
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie


EINECS-nr.; CAS-nr.; Name; Summenformel

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Name Summenformel Mol. Masse CAS Nutzung

  • Diflorason C26H32F2O7 494.525 g/mol 1-13-8 Anti-Bacterial Agents; ATC:J01DF01 For the treatment of the following infections caused by susceptible gram-negative microorganisms: urinary tract infections, lower respiratory tract infections, septicemia, skin and skin-structure infections, intra-abdominal infections, and gynecologic infections.s
  • Cefmenoxim C16H17N9O5S3 511.562 g/mol 1-24-1 Antibacterials for Systemic Use; ATC:J01DH03 For the treatment the following moderate to severe infections caused by susceptible isolates of the designated microorganisms: (1) complicated intra-abdominal infections due to Escherichia coli, Clostridium clostridioforme, Eubacterium lentum, Peptostreptococcus species, Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides distasonis, Bacteroides ovatus, Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, or Bacteroides uniformis, (2) complicated skin and skin structure infections, including diabetic foot infections without osteomyelitis due to Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin susceptible isolates only), Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Bacteroides fragilis, Peptostreptococcus species, Porphyromonas asaccharolytica, or Prevotella bivia, (3) community acquired pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae (penicillin susceptible isolates only) including cases with concurrent bacteremia, Haemophilus influenzae (beta-lactamase negative isolates only), or Moraxella catarrhalis, (4) complicated urinary tract infections including pyelonephritis due to Escherichia coli, including cases with concurrent bacteremia, or Klebsiella pneumoniae, (5) acute pelvic infections including postpartum endomyometritis, septic abortion and post surgical gynecologic infections due to Streptococcus agalactiae, Escherichia coli, Bacteroides fragilis, Porphyromonas asaccharolytica, Peptostreptococcus species, or Prevotella bivia.s
  • Diphenidol C21H27NO 309.445 g/mol 19-011-4 Trypanocidal Agents; Antiprotozoal Agents; Antifungal Agents; ATC:P01CX01 For the treatment of pneumonia due to Pneumocystis carinii.s
  • Oxyphenonium, en, C21H34NO3 348.5 g/mol 50-010-2 Antihistamines; ATC:R06AX27 For the relief of symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis, pruritus, reduction in the number of hives in patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria.s
  • Metharbital, en, C9H14N2O3 198.219 g/mol 50-11-3 Anti-bacterial Agents; Anti-Infectives; Quinolones; ATC:J01MA12; ATC:S01AX19 For the treatment of Bacterial infection of; Respiratory tract, Urinary tract, GI, CNS and Immuno compromised patients caused by: S.pneumoniae, H.influenzae, M.catarrhalis, S.aureus, H.parainfluenzae, P.aeruginosa, S.marcescens, E.coli, K.pneumoniae, C.pns
  • Mephenytoin, en, C12H14N2O2 218.252 g/mol 50-12-4 Mydriatics; Bronchodilator Agents; Antiarrhythmic Agents; Adjuvants; Antimuscarinics; Antispasmodics; ATC:A03BA03 For treatment of bladder spasms, peptic ulcer disease, diverticulitis, colic, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis, and pancreatitis. Also used to treat certain heart conditions, to control the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and rhinitis.s
  • Floxuridin, en, C9H11FN2O5 246.193 g/mol 50-91-9 Free Radical Scavengers; Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; Antioxidants; ATC:N04BC05 For the treatment of signs and symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson's diseases
  • beta-d-Glucose C6H12O6 180.157 g/mol 50-099-7 Gastrointestinal Agents; Histamine Agonists; ATC:V04CG02 For use clinically to test gastric secretory function.s
  • alpha-d-Glucose C6H12O6 180.157 g/mol 50-099-7 Anti-allergic Agents; Anti-inflammatory Agents; ATC:D07AC13; ATC:D07XC03; ATC:R01AD09; ATC:R03BA07 The inhaler is indicated for the maintenance treatment of asthma as prophylactic therapy. The nasal spray is indicated for the treatment of the nasal symptoms of seasonal allergic and perennial allergic rhinitis.s
  • Dextrothyroxin C15H11I4NO4 776.87 g/mol 51-049-0 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:G04CA02 Used in the treatment of signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.s
  • Histaminephosphat C5H15N3O8P2 307.14 g/mol 51-074-1 Neuromuscular Nondepolarizing Agents; ATC:M03AC07 Used to provide skeletal muscle relaxation as an adjunct to general anesthesia, for endotracheal intubation or to facilitate mechanical ventilation.s
  • Pentolinium C15H32N2 240.428 g/mol 52-062-0 L-2-Halosäure Dehalogenase inhibitor Not Availables
  • nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide C21H27N7O14P2 663.430 g/mol 53-084-9 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L02BG06 For the treatment of advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women whose disease has progressed following tamoxifen therapy.s
  • (s)-(-)-Nicotin]], [[3-((2s)-1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)pyridine C10H14N2 162.234 g/mol 54-011-5 Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Reductase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Metyrapon C14H14N2O1 226.277 g/mol 54-036-4 Biliverdin Ix Beta Reductase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Pipobroman C10H16Br2N2O2 356.054 g/mol 54-091-1 Malate Dehydrogenase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Betanidin C10H15N3 177.25 g/mol 55-073-2 S-Adenosylmethionine Decarboxylase Proenzyme inhibitor Not Availables
  • Isoflurophat C6H14FO3P 184.146 g/mol 55-091-4 Beta-Trypsin inhibitor Not Availables
  • Felypressin C46H65N13O11S2 1040.22 g/mol 56-059-7 Antianemic Agents; ATC:B03XA02 For the treatment of anemia (from renal transplants or certain HIV treatment)s
  • Demecariumbromid C32H52Br2N4O4 716.588 g/mol 56-094-0 Bacteriorhodopsin inhibitor Not Availables
  • 000005-formyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrofolat C20H23N7O7 473.444 g/mol 58-005-9 Anti-HIV Agents; Radiation-Sensitizing Agents; Antivirals; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:J05AB12 For the treatment of CMV retinitis in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)s
  • Caffein C8H10N4O2 194.191 g/mol 58-008-2 Anti-bacterial Agents; ATC:D10AF02; ATC:J01FA01; ATC:S01AA17
  • Ethacryninsäure C13H12Cl2O4 303.137 g/mol 58-054-8 Antiarrhythmic Agents; Potassium Channel Blockers; ATC:C01BD04 For the maintenance of normal sinus rhythm (delay in time to recurrence of atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter [AF/AFl]) in patients with atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter of greater than one week duration who have been converted to normal sinus rhythms
  • Uridin-5-monophosphat C9H13N2O9P1 324.183 g/mol 58-097-9 Anti-bacterial Agents; ATC:J01AA11 For the treatment and management of Brucellosis, mycoplasma infection, acne vulgaris, chlamydial infection;Chronic bronchitiss
  • Uridin-5-diphosphat C9H14N2O12P2 404.163 g/mol 58-098-0 Dermatologic Agents; Keratolytic Agents; Prodrugs; Teratogens; ATC:D05AX05 Used to treat psoriasis, acne and sun damaged skin (photodamage).s
  • 000002-Sulfhydrylethanol C2H6O1S1 78.129 g/mol 60-024-2 Antihypertensive Agents; Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors; ATC:S01EC03 For the treatment of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucomas
  • Mecamylamin C11H21N 167.291 g/mol 60-040-2 Anticoagulants; Antithrombotic Agents; ATC:B01AE02 For the treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenias
  • Tridihexethyl C21H36NO+ 318.517 g/mol 60-049-1 Chorismate--Pyruvate Lyase inhibitor Not Availables
  • (3-(o-chlorphenyl)-5-methyl-4-isoxazolyl)penicillin C19H18N3O5Cl1S1 435.881 g/mol 61-072-3 Old Yellow Enzyme inhibitor Not Availables
  • Chlormerodrin C5H11ClHgN2O2 367.196 g/mol 62-037-3 Diaminopimelate Decarboxylase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Lipoinsäure C8H14O2S2 206.317 g/mol 62-046-4 Antineoplastic agents; Antimetabolites; Purine analogues; ATC:L01BB06 For the treatment of pediatric patients 1 to 21 years old with relapsed or refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia after at least two prior regimens.s
  • Nalorphin C19H21NO3 311.375 g/mol 62-067-9 Anti-barbituates; Stimulants; GABA receptor antagonists Used internally for relieving respiratory distress. Also for use as an antidote in poisoning by CNS depressants, especially barbiturates.s
  • Nandrolonephenpropionat C27H34O3 406.557 g/mol 62-090-8 Glucocorticoids; Anti-inflammatory Agents; Adrenergic Agents; ATC:A01AC01; ATC:D07AB09; ATC:D07XB02; ATC:H02AB08; ATC:R01AD11; ATC:R03BA06; ATC:S01BA05 For the treatment of perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis.s
  • Diphemanilmethylsulfat C21H27NO4S 389.509 g/mol 62-097-5 Prodrugs; Antivirals; ATC:J05AB For the treatment or suppression of cold sores (herpes labialis), herpes zoster (shingles), genital herpes in immunocompetent individuals, and recurrent genital herpes in HIV-infected individuals.s
  • 000004-androsten-3-17-dion C19H26O2 286.413 g/mol 63-005-8 Antispasmodics; Anti-Incontinence Agents; Genitourinary Smooth Muscle Relaxants; ATC:G04BD07 For the treatment of overactive bladder (with symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, or urge incontinence).s
  • Benzquinamid C22H32N2O5 404.5 g/mol 63-012-7 Analgesics; Antitussives; Narcotics; ATC:R05DA03 For relief of moderate to moderately severe pain.s
  • Cytidin-5-diphosphat C9H15N3O11P2 403.179 g/mol 63-038-7 Anticonvulsants; Barbiturates; ATC:N03AA03 For the treatment of epilepsys
  • Uridin-5-triphosphat C9H11N2O15P3 480.112 g/mol 63-039-8 Anti-anxiety Agents; Hypnotics and Sedatives; Barbiturates; ATC:N05CA For short-term treatment of insomnia and anxiety disorderss
  • Phenacemid C9H10N2O2 178.188 g/mol 63-098-9 Hypnotics and Sedatives Used for the short-term treatment of insomnia, however, it generally has been replaced by other sedative-hypnotic agents.s
  • Gallamintriethiodid C24H45N3O3 423.633 g/mol 65-029-2 Anti-inflammatory Agents; Adrenergic Agents; ATC:H02AA02 For partial replacement therapy for primary and secondary adrenocortical insufficiency in Addison's disease and for the treatment of salt-losing adrenogenital syndrome.s
  • Cytidin-5-triphosphat C9H16N3O14P3 483.158 g/mol 65-047-4 Anti-bacterial Agents; Tetracyclines; ATC:D06AA01; ATC:J01AA01 Used primarily to treat Lyme disease, acne, and bronchitis. Also indicated (but rarely used) to treat urinary tract infections, gum disease, malaria, and other bacterial infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. One of its other registered uses is the treatment of hyponatremia (low blood sodium concentration) due to the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) where fluid restriction alone has been ineffective.s
  • n-Acetylmethionin C7H13N1O3S1 191.245 g/mol 65-082-7 Anti-Infectives; Sulfonamides Treatment of severe, repeated, or long-lasting urinary tract infections, meningococcal meningitis, acute otitis media, trachoma, inclusion conjunctivitis, nocardiosis, chancroid, toxoplasmosis, malaria and other bacterial infections.s
  • Orotinsäure C5H4N2O4 156.098 g/mol 65-086-1 Anti-HIV Agents; ATC:J05AE01 For the treatment of HIV-1 with advanced immunodeficiency together with antiretroviral nucleoside analogues.s
  • Uracil mustard C8H11Cl2N3O2 252.097 g/mol 66-075-1 Anticoagulants; Antithrombotic Agents; ATC:B01AE06 For treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenias
  • Furazolidon C8H7N3O5 225.158 g/mol 67-045-8 Anti-allergic Agents; Gastrointestinal Agents; Antipruritics; Antihistamine derivatives; ATC:R06AX02 For treatment of perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis due to inhalant allergens and foods, mild uncomplicated allergic skin manifestations of urticaria and angioedema, amelioration of allergic reactions to blood or plasma, cold urticaria, dermatographism, and as therapy for anaphylactic reactions adjunctive to epinephrine.s
  • Fluocinolonacetonid C24H30F2O6 452.488 g/mol 67-073-2 Antineoplastic Agents; Photosensitizing Agents; ATC:L01XD02 For the treatment of patients with predominantly classic subfoveal choroidal neovascularization due to age-related macular degeneration, pathologic myopia or presumed ocular histoplasmosis.s
  • 7,9-Dihydro-1h-purine-2,6,8(3h)-trione C5H4N4O3 168.112 g/mol 69-093-2 Anesthetics; Local Anesthetics; ATC:N01BA04 For the production of local anesthesia by infiltration and peripheral nerve block. They are not to be used for lumbar or caudal epidural anesthesia.s
  • 000001-proponol C3H8O1 60.096 g/mol 71-023-8 Antiviral Agents; Nucleic säure Synthesis Inhibitors; ATC:J05AC02 For the prophylaxis and treatment of illness caused by various strains of influenza A virus in adults.s
  • 000004-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine C6H9N3O1 139.157 g/mol 73-067-6 Tropinone Reductase-II inhibitor Not Availables
  • Acetoncyanohydrin C4H7N1O1 85.105 g/mol 75-086-5 Antiadrenal; Anticorticosteroids; ATC:H02CA01 Used in the treatment of Cushing's syndrome. It is normally used in short-term treatment until permanent therapy is possible.s
  • Perflutren C3F8 188.019 g/mol 76-019-7 Anti-HIV Agents; Nucleoside and Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors; ATC:J05AF06 For the treatment of HIV-1 infection, in combination with other antiretroviral agents.s
  • Hydrocortamat C27H41NO6 475.618 g/mol 76-047-1 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Dermatologic Agents; Enzyme Inhibitors; Immunosuppressive Agents; ATC:D11AX15 For treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis.s
  • Dicyclomin C19H35NO2 309.487 g/mol 77-019-0 Antiglaucomic Agents; Ophthalmics; Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors; ATC:S01EC04 For the treatment of elevated intraocular pressure in patients with ocular hypertension or open-angle glaucoma.s
  • Procyclidin C19H29NO 287.44 g/mol 77-037-2 Antihypertensive Agents; Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonists; ATC:C09CA06 For the treatment of hypertension.s
  • Cycrimin C19H29NO 287.44 g/mol 77-039-4 Amebicides; Anti-Bacterial Agents; Antifungal Agents; Antiprotozoal Agents; ATC:A01AB04; ATC:A07AA07; ATC:G01AA03; ATC:J02AA01 Used to treat potentially life threatening fungal infections.s
  • Propanolsäure C3H6O2 74.079 g/mol 79-009-4 Anti-Bacterial Agents; Antifungal Agents; ATC:G01AA04 Used in the topical treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis.s
  • Hydroxyacetylsäure; hydroxyethanolsäure C2H4O3 76.052 g/mol 79-014-1 Anti-Bacterial Agents; Glycopeptide antibacterials; ATC:A07AA09; ATC:J01XA01 For the treatment of serious or severe infections caused by susceptible strains of methicillin-resistant (beta-lactam-resistant) staphylococci.s
  • Homatropinmethylbromid C17H24BrNO3 370.28 g/mol 80-049-9 Anti-Infectives; Antibiotic Agents; Ophthalmic Antibiotic; Topical Antibiotic For treatment of skin lesions, surface wounds and eye infectionss
  • Anisotropinmethylbromid C17H32BrNO2 362.346 g/mol 80-050-2 Non-Specific Lipid Transfer Protein inhibitor Not *Chlormezanon C11H12ClNO3S 273.737 g/mol 80-077-3 Synthetic Designed Peptide "Alpha-1" inhibitor Not Availables
  • Taurocholinsäure C26H45N1O7S1 515.704 g/mol 81-024-3 Proto-Oncogene Tyrosine-Protein Kinase Src inhibitor Not Availables
  • Cholinsäure C24H40O5 408.577 g/mol 81-025-4 Anti-Arrhythmia Agents; Cardiotonic Agents; Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors; Vasodilator Agents; ATC:C01CX08 For short term treatment of acutely decompensated severe chronic heart failure (CHF).s
  • Buclizin C28H33ClN2 433.028 g/mol 82-095-1 Anti-emetics; ATC:R06AD03 For the treatment or relief of nausea and vomiting.s
  • Phenindion C15H10O2 222.239 g/mol 83-012-5 Antiviral Agents; Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors; ATC:J05AF08 For the treatment of chronic hepatitis B in adults with evidence of active viral replication and either evidence of persistent elevations in serum aminotransferases (ALT or AST) or histologically active disease.s
  • Deoxycholinsäure C24H40O4 392.578 g/mol 83-044-3 Ferric Hydroxamate Uptake Receptor inhibitor Not Availables
  • Cytidin-5-monophosphat C9H14N3O8P1 323.199 g/mol 84-052-6 Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; ATC:N04AA01 Indicated for the treatment of parkinson's disease and extrapyramidal reactions caused by drugs.s
  • Phytonadion C31H46O2 450.696 g/mol 84-080-0 Analgesics; Narcotics; Opiate Agonists; ATC:N01AH05 For treatment and management of pain (systemic) and for use as an anesthesia adjunct.s
  • Trimeprazin C18H22N2S 298.447 g/mol 84-096-8 Proto-Oncogene Tyrosine-Protein Kinase Src inhibitor Not Availables
  • Guanosin-5-monophosphat C10H14N5O8P1 363.223 g/mol 85-032-5 Anti-Infectives; Anti-bacterial Agents For the treatment of leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformiss
  • Cytidin-2-monophosphat C9H14N3O8P1 323.199 g/mol 85-094-9 Dermatitis herpetiformis suppressant; Dermatologic Agents; Anti-Infectives; Sulfonamides; ATC:J01EB04 For the treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis, benign mucous membrane pemphigoid and pyoderma gangrenosums
  • Guanosin-5-triphosphat C10H16N5O14P3 523.183 g/mol 86-001-1 Antiviral Agents; Oligonucleotides, Antisense; ATC:S01AD08 Vitravene is indicated for the local treatment of CMV retinitis. It is recommended for use by patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome who are intolerant or have contraindications to other treatments.s
  • Benztropin C21H25NO 307.429 g/mol 86-013-5 Anti-Infective Agents, Local For the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections inside the mouth (thrush) and skin, also for the prevention of transmission of Chagas' disease (as a blood additive).s
  • Brompheniramin C16H19BrN2 319.24 g/mol 86-022-6 Fibrinolytic Agents; Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors; ATC:B01AC17 For treatment, in combination with heparin, of acute coronary syndrome, including patients who are to be managed medically and those undergoing PTCA or atherectomy.s
  • Phensuximid C11H11NO2 189.211 g/mol 86-034-0 Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers; Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:C09CA08 For the treatment of hypertensions
  • Ethotoin C11H12N2O2 204.225 g/mol 86-035-1 Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Blockers; Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors; ATC:C09CA07 For the treatment of hypertension.s
  • Glucarat C6H8O82- 1392.080 g/mol 87-073-0 Anticholesteremic Agents; Antilipemic Agents; ATC:C10AA06 Used as an adjunct to diet for the reduction of elevated total and LDL cholesterol levels in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia (Fredrickson Types IIa and IIb) when the response to dietary restriction of saturated fat and cholesterol and other non-pharmacological measures alone has been inadequate.s
  • Mesalamin C7H7NO3 153.135 g/mol 89-057-6 Nitroreductase Family Protein inhibitor Not Availables
  • Salicylhydroxaminsäure C7H7N1O3 153.137 g/mol 89-073-6 Antipsychotics; Antiemetics; ATC:N05AA05 Used mainly in the management of psychoses. Also used to control nausea and vomiting.s
  • (s)-mandelsäure C8H8O3 152.149 g/mol 90-064-2 Dopaminergics; Neuroprotective Agents; Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; Central Nervous System Agents; ATC:N04BD01 For the adjunct treatment for Parkinson's disease.s
  • Benzthiazid C15H14ClN3O4S3 431.94 g/mol 91-033-8 Fertility Agents For treatment of female infertilitys
  • Chinaldinsäure C10H7N1O2 173.171 g/mol 93-010-7 Immunosuppressive Agents; Antivirals; Antimetabolites; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01BC01 For the treatment of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia and blast phase of chronic myelocytic leukemia.s
  • Aminohippurat C9H10N2O3 194.187 g/mol 94-016-6 ATC:L03AX13 For reduction of the frequency of relapses in patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis.s
  • Chlorzoxazon C7H4ClNO2 169.565 g/mol 95-025-0 Adjuvants, Immunologic; Antinematodal Agents; Antirheumatic Agents; ATC:P02CE01 For adjuvant treatment in combination with fluorouracil after surgical resection in patients with Dukes' stage C colon cancer. Also used to treat malignant melanoma and head/neck cancer.s

100 .. 1000

  • Chlorphenesin C9H11ClO3 202.635 g/mol 104-29-0 Analgesic Antagonists; Morphine Antidotes; Antinarcotic Agents; Narcotic Antagonists For the complete or partial reversal of narcotic depression, including respiratory depression, induced by opioids.s
  • Benzonatat C30H53NO11 603.742 g/mol 104-31-4 Antimalarials; Anti-Infectives; Anti-Infective Agents, Urinary For the treatment of urinary tract infection and chronic bronchitis.s
  • Betazol C5H9N3 111.145 g/mol 105-20-4 Pregnadien derivatives; Progesterones; ATC:G03DB01 Used to treat irregular duration of cycles and irregular occurrence and duration of periods caused by progesterone deficiency. Also used to prevent natural abortion in patients who have a history of habitual abortions.s
  • Aminolevulininsäure C5H9NO3 131.13 g/mol 106-60-5 Antineoplastic Agents; Protein Kinase Inhibitors; ATC:L01XX28 For the treatment of newly diagnosed adult patients with Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Also indicated for the treatment of pediatric patients with Ph+ chronic phase CML whose disease has recurred after stem cell transplant or who are resistant to interferon-alpha therapy. Also indicated with unresectable and/or metastatic malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST).s
  • 000002-Aminoethansulfonsäure C2H7N1O3S1 125.142 g/mol 107-35-7 Fertility Agents For treatment of female infertilitys
  • Phosphocholin C5H15N1O4P11+ 493.889 g/mol 107-73-3 Aldo-Keto Reductase Family 1 Member C3 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Butanonsäure C4H8O2 88.106 g/mol 107-92-6 Beta-Lactamase inhibitor Not Availables
  • n-Valerinsäure C5H10O2 102.133 g/mol 109-52-4 Antimetabolites; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01BB03 For remission induction and remission consolidation treatment of acute nonlymphocytic leukemias.s
  • Succininsäure C4H6O4 118.089 g/mol 110-15-6 Benzoylformate Decarboxylase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Ethchlorvynol C7H9ClO 144.598 g/mol 113-18-8 Antidepressants; Antipsychotics; ATC:N05AL01; ATC:N05AL07 Sulpiride is indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia.s
  • Phenformin C10H15N5 205.26 g/mol 114-86-3 Hyaluronate Lyase inhibitor Not Availables
  • r-Mephobarbital C13H14N2O3 246.262 g/mol 115-38-8 Anti-migraine Agents; Vasoconstrictor Agents; Anti-inflammatory Agents; ATC:N02CC07 For the acute treatment of migraine attacks with or without aura in adults.s
  • Paramethadion C7H11NO3 157.167 g/mol 115-67-3 Antiarrhythmic Agents; ATC:R03DC03 For the treatment of asthmas
  • Edrophonium C10H16NO+ 166.24 g/mol 116-38-1 Anti-HIV Agents For treatment of HIV AIDSs
  • Anisindion C16H12O3 252.265 g/mol 117-37-3 Anti-HIV Agents; HIV Protease Inhibitors; ATC:J05AE04 Used in combination with other antiviral drugs in the treatment of HIV in both adults and children.s
  • 3,5,7,3',4'-Pentahydroxyflavon C15H10O7 302.240 g/mol 117-39-5 Hypoglycemic Agents For treatment of diabetes (type I and II)s
  • Diatrizoat C11H9I3N2O4 613.914 g/mol 117-96-4 Anti-Asthmatic Agents For the management of patients with bronchial asthma. Also used in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis, vernal conjunctivitis, and vernal keratitis.s
  • 1,2-Dihydroxybenzen C6H6O2 110.112 g/mol 120-80-9 Anti-baldness Agents; Antihyperplasia Agents; ATC:G04CB02 For the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate gland.s
  • Dichlorphenamid C6H6Cl2N2O4S2 305.16 g/mol 120-97-8 Anti-Ulcer Agents; Topical For topical treatment of skin ulcers (from diabetes)s
  • 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoat C8H7O4 167.141 g/mol 121-34-6 Anti-Infective Agents; Antibacterial Agents; Protein Synthesis Inhibitors; ATC:J01XX08 For the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible strains of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium, Staphylococcal aureus (methicillin resistant and susceptible strains), Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus agalactiae.s
  • n-(2-Amino-propyl)-1,4-diaminobutane C7H19N3 145.247 g/mol 124-20-9 Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; ATC:L01XX33; ATC:M01AH01 For relief and management of osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing spondylitis, acute pain, primary dysmenorrhea and oral adjunct to usual care for patients with familial adenomatous polyposiss
  • Butabarbital C10H16N2O3 212.246 g/mol 125-40-6 Neuroprotective Agents; Anticonvulsants; Anesthetics; Central Nervous System Agents; ATC:N07XX02 For the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease)s
  • Oxyphencyclimin C20H28N2O3 344.448 g/mol 125-53-1 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:V10XX02 For treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas
  • Aminoglutethimid C13H16N2O2 232.278 g/mol 125-84-8 Dietary supplement; Cofactor For the treatment of tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency.s
  • Pyruvinsäure C3H4O3 88.063 g/mol 127-17-3 Anti-Anxiety Agents; GABA Modulators; Hypnotics and Sedatives; ATC:N05CD01 For short-term and intermittent use in patients with recurring insomnia and poor sleeping habitss
  • Trimethadion C6H9NO3 143.141 g/mol 127-48-0 Thermolysin inhibitor Not Availables
  • Sulfisoxazol C11H13N3O3S 267.305 g/mol 127-69-5 Antineoplastic Agents; Protease Inhibitors; ATC:L01XX32 For treatment of multiple myeloma in patients who have not been successfully treated with at least two previous therapies.s
  • n-Ethylmaleimid C6H7N1O2 125.127 g/mol 128-53-0 Antifungals; ATC:J02AX04 For the treatment of esophageal candidiasis and invasive aspergillosis in patients who are refractory to or intolerant of other therapies.s
  • Inosininsäure C10H13N4O8P1 348.208 g/mol 131-99-7 Anti-migraine Agents; Anti-inflammatory Agents; Vasoconstrictor Agents; Selective Serotonin Agonists; ATC:N02CC05 For the treatment of acute migraine headache in adultss
  • Dexbrompheniramin C16H19BrN2 319.24 g/mol 132-21-8 Anti-inflammatory Agents; Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents (NSAIDs); ATC:M01AH03 For the treatment of osteoarthritis and dysmenorrhoeas
  • Chlorprocain C13H19ClN2O2 270.755 g/mol 133-16-4 Bile säure sequestrants; ATC:C10AC04 For use, alone or in combination with an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, as adjunctive therapy to diet and exercise for the reduction of elevated LDL cholesterol in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia (Fredrickson Type IIa).s
  • Trichlormethiazid C8H8Cl3N3O4S2 380.657 g/mol 133-67-5 Anti-bacterial Agents; Lincomycins; ATC:D10AF01; ATC:G01AA10; ATC:J01FF01 For the treatment of serious infections caused by susceptible anaerobic bacteria (anaerobes, streptococci, pneumococci, and staphylococci)s
  • Diethylpropion C13H19NO 205.296 g/mol 134-80-5 Anti-Testosterone Agents; Antineoplastic Agents For palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancers
  • Methyclothiazid C9H11Cl2N3O4S2 360.239 g/mol 135-07-9 Antineoplastic Agents; Protein Kinase Inhibitors; ATC:L01XX31 For the continued treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer after failure of either platinum-based or docetaxel chemotherapies.s
  • Hydroflumethiazid C8H8F3N3O4S2 331.294 g/mol 135-09-1 Antirheumatic Agents; Immunomodulatory Agents For treatment of severe adult and juvenille rheumatoid arthritiss
  • Tetrahydrofolinsäure C19H23N7O6 445.434 g/mol 135-16-0 Adrenergic beta-Agonists; Tocolytic Agents; Bronchodilator Agents; ATC:R03AC For relief and prevention of bronchospasm due to asthma; Emphysema; Chronic bronchitiss
  • Pseudotropin C8H15N1O1 141.213 g/mol 135-97-7 Anticoagulants; Antiplatelet Agents For treatment of myocardial infarction, acute coronary syndromes
  • Trimethobenzamid C21H28N2O5 388.458 g/mol 138-56-7 Cytochrome P450Epok inhibitor Not Availables
  • Ricinoleinsäure C18H34O3 298.465 g/mol 141-22-0 Antiemetics; Antivertigo Agents For use in the prevention and symptomatic treatment of peripheral (labyrinthine) vertigo and associated nausea and vomiting that occur in such conditions as Meniere's disease and surgery of the middle and inner ear. Also for the control of nausea and vomiting associated with postoperative states, malignant neoplasms, labyrinthine disturbances, antineoplastic agent therapy, radiation sickness, and infectious diseases.s
  • Dicarboxylinsäure c3; propanediolinsäure;metahnedicarboxylinsäure C3H4O4 104.062 g/mol 141-82-2 Antihypertensive Agents; Alpha-adrenergic Blocking Agents; ATC:C02CA01 For treatment of hypertension and chronic heart failure.s
  • Glyceraldehyd-3-phosphat C3H7O6P1 170.058 g/mol 142-10-9 Antineoplastic Agents For treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (CD20 positive, follicular)s
  • Dodecanoinsäure C12H24O2 200.320 g/mol 143-07-7 DNA Primase/Helicase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Anileridin C22H28N2O2 352.47 g/mol 144-14-9 Antitrichomonal Agents; Anti-Infectives; Antiprotozoals; ATC:J01XD02; ATC:P01AB02 For the treatment of trichomoniasis caused by T. vaginalis in both female and male patients. Also for the treatment of giardiasis caused by G. duodenalis in both adults and pediatric patients older than three years of age and for the treatment of intestinal amebiasis and amebic liver abscess caused by E. histolytica in both adults and pediatric patients older than three years of age.s
  • Sulfoxon C14H16N2O6S3 404.485 g/mol 144-75-2 In process For the treatment of insomnia characterized by difficulty with sleep onset.s
  • Sulfacetamid C8H10N2O3S 214.243 g/mol 144-80-9 Analgesics; Psychotropic Drugs; Hallucinogens; Antiemetics; ATC:A04AD10 For the treatment of anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with AIDS, and nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional antiemetic treatmentss
  • Sulfamethizol C9H10N4O2S2 270.333 g/mol 144-82-1 Antipsychotics; Dopamine Antagonists; ATC:N05AH01 For the management of the manifestations of psychotic disorderss
  • Sulfapyridin C11H11N3O2S 249.29 g/mol 144-83-2 Antidepressants, Second-Generation; Anti-anxiety Agents; Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors; ATC:N06AX05 For the treatment of depression.s
  • Flavin-adenin-dinucleotid C27H33N9O15P2 785.557 g/mol 146-14-5 Antineoplastic Agents; Antiviral Agents; Immunomodulatory Agents For treatment of hairy cell leukemia, malignant melanoma, and AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcomas
  • Riboflavinmonophosphat C17H21N4O9P1 456.348 g/mol 146-17-8 Antihistamines; ATC:R06AD04 Used for the symptomatic relief of hypersensitivity reactions and particularly for the control of pruritic skin disorderss
  • Guanosin-5-diphosphat C10H15N5O11P2 443.203 g/mol 146-91-8 Anti-HIV Agents; Protease Inhibitors; ATC:J05AE08 For use, in combination with other antiretroviral agents, in the treatment of HIV-1 infection.s
  • Levallorphan C19H25NO 283.408 g/mol 152-02-3 Bifunctional Deaminase/Diphosphatase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Sulfametopyrazin C11H12N4O3S 280.304 g/mol 152-47-6 Daptomycin inhibitor Not Availables
  • Dydrogesteron C21H28O2 312.446 g/mol 152-62-5 Antineoplastic Agents For treatment of metastatic colorectal cancers
  • 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-oxo-4h-chromen-3-yl 6-o-(6-deoxy-alpha-l-mannopyranosyl)-beta-d-glucopyranoside C27H30O16 610.524 g/mol 153-18-4 Analgesics, Opioid; Narcotic Antagonists; Narcotics; ATC:N02AF02 For the relief of moderate to severe pain.s
  • Cephalothin C16H16N2O6S2 396.44 g/mol 153-61-7 Anti-Dyskinesia Agents; Antipsychotic Agents; Dopamine Antagonists; ATC:N05AG02 Used for the suppression of motor and phonic tics in patients with Tourette's Disorder who have failed to respond satisfactorily to standard treatment.s
  • 000003-[[acetoxymethyl-8-oxo-7-(2-thiophen-2-yl-acetylamino)-5-thia-1-aza-bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylsäure]] C16H16N2O6S2 396.432 g/mol 153-61-7 Chondroitinase Ac inhibitor Not Availables
  • Methscopolamin C18H24NO4 318.387 g/mol 155-41-9 Anti-inflammatory Agents; Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents (NSAIDs); ATC:M01AE12 Used to relieve the inflammation, swelling, stiffness, and joint pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.s
  • Benzphetamin C17H21N 239.355 g/mol 156-08-1 Immunomodulatory Agents; Immunosupressants For treatment of psoriasiss
  • Decamethonium C16H38N2 258.486 g/mol 156-74-1 Central Nervous System Stimulants; ATC:N06BA05 For treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)s
  • Ethynodioldiacetat C24H32O4 384.508 g/mol 297-76-7 Anesthetics, Local; ATC:N01BB01; ATC:N01BB10 For the production of local or regional anesthesia or analgesia for surgery, for oral surgery procedures, for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, and for obstetrical procedures.s
  • Propanthelin C23H30NO3 368.489 g/mol 298-50-0 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; ATC:M01AE03; ATC:M01AE17; ATC:M02AA10 For the treatment of pain (muscular and rheumatic), sprains, strains, backache and neuralgia and for the management of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.s
  • Cinnarizin C26H28N2 368.514 g/mol 298-57-7 Antihypertensive Agents Used to treat and control hypertension.s
  • 3,5-Diiodtyrosin C9H9N1O3I2 432.984 g/mol 300-39-0 Antithyroid Agents; ATC:H03BB01 For the treatment of hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis. It is also used to prepare patients for thyroidectomy.s
  • Retinoinsäure C20H28O2 300.440 g/mol 302-79-4 Immunomodulatory Agents; Immunosuppresants For treatment of moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasiss
  • Cyclobenzaprin C20H21N 275.387 g/mol 303-53-7 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; ATC:N02BA11 For acute or long-term use for symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate pain, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.s
  • Novobiocin C31H36N2O11 612.624 g/mol 303-81-1 Glutamine Receptor 2 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Hexafluoreniumbromid C36H42N2+2 502.732 g/mol 317-52-2 Methionine Aminopeptidase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Propionyl-coenzym-A C24H41N7O17P3S1 824.606 g/mol 317-66-8 Anti-Bacterial Agents; ATC:J01XX01 For the treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (acute cystitis) in women due to susceptible strains of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis.s
  • Isocitrinsäure C6H8O7 192.125 g/mol 320-77-4 Antibiotics; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01DB01 For the treatment of Koposi's sarcome connected to AIDS.s
  • 4-Nitrophenylphosphat C6H6N1O6P1 219.090 g/mol 330-13-2 Anti-Anxiety Agents; Anticonvulsants; GABA Modulators; ATC:N05BA05 For the management of anxiety disorders or for the short-term relief of the symptoms of anxiety. Also used as adjunctive therapy in the management of partial seizures and for the symptomatic relief of acute alcohol withdrawal.s
  • 3,4-Dihydroxycinnaminsäure C9H8O4 180.160 g/mol 331-39-5 Anti-Asthmatic Agents; Immunomodulatory Agents For treatment of asthma caused by allergiess
  • Decanoinsäure C10H20O2 172.267 g/mol 334-48-5 Antispasmodics; Anti-Incontinence Agents; ATC:G04BD08 For the treatment of micturition frequency/polyuria.s
  • Fluocinonid C26H32F2O7 494.525 g/mol 356-12-7 Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:C02AA01 For the treatment of hypertensions
  • Propiomazin C20H24N2OS 340.483 g/mol 362-29-8 Antilipemic Agents; Fribic säure Derivatives; ATC:C10AB04 For treatment of adult patients with very high elevations of serum triglyceride levels (types IV and V hyperlipidemia) who are at risk of developing pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and who do not respond adequately to a strict diet.s
  • Thymidin-5-phosphat C10H15N2O8P1 322.211 g/mol 365-07-1 In process For use as a adjunct in assessing the risk of administering penicillin (benzylpenicillin or penicillin G).s
  • Desoximetason C22H29FO4 376.462 g/mol 382-67-2 Antihypertensive Agents; Diuretics, Sulfamyl; ATC:C03BA11 For the treatment of hypertension, alone or in combination with other antihypertensive drugs as well as for the treatment of salt and fluid retention associated with congestive heart failure or edema from pregnancy.s
  • Methoxamin C11H17NO3 211.258 g/mol 390-28-3 Antipsychotics; Thioxanthenes; Dopamine Antagonists For use in schizophrenia and depressions
  • Fluormetholon C22H29FO4 376.462 g/mol 426-13-1 Anesthetics; ATC:N01BB10 For the production of local or regional anesthesia for surgery and obstetrics, and for post-operative pain managements
  • 5,7-Dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4h-1-benzopyran-4-one; 4',5,7-Trihydroxyisoflavon; Prunetol; Genisteol C15H10O5 270.241 g/mol 446-72-0 Anti-ulcer Agents; Antimuscarinics; Antispasmodics; ATC:A02BX03 For the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastric ulcer, and duodenal ulcer.s
  • Pyridoxin-5-phosphat C8H12N1O6P1 249.160 g/mol 447-05-2 Cytochrome C Peroxidase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Ethoxzolamid C9H10N2O3S2 258.319 g/mol 452-35-7 Dopamine Agents; Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; ATC:N04BA For treatment of the symptoms of idiopathic Parkinson's disease (paralysis agitans), post-encephalitic parkinsonisms
  • 000004-methyl-1,2-benzendiol C7H8O2 124.139 g/mol 452-86-8 Anti-Anxiety Agents; Adjuvants, Anesthesia; GABA Modulators; Benzodiazepines; ATC:N05CD05 For the short-term treatment of insomnia.s
  • (3-Carboxy-2-(r)-hydroxy-propyl)-trimethyl-ammonium C7H16N1O31+ 610.192 g/mol 461-06-3 Antihypermagnesemic; Antihypocalcemic; Electrolyte replenisher; Nutritional supplement, mineral For treatment of mild hypocalcemia due to neonatal tetany, tetany due to parathyroid deficiency or vitamin D deficiency, and alkalosis, as prophylaxis of hypocalcemia during exchange transfusions, in the treatment of intestinal malabsorption, and to replenish electrolytes.s
  • Dihydrolipoinsäure C8H16O2S2 208.333 g/mol 462-20-4 Hypoglycemic Agents; ATC:A10BB07 For use as an adjunct to diet for the control of hyperglycemia and its associated symptomatology in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM; type II), formerly known as maturity-onset diabetes, after an adequate trial of dietary therapy has proved unsatisfactory.s
  • Propoxyphen C22H29NO2 339.471 g/mol 469-62-5 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01CB02 Treatment of refractory acute lymphoblastic leukaemias
  • 2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-butyrat C6H11O41- 739.128 g/mol 470-29-1 Isocitrate Lyase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Oxaminsäure C2H3N1O3 89.051 g/mol 471-47-6 Analgesics; Antimanic Agents; Anticonvulsants; ATC:N03AF01 For the treatment of epilepsy and pain associated with true trigeminal neuralgia.s
  • n-Cholylglycin C26H43N1O6 465.629 g/mol 475-31-0 Anti-ulcer Agents; Antimuscarinics; Antispasmodics; ATC:A03AB05 For the treatment of enuresis.s
  • Podofilox C22H22O8 414.405 g/mol 477-47-4 anti-emetics; antivertigo ATC:N07CA02 For the treatment of vertigo/meniere's disease, nausea and vomiting, motion sickness and also useful for vestibular symptoms of other origins.s
  • Dyphyllin C10H14N4O4 254.243 g/mol 479-18-5 Antineoplastic Agents; Pigmenting Agents; ATC:D05AD02; ATC:D05BA02 For the treatment of psoriasis and vitiligos
  • Chlorophyll A C55H72N4O5Mg1 893.503 g/mol 479-61-8 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalances
  • Carbinoxamin C16H19ClN2O 290.788 g/mol 486-16-8 Adrenergic Agents; Dopamine Agents; Dopamine Uptake Inhibitors; Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors; Central Nervous System Stimulants; Amphetamines; Sympathomimetics; ATC:N06BA01 For treatment of Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADDH) and narcolepsy in children.s
  • 3-Methylbenzol-1,2-diol C7H8O2 124.139 g/mol 488-17-5 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.s
  • Canalin C4H10N2O3 134.135 g/mol 496-93-5 Keratolytic Agents; Antineoplastic Agents; Cell Stimulants and Proliferants (84:16.00); ATC:D10AD01; ATC:D10AD04; ATC:D10BA01; ATC:L01XX14; ATC:L01XX22 For the the induction of remission in patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), French-American-British (FAB) classification M3 (including the M3 variant); For the topical treatment of acne vulgaris, flat warts and other skin conditions (psoriasis, ichthyosis congenita, icthyosis vulgaris, lamellar icthyosis, keratosis palmaris et plantaris, epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, senile comedones, senile keratosis, keratosis follicularis (Darier's disease), and basal cell carcinomas.); For palliative therapy to improve fine wrinkling, mottled hyperpigmentation, roughness associated with photodamage.s
  • Proparacain C16H26N2O3 294.389 g/mol 499-67-2 Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic; Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors; ATC:N06AA04 For the treatment of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic attacks with or without agoraphobia, narcolepsy, chronic pain, and enuresis.s
  • Masoprocol C18H22O4 302.365 g/mol 500-38-9 Tranquilizing Agents; Muscle Relaxants; Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic; Skeletal Muscle Relaxants; ATC:M03BX08 For use as an adjunct to rest and physical therapy for relief of muscle spasm associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions.s
  • Mimosin C8H10N2O4 198.176 g/mol 500-44-7 Anti-bacterial Agents; Enzyme Inhibitors; ATC:J01GB For the treatment of infections due to staphylococci and other susceptible organismss
  • Isovalerinsäure C5H10O2 102.133 g/mol 503-74-2 Antidotes; Chelating Agents; ATC:V09CA02; ATC:V09IA03 For the treatment of lead poisoning in pediatric patients with blood lead levels above 45 µg/dL. May also be used to treat mercury or arsenic poisoning.s
  • 12-Hydroxydodecanoinsäure C12H24O3 216.320 g/mol 505-95-3 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01AA02 For treatment of chronic lymphatic (lymphocytic) leukemia, malignant lymphomas including lymphosarcoma, giant follicular lymphoma, and Hodgkin's diseases
  • Chlorophyll-B C55H70N4O6Mg1 907.486 g/mol 519-62-0 Central Nervous System Stimulants; Respiratory System Agents; ATC:R07AB01 For use as a temporary measure in hospitalized patients with acute respiratory insufficiency superimposed on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.s
  • Dromostanolon C23H36O3 360.53 g/mol 521-12-0 Antinematodal Agents; ATC:P02CA01 For the treatment of Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm), Trichuris trichiura (whipworm), Ascaris lumbricoides (common roundworm), Ancylostoma duodenale (common hookworm), Necator americanus (American hookworm) in single or mixed infections.s
  • Malonylcoenzym-a C24H38N7O19P3S1 853.581 g/mol 524-14-1 Cardiotonic Agents; Bronchodilator Agents; Respiratory Smooth Muscle Relaxants; ATC:R03DA05 For the treatment of bronchospasm due to asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.s
  • Isoetharin C13H21NO3 239.311 g/mol 530-08-5 Propionyl-Coa Carboxylase Complex B Subunit inhibitor Not Availables
  • Thiaminphosphat C12H17N4O4P1S1 344.324 g/mol 532-40-1 Anti-Arrhythmia Agents Used to treat irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias) and maintain a normal heart rate.s
  • Hexylcain C16H23NO2 261.359 g/mol 532-77-4 Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic; Enzyme Inhibitors For treatment of patients with the following myelodysplastic syndrome subtypes: refractory anemia or refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (if accompanied by neutropenia or thrombocytopenia or requiring transfusions), refractory anemia with excess blasts, refractory anemia with excess blasts in transformation, and chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.s
  • Hydroxystilbamidineisethionat C18H22N4O5S 406.457 g/mol 533-22-2 Probable Methylisocitrate Lyase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Acetoacetinsäure C4H6O3 102.090 g/mol 541-50-4 ATC:A11CC04; ATC:D05AX03; Antihypocalcemic Agents; Antihypoparathyroid Agents; Essential Vitamin; Vitamins (Vitamin D) Used to treat vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency, refractory rickets (vitamin D resistant rickets), familial hypophosphatemia and hypoparathyroidism, and in the management of hypocalcemia and renal osteodystrophy in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing dialysis. Also used in conjunction with calcium in the management and prevention of primary or corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.s
  • Acetohydroxaminsäure C2H5NO2 75.0666 g/mol 546-88-3 Serotonin reuptake inhibitor; Antiobesity Agents; Appetite Depressants; ATC:A08AA04 For the management of obesity including weight loss and maintenance of weight loss in patients on a reduced calorie diets
  • Acetohydroxaminsäure C2H5N1O2 75.067 g/mol 546-88-3 Chondroitinase Ac inhibitor; Chondroitinase B inhibitor Not Availables
  • 2-Amino-3-hydroxybenzoesäure C7H7N1O3 153.137 g/mol 548-93-6 Anti-bacterial Agents; Aminoglycosides; ATC:J01GB01; ATC:S01AA12 For the treatment of pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infectionss
  • Purinribosid C10H13N4O41+ 845.215 g/mol 550-33-4 Acylamino-säure-Releasing Enzyme inhibitor Not Availables
  • 4,7-Dihydroxyisoflavon; 7-o-b-d-glucopyranosid C21H20O9 416.384 g/mol 552-66-9 Photoactive Yellow Protein inhibitor Not Availables
  • Methazolamid C5H8N4O3S2 236.274 g/mol 554-57-4 Lipoxygenase-3 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Chlortrianisen C23H21ClO3 380.864 g/mol 569-57-3 Daptomycin inhibitor Not Availables
  • Meclizin C25H27ClN2 390.948 g/mol 569-65-3 Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic; Nucleic säure Synthesis Inhibitors; ATC:L01CB01 For use in combination with other chemotherapeutic agents in the treatment of refractory testicular tumors and as first line treatment in patients with small cell lung cancer. Also used to treat other malignancies such as lymphoma, non-lymphocytic leukemia, and glioblastoma multiforme.s
  • Artigenin-congener; Dibenzylbutyrolactonlignanolid C20H23O6 359.398 g/mol 580-72-3 Osmotic Agents Used for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) of diabetic patients or automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) for the management of end-stage renal disease.s
  • 5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazol C9H10N2 146.191 g/mol 582-60-5 Peptide inhibitor Not Availables
  • 2-Oxobutanonsäure C4H6O3 102.090 g/mol 600-18-0 Ferric Hydroxamate Receptor inhibitor Not Availables
  • Auccinylcoenzym A C25H40N7O19P3S1 867.608 g/mol 604-98-8 Tetrameric Beta-Beta-Alpha Mini-Protein inhibitor Not Availables
  • Benzoylforminsäure C8H6O3 150.134 g/mol 611-73-4 Anti-Allergic Agents; Antipruritics; Histamine H1 Antagonists; ATC:R06AX17; ATC:S01GX08 Indicated as an add-on or prophylactic oral medication in the chronic treatment of mild atopic asthmatic children. Also for the temporary prevention of itching of the eye due to allergic conjunctivitis (ophthalmic).s
  • Meclofenamat C14H11Cl2NO2 295.02 g/mol 644-62-2 Anti-Bacterial Agents Not Availables
  • Metyrosin C10H13NO3 195.215 g/mol 672-87-7 Beta-Lactamase Ctx-M-9 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Chloroxin C9H5Cl2NO 214.048 g/mol 773-76-2 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; ATC:M01AC01; ATC:M02AA07; ATC:S01BC06 For treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.s
  • Haloprogin C9H4Cl3IO 361.39 g/mol 777-11-7 Antiemetics; Prokinetic Agents; Dopamine Antagonists; ATC:A03FA01 For the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)s
  • Desoxycorticosteronpivalat C26H38O4 414.578 g/mol 808-48-0 Antihypertensive Agents; Diuretics, Thiazide; Vasodilator Agents; ATC:C02DA01; ATC:V03AH01 Used parentally to treat hypertensive emergencies. Also used to treat hypoglycemia secondary to insulinoma.s
  • 2-Deoxyguanosin-5-monophosphat C10H14N5O7P1 347.224 g/mol 902-04-5 Antiviral Agents; ATC:J05AB04 For the treatment of chronic hepatitis C and for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).s
  • Methacyclin C22H22N2O8 442.419 g/mol 914-00-1 Anti-Bacterial Agents; Penicillins; ATC:J01CA09 For the treatment of infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Haemophilus influenzae.s
  • 2-Deoxycytidin C9H13N3O4 227.219 g/mol 951-77-9 Enzyme replacement; ATC: A16AB01 For the treatment of Gaucher's disease (deficiency in glucocerebrosidase)s
  • 2'-Deoxyuridin C9H12N2O5 228.204 g/mol 951-78-0 Bifunctional P-450: Nadph-P450 Reductase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Acetohexamid C15H20N2O4S 324.396 g/mol 968-81-0 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Anticoagulants; Enzyme Inhibitors; ATC:C05BA04 For the relief of bladder pain or discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis.s
  • Testolacton C19H24O3 300.392 g/mol 968-93-4 Sympatholytics; Antihypertensive Agents; Antiarrhythmic Agents; Adrenergic Agents; ATC:C07AB02; ATC:C07AB52 For the treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris.s
  • S-Adenosyl-l-homocystein C14H20N6O5S1 384.409 g/mol 979-92-0 Antiarrhythmic Agents; ATC:C01BA03 For the treatment of documented ventricular arrhythmias, such as sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular pre-excitation and cardiac dysrhythmias.s
  • Nafcillin C21H22N2O5S 414.476 g/mol 985-16-0 Anti-bacterial Agents; Aminoglycosides; ATC:D06AX12; ATC:J01GB06; ATC:S01AA21 For short-term treatment of serious infections due to susceptible strains of Gram-negative bacteria, including Pseudomonas species, Escherichia coli, species of indole-positive and indole-negative Proteus, Providencia species, Klebsiella-Enterobacter-Serratia species, and Acinetobacter (Mima-Herellea) species.s
  • Lymecyclin C22H23ClN2O8 478.879 g/mol 992-21-2 Antineoplastic Agents; Immunosuppressive Agents; ATC:L01AA06 For third line chemotherapy of germ cell testicular cancer. It should ordinarily be used in combination with a prophylactic agent for hemorrhagic cystitis, such as mesna.s

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  • 2-Deoxycytidin-5-monophosphat C9H14N3O7P1 307.199 g/mol 1032-65-1 Corticosteroid; Glucocorticoids; Anti-inflammatory,
  • o-Phosphoethanolamin C3H10N1O5P1 171.089 g/mol 1071-23-4 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Antineoplastic Agents; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; ATC:M01AB02 For acute or long-term use in the relief of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis. ankylosing spondylitis, acute painful shoulder (acute subacromial bursitis/supraspinatus tendinitis), and acute gouty arthritis.s
  • 7,8-dimethylalloxazin; 6,7-dimethylalloxazin C12H10N4O2 242.237 g/mol 1086-80-2 Vasodilator Agents; Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:C02DC01; ATC:D11AX01 For the treatment of severe hypertension and in the topical treatment (regrowth) of androgenic alopecia in males and females and stabilisation of hair loss in patients with androgenic alopecia.s
  • Ethopropazin C19H24N2S 312.473 g/mol 1094-08-2 Abortifacient Agents, Nonsteroidal; Oxytocics; Diagnostic aid (angiography); Uterine stimulants; ATC:G02AD01 Used for aborting second-trimester pregnancy (between the twelfth to eighteenth week of gestation) and in incomplete abortion or for therapeutic abortion in cases of intrauterine fetal death and congenital abnormalities incompatible with life. Also used at low-doses for medically indicated induction of labor at term. Also injected intra-arterially for use as a vasodilator to assist in angiography.s
  • amylotrios C18H32O16 504.441 g/mol 1109-28-0 Cellobiohydrolase II inhibitor Not Availables
  • 000003-hydroxypyruvinsäure C3H4O4 104.062 g/mol 1113-60-6 Anti-Infective Agents; Enzyme Inhibitors; ATC:J01MB02 For the treatment of urinary tract infections caused by susceptible gram-negative microorganisms, including the majority of E. Coli, Enterobacter species, Klebsiella species, and Proteus species.s
  • 000003-sulfinoalanin C3H7N1O4S1 153.153 g/mol 1115-65-7 Adrenergic alpha-Agonists; Sympathomimetics; Vasoconstrictor Agents; ATC:C01CA10 Indicated for the treatment and management of hypotension.s
  • biphenyl-2,3-diol C12H10O2 186.210 g/mol 1133-63-7 Vasodilator Agents; Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:C08CA08; Calcium Channel Blockers; For the treatment of mild to moderate hypertensions
  • Clomocyclin C23H25ClN2O9 508.905 g/mol 1181-54-0 Antivirals; ATC:D06BB06; ATC:J05AB13 Used to treat recurrent cold sores on the lips and face.s
  • n-Acetyl-l-glutamat C7H11N1O5 189.168 g/mol 1188-37-0 DNA Gyrase Subunit B inhibitor Not Availables
  • Sotradecol C14H30O4S 294.452 g/mol 1191-50-0 Anti-Infective Agents For the treatment of Bacterial infection of respiratory tract, urinary tract, GI, CNS and immuno compromised patientss
  • Tranexaminsäure C8H15NO2 157.21 g/mol 1197-18-8 Dihydrofolate Reductase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Bentoquatam Not Available Not Available 1340-69-8 Anti-Asthmatic Agents; Antiarrhythmic Agents; Bronchodilator Agents; Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal Used in the management of symptoms of asthma. Also used in the treatment of peripheral vascular diseases and in the management of cerebrovascular insufficiency, sickle cell disease, and diabetic neuropathy.s
  • Cryptenamin C28H46010N Not Available 1356-18-9 Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents (NSAIDs); ATC:M01AB08 For acute and long-term use in the management of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as for the management of pain.s
  • Polymyxin B Sulfat C55H95N16O13R.(H2O4S)x Not Available 1405-20-5 Sympatholytics; Antihypertensive Agents; Anti-Arrhythmia Agents; Adrenergic beta-Antagonists; ATC:C07AA12 Used in cardiovascular disease to treat arrhythmias, angina pectoris, and hypertension.s
  • acetoacetyl-coenzyme a C25H40N7O18P3S1 851.608 g/mol 1420-36-6 Immunosuppressive Agents; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01BB04 For the treatment of active hairy cell leukemia (leukemic reticuloendotheliosis) as defined by clinically significant anemia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, or disease-related symptoms.s
  • Thiethylperazin C22H29N3S2 399.618 g/mol 1420-55-9 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:M01AX01 For acute and chronic treatment of signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.s
  • Flurandrenolid C24H33FO6 436.514 g/mol 1524-88-5 Anesthetics; Narcotics; Adjuvants; Analgesics; Opiate Agonists; ATC:N01AH01; ATC:N02AB03 For the treatment of cancer patients with severe pain that breaks through their regular narcotic therapy.s
  • Metaxalon C12H15NO3 221.252 g/mol 1665-48-1 Estrogens; ATC:G03CA57 For the treatment of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms associated with the menopause, atrophic vaginitis, osteoporosis, hypoestrogenism due to hypogonadism, castration, primary ovarian failure, breast cancer (for palliation only), and Advanced androgen-dependent carcinoma of the prostate (for palliation only)s
  • Homolinoleninsäure C20H34O2 306.487 g/mol 1783-84-2 Radiation-Sensitizing Agents; Anti-Infectives; Antiprotozoals; ATC:A01AB17; ATC:D06BX01; ATC:G01AF01; ATC:J01XD01; ATC:P01AB01 Treatment of acute acne rosaceas
  • d-Aspartamsäure C4H7N1O4 133.104 g/mol 1783-96-6 Estrogen Receptor Beta inhibitor Not Availables
  • Bromdiphenhydramin C17H20BrNO 334.251 g/mol 1808-12-4 Antimetabolites; Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic; Antirheumatic Agents; Immunosuppressive Agents; ATC:L04AX01 For use as an adjunct in the prevention of rejection in renal homotransplantation. Also for the management of severe, active rheumatoid arthritis unresponsive to rest, aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or to agents in the class of which gold is an example.s
  • 2-Deoxyadenosin-5-triphosphat C10H16N5O12P3 491.184 g/mol 1927-31-7 Ornithine Decarboxylase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Methdilazin C18H20N2S 296.431 g/mol 1982-37-2 Serotonin reuptake inhibitor; Anorexigenic Agents; Stimulants; ATC:A08AA02; ATC:A08AA04 For the management of exogenous obesity as a short-term (a few weeks) adjunct in a regimen of weight reduction based on caloric restriction.s
  • d-Mannuronsäure C6H10O7 194.141 g/mol 1986-14-7 Amine Oxidase [Flavin-Containing] B inhibitor Not Availables
  • Flumethasonpivalat C27H36F2O6 494.568 g/mol 2002-29-1 Carnitine Acetyltransferase Isoform 2 inhibitor Not Availables
  • 2-Deoxycytidin-5-triphosphat C9H16N3O13P3 467.159 g/mol 2056-98-6 Antinarcotic Agents; Depressants; Opiate Antagonists; ATC:V03AB15 For the complete or partial reversal of narcotic depression, including respiratory depression, induced by opioids including natural and synthetic narcotics, propoxyphene, methadone and the narcotic-antagonist analgesics: nalbuphine, pentazocine and butorphanol.s
  • l-Iduroninsäure C6H10O7 194.141 g/mol 2073-35-0 Narcotics; Antitussives; Analgesics; ATC:N02AC04; ATC:N02AC54; ATC:N02AC74 For the relief of mild to moderate pains
  • 000003-[[bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-2-yl-6-chloro-3,4- dihydro-2h-1,2,4-benzothiadiazine-7-sulfonamide 1,1 dioxide]] C14H16N3O4Cl1S2 389.871 g/mol 2259-96-3 Sympatholytics; EENT Drugs; ATC:S01ED03 For lowering intraocular pressure and may be used in patients with chronic open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertensions
  • Cyclothiazid C14H16ClN3O4S2 389.879 g/mol 2259-96-3 Ileal Lipid Binding Protein inhibitor Not Availables
  • 2'-Deoxyguanosin-5'-triphosphat 2-Deoxyguanosin-5-triphosphat C10H16N5O13P3 507.183 g/mol 2564-35-4 Vasodilator Agents; Bronchodilator Agents; Respiratory Smooth Muscle Relaxants; Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors; ATC:R03DA01 For relief of acute bronchial asthma and for reversible bronchospasm associated with chronic bronchitis and emphysema.s
  • Carphenazin C24H31N3O2S 425.59 g/mol 2622-30-2 Chlorophyll A-B Binding Protein Ab80 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Benzylpenicilloylpolylysin C22H31N3O6S Not Available 2642-55-9 Chalcone-Flavonone Isomerase 1 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Medryson C22H32O3 344.488 g/mol 2668-66-8 Antiparasitics; Scabicides; Antipruritics; Scabicides; ATC:D04A; ATC:P03AX For eradication of scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei) and for symptomatic treatment of pruritic skin.s
  • Flupenthixol C23H25F3N2OS 434.519 g/mol 2709-56-0 Anti-allergic Agents; ATC:R06AX07 For the treatment of hay fever, urticaria (hives), and other allergic systems.s
  • Acetophenazin C23H29N3O2S 411.561 g/mol 2751-68-0 Antihistamines; ATC:R06AA08 For symptomatic relief of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis and vasomotor rhinitis.s
  • 000004-nitrocatechol C6H5N1O4 155.110 g/mol 3316-09-4 Antiparkinson Agents; Muscarinic antagonists; ATC:N04AA03 Used for the symptomatic treatment of parkinsonism.s
  • Flunisolid C24H31FO6 434.498 g/mol 3385-03-3 Local Anesthetics; ATC:N01BA04 For local (ophthalmic) anesthetic.s
  • 000002-Amino-2-deoxy-d-glucose C6H13N1O5 179.172 g/mol 3416-24-8 D-Alanyl-D-Alanine Carboxypeptidase inhibitor Not Availables
  • alpha--d-Mannos C6H12O6 180.157 g/mol 3458-28-4 Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal; Glucocorticoids; Antiemetics; Anti-inflammatory Agents; Adrenergic Agents; ATC:A01AC02; ATC:C05AA09; ATC:D07AB19; ATC:D07XB05; ATC:D10AA03; ATC:H02AB02; ATC:R01AD03; ATC:S01BA01; ATC:S01CB01; ATC:S02BA06; ATC:S03BA01 Injection: for the treatment of endocrine disorders, rheumatic D=disorders, collagen diseases, dermatologic diseases, allergic statesc, ophthalmic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, hematologic disorders, neoplastic diseases, edematous states, cerebral edema.s
  • Cyclacillin C15H23N3O4S 341.427 g/mol 3485-14-1 Hypnotics and Sedatives; Anticonvulsants; For the treatment of Epilepsys
  • Hetacillin C19H23N3O4S 389.47 g/mol 3511-16-8 Antibiotics, Antineoplastic; Alkylating Agents; Cross-Linking Reagents; Nucleic säure Synthesis Inhibitors; ATC:L01DC03 For treatment of malignant neoplasm of lip, oral cavity, pharynx, digestive organs, peritoneum, female breast, and urinary bladder.s
  • Cephaloglycin C18H19N3O6S 405.426 g/mol 3577-01-3 Anticonvulsants; ATC:N03AA30 For the treatment of epilepsys
  • l-Rhamnose C6H12O5 164.158 g/mol 3615-41-6 Anticonvulsants; ATC:N03AB04 For the treatment of refractory partial epilepsy.s
  • Azatadin C20H22N2 290.402 g/mol 3964-81-6 Anti-Inflammatory Agents; ATC:A01AC03; ATC:A07EA02; ATC:C05AA01; ATC:D07AA02; ATC:D07AB02; ATC:D07AB11; ATC:D07AC16; ATC:D07XA01; ATC:H02AB09; ATC:S01BA02; ATC:S01CB03; ATC:S02BA01 For the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses. Also used to treat endocrine (hormonal) disorders (adrenal insufficiency, Addisons disease). It is also used to treat many immune and allergic disorders, such as arthritis, lupus, severe psoriasis, severe asthma, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn's disease.s
  • Dihydrofolinsäure C19H21N7O6 443.418 g/mol 4033-27-6 Antineoplastic Agents; Glucocorticoids; Anti-inflammatory Agents; Adrenergic Agents; ATC:A07EA01; ATC:C05AA04; ATC:D07AA01; ATC:D07AA03; ATC:D07AC14; ATC:D07XA02; ATC:D10AA02; ATC:H02AB04; ATC:H02AB06; ATC:R01AD02; ATC:S01BA04; ATC:S01CB02; ATC:S02BA03; ATC:S03BA02 For the treatment of primary or secondary adrenocortical insufficiency, such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, thyroiditis. Also used to treat psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, bursitis, acute gouty arthritis and epicondylitis. Also indicated for treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus and acute rhematic carditis. Can be used in the treatment of leukemias, lymphomas, thrombocytopenia purpura and autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Can be used to treat celiac disease, insulin resistance, ulcerative colitis and liver disorders.s
  • 000005-hydroxy-l-tryptophan C11H11N2O3 219.219 g/mol 4350-09-8 Vasoconstrictor Agents; Anesthetics; Local Anesthetics; ATC:N01BC01; ATC:R02AD03; ATC:S01HA01; ATC:S02DA02 For the introduction of local (topical) anesthesia of accessible mucous membranes of the oral, laryngeal and nasal cavities.s
  • Phosphonoacetinsäure C2H5O5P1 140.032 g/mol 4408-78-0 Antineoplastic Agents; Antimetabolites; Purine analogues; ATC:L01BB02 For remission induction and maintenance therapy of acute lymphatic leukemia.s
  • Trehalose-6-phosphat C12H23O14P1 422.279 g/mol 4484-88-2 Analgesics, Non-Narcotic; Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic; Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors; ATC:N06AA09 For the treatment of anxiety, bipolar disorders, and depression.s
  • Carbenicillin C17H18N2O6S 378.401 g/mol 4697-36-3 Antipsychotics; Antiemetics; Dopamine Antagonists; Phenothiazines; ATC:N05AA01 For the treatment of schizophrenia, control nausea and vomiting, For relief of restlessness and apprehension before surgery, adjunct in the treatment of tetanus, control the manifestations of the manic type of manic-depressive illness.s
  • Metixen C20H23NS 309.469 g/mol 4969-02-2 Anti-tocolytic Agents; Labor Induction Agents; ATC:Oxytocin To assist in labor, elective labor induction, uterine contraction inductions
  • Guanabenz C8H8Cl2N4 231.081 g/mol 5051-62-7 Antihypertensive Agents; Sympatholytics; ATC:C04AB01; ATC:G04BE05 For the prevention or treatment of dermal necrosis and sloughing following intravenous administration or extravasation of norepinephrine. Also for the prevention or control of hypertensive episodes that may occur in a patient with pheochromocytoma as a result of stress or manipulation during preoperative preparation and surgical excision.s
  • beta-l-Arabinose C5H10O5 150.131 g/mol 5328-37-0 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; Fibrinolytic Agents; Anticoagulants; Salicylates; ATC:A01AD05; ATC:B01AC06; ATC:N02BA01 For use in the temporary relief of various forms of pain, inflammation associated with various conditions (including rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis), and is also used to reduce the risk of death and/or nonfatal myocardial infarction in patients with a previous infarction or unstable angina pectoris.s
  • Mesoridazin C21H26N2OS2 386.576 g/mol 5588-33-0 Antioxidants; Essential Vitamins; Free Radical Scavengers; Vitamins (Vitamin C); ATC:A11GA01 Used to treat vitamin C deficiency, scurvy, delayed wound and bone healing, urine säureification, and in general as an antioxidant. It has also been suggested to be an effective antiviral agent.s
  • Methanthelin C21H26NO3 340.436 g/mol 5818-17-7 Antineoplastics; antimetabolites; Antimetabolites For palliative management of gastrointestinal adenocarcinoma metastatic to the liver, when given by continuous regional intra-arterial infusion in carefully selected patients who are considered incurable by surgery or other means.s
  • d-Glutamin C5H10N2O3 146.146 g/mol 5959-95-5 Bacteriorhodopsin inhibitor Not Availables
  • Perhexilin C19H35N 277.488 g/mol 6621-47-2 Nrh Dehydrogenase [Quinone] 2 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Echothiophate Iodid C9H23INO3PS 383.228 g/mol 6736-03-4 Enzyme replacement For the treatment of mucopolysaccharidosiss
  • d-Glutaminsäure C5H9N1O4 147.130 g/mol 6893-26-1 Prostaglandin H2 Synthase-1 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Clidinium C22H26NO3 352.447 g/mol 7020-55-5 Antiarrhythmic Agents; ATC:C01BA02 For the treatment of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias.s
  • Trimethaphan C22H25N2OS 365.513 g/mol 7187-66-8 Cytochrome C Peroxidase inhibitor Not Availables
  • N-Acetyl-D-glucosamin C8H15N1O6 221.210 g/mol 7512-17-6 Histamine N-Methyltransferase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Ambenonium C28H42Cl2N4O2 537.564 g/mol 7648-98-8 Antihyperlipidemics; ATC:C10AX01 Used to lower high cholesterol levels in the blood.s
  • Alseroxylon Not Available Not Available 8001-95-4 Cardiotonic Agents; Sympathomimetic; ATC:C01CA04 For the correction of hemodynamic imbalances present in the shock syndrome due to myocardial infarction, trauma, endotoxic septicemia, open-heart surgery, renal failure, and chronic cardiac decompensation as in congestive failures
  • Ethiodol Not Available Not Available 8008-53-5 Diagnostic Aid; ATC:V04CG03 Histamine phosphate is indicated as a diagnostic aid for evaluation of gastric säure secretory function.s
  • Ergoloidmesylat C33H45N5O5 591.741 g/mol 8067-24-1 Analgesics, Non-Narcotic; Cardiotonic Agents; Cholinergic Agonists; Miotics; ATC:N07AB01; ATC:S01EB02 Primarily used in the treatment of glaucoma, but is also used during ophthalmic surgery.s
  • Colistimethat C58H105N16Na5O28S5 1749.82 g/mol 8068-28-8 Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Collagenase C5028H7666N1300O1564S21 112023.2 9001-12-1 Corticosteroids, topical; ATC:D07AC11 For the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses.s
  • Coagulation factor VIIa C1972H3076N560O597S28 45079.1 9001-25-6 Anti-Anxiety Agents; Antiemetics; ATC:A04AD11 Used for the control of nausea and vomiting, caused by chemotherapeutic agents used in the treatment of cancer, in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conventional antiemetic treatments.s
  • Factor IX C2041H3136N558O641S25 46548.2 9001-28-9 Anti-inflammatory Agents; Analgesics; Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents (NSAIDs); Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; ATC:M01AE09; ATC:M02AA19; ATC:S01BC04 Flurbiprofen tablets are indicated for the acute or long-term treatment of the signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and osteorarthritis.s
  • Dornase alfa (Dnase) C1321H1999N339O396S9 29253.9 9003-98-9 Bronchodilator Agents; Anti-inflammatory Agents; Corticosteroids; ATC:A07EA06; ATC:D07AC09; ATC:R01AD05; ATC:R03BA02 For the treatment of mild to moderate active Crohn's disease.s
  • Eisendextran (FeO.OH.2H2O)478 (Dx.COOH)9 ~105,000 g/mol 9004-66-4 Methylmalonyl-Coa Carboxyltransferase 12S Su inhibitor Not Availables
  • Ardeparin (C26H40N2O36S5)n 1134.93 g/mol 9005-49-6 Chlorophyll A-B Binding Protein, Chloroplast inhibitor Not Availables
  • Pegademase bovine C1821H2834N484O552S14 40788.2 9026-93-1 Anabolic Agents; Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal For use in females, for palliation of androgenresponsive recurrent mammary cancer in women who are more than one year but less than five years postmenopausal.s
  • Alpha-1-proteinase inhibitor C2001H3130N514O601S10 44324.5 9041-92-3 Antiemetics; Histamine H1 Antagonists Used for treating vertigo, motion sickness, and nausea associated with pregnancy.s
  • Chymostatin C31H42N7O61+ 1488.683 g/mol 9076-44-2 Vasodilator Agents; Anti-anxiety Agents; Antihypertensive Agents; Antiarrhythmic Agents; Adrenergic Agents; ATC:C07AA05 For the prophylaxis of migraine.s

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  • Glyburid C23H28ClN3O5S 494.004 g/mol 10238-21-8 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01XX23 For treatment of inoperable adrenocortical tumours; Cushing's syndromes
  • D-Milchsäure C3H6O3 90.079 g/mol 10326-41-7 Alpha-Glucosidase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Icosapent C20H30O2 302.456 g/mol 10417-94-4 Bronchodilator Agents; Adrenergic beta-Agonists For the treatment of asthma, wheezing, and chronic asthmatic bronchitis.s
  • Clodronat CH4Cl2O6P2 244.892 g/mol 10596-23-3 Immunosuppressive Agents; Antifungals; ATC:L04AA10 For the prophylaxis of organ rejection in patients receiving renal transplants.s
  • Gadobenatdimeglumin Not Available Not Available 12700-20-8 Antitubercular Agents; Leprostatic Agents; ATC:J04AD03 For use in the treatment of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis when other antitubercular drugs have failed.s
  • 000002-((formyl-hydroxy-amino)-methyl)-heptanoic säure (1-(2-hydroxymethyl-pyrrolidine-1-carbonyl)-2-methyl-propyl)-amide C19H35N3O5 385.503 g/mol 13434-13-4 Acetylcholine-Binding Protein inhibitor Not Availables
  • Gentian Violet C25H30N3+ 372.526 g/mol 14426-25-6 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; ATC:A11HA02 For nutritional supplementation and for treating dietary shortage or imbalances
  • Flavoxat C24H25NO4 391.46 g/mol 15301-69-6 Anti-Arrhythmia Agents; ATC:C01BC03 Used to prolong the time to recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation/flutter (PAF) associated with disabling symptoms in patients without structural heart disease. Also used for the treatment of life-threatening documented ventricular arrhythmias, such as sustained ventricular tachycardia.s
  • Cromolyn C23H16O11 468.367 g/mol 16110-51-3 Macrophage Metalloelastase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Desmopressinacetat C68H102N22O20S2 1611.8 16679-58-6 Adjuvants, Anesthesia; Antiemetics; Antipsychotic Agents; Dopamine Antagonists; ATC:N01AX01; ATC:N05AD08 Used to produce tranquilization and to reduce the incidence of nausea and vomiting in surgical and diagnostic procedures.s
  • Cerulenin C12H17NO3 223.268 g/mol 17397-89-6 Phenazine Biosynthesis Protein Phzf inhibitor Not Availables
  • L-Norgestrel C21H28O2 312.446 g/mol 17489-40-6 Antidepressants, Second-Generation; Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs); ATC:N06AB03 For the treatment of depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bulimia nervosa.s
  • Metolazon C16H16ClN3O3S 365.835 g/mol 17560-51-9 Anti-bacterial Agents; Anti-Infectives; ATC:A01AB03; ATC:B05CA02; ATC:D08AC02; ATC:D09AA12; ATC:R02AA05; ATC:S01AX09; ATC:S02AA09; ATC:S03AA04 For reduction of pocket depth in patients with adult periodontitis, used as an adjunct to scaling and root planing procedures. Also for prevention of dental caries, oropharyngeal decontamination in critically ill patients, hand hygiene in health-care personnel, general skin cleanser, and catheter site preparation and care.s
  • Deslanosid C47H74O19 943.079 g/mol 17598-65-1 Tocolytic Agents; Vasodilator Agents; Nitrates and Nitrites; ATC:C01DA02 For the prevention of anginas
  • Tetraphenylphosphonium C24H20P11+ 649.133 g/mol 18198-39-5 Adenosine Deaminase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Adenosin-5-diphosphat C10H15N5O10P2 427.204 g/mol 20398-34-9 Diagnostic aid; gastric function; ATC:V04CG04 Used as a diagnostic aid for evaluation of gastric säure secretory functions
  • Oxaprozin C18H15NO3 293.317 g/mol 21256-18-8 Antiparasitics For the treatment of diarrhea in adults and children caused by the protozoa Giardia lamblia; For the treatment of diarrhea in children caused by the protozoa Cryptosporidium parvums
  • Cephapirin C17H17N3O6S2 423.466 g/mol 21593-23-7 Hypnotics and Sedatives Insomnias
  • Guanadrelsulfat C10H19N3O2 213.277 g/mol 22195-34-2 Transthyretin inhibitor Not Availables
  • Metipranolol C17H27NO4 309.401 g/mol 22664-55-7 Anti-Bacterial Agents; Protein Synthesis Inhibitors; ATC:D06AX02; ATC:D10AF03; ATC:G01AA05; ATC:J01BA01; ATC:S01AA01; ATC:S02AA01; ATC:S03AA08 Used in treatment of cholera, as it destroys the vibrios and decreases the diarrhea. It is effective against tetracycline-resistant vibrios. It is also used in eye drops or ointment to treat bacterial conjunctivitis.s
  • Minaprin C17H22N4O 298.383 g/mol 25905-77-5 Tailspike Protein inhibitor Not Availables
  • Tolmetin C15H15NO3 257.285 g/mol 26171-23-3 Antineoplastic Agents; Estrogens, Non-Steroidal; ATC:G03CA06 Used to treat symptoms of menopause, deficiencies in ovary function (including underdevelopment of female sexual characteristics and some types of infertility), and in rare cases, prostate cancer. Chlorotrianisene may also be used to prevent breast engorgement following childbirth.s
  • Ritodrin C17H21NO3 287.354 g/mol 26652-09-5 Anti-allergic Agents; Antiemetics; Antihistamines For the prevention and treatment of nausea, vomiting, or dizziness associated with motion sickness.s
  • Levobupivacain C18H28N2O 288.428 g/mol 27262-47-1 Narcotics; Adjuvants; Analgesics; Opiate Agonists; ATC:N02AB Used to control moderate to severe pain.s
  • Calciumgluceptat C14H26CaO16 490.0848 g/mol 29039-00-7 Nuclear Receptor Ror-Alpha inhibitor Not Availables
  • Glipizid C21H27N5O4S 444.548 g/mol 29094-61-9 Anti-bacterial Agents; Aminoglycosides; ATC:A07AA04; ATC:J01GA01; ATC:S01AA15 For the treatment of Tuberculosiss
  • Mequitazin C20H22N2S 322.468 g/mol 29216-28-2 Antiemetics; Miscellaneous GI drugs; ATC:A03FA03; Dopamine Antagonists For management of Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Epigastric pain, Nausea, Vomitings
  • Docosanol C23H46O2 354.61 g/mol 30303-65-2 Antineoplastic Agents; Anabolic Agents; Androgens; ATC:G03BA02; ATC:G03BA03; ATC:G03EK01 For topical testosterone replacement therapy in males with deficiency or absence of testosterones
  • Bitolterolmesylat C28H31NO5 461.549 g/mol 30392-41-7 Anti-anxiety Agents; Hypnotics and Sedatives; Adjuvants, Anesthesia; Benzodiazepines; GABA Modulators; ATC:N05BA02 For the management of anxiety disorders or for the short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety, withdrawal symptoms of acute alcoholism, and preoperative apprehension and anxiety.s
  • Amdinocillin C21H33N3O5S 439.57 g/mol 32887-01-7 Anti-inflammatory Agents; Essential Vitamin; Vitamins (Vitamin B For the treatment of vitamin B6 deficiency and for the prophylaxis of isoniazid-induced peripheral neuropathy.s
  • Methylaminolevulinat C6H11NO3 145.156 g/mol 33320-16-0 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; ATC:A11HA05 For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.s
  • Clocortolon C27H36ClFO5 495.023 g/mol 34097-16-0 Diuretics, Thiazide; Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:C03AA03; ATC:C03AA04 Chlorothiazide is indicated as adjunctive therapy in edema associated with congestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, and corticosteroid and estrogen therapy. It is also indicated in the management of hypertension either as the sole therapeutic agent or to enhance the effectiveness of other antihypertensive drugs in the more severe forms of hypertension.s
  • Ketotifenfumarat C19H19NOS 309.426 g/mol 34580-14-8 Ribonuclease Mc inhibitor Not Availables
  • Fenoprofen C15H14O3 242.27 g/mol 34597-40-5 N-Acetyllactosaminide Alpha-1,3- Galactosylt inhibitor Not Availables
  • maltotetraose C24H42O21 666.583 g/mol 34612-38-9 Rhizome Secoisolariciresinol Dehydrogenase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Norgestimat C23H31NO3 369.497 g/mol 35189-28-7 Nicotinate Mononucleotide:5,6- Dimethylbenzi inhibitor Not Availables
  • Bentiromid C23H20N2O5 404.415 g/mol 37106-97-1 Aminoglycoside 3'-Phosphotransferase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Adinazolam C19H18ClN5 351.833 g/mol 37115-32-5 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; ATC:A11 Vitamin E, known for its antioxidant activities, is protective against cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer and has also demonstrated immune-enhancing effects. It may be of limited benefit in some with asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. It may be helpful in some neurological diseases including Alzheimer's, some eye disorders including cataracts, and diabetes and premenstrual syndrome. It may also help protect skin from ultraviolet irradiation although claims that it reverses skin aging, enhances male fertility and exercise performance are poorly supported. It may help relieve some muscle cramps.s
  • Alglucerase C2532H3854N672O711S16 55597.4 37228-64-1;143003-46-7 Antirheumatic Agents; Immunosuppressive Agents; Dermatologic Agents; Antimetabolites; Abortifacient Agents; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01BA01; ATC:L04AX03 For the treatment of gestational choriocarcinoma, chorioadenoma destruens and hydatidiform mole. Also for the treatment of severe psoriasis and severe, active, classical or definite rheumatoid arthritis.s
  • Sulindac C20H17FO3S 356.412 g/mol 38194-50-2 Anti-inflammatory Agents; Essential Vitamin; Vitamins (Vitamin B Complex); ATC:A11DA01 For the treatment of thiamine and niacin deficiency states, Korsakov's alcoholic psychosis, Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome, delirium, and peripheral neuritis.s
  • Dinoprosttromethamin C24H45NO8 475.616 g/mol 38562-01-5 Glucose-1-Phosphate Thymidylyltransferase inhibitor Not Availables
  • cellotetraose C24H42O22 682.583 g/mol 38819-01-1 Antidepressants; ATC:N06AF01 Isocarboxazid is used to treat depression, especially when the patient is excitable or suffering from phobias (fears).s
  • clorobiocin C35H37N2O11Cl1 697.137 g/mol 39868-96-7 Vasodilator Agents; Antilipemic Agents; Vitamins (Vitamin B Complex); ATC:C04AC01; ATC:C10AD02 For the treatment of type IV and V hyperlipidemia. It is indicated as ajunctive therapy.s
  • Acrosoxacin C17H14N2O3 294.305 g/mol 40034-42-2 Trypanocidal Agents; Anti-Infectives For the treatement of bacterial skin infections including pyodermas, infected dermatoses and infections of cuts, wounds, burns and ulcers due to susceptible organisms.s
  • Pamidronat C3H11NO7P2 235.07 g/mol 40391-99-9 Dopamine Agents; Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; ATC:N04BA01; ATC:N04BA04 For the treatment of idiopathic Parkinson's disease (Paralysis Agitans), postencephalitic parkinsonism, symptomatic parkinsonism which may follow injury to the nervous system by carbon monoxide intoxication, and manganese intoxication.s
  • Suprofen C14H12O3S 260.309 g/mol 40828-46-4 Vasodilator Agents; Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:C04AX02 For the treatment of phaeochromocytoma (malignant), benign prostatic hypertrophy and malignant essential hypertension.s
  • Enprofyllin C8H10N4O2 194.191 g/mol 41078-02-8 Vasodilator Agents; Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:C04AB02; ATC:M02AX02 For the treatment of pulmonary artery anomaliess
  • Etodolac C17H21NO3 287.354 g/mol 41340-25-4 Oxytocics; Anti-ulcer Agents; Abortifacient Agents; Prostaglandins; ATC:A02BB01 Indicated for the treatment of ulceration (duodenal, gastric and NSAID induced) and prophylaxis for NSAID induced ulceration.s
  • Tocainid C11H16N2O 192.258 g/mol 41708-72-9 Adjuvants, Anesthesia; Muscarinic Antagonists; Anti-cholinergic Agents For use as a preoperative antimuscarinic to reduce salivary, tracheobronchial, and pharyngeal secretions, to reduce the volume and free säureity of gastric secretions and to block cardiac vagal inhibitory reflexes during induction of anesthesia and intubation.s
  • d-Myo-inositol-1,4-bisphosphat C6H14O12P2 340.117 g/mol 47055-78-7 Antirheumatic Agents; Gastrointestinal Agents; Anti-inflammatory Agents; Anti-Infectives; Sulfonamides; ATC:A07EC01 For the treatment of Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis as a second-line agent.s
  • Rimexolon C24H34O3 370.525 g/mol 49697-38-3 Lysozyme inhibitor Not Availables
  • Colestipol C11H28ClN5O 281.826 g/mol 50925-79-6 Amidase Operon inhibitor Not Availables
  • 000002-Amino-4-(hydroxymethyl-phosphinyl)butansäure C5H12N1O4P1 181.128 g/mol 51276-47-2 Antithyroid Agents; ATC:H03B For the treatment of hyperthyroidism, goiter, Graves disease and psoriasis.s
  • Trimetrexat C19H23N5O3 369.418 g/mol 52128-35-5 Anti-Anxiety Agents; GABA Modulators; Hypnotics and Sedatives; ATC:N05BA04 For treatment of anxiety disorderss
  • Dipivefrin C19H29NO5 351.437 g/mol 52365-63-6 2,3,4,5-Tetrahydropyridine-2-Carboxylate N- inhibitor Not Availables
  • Pancrelipase C5850H8902N1606O1739S49 131125.6 53608-75-6 Anti-Bacterial Agents; ATC:J01DC11 For the treatment of infections caused by susceptible organisms.s
  • Dezocin C16H23NO 245.36 g/mol 53648-55-8 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalances
  • Etretinat C23H30O3 354.483 g/mol 54350-48-0 Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists; Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic; Histamine H1 Antagonists; ATC:N06AX11 For the treatment of major depressive disorder.s
  • Nicardipin C26H29N3O6 479.525 g/mol 55985-32-5 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; ATC:N02BA03; ATC:N07AX02 For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalances
  • Valrubicin C34H36F3NO13 723.644 g/mol 56124-62-0 Antinarcotic Agents; Depressants Opioid-induced respiratory depressions
  • Torsemid C16H20N4O3S 348.421 g/mol 56211-40-6 Bronchodilator Agents; Muscarinic Antagonists; Parasympatholytics; ATC:A03AB15 Used in the treatment of peptic ulcer, gastric hypersäureity, and hypermotility in gastritis and pylorospasm, and in the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive perspiration).s
  • Cefmetazol C15H17N7O5S3 471.538 g/mol 56796-20-4 Putative Clc Family, Chlorine Transport Prot inhibitor Not Availables
  • abequose C6H12O4 148.158 g/mol 56816-60-5 Lck Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Clavulanat C8H9NO5 199.161 g/mol 58001-44-8 Antiemetics; Antipsychotics Used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting associated with anesthesia and surgery, administered intramuscularly or intravenously.s
  • Carboprosttromethamin C21H36O5 368.508 g/mol 58551-69-2 Cytidine Monophosphate Kinase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Butorphanoltartrat C21H29NO2 327.461 g/mol 58786-99-5 N-Acetyllactosaminide Alpha-1,3-Galactosyltr inhibitor Not Availables
  • Acyclovir C8H11N5O3 225.205 g/mol 59277-89-3 Cholinergic Agonists; Nootropics For use in possible or probable dementia of the Alzheimer type .Used in the treatment of tapeworm infections
  • Ceforanid C20H21N7O6S2 519.556 g/mol 60925-61-3 Trypsinogen inhibitor Not Availables
  • Rifapentin C47H64N4O12 877.031 g/mol 61379-65-5 Guanylate Kinase inhibitor Not Availables
  • 000004-[[[3-(cyclopentyloxy)-4-methoxyphenyl]-2-pyrrolidinon]] C16H21N1O3 275.347 g/mol 61413-54-5 Cytosine Deaminase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Dirithromycin C42H78N2O14 835.074 g/mol 62013-04-1 Antineoplastic Agents For treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphomas
  • Progabid C17H16ClFN2O2 334.772 g/mol 62666-20-0 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01XX03 For use as a single agent in the palliative treatment of patients with persistent or recurrent ovarian cancer following first-line therapy with a cisplatin and/or alkylating agent-based combination.s
  • Nilutamid C12H10F3N3O4 317.221 g/mol 63612-50-0 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; ATC:A11HA06; ATC:C10AX07 For nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalances
  • Oxiconazolnitrat C18H13Cl4N3O 429.126 g/mol 64211-46-7 Antituberculosis Agents; ATC:J04AA01 For the treatment of tuberculosiss
  • Bepridil C24H34N2O 366.54 g/mol 64706-54-3 Peroxiredoxin 5 inhibitor; Ras-Related Protein Rab-9A inhibitor Not Availables
  • Butoconazol C19H17Cl3N2S 411.776 g/mol 64872-77-1 Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase A inhibitor Not Availables
  • coenzym f420 C29H35N5O18P1 772.592 g/mol 64885-97-8 Antineoplastic Agents; Analgesics; ATC:L01DB07 For the treatment of secondary (chronic) progressive, progressive relapsing, or worsening relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosiss
  • Alclometason C28H37ClO7 521.042 g/mol 66734-13-2 Anti-bacterial Agents; Penicillins; ATC:J01CA12 For the treatment of polymicrobial infections.s
  • Encainid C22H28N2O2 352.47 g/mol 66778-36-7 Anti-Ulcer Agents; Histamine H2 Antagonists; ATC:A02BA02; ATC:A02BA07 Used in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease (PUD), dyspepsia, stress ulcer prophylaxis, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).s
  • Halobetasolpropionat C25H31ClF2O5 484.96 g/mol 66852-54-8 Antiresorptives; Bisphosphonates; Antihypocalcemic Agents; ATC:M05BA04 For the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in women and Paget's disease of bone in both men and women.s
  • Fenoldopam C16H16ClNO3 305.756 g/mol 67227-57-0 Anti-bacterial Agents; Cephalosporins; ATC:J01DB05 For the treatment of the following infections (skin, UTI, ENT) caused by; S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, staphylococci, S. pyogenes (group A beta-hemolytic streptococci), E. coli, P. mirabilis, Klebsiella sp, coagulase-negative staphylococci and Streptococcus pyogeness
  • Terconazol C26H31Cl2N5O3 532.462 g/mol 67915-31-5 Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal; Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors; ATC:M01AB15; ATC:S01BC05 For the short-term (~5 days) management of moderately severe acute pain that requires analgesia at the opioid level, usually in a postoperative setting.s
  • Amlexanox C16H14N2O4 298.293 g/mol 68302-57-8 Sympatholytics; Antihypertensive Agents; Adrenergic Agents; ATC:C07AB07 For the management of hypertension and prophylaxis treatment of angina pectoris and heart failure.s
  • Halofantrin C26H30Cl2F3NO 500.423 g/mol 69756-53-2 Anti-Infective Agents, Local; Anti-Infective Agents, Urinary; Antitrichomonal Agents; Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors; ATC:G01AX06 For the specific and symptomatic treatment of bacterial or protozoal diarrhea and enteritis caused by susceptible organisms.s
  • Pefloxacin C17H20FN3O3 333.358 g/mol 70458-92-3 Analgesics, Non-Narcotic; Cryoprotective Agents; Free Radical Scavengers; Solvents; ATC:G04BX13; ATC:M02AX03 For the symptomatic relief of patients with interstitial cystitis.s
  • Cefpiramid C25H24N8O7S2 612.64 g/mol 70797-11-4 Antihypocalcemic Agents; Antihypoparathyroid Agents; Vitamins (Vitamin D); ATC:A11CC02 Used for the treatment of acute, chronic, and latent forms of postoperative tetany, idiopathic tetany, and hypoparathyroidisms
  • Dapiprazol C19H27N5 325.451 g/mol 72822-12-9 Cholinesterase Inhibitors; Miotics; Parasympathomimetics For use in the treatment of subacute or chronic angle-closure glaucoma after iridectomy or where surgery is refused or contraindicated.s
  • Leuprolid C59H84N16O12 1209.4 74381-53-6 Antibiotics; ATC:J04AB01 Used in combination with up to 5 other drugs as a treatment for Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) and is also used to treat tuberculosis (TB).s
  • Indecainid C20H24N2O 308.417 g/mol 74517-78-5 Antipruritics; Histamine H1 Antagonists; Anxiolytics sedatives and hypnotics; ATC:N05BB01 For symptomatic relief of anxiety and tension associated with psychoneurosis and as an adjunct in organic disease states in which anxiety is manifested. Useful in the management of pruritus due to allergic conditions such as chronic urticaria.s
  • Interferon Alfa-n1 C860H1353N227O255S9 19241.1 74899-72-2;9008-11-1 Antioxidants; Anticonvulsants; ATC:N03AX15 For use as adjunctive treatment of partial seizures in adults with epilepsy.s
  • Divalproex C16H31NaO4 310.405 g/mol 76584-70-8 Antipsychotics; Phenothiazines; ATC:N05AB02 For management of manifestations of psychotic disorders.s
  • thiorphan C12H15NO3S 253.318 g/mol 76721-89-6 Anti-bacterial Agents; Penicillins; ATC:J01CA01; ATC:J01CA02; ATC:J01CA06; ATC:J01CA14; ATC:J01CA15; ATC:S01AA19 For treatment of infection (Respiratory, GI, UTI and meningitis) due to E. coli, P. mirabilis, enterococci, Shigella, S. typhosa and other Salmonella, nonpenicillinase-producing N. gononhoeae, H. influenzae, staphylococci, streptococci including streptocs
  • Nafarelin C66H83N17O13 1321.6344 g/mol 76932-56-4 Diuretics, Osmotic; Sweetening Agents; ATC:A06AD16; ATC:B05BC01; ATC:B05CX04 Used for the promotion of diuresis before irreversible renal failure becomes established; The reduction of intracranial pressure, the treatment of cerebral edema, and the promotion of urinary excretion of toxic substances.s
  • Nizatidin C12H21N5O2S2 331.46 g/mol 76963-41-2 Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase inhibitor Not Availables
  • (1s,6s,7r,8r,8ar)-1,6,7,8-Tetrahydroxyindolizidin Tetrahydroxyindolizidin C8H15N1O4 189.211 g/mol 79831-76-8 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; Non-Essential Amino säure; ATC:V06DD Used for nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.s
  • Balsalazid C17H15N3O6 357.318 g/mol 80573-04-2 Anti-Infectives; Enzyme Inhibitors; Quinolones; ATC:J01MA06; ATC:S01AX12 For the treatment of urinary tract infections
  • NCS-Chromophor C35H33N1O12 659.645 g/mol 81604-85-5 Antidepressants; ATC:N06AG02 For the treatment of depression.s
  • Anistreplas C2569H3928N746O781S40 59042.3 81669-57-0 Radiation-Sensitizing Agents; Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01CA04 For the treatment of non-small-cell lung carcinomas
  • Treprostinil C23H34O5 390.513 g/mol 81846-19-7 Antihypertensive Agents; Vasodilator Agents; ATC:C02BA01 For the controlled reduction of blood pressure during surgery and in the treatment of hypertensive emergencies.s
  • Loteprednoletabonat C24H31ClO7 466.951 g/mol 82034-46-6 Dietary supplements; Essential Amino säures; Micronutrients; ATC:V06DD Promotes mental vigor, muscle coordination, and calm emotions. May also be of use in a minority of patients with hepatic encephalopathy and in some with phenylketonuria.s
  • 000004-hydroxy-3,5-dimethyl-5-(2-methyl-buta-1,3-dienyl)-5h-thiophen-2-on C11H14O2S1 210.290 g/mol 82079-32-1 Dietary supplement; Essential Amino säure; Micronutrient; ATC:V06DD L-Threonine makes up collagen, elastin, and enamel protein. It aids proper fat metabolism in the liver, helps the digestive and intestinal tracts function more smoothly, and assists in metabolism and assimilation.s
  • Interferon Gamma-1b C761H1206N214O225S6 17145.6 82115-62-6;98059-61-1 Antidepressants; Norepinephrine-Reuptake Inhibitors; ATC:N06AA10 For the treatment of depression.s
  • Tolrestat C16H14N1O3F3S1 357.347 g/mol 82964-04-3 Anti-bacterial Agents; Antituberculosis Agents; ATC:J04AB04 For the prevention of disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease in patients with advanced HIV infection.s
  • Octreotidacetat Octreotid C49H66N10O10S2.2C2H4O2 1138.4822 83150-76-9 Anti-HIV Agents; Enzyme Inhibitors; ATC:A16AX06 For the treatment of adult patients with mild to moderate type 1 Gaucher disease for whom enzyme replacement therapy is not a therapeutic option (e.g. due to constraints such as allergy, hypersensitivity, or poor venous access).s
  • Quinapril C25H30N2O5 438.516 g/mol 85441-61-8 Phosphomethylpyrimidine Kinase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Gadopentetatdimeglumin C14H20N3O10.2C7H17NO5.Gd 938.2604 g/mol 86050-77-3 Corticosteroid; Anti Inflammatory; Steroidal; ATC:D07AC18 For the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid-responsive dermatoses.s
  • Sermorelin C154H253N45O45S1 3487.0 86168-78-7 Antimalarials; Anti-Infectives; ATC:J01EA01 For the treatment of initial episodes of uncomplicated urinary tract infectionss
  • Trandolapril C24H34N2O5 430.537 g/mol 87679-37-6 Dietary supplement; Micronutrient; Non-Essential Amino säure; ATC:B05XB01; ATC:V06DD Used for nutritional supplementation, also for treating dietary shortage or imbalance.s
  • Porfimer C68H74N8O11 1179.36 g/mol 87806-31-3 Probable Ammonium Transporter inhibitor Not Availables
  • Gabaculin C7H11N1O2 141.169 g/mol 87980-11-8 Anti-Infective Agents; ATC:J01MA04 For the treatment of adults (≥18 years of age) with the following infections caused by susceptible strains of the designated microorganisms: (1) uncomplicated urethral or cervical gonorrhea due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae, (2) uncomplicated urinary tract infections (cystitis) due to Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, or Staphylococcus saprophyticus, and (3) complicated urinary tract infections due to Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, or Enterobacter cloacae.s
  • Toremifen C26H28ClNO 405.959 g/mol 89778-26-7 Anti-Estrogen Agents; Antineoplastic Agents For treatment of prostate cancer, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and premature pubertys
  • Tiludronat C7H9ClO6P2S 318.609 g/mol 89987-06-4 Antidysrhythmic Agents; Sodium channel blockers For the treatment of life-threatening dysrhythmias and sustained ventricular tachycardia.s
  • Cefdinir C14H13N5O5S2 395.416 g/mol 91832-40-5 Antiviral Agents; Immunomodulatory Agents For treatment of venereal or genital warts caused by the Human Papiloma Viruss
  • Cefprozil C18H19N3O5S 389.427 g/mol 92665-29-7 Hydroxynitrile Lyase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Glimpirid C24H34N4O5S 490.617 g/mol 93479-97-1 Antineoplastic Agents; Anticholesteremic Agents; HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors; ATC:C10AA02 For management as an adjunct to diet to reduce elevated total-C, LDL-C, apo B, and TG levels in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemia; For primary prevention of coronary heart diseases
  • Interferon Beta-1b C908H1408N246O253S6 20011.0 96778-78-8;145155-23-3 Immunosuppressive Agents; Antivirals; Antiparasitics; Antineoplastic Agents; Anti-inflammatory Agents; Adjuvants; ATC:L04AA13 For the treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis (RA).s
  • Cisatracuriumbesylat C65H82N2O18S2 1243.48 g/mol 96946-42-8 Contrast Media; Ultrasound contrast agent Use in patients with suboptimal echocardiograms to opacify the left ventricular chamber and to improve the delineation of the left ventricular endocardial border.s
  • Troglitazon C24H27NO5S 441.541 g/mol 97322-87-7 Narcotics; Adjuvants; Analgesics; Opiate Agonists; ATC:N02A For the treatment of moderate-to-severe pains
  • Interferon Alfa-2b C860H1353N229O255S9 19269.1 98530-12-2 Narcotics; Antitussives; Analgesics; Opiate Agonists; ATC:N02AA08; ATC:R05DA04 For treatment and management of pain (Systemic), also used as an Antidiarrheal and as a cough suppressant.s

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  • Pemirolast C10H8N6O 228.21 g/mol 100299-08-9 Antimanic Agents; GABA Agents; Anticonvulsants; ATC:N03AG For treatment and management of seizure disorders, mania, and prophylactic treatment of migraine headache.s
  • Butenafin C23H27N 317.467 g/mol 101828-21-1 Anti-Ulcer Agents; Histamine H2 Antagonists; ATC:A02BA03 For the treatment of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).s
  • calyculin A C50H81N4O15P1 1009.181 g/mol 101932-71-2 Cardiotonic Agents; Bronchodilator Agents; Sympathomimetic; ATC:R03AC For the treatment of mild or transient episodes of heart block that do not require electric shock or pacemaker therapy also used in management of asthma and chronic bronchitiss
  • huperzin B C16H20N2O1 256.347 g/mol 103548-82-9 Anticholinergic Agents; Antispasmodics; Antimuscarinics; Antispasmodics; ATC:A03BA For the treatment of functional bowel/irritable bowel syndromes
  • Moexipril C27H34N2O7 498.568 g/mol 103775-10-6 Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; Antiparkinson Agents; Muscarinic Antagonists; ATC:N04AA04 For the treatment of Parkinson's Disease (especially drug induced)s
  • Agalsidase Beta C2029H3080N544O587S27 45351.6 104138-64-9 Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; ATC:N04AA For treatment and management of Parkinson's disease.s
  • Nateglinid C19H27NO3 317.423 g/mol 105816-04-4 Beta-Lactamase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Tenecteplas C2561H3919N747O781S40 58951.2 105857-23-6 Serine/Threonine Protein Phosphatase Pp1-Gam inhibitor Not Availables
  • Doxacuriumchlorid C56H78Cl2N2O16 1106.13 g/mol 106819-53-8 Glucose-6-Phosphate 1-Dehydrogenase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Cevimelin C10H17NOS 489.565 g/mol 107233-08-9 Anti-bacterial Agents; Tetracyclines; ATC:D06AA03; ATC:G01AA07; ATC:J01AA06; ATC:S01AA04 Oxytetracycline is indicated for treatment of infections caused by a variety of Gram positive and Gram negative microorganisms including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Pasteurella pestis, Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae (respiratory infections), and Diplococcus pneumoniae.s
  • Zafirlukast C31H33N3O6S 575.676 g/mol 107753-78-6 Anti-bacterial Agents; Cephalosporins; ATC:J01DD08 For use in the treatment of the following infections when caused by susceptible strains of the designated microorganisms:s
  • Ridogrel C18H17F3N2O3 366.334 g/mol 110140-89-1 Anti-allergic Agents; Antipruritics; Antihistamines; Histamine H1 Antagonists, Non-Sedating; ATC:R06AX13; ATC:R06AX27 For the relief of nasal and non-nasal symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis and for the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria in patients 2 years of age or olders
  • Sparfloxacin C19H22F2N4O3 392.4 g/mol 110871-86-8 Exo- inhibitor Not Availables
  • Gatifloxacin C19H22FN3O4 375.394 g/mol 112811-59-3 Antipsychotics; Anti-Anxiety Agents; Benzodiazepines; Muscle Relaxants, Central; ATC:M03BB02 Used in the management of anxiety and in the treatment of muscle spasm.s
  • zd1694 C21H22N4O6S1 458.488 g/mol 112887-68-0 Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors For the treatment of hypertension and as an adjunct in the management of angina pectoris.s
  • Raltitrexed C21H22N4O6S 458.489 g/mol 112887-68-0 Antihistamines; Ophthalmics; ATC:R06AX24; ATC:S01GX10 For the prevention of itching associated with allergic conjunctivitis.s
  • Enalkiren C35H56N6O6 656.856 g/mol 113082-98-7 Antineoplastic Agents; Contrast Media For use as a radio-opaque medium for hysterosalpingography and lymphography, and as an antineoplastic agent when part of the iodine is 131-I.s
  • Olopatadin C21H23NO3 337.412 g/mol 113806-05-6 Anti-ulcer Agents; ATC:A07EC04 For the treatment of mildly to moderately active ulcerative colitis.s
  • Dofetilid C19H27N3O5S2 441.567 g/mol 115256-11-6 Estrogen-Related Receptor Gamma inhibitor Not Availables
  • Cefditoren Pivoxil C25H28N6O7S3 620.724 g/mol 117467-28-4 Anticholesteremic Agents; HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors; ATC:C10AA03 For the treatment of hypercholesterolemia to reduce the risk of myocardial infarction.s
  • Tazaroten C21H21NO2S 351.463 g/mol 118292-40-3 Antihypertensive Agents; ATC:G04CA01 For the treatment of the signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia.s
  • Interferon Alfacon-1 C860H1353N227O255S9 19343 118390-30-0 Antineoplastic Agents; Antiparkinson Agents; Dopamine Agonists; ATC:G02CB03; ATC:N04BC06 For the treatment of hyperprolactinemic disorders, either idiopathic or due to pituitary adenomas.s
  • Candoxatril C29H41NO7 515.638 g/mol 118785-03-8 Neocarzinostatin inhibitor Not Availables
  • Gadoteridol C17H29N4O7.Gd 559.1277 g/mol 120066-54-8 Antiviral Agents; Immunomodulatory Agents For treatment of Chronic granulomatous disease, Osteopetrosiss
  • Ibutilinfumarat C20H36N2O3S 384.578 g/mol 122647-32-9 Radiation-Sensitizing Agents; Vitamins (Vitamin B Complex); ATC:A11HA04 For the treatment of ariboflavinosis (vitamin B2 deficiency).s
  • Gadodiamid C16H26N5O8.Gd.(H2O)x Not Available 122795-43-1 Radiation-Sensitizing Agents; Vitamins (Vitamin B Complex); ATC:A11HA04 For the treatment of ariboflavinosis (vitamin B2 deficiency).s
  • Clofarabin C10H11ClFN5O3 303.677 g/mol 123318-82-1 Antiparkinson Agents; Antidyskinetics; Skeletal Muscle Relaxants; ATC:M03BC01; ATC:N04AB02 Indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease.s
  • Cinalukast C23H28N2O3S 412.546 g/mol 128312-51-6 Progesterone Receptor inhibitor Not Availables
  • Arbutamin C18H23NO4 317.38 g/mol 128470-16-6 Estrogens, Non-Steroidal; ATC:G03CB01; ATC:G03CC02 For use in the treatment of atrophic vaginitis and kraurosis vulvae.s
  • Ganirelix Not Available 1570.4 g/mol 129311-55-3 2C-Methyl-D-Erythritol 2,4-Cyclodiphosphate inhibitor; Coenzyme A Biosynthesis Bifunctional Protein inhibitor Not Availables
  • Fulvestrant C32H47F5O3S 606.772 g/mol 129453-61-8 Antifibrinolytic Agents; Vitamins (Vitamin K) For the treatment of haemorrhagic conditions in infants, antidote for coumarin anticoagulants in hypoprothrombinaemias
  • Verteporfin C41H42N4O8 718.794 g/mol 129497-78-5 Antipruritics; Phenothiazine Derivatives; ATC:D04AA10; ATC:R06AD02; ATC:R06AD05 Used to prevent and relieve allergic conditions which cause pruritus (itching) and urticaria (some allergic skin reactions).s
  • Gadoversetamid C20H34N5O10-3 504.512 g/mol 131069-91-5 Anti-anxiety Agents; Adjuvants, Anesthesia; Benzodiazepines; GABA Modulators; ATC:N05CD07 For the short-term treatment of insomnia (generally 7-10 days).s
  • Paricalcitol C27H44O3 416.636 g/mol 131918-61-1 Antiprotozoals; Antifungals; ATC:J02AC02 For the treatment of the following fungal infections in immunocompromised and non-immunocompromised patients: pulmonary and extrapulmonary blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, and onychomycosis.s
  • Insulin Lyspro recombinant C257H387N65O76S6 5808 133107-64-9 Antihypertensive Agents; Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitors; ATC:C09AA06 For the treatment of hypertension and chronic heart failure.s
  • Reteplase C1736H2671N499O522S22 39589.6 133652-38-7 Anti-Infectives; Quinolones; ATC:J01MA02; ATC:S01AX13; ATC:S03AA07 For the treatment of Bacterial infection of Respiratory tract, UTI, Uncomplicated Cystitis in females, GI, Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis, CNS, Immuno compromised patients, Skin, Bone and Joint Infections, Uncomplicated cervical and urethral gonorrheas
  • Repaglinid C27H36N2O4 452.586 g/mol 135062-02-1 Anticonvulsants; Antiepileptic Agents; ATC:N03AD02 For the treatment of epilepsys
  • Lubiproston C20H32F2O5 390.462 g/mol 136790-76-6 Contrast Agents; ATC:V08CA03 For use with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in adults, and pediatric patients (2 years of age and older) to visualize lesions with abnormal vascularity in the brain (intracranial lesions), spine and associated tissues as well as lesions with abnormal vascularity in the head and neck. Also used to facilitate the visualization of lesions with abnormal vascularity in the body (excluding the heart).s
  • Satumomab Pendetid C6268H9708N1666O1971S48 141478.9 138955-26-7 Anti-Allergic Agents; Histamine H1 Antagonists; ATC:S01GX06 For the temporary relief of the signs and symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.s
  • Adefovir Dipivoxil C20H32N5O8P 501.471 g/mol 142340-99-6 Vasodilator Agents; Antianginals; Antihypertensive Agents; Calcium Channel Blockers; ATC:C08CA01 For the treatment of hypertension, chronic stable angina and confirmed or suspected vasospastic angina.s
  • Imiglucerase C2532H3854N672O711S16 55597.4 143003-46-7 Quinolinate Phosphoribosyltransferase inhibitor Not Availables
  • Olmesartan Medoxomil C29H30N6O6 558.585 g/mol 144689-63-4 Antiprotozoal; Antimalarials; ATC:P01BA03 For the treatment of malaria.s
  • Capromab Not Available Not Available 145464-28-4 Anti-Ulcer Agents; Topical For treatment of chronic dermal ulcers and severe skin burnss
  • Oprelvekin C854H1411N253O235S2 19047.2 145941-26-0 Coagulants; Thrombotic Agents For treatment of hemophilia (Christmas diseae)s
  • Trovafloxacin C20H15F3N4O3 416.353 g/mol 147059-72-1 Diagnostic Agents For detection of residueal or recurrent thyroid cancers
  • Cilomilast [[cis-4-cyano-4-[3-(cyclopentyloxy)-4-methoxyphenyl]cyclohexanecarboxylic säure]] C20H25N1O4 343.422 g/mol 153259-65-5 Antineoplastic Agents; Antiviral Agents; Immunomodulatory Agents For the treatment of hairy cell leukemia, malignant melanoma, AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma, refractory or recurring external condylomata acuminata in patients 18 years of age or older, laryngeal papillomatosis in children and some types of hepatitiss
  • Marimastat C15H29N3O5 331.408 g/mol 154039-60-8 Antineoplastic Agents; ATC:L01XX02 For treatment of acute lympocytic leukemia and non-Hodgkins lymphomas
  • Travoprost C26H35F3O6 500.548 g/mol 157283-68-6 Serum substitutes For treatment of severe blood loss, hypervolemia, hypoproteinemias
  • GALNAC-6S n-acetyl-d-galactosamine 6-sulfat C8H15N1O9S1 301.268 g/mol 157296-99-6 Serum substitutes For treatment of severe blood loss, hypervolemia, hypoproteinemias
  • Insulin Glargin recombinant C267H408N72O77S6 6063 160337-95-1 Anti-allergic Agents; Ethylenediamine Derivatives; Histamine H1 Antagonists; ATC:D04AA04; ATC:R06AC04 Used for the symptomatic relief of hypersensitivity reactions, coughs, and the common cold.s
  • Palifermin C721H1142N202O204S9 16192.7 162394-19-6 Anti-bacterial Agents For the treatment of acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitiss
  • Becaplermin C532H892N162O153S9 12294.4 165101-51-9 Anti-Infectives, local; ATC:D08AA02 Topical antiseptic used mainly in wound dressings.s
  • Omapatrilat C19H24N2O4S2 408.537 g/mol 167305-00-2 Catabolic Alanine Racemase Dadx inhibitor Not Availables
  • Ibritumomab C6382H9830N1672O1979S54 143375.5 174722-31-7 Immunosuppressive Agents; Hypoglycemic Agents; Antiarrhythmic Agents; Sulfonylureas; ATC:A10BB12 For concomitant use with insulin for the treatment of noninsulin-dependent (Type II) diabetes mellitus; For the treatment ofs
  • Gemifloxacin C18H20FN5O4 389.381 g/mol 175463-14-6 Free Radical Scavengers; Antioxidants; Anticholesteremic Agents; HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors; ATC:C10AA04 For management as an adjunct to diet to reduce elevated total-C, LDL-C, apo B, and TG levels in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia and mixed dyslipidemias
  • Choriogonadotropin alfa Choriogonadotropin C1105H1770N318O336S26 25719.7 177073-44-8 Anesthetics; Antipruritics; Local Anesthetics; ATC:C05AD03; ATC:D04AB04; ATC:N01BA05; ATC:R02AD01 For general use as a lubricant and topical anesthetic on esophagus, larynx, mouth, nasal cavity, rectum, respiratory tract or trachea, urinary tract, vagina. It is also used to suppress gag reflex.s
  • Eptifibatid C35H49N11O9S2 831.96 188627-80-7 Antiviral Agents; Immunomodulatory Agents For treatment of relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosiss
  • Epothilon D C27H41N1O5S1 491.685 g/mol 189453-10-9 Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal For palliative treatment of advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women.s
  • Tositumomab C6416H9874N1688O1987S44 143859.7 192391-48-3 Neuromuscular Blocking Agents; ATC:M03AC11 For inpatients and outpatients as an adjunct to general anesthesia, to facilitate tracheal intubation, and to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation in the ICU.s
  • Oseltamivirphosphat C16H28N2O4 (free base) 312.405 g/mol (free base) 204255-11-8 Protein Arginine N-Methyltransferase 1 inhibitor Not Availables
  • Alefacept C2306H3594N610O694S26 51801.1 222535-22-0 Anti-baldness Agents; Antihyperplasia Agents; Skin and Mucous Membrane Agents (84:92.00); ATC:D11AX10; ATC:G04CB01 For the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in men with an enlarged prostate to: Improve symptoms, reduce the risk of acute urinary retention, reduce the risk of the need for surgery including transurethral resection of the prostat.s
  • Micafungin C56H71N9O23S 1270.28 g/mol 235114-32-6 Antidepressants; ATC:N06AX18 For the treatment of clinical depression.s
  • Icodextrin Not Available 13,000-19,000 g/mol 337376-15-5 Antiprotozoals; Anti-bacterial Agents; ATC:J01AA04 For the treatment of bacterial infection including: Brucellosis; Mycoplasma infection; Trachoma; Chronic bronchitis; Acne vulgaris; Chlamydial infections