
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Operation Kartesische Koordinaten (x,y,z) Zylinderkoordinaten (ρ,φ,z) Kugelkoordinaten (r,θ,φ)
Differential displacement
Differential normal area
Differential volume
Non-trivial calculation rules:
  1. \left(Laplace-Operator\right)
  2. Graßmannscher Entwicklungssatz für das Kreuzprodukt:
  • Note: This page uses standard physics notation; some \left(American mathematics\right) sources define θ as the angle with the -plane instead of .
  • Note: The function atan2\left(y, x\right) is used instead of the mathematical function arctan\left(y/x\right) due to its domain and image. The classical arctan\left(y/x\right) has an image of \left(-π/2, +π/2\right), whereas atan2\left(y, x\right) is defined to have an image of \left(-π, π].