Benutzer:Pendethan/Meine Entwürfe/Formeln

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie

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Exponentiation is a mathematical operation, written as , scriptstyle: , displaystyle:

, textstyle: , involving two numbers, the base  and the exponent . When  is a positive integer, exponentiation corresponds to repeated multiplication of the base: that is,  is the product of multiplying  bases: , scriptstyle: , displaystyle:
, textstyle: 

The exponent is usually shown as a superscript to the right of the base. In that case, is called “b raised to the n-th power”, b raised to the power of n, or the n-th power of b.

When is a positive integer and is not zero, is naturally defined as or , or preserving the property . With exponent , is equal to , and is the reciprocal of .

logb x – Logarithmus zu einer beliebigen Basis b berechnen


Find the equation of the line that is tangent to the following curve at :
Begin by dividing the polynomial by :


Drehung um die -Achse:

Drehung um die - und die -Achse:

Inverse Drehmatrizen:

Kombinierte, hintereinander ausgeführte (innere) Drehungen um die Achsen , und :

Kombinierte, hintereinander ausgeführte (innere) Drehungen um die Achsen , und :

Kombinierte, hintereinander ausgeführte (innere) Drehungen um die Achsen , und :

Imperial Measures

Continuously Variable Transmission