Benutzer:Radh/Nordamerikanische Literatur aus Europa, nach 1945
- Adrienne Monnier, Freundin von Sylvia Beach Zeitschrift Le Navire d'argent, Besitzerin der Buchhandlung La Maison des Amis des Livres. Als Herausgeberin von T. S. Eliot
T. S. Eliot: La chanson d'amour de J. Alfred Prufrock. In: Le Navire d'argent, no. 1, June 1925. Sylvia Beach, Adrienne Monnier (die die Zeitschrift herausgab: bei La Maison des Amis des Livres.
Three Mountain Press
- Bill Bird: Three Mountain Press; since 1928 Nancy Cunard's Hours Press.
- (Vgl.: Contact Editions: Contact Collection of Contemporary Writers. Contact Editions, Three Mountain Press, Paris [1925]).
- Ezra Pound, editor from 1923.
- Ezra Pound: A Draft of XVI Cantos. 1923
- E P: Indiscretions; or; Une Revue de deux mondes. TMP, Paris 1923
- E. P. Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony. TMP, P 1924
- William Carlos Williams: The Great American Novel. Contact Editions, Three Mountain Press, Paris 1923. 300!
- Ernest Hemingway: In Our Time Three Mountain Press, Paris 1924. 32 pages. 170 numbered copies.
The Hours Press 1930-
- Nancy Cunard.
- George Moore: Peronnik the Fool. 1928. Das erste Buch der Presse.
- The Talking Pine, 1931
- Samuel Beckett, Whoroscope, 1930 to Havelock Ellis. 100 numb. copies.
- Ezra Pound: A Draft of XXX Cantos. 1930. 200 numb. copies
- Havelock Ellis: The Revaluation of Obscenity. 1931. 200 numb. signed copies
- Norman Douglas: One Day. 1929. 200 + 300 unsigned copies
- Richard Aldington: Hark the Herald, 1928
- The Eaten Heart, 1929
- Last Straws. 1930
- Arthur Symons: Mes souvenirs, 1929
- Laura Riding: Four Unposted Letters to Catherine. 1930
- Laura Riding: Twenty Poems Less. 1930
- Robert Graves: Ten Poems More. 1930
- Harold Acton Harold Mario Mitchell Acton: This Chaos, 1930
- Roy Campbell: Poems 1930
- Lewis Caroll: La Chasse au snark: une agonie en huit crises 1929
- Henry Crowder: Henry-Music. 1930
- Alvaro Guevara: St. George at Silene, 1928
- Brian Howard: God Save the King, 1930
- Walter Lowenfels: Apollinaire: an Elegy 1930
- Bob Brown: Words
- Eugene MacCown: Painting, Drawings, Gouaches 1930
- John Rodker: Collected Poems, 1912-1925. 1930
Eugene MacCown war wohl US-Amerikaner.
Contact Editions 1922-
- Robert McAlmon
- it:Emanuel Carnevali: The Hurried Man
- Ernest Hemingway: 3 Stories & 10 Poems Contact Editions, Paris 1923
- H. D. (Hilda Doolittle): Palimpsest. Contact Editions, Paris 1926! 1922?
- Mina Loy: Lunar Baedeker
- Marsden Hartley
- William Carlos Williams: Spring and All C. E., P 1923
- Gertrude Stein: The Making of Americans. 1926
- Djuna Barnes
- Ford Madox Ford
- John Herrman: What Happens
- Edwin Lanham: Sailors Don't Care
- Robert Coates: The Eater of Darkness
- Gertrude Beasley: My First Twenty Years. wohl 1925
- Nathaniel West: The Dream Life of Basso Snell. 1931.
- Saikaku Ihara: Quaint Tales of Samurais
- Robert McAlmon: A Hasty Bunch. Contact Editions, Paris 1922
- A Companion Volume 1923
- Post-Adolescence. Contact Editions, Paris 1923
- Village: As It Happened through a Fifteen Year Period. Contact Editions, Paris 1924
- Distinguished Air: Grim Fairy Tales 1925
- The Portrait of a Generation 1925. Poetry
- North America, Continent of Conjecture. 1929. Poetry
- Bryher (Winifred Ellerman): Two Selves. Contact Editions, Paris 1923
1925; 1927- Editions Narcisse; Black Sun Press 1928-
- Harry, Caresse Crosby
- en:Caresse Crosby:
- Crosses of Gold. [printer: Léon Pichon] 1925
- Painted Shores [Lescaret]
- The Stranger
- Poems for Harry Crosby. Black Sun, 1931
- en:Harry Crosby:
- Sonnets for Caresse [Léon Pichon] 1925
- Red Skeletons[printer: Roger Lescaret], Paris 1927. Poems.Ill.: en:Alastair (Baron Hans Henning Voigt)
- Painted Shores. 1927
- Mad Queen Black Sun, 1929. "Tirades"
- Transit of Venus. 1929. "Poems"
- Shadows of the Sun 1930
- Black Sun (from 1928)
- Kay Boyle: Short Stories. E´ditions Narcisse, 1929
- Bob Brown: 1450-1930. 1929
- Archibald MacLeish: Einstein. 1929
- en:Lord Lymington: Spring Song of Iscariot. Black Sun, 1929
- Hart Crane: The Bridge, A Poem 1930 ;Mit 3 Photos von Walker Evans.
- Archibald MacLeish: New Found Land. Fourteen Poems. 1930
- Ezra Pound: Imaginary Letters. 1930. 350 numb. copies
- Kay Boyle: Year Before Last. 1932
- William Faulkner: Sanctuary Black Sun Press 1932
- Ernest Hemingway:
- In Our Time. 1932
- The Torrents of Spring. Black Sun Press, Paris 1932
- Dorothy Parker: Laments for the Living. Black Sun Press, 1932
- Ramon Sartoris: Three Plays. 1944
- Charles Bukowski: Twenty Tanks from Kasseldown. 1946
Harrison of Paris, 13 Bücher, 1930 - 1933/Paris, 1934 (New York)
- Monroe Wheeler und (Geldgeberin Barbara Harrison)
- Glenway Wescott: The Babe's Bed. Harrison of Paris, Fall 1930. Drittes Buch der Presse, in Holland gedruckt, Auflage unter 400.
- Glenway Wescott: A Calendar of Saints for Unbelievers
Ein weiteres umfangreiches Buch.
- Monroe Wheeler: A Typographical Commonplace Book. Harrrison of Paris 1932
- Katherine Ann Porter: French Song Book. Harrison of Paris 1933.
- Katherine Ann Porter: Hacienda A Story of Mexico. Harrison of Paris, New York 1934. 13. und letzte Publikation des Verlages, erschien in N.Y..
Obelisk Press 1929-1939
- Jack Kahane, bis zu seinem Tod 1939. (Ab 1945 von dem Sohn Maurice Girodias. Olympia Press ab 1953.)
1st book:
- Norah C. James: Sleeveless Errand. February 1929 (had been published by Scholartis Press/Eric Partridge.
- Marika Norden: The Gentle Men
- Marjorie Firminger: Jam To-Day
- Princess Paul Troubetzkoy: Storm Tarn
- Jack Kahane/ Cecil Barr
- Lawrence Durell: The Black Book [1938]
- Charles Henri Ford, en:Parker Tyler: The Young and Evil. 1933
- Henry Miller:
- Tropic of Cancer. 1935. 5 impressions in the next five years
- Aller Retour New York. 1935
- Black Spring 1936
- Scenario; A Film with Sound. 1937
- Max and the White Phagocytes. 1938
- Tropic of Capricorn. 1939
- Anais Nin: (D. H. Lawrence.... Sign of the Black Manikin Press, Paris 1932).
- House of Incest. Obelisk 1936
- Winter of Artifice. Obelisk 1939
- Norman Douglas: Some Limericks
- Richard Aldington: Death of a Hero
- Cyril Connolly: The Rock Pool
- James Hanley: Boy
Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg
- Merlin. 7 Ausgaben. 1952-1954.
- Bair Bryan, Richard Seaver (später Evergreen Review), Alexander Trocchi, en:Austryn Wainhouse, Jane Lougee (Geld)
- The Paris Review. 1953 -, ab 1956 in den USA. George Plimpton. en:Harold L. Humes, en:Thomas Guinzburg (first managing editor), his Yale roommte en:Peter Matthiessen and others.
- Zu dieser Gruppe auch William Styron, [[:en:Donald
Dead Language Press
Verlag von Piero Heliczer und Angus MacLise; auch eine Zeitschrift.
Olympia Press
- Henry Miller: Nexus, Sexus, Plexus, Quiet Days in Clichy. 1956.
- Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita 1955 (2 Vols.?). Dann Putnam's, New York
- William S. Burroughs: Naked Lunch. 1959
- W. S. B.: The Soft Machine. 1961
- Gregory Corso: The American Express. 1961
- (Chester Himes: Mamie Mason; ou, Un Exercise de la bonne volonte, Libraire Plon, 1963? [1962?]/Pinktoes, Olympia Press, Paris 1961 (leicht unterschiedlich)
- Diese Autoren bei anderen Verlagen
- Gregory Corso - Dead Language Press
Chester Himes
- Dare-dare 1959 [french]/Run Man Run. 1966
- Coffin Ed/Grave Digger Jones
- La reine des pommes. Gallimard, La série noire, 1957/For Love of Imabelle 1957. Cut version/A Rage in Harlem. 1965
- Couché dans le pain 1959/The Crazy Kill 1959
- Il pleut des coups durs. 1958/The Real Cool Killers 1959/If Trouble Was Money
- Imbroglio negro 1960/All Shot Up 1960
- Tout pour plaire. 1959/The Big Gold Dream 1960
- Ne nous envervons pas!. 1964/The Heat's On. 1961/Come Back, Charlston Blue 1970
- Retour en Afrique 1964/Cotton Comes to Harlem 1965
- Blind Man with a Pistol 1969/Hot Day, Hot Night 1969
- Weitere Bücher
- (A Case of Rape 1980; A Case for Rape 1985)/Une Affaire de viol. Editions Les Yeux Ouverts, Paris 1963. Übersetzer André Mathieu.
- Un Menteau du reve? (1982)
- Plan B. Paris 1983/(Plan B: A Novel. 1993)
Chester Himes lebte von 1953 bis zu seinem Tod, 1984 in Europa (Spanien)
Kenneth Tindall
Kenneth Tindall (* 1937, Los Angeles): U.S: Navy. Ireland, Paris, Denmark. Webseite: Kenneth Tindalls Webseite: Poetic Acts
- The Arboretum (1957-60 geschrieben, in Irland und Paris)
- Vindharpen, Hans Reitzels Forlag, Kopenhagen? 1967. Übersetzt von Finn Holten Hansen. In den USA:
- Great Heads, Grove, New York 1969; Reissued: Pomegranate Crown Press
- The Banks of the Sea. Dalkey Archive Press 1987 (geschrieben um 1968?)
- Body Only (2001-2004 geschrieben)
- Pignon (1987 geschrieben)
- The Tectonics of Moonlight. Poems.
"Postmodern" us-science fiction writers in London
- Compact Books (from the publishers of New Worlds Science Fiction). Nur 1965/1966.
US-amerikanische Autoren: L. Sprague de Camp, Thomas M. Disch, Charles L. Harness, Judith Merril Thomas Disch:
- (The Genocities Berkeley Medaillon, New York 1965/ Whiting & Whiting, London, U.K., 1967. SF-Roman)
- The Puppies of Terra. Panther, London 1978? wohl eher 1966?/ (Mankind under the Leash Ace Books, New York 1966). Roman.
- (Echo Round His Bones. Berkeley Medaillon, New York 1967). Aber zuerst in: New Worlds Science Fiction, in 2 Teilen, London 1966/ 1967. Roman
- One Hundred and Two H-Bombs: and Other Science Fiction Stories. Compact Books, U.K., 1966? 1967?/USA: 1971. Kurzgeschichtensammlung.
- Camp Concentration. Zuerst in: New Worlds Science Fiction, London 1967. Als Buch: Rupert Hart-Davis, London 1968/(Doubleday & Co., Garden City 1969). Roman.
- Under Compulsion. Rupert Hart-Davis, U.K., 1968/(Fun with Your New Head. USA 1968?/1971?). Kurzgeschichtensammlung.
- Victor Hastings (d.i. Thomas Disch): Alfred the Great. McGibbon & Kee, London 1972/Avon, New York 1974 [1969?]. Buch nach Film.
- (The Prisoner. Ace Books, New York 1969). Buch nach TV-Serie.
- White Fang Goes Dingo; and Other Funny S. F. Stories. Arrow, U.K., 1971. Kurzgeschichten
- Getting into Death: The Best Short Stories of Thomas M. Disch. Hart-Davis McGibbon, London 1973/(USA: 1976). Kurzgeschichten.
- 334. McGibbon & Kee, London 1972/(Avon, New York 1974). Roman
- On Wings of Song. Victor Gollancz, London 1979/(St. Martin's Press, New York 1979). Roman.
- The Man Who Had No Idea. Victor Gollancz, London 1982/(Bantam, New York 1982). Kurzgeschichten.
- The Priest: A Gothic Romance. Millenium, London 1994/(Knopf, New York, 1995). Roman
- Gedichte
- ABCDEFG HIJKLM NOPQRST UVWXYZ. Anvil Press Poetry, London 1981 (with Wildwood House)
- Burn This. Hutchinson, London 1982/(Revised Edition: Wiseacre Books, Patchogue, NY, 1995)
- Here I Am, There You Are, Where Are We?. Hutchinson, London 1984
John Sladek: The Reproductive System. Gollancz, London 1968/ Mechasm
- The Steam-Driven Boy. 1973
- Keep the Giraffe Burning. 1978
- Alien Accounts. 1982
- The Lunatics of Terra. 1984
- Blood & Gingerbread. Cheap Street, 1990
- The Uncollected John Sladek. Big Engine, Abigdon, Oxon, U.K., 2002
- The Lost Nose: A Programmed Book. 1960s. Ein Artists Book/Geschenk für seine Freundin.
- (Cassandra Knye/d.i.: Thomas Disch, John Sladek: The House That Fear Built. Paperback Library, New York 1966)
- (Thom Demijohn/d.i.: Thomas Disch und John Sladek: Black Alice. Doubleday & Co., Garden City 1968/ W. H. Allen, London 1969)
Pamela Zoline (zuerst nur Kurzgeschichten)
- Zoline, Sladek (Hrsg.): Ronald Reagan: The Magzine of Poetry. 1968
Samuel Fuller (der Regisseur)
- (Burn, Baby, Burn!. Phoenix Press, New York 1935)
- (Test Tube Baby. Goodwin, New York 1936)
- (Make Up and Kiss 1930s [?])
- (The Dark Page. Duell, Sloan & Pearce, New York 1944/ auch als: Murder Makes a Deadline. Lawrence E. Spivak, New York 1944)
- (The Naked Kiss. Belmont Publications, New York 1964)
- Shock Corridor [?]. Franz. Übers.: Noel Chasseriau. Gallimard/Brodard et Taupin 1966
- (Crown of India 1966)
- (144 Piccadilly. R. W. Barron, New York 1971)
- (Dead Pigeon on Beethoven Street. Pyramid Books, New York 1974)/Tote Tauben in der Beethovenstrasse. Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Köln 1973
- De big red one. Übers.: Jef Geeraerts. De Dageraad, Antwerpen/Barnett, Den Haag 1979
- (The Big Red One Lorimar, New York 1980)
- (The Chair vs. Ruth Snyder: The Re-created Life of the First Woman to Die in the Electric Chair) [?]
- Le Voleurs de la nuit. Parafrance, Paris 1983
- Sapphos Flucht. Ullstein Taschenbuchverlag, Frankfurt/M, Berlin 1986/
- Aka?: Battle Royal /La grande mèlée. J'ai lu, 1986.
- Pecos Bill and the Soho Kid. 1986
- Quint's World. Worldwide, Toronto 1988
- (Cérébro-choc: roman. Les Belles Lettres, Paris 1993)/Brainquake
- New York années 30. Ü.: Doninique Lablanche/New York in the 1930s. Hazan, Paris 1997
Kathmandu, Nepal als Verlagsort
Ira Cohens Bücher, Bardo Matrix: Starstream Editions, 1974-1977
- Gregory Corso: Way Out. 1974
- Ira Cohen: 7 Marvels. 1975
- Charles Henri Ford: 7 Poems. 1974
- Angus MacLise: Subliminal Report. 1975
- Paul Bowles: Next to Nothing. 1976
- Jane Falk: CKROWWW. 1977
- Iris M. Gaynor: Exits. 1977
- Roberto Valenza: The Clearing Stage. 1977
Madras, Indien
Clemente: Hanuman Books.