim Kovalevsky, a law professor and distant relation, and a great bear of a man who “takes up too much room, on the divan and in one’s mind” – though he seems reluctant to go through with the marriage. Readers familiar with Munro’s fiction – or with the facts of Sophia’s life – will not be surprised to learn that darkness lies around the corner. When she walks with Maxsim in the Old Cemetery in Genoa on the first day of January, she teases him that one of them is to die. And as she waits for the train that will take her from her lover to Paris and then Berlin, part of a tour of figures from her past, a black cat “obliquely crosses” her path. When she feels the beginnings of a sore throat, we fear the worst. Though set in a time and a place startlingly different from the distinct territory of Huron County, Ontario that she has made her own, “Too Much Happiness” has all the hallmarks of a classic Munro story. It shows up the nuances of a woman’s life, and the ways in which she deals with marriage and the burdens of domesticity – or, as Sophia puts it, how to come to terms with the fact that “life can be perfectly satisfying without major achievements” (she later finds that this isn’t the case, at least for her). Though the technique is glancing, it seems to encompass whole lives in just a few pages, so the reader has the feeling that nothing has been omitted. And it shows how the past always manages to catch up with us. If Sophia finds only the most limited form of happiness"

Dear Life. Stories (2012)

Selected eds.

Selected Stories (1996)

No Love Lost (2003)

  • "Bardon Bus" (originally published in 1977)
  • "Carried Away" (originally published in 1994) (previously republished in 1996) (republished in 2004 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Mischief" (originally published in 1978)
  • "The Love of a Good Woman" (originally published in 1998) (republished in 2011)
  • "Simon's Luck" (originally published in 1978) (previously republished in 1996)
  • "Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage" (originally published in 2001) (republished in 2004, 2006/ 2008 and 2011)
  • "The Bear Came Over the Mountain" (originally published in 2001) (republished in 2006/ 2008 and 2011)
  • "The Albanian Virgin" (originally published in 1994) (previously republished in 1996) (republished in 2006/ 2008)
  • "Meneseteung" (originally published in 1990) (previously republished in 1996) (republished in 2006/ 2008)
  • "The Children Stay" (originally published in 2003) (republished in 2011)

Vintage Munro (2004)

  • "The Moons of Jupiter" (originally published in 1977) (previously republished in 1996) (republished in 2006/ 2008)
  • "The Progress of Love" (originally published in 1986) (republished in 1996 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Differently" (originally published in 1990) (previously republished in 1996) (republished in 2006/ 2008)
  • "Carried Away" (originally published in 1994) (previously republished in 1996 and 2003) (republished in 2006/ 2008)
  • "Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage" (originally published in 2001) (previously republished in 2003) (republished in 2006/ 2008 and 2011)

Carried Away: A Selection of Stories (2006)

Enthält dieselben Stories wie Best of (2008), s.u., plus

  • "Introduction" ix (11 S.)
  • "Select Bibliography" xxi (1 S.)
  • "Chronology" xxii (? S.)

Alice Munro's Best: A Selection of Stories (Toronto 2006/2008)

With an introduction by Margaret Atwood

  • "Royal Beatings" (2006: p. 1) 2008: p. 1 (originally published in 1978)
  • "The Beggar Maid" (2006: p. 27) 2008: p. 25 (originally published in 1978)
  • "The Turkey Season" (2006: p. 65) 2008: p. 59 (originally published in 1977) (previously republished in 1996)
  • "The Moons of Jupiter" (2006: p. 83) 2008: p. 75 (originally published in 1977) (previously republished in 1996 and 2004)
  • "The Progress of Love" (2006: p. 101) 2008: p. 93 (originally published in 1986) (republished in 1996, 2004)
  • "Miles City, Montana" (2006: p. 131) 2008: p. 121 (originally published in 1986) (republished in 1996 and 2006/ 2008)
  • "Friend of my Youth" (2006: p. 155) 2008: p. 155 (originally published in 1990) (previously republished in 1996)
  • "Meneseteung" (2006: p. 179) 2008: p. 165 (originally published in 1990) (previously republished in 1996 and 2003)
  • "Differently" (2006: p. 203) 2008: p. 187 (originally published in 1990) (previously republished in 1996 and 2004)
  • "Carried Away" (2006: p. 231) 2008: p. 213 (originally published in 1994) (previously republished in 1996, 2003 and 2004)
  • "The Albanian Virgin" (2006: p. 277) 2008: p. 255 (originally published in 1994) (previously republished in 1996 and 2004)
  • "A Wilderness Station" (2006: p. 323) 2008: p. 295 (originally published in 1994) (previously republished in 1996)
  • "Vandals" (2006: p. 357) 2008: p. 325 (originally published in 1994) (previously republished in 1996)
  • "Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage" (2006: p. 389) 2008: p. 353 (originally published in 2001) (previously republished in 2003 and 2004) (republished in 2011)
  • "Save the Reaper" (2006: p. 439) 2008: p. 399 (originally published in 1998)
  • "Runaway" (2006: p. 472) 2008: p. 429 (originally published in 2004)
  • "The Bear Came Over the Mountain" (2006: p. 513) 2008: p. 467 (originally published in 2001) (republished in 2011)

New Selected Stories (2011)

From The Love of a Good Woman (1998)

From Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage (2001)

From Runaway (2004)

From The View from Castle Rock (2006)

From Too much happiness (2009)

Lit zu einzelnen Werken


Louis K. MacKendrick, Some other reality: Alice Munro's Something I've been meaning to tell you. ECW Press, Toronto 1993. ISBN 1-55022-129-9

The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, ECW Press, Toronto, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5

aus Zeitschrift Studies in Canadian Literature

fertig oben eingebaut

search results

Lee Garner and Jennifer Murray, From Participant to Observer: Theatricality as Distantiation in “Royal Beatings” and “Lives of Girls and Women” by Alice Munro, in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 51 (Autumn 2008),

Ralph Stewart, A note on Munro’s “Executioners” and the Fall of Troy, in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 42 (Spring 2004),

Mary Condé, Fathers in Alice Munro’s ‘Fathers’, in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 41 (Autumn 2003),

Héliane Ventura, The Ordinary as Subterfuge: Alice Munro’s “Pictures of the Ice”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 38 (Spring 2002),

Ildikó de Papp Carrington, Other rooms, other texts, other selves: Alice Munro's "Sunday afternoon" and "Hired Girl", in: Journal of the Short Story in English, 30 (Spring 1998),

(take a pick) Linda Collinge-Germain and Emmanuel Vernadakis, Foreword, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Héliane Ventura, Introduction, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Katrin Berndt, The Ordinary Terrors of Survival: Alice Munro and the Canadian Gothic, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Silvia Albertazzi, A Comparative Essay on the Sociology of Literature: Alice Munro’s “unconsummated relationships”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Jennifer Murray, “Like the Downflash of a Wing or Knife”: Repression, Sublimation, and the Return of the Repressed in Alice Munro’s “Princess Ida”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Claude Maisonnat, “Eskimo,” or an Encounter with the Real of Feminine Desire, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Lynn Blin, Alice Munro’s Naughty Coordinators in “Friend of My Youth”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Sabrina Francesconi, Negotiation of Naming in Alice Munro’s “Meneseteung”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Corinne Bigot, Alice Munro’s “Silence”: From the Politics of Silence to a Rhetoric of Silence, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

(take a pick) Ian Rae, Runaway Classicists: Anne Carson and Alice Munro’s “Juliet” Stories, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Agnès Berthin-Scaillet, A Reading of Away from Her, Sarah Polley’s adaptation of Alice Munro’s short story, “The Bear Came Over the Mountain”, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Héliane Ventura, The Skald and the Goddess: Reading “The Bear Came Over the Mountain” by Alice Munro, in: Journal of the Short Story in English (JSSE)/Les cahiers de la nouvelle, ISSN 0294-0442, n° 55 (Autumn 2010), Special issue: The Short Stories of Alice Munro,

Lit: Thacker Intro In: The rest of the story. Critical essays on Alice Munro. Edited by Robert Thacker, Toronto: ECW Press, 1999, ISBN 1-55022-392-5
(take a pick) + Virginia Barber Correspondence + Scottish Nostalgic Grotesque + AM and The New Yorker


Various, Journals etc.

The Atlantic

Harper's Magazine

The New Yorker ...

Times Literary Supplement

New York Times Featured Author: Alice Munro

The Paris Review Suche nach "alice" und "munro"

Writer's Fest Vancouver: Search results "Alice Munro"

by Margaret Atwood

Zu „The Beggar Maid“ (2x) von Margaret Atwood[26]

Zu „The Moons of Jupiter“ von Margaret Atwood[26]

Zu „The Turkey Season“ von Margaret Atwood[26]

Zu „Meneseteung“ von Margaret Atwood[26]

Zu „Differently“ von Margaret Atwood[26]

Zu „The Progress of Love“ von Margaret Atwood[26]

Zu „Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You“ von Margaret Atwood[26]

Atwood, Margaret: Verblüffende Dinge geschehen : Üppige Natur, verdrängte Gefühle, respektable Fassaden, heimliche sexuelle Ausschweifung: Wie hängt Alice Munros Heimatprovinz Southwest Ontario mit ihrem Erzählwerk zusammen?, in: Literaturen ; 7/8.2011,102, S. 30-38.


  1. „Boys and Girls“ (1968)
  2. (free sign-up) „Red Dress - 1946“ (1968? / 1973?)
  3. „Queenie“ (1998)
  4. „The Bear Came Over the Mountain“ (2013), dies ist eine weniger ausgearbeitete Version als die in der Printausgabe von 2001
  5. „Runaway“ (2003)
  6. „Passion“ (2004)
  7. „The View from Castle Rock“ (2005)
  8. „Wenlock Edge“ (2005)
  9. "Home"(2006)
  10. „Dimension“ (2006)
  11. „Face“ (2008)
  12. „Free Radicals“ (2008)
  13. „Deep Holes“ (2008)
  14. „Wood“ (2009)
  15. „Corrie“ (2010)
  16. „Gravel“ (2011)
  17. „Dear Life“ (2011)
  18. (free sign-up) „To Reach Japan“ (2012)
  19. „Train“ (2012)
  20. „Amundsen“ (2012)
  21. Carrington, Ildikó de Papp. “Recasting the Orpheus Myth: Alice Munro’s ‘The Children Stay’ and Jean Anouilh’s Eurydice.” The Rest of the Story: Critical Essays on Alice Munro. Ed. Robert Thacker. Toronto: ECW, 1999. 191-203, S. 196
  22. Referenziert in: Fußnote 4 in: Joanna Luft, Boxed In: Alice Munro’s “Wenlock Edge” and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, in: Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne (SCL/ÉLC), Volume 35, Number 1 (2010).
  23. Alice Munro: On Dear Life. An Interview with Alice Munro, The New Yorker, 20. November 2012
  24. Alice Munro: On Dear Life. An Interview with Alice Munro,, 20. November 2012
  25. Alice Munro: On Dear Life. An Interview with Alice Munro, The New Yorker, 20. November 2012
  26. a b c d e f g Alice Munro: an appreciation by Margaret Atwood, by Margaret Atwood, The Guardian, 11. Oktober 2013